
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs


[Word Count: 4069]


"Looks like I might need to break tradition this time around," Leo mused to himself, his breath visible in the falling snow.

He tucked his hands into his pockets, and Kishibe glanced back at him, noting that whatever changes the War Devil had undergone previously had been completely reverted. Its menacing red eyes peered through the falling snow.

Abruptly, Kishibe's phone rang, causing him to shift his attention forward to answer the call.

Leo observed Kishibe for a moment, then slowed his pace as he reached for his own phone. The Nokia's dial-pad had been significantly worn down due to its rough handling, but Leo dialed the intended number before bringing the phone to his ear.

The phone rang, and Leo let out a bored yawn, his breath forming a frosty cloud in the chilly air.

"Hello?" came the tired voice of Shouzou, carrying a hint of weariness.

"Christmas came early," Leo replied, a hint of amusement in his voice as he blinked, the snow accumulating around his eyes.

"Yeah, so I've heard," Shouzou responded, his tone almost grumbling. "That old teacher of yours called me a few hours ago. Since then, we've been keeping an eye on the prime minister, just as planned."

Leo let out a dissatisfied breath. His irritation wasn't about the information itself but rather the fact that he wasn't the one to inform Shouzou about the good news.

"All that's left now is for you to play your part..." Shouzou's voice trailed off before he abruptly hung up, leaving Leo staring at the back of Kishibe's head with a disgruntled expression as he pocketed his phone.


Kishibe finished his phone call and stowed his phone. The snowfall had suddenly ceased, and the world around them began to clear as if it had never been blanketed in snow.

"What sporadic weather," Leo commented, extending his palm to catch the last few drifting snowflakes.

"A certain explosion in Germany kicked up smoke and soot into the atmosphere. The weather around the world has been caught in a loop because of it," Kishibe explained. He glanced around and then abruptly turned to walk past Leo.

"Ah... Yeah, that'll do it," Leo muttered, rubbing his chin in contemplation, then turned to follow the grizzled veteran. "Wonder what caused it..."

The falling snow had somehow disoriented them, as they emerged from an alleyway onto an empty street. A fresh layer of snow covered the road, but with the clouds parting, the sun's rays quickly melted the snow away, leaving behind glistening wet pavement.

"What a bizarre sight," Leo remarked, shielding his eyes from the sudden brightness.

Kishibe grunted in agreement, his footsteps crunching lightly on the newly formed slush beneath his boots. He led Leo down the street, navigating through the remnants of the winter storm. Despite the sudden shift in weather, a pervasive chill still hung in the air, a reminder of the wintry conditions that had just passed.

As they walked, the surroundings gradually transformed. The buildings lining the street began to shift, their architecture evolving into a blend of modern and traditional designs. The snow-capped rooftops gave way to sleek, metallic structures, and the atmosphere shifted from one of desolate coldness to a more bustling, energetic vibe.

"So, where are we headed?" Leo inquired, his eyes taking in the changing scenery.

"Picking up a cat I was taking care of," Kishibe replied, his focus fixed ahead.

Leo hummed softly as he continued to observe the surroundings. The transition into the city was quite a contrast from the bunker he had called home. Despite the bunker's rundown state, it had been conveniently forgotten, nestled amidst the city's hustle and bustle.

"So... why the sudden change of heart? Why take out Makima now?" Leo asked, absently scratching his stomach.

Kishibe paused for a moment, still scanning their route, and only resumed walking when Leo probed further. "There aren't any rats or birds around here. I wouldn't bother living here otherwise."

He finally turned to face Leo, his expression somewhat skeptical, before sighing. "Makima has proposed to the higher-ups to use the pieces of the Gun Devil in our possession to reform the Gun Devil and eliminate it for good. Under normal circumstances, her request would have been denied, considering the circumstances," he said, gesturing at Leo. "However, the issue at hand is that they didn't deny her request. They accepted it."

Leo simply shook his head. "Not that I'm complaining, but that doesn't seem like a justifiable reason to eliminate her."

"She's growing impatient, and that's enough reason for me to believe her next actions will lead to unnecessary death," Kishibe explained. He turned back and resumed his march.

"Hmmm," Leo mused, a mischievous smirk forming on his lips before he trailed behind Kishibe.

"Same old Kishibe," he thought to himself.





Aki sat in a state of quiet contemplation, his thumbs gently twiddling in the air above the table. The bustling activity of the people around him seemed distant, as if a shroud of thoughts enveloped him, fixing his gaze on the wooden surface before him.

The past few days had been consumed by his trip to Hokkaido, where Denji and Power had unexpectedly become his travel companions. Aki's initial plan was simple: visit his family's grave and return promptly. However, Denji and Power, yearning for an escape from their cramped apartment, insisted on joining him.

The trip unfolded predictably, with Denji and Power proving to be quite the handful. Despite their antics, the journey concluded with relatively few complications.

It was during his return from Hokkaido that the Future Devil began to torment Aki with unsettling glimpses of the future, many of which portrayed Denji and Power suffering severe injuries, with Power seeming to suffer the bulk of them.

Frustrated and haunted by these visions, Aki resolved to confront the enigmatic Future Devil about the distressing predictions.

"What the hell have you been showing me?" Aki inquired, his hand covering his right eye.

The Future Devil's sinister laughter echoed in response, as it hovered ominously outside Aki's bedroom. "That was the future, one you couldn't hope to change."

"Why are you showing me this? Why now?" Aki persisted, struggling to maintain his composure.

"Heh," the Future Devil chuckled wickedly. "You don't want that future... do you?"

Aki's clenched fist trembled as he fell silent, his expression revealing the turmoil within him.

"Aki," Kishibe's voice cut through Aki's reverie, pulling him back to reality. "Here's your cat."

Aki glanced up at Kishibe, only to find an empty cat carrier in his hands.

"Where's Nyako?" Aki asked, his confusion evident.

Kishibe didn't immediately respond; instead, he gestured toward the window beside them.

Aki turned his head to see what Kishibe was pointing at and was met with the sight of Leo's torso. Looking up he met Leo's menacing red eyes looking down on him, but looking further upward, he spotted Nyako, the cat, casually perched atop Leo's head. The feline placed a single paw on the glass, lightly tapping it playfully.

The sight of Leo outside brought Aki back to his confrontation with the Future Devil, the unsettling memories resurfacing in his mind.

"You cannot hope to change the future, that much is a given," the Future Devil had declared, its tone a curious blend of mockery and condescension. "But... there might be a way to prevent it... The War Devil."

Aki's gaze had hardened as he listened, still grappling with the implications of the Future Devil's cryptic suggestions. Ever since the War Devil's explosive actions in Germany, the Future Devil had developed an intense fixation on the enigmatic devil.

"The future that I see and the future surrounding the War Devil are starkly divergent," the Future Devil had gleefully remarked. "In the initial future I glimpsed for you at the time of our contract, you should have had only one arm. Yet, here you are, with both intact."

Aki's irritation had mounted as the Future Devil reveled in its cryptic revelations.

"What's your point?" Aki had demanded, his patience wearing thin.

"Heh heh heh..." the Future Devil had cackled, cradling itself in a peculiar, almost manic embrace. "You see, Aki Hayakawa, every being has a predetermined future—every single one. From the moment of birth to the instant of death, every life has its course mapped out. This applies to humans, animals, and even devils. Right now, at this very moment, the War Devil should not possess even a fraction of the power it currently wields. Yet, it stands as the foremost menace at the time!"

Aki's face had twisted with a mixture of confusion and revulsion as he grappled with the unsettling revelations.

"You have a single opportunity, Aki Hayakawa, one chance to change the future, and that chance lies with the War Devil," the Future Devil announced, a manic excitement tingeing its voice. "The future as I foresee it leads to an inevitable end, one in which both you and the Blood Fiend meet your demise. The future entwined with the War Devil, however, is rife with uncertainty, a realm where anything can happen. Choose your path, Aki, or someone else will choose it for you."

Aki sat nervously, his knees clenched under the table, as Leo ceased his gaze and headed toward the coffee shop's entrance. He gently lifted Nyako off his head, cradling the feline in one arm to prevent it from bumping into the door frame.

Entering the shop, Leo's presence sent a hush over the patrons. Most people abandoned their conversations or looked down at their coffee cups, avoiding direct eye contact with the War Devil.

"If it isn't..." Leo began but trailed off as he arrived at Kishibe and Aki's table. He briefly glanced at Aki before shifting his attention around the room, attempting to recall Aki's name. "Yeah..." he concluded, then turned to Kishibe. "Are we finished here?"

Nyako leaped off Leo's arm and settled in front of Aki, tilting its head inquisitively as it observed him.

Aki cast a nervous look at the cat before swallowing his anxieties with a sigh and gently stroking the feline's head. He couldn't bring himself to trust the War Devil, especially given its current reputation. If there was a way to save Power and allow Denji to live a full life, Aki preferred to explore a more dependable source, such as Makima.

Just as Aki sought to divert his attention from Leo, the Future Devil materialized on the coffee shop window, its voice ringing with eager determination.

"War Devil, I know you can hear me!" it exclaimed gleefully. "Let's make a deal!"

Kishibe, recognizing that Aki had his own concerns to address and that his business here was complete, rose from his seat and gestured to Leo to follow. Leo shrugged and began to leave with Kishibe.

"War Devil! I can grant you unlimited access to my power. In return, grant me a glimpse of your future!" the Future Devil implored, its enthusiasm palpable.

Leo paused at the threshold, his gaze fixated on the Future Devil's reflection. The shop fell into an uneasy hush, the patrons holding their breath in anticipation, while Aki watched nervously, waiting for Leo's response.

Leo eventually scoffed, breaking the silence. "Why would I need you to see the future? I already know the future I want, and I won't rest until I achieve it," he declared. The Future Devil's posture drooped, its shoulders slumping and its head hanging in disappointment.

With his response given, Leo exited the coffee shop. As the door closed behind him, the patrons inside collectively exhaled, relieved that the situation had been defused. They remained tense and bewildered, but more importantly, they were still alive.

Before they could fully process the relief, Nyako broke the silence with a soft meow, its gaze fixed on Aki. Aki, managing his nerves, extended his hand and gently petted the feline, which responded with soothing purrs as it nuzzled his palm.


As the coffee shop slowly returned to its usual bustling ambiance, albeit with a touch of lingering tension, Aki unlocked the gate to the cat cradle. Nyako, unperturbed, gracefully stepped inside and settled down, curling up as it drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Aki, still mulling over his options, rubbed his temples. His primary concern was ensuring Denji and Power's safety, which made contacting Makima his most logical course of action. He had initially considered discussing this with Kishibe, but the War Devil's imposing presence stifled any words before they could escape his lips.

"Aki Hayakawa," the Future Devil abruptly addressed him, its tone taking on an unusual gravity as it fixed its gaze on him.

"Your demise is an inevitability, that much is certain. With your passing, I will likely be imprisoned underground once more, deprived of witnessing the future that the War Devil will unveil," the Future Devil muttered, averting its gaze to the sky. "I cannot accept that fate."

Gradually, the Future Devil turned its attention back to Aki, its eyes seemingly penetrating his very being as it extended its hands toward him.

"The future rules!"


Aki suddenly grasped his head as he was met with an onslaught of visions, like a torrent of memories flooding his consciousness. These visions, presumably glimpses of the future, played out in rapid succession, each one unfolding with vivid detail. It was as though he was reliving those moments, a relentless series of events that culminated in his death at the hands of the Gun Devil. He could sense the haunting inevitability of his transformation into the Gun Fiend and the fragmented memories that followed. 

The café's patrons watched with a mix of curiosity and unease, their fascination tinged with a growing sense of unease. Whispers buzzed through the crowd as they pondered, "Is this what happens when you talk with the War Devil?"

Aki's breath grew ragged as the visions continued to assail him. He felt an overwhelming sense of nausea as the relentless memories of his death and rebirth played out in his mind. He leaned against the table, resting his head on his hands, disheveled and shaken.

"The future is absolute, or so I believed," the Future Devil spoke, disregarding Aki's increasingly distraught state. "You and the Blood Fiend will meet your end, and Denji will bear the burden of guilt for your death. And he will succumb to the manipulation of Makima. Is that the future you want, Aki Hayakawa?" The Future Devil's words hung heavily in the air, a chilling question echoing in the depths of Aki's thoughts.





Leo strolled down the bustling street, his hands snug in his pockets, a myriad of thoughts swirling in his mind. The long-awaited day had finally arrived, but he found himself at an impasse, unsure of how to proceed. The path he should take remained unclear, and he repeated to himself, "What to do, what to do...?"

The notion of confronting Makima at the Public Safety Bureau had crossed his mind, but the bustling surroundings made it a perilous option. A confrontation there would undoubtedly result in needless casualties, and that was not something he wanted. So, he reluctantly dismissed the idea, realizing that it was impractical.

Leo's hands felt tied, caught between the necessity of action and the limitations of the environment. The chances of Makima approaching him independently were virtually nonexistent. He couldn't confront her head-on without a strategy.

Running a hand through his hair in frustration, Leo continued to wrestle with the puzzle, hoping for a breakthrough. He needed a plan, a way to draw Makima into an isolated setting.

 Meanwhile, Kishibe, leading the way, abruptly halted and pivoted to face the sound of hurried footsteps rapidly approaching. Leo, lost in thought, continued walking, unaware of the imminent interruption.

Leo's mind remained preoccupied with the challenge at hand, while the hushed murmurs of a conversation reached one of his ears but quickly faded from his attention as he continued walking. He tapped his chin in contemplation, attempting to craft a solution to the predicament, even reaching for his jacket, which, upon searching, he realized he no longer possessed. His memory reminded him that he had given it to Aqua earlier, which could only mean one thing.

"They probably found my cigars," he thought to himself with a wry internal chuckle.

Before Leo could delve deeper into the potential consequences of the lost cigars, he was called back to the present by Kishibe's sudden company.

"War Devil."

Turning around, Leo locked eyes with Aki, who appeared somewhat disheveled, sweat-soaked, and exhausted. He had Nyako's cat cradle on the ground next to him, where the white feline peacefully slumbered. Aki's voice shook slightly as he spoke, adjusting his tie with determination.

"Denji and Power, will they be alive to see that supposed future you want?" Aki inquired, his posture resolute.

Leo took a moment to process Aki's question, his eyes sharpening as he regarded the worn figure before him. "So you know?" he responded, turning fully to face Aki. Aki simply nodded. "Hmmm..."

Leo tapped his chin in thought, contemplating Aki's inquiry. "I don't have anything in particular planned for Denji, but... I did promise Power a Nobel. Can't give it to her if she's dead," he mused, a faint chuckle escaping his lips.

Aki's eyes widened slightly, his hopes seemingly rising. "So, they'll live?"

Leo crossed his arms, maintaining eye contact with Aki. "Depends on how the next few days go. So... maybe." His tone was enigmatic, leaving room for uncertainty, but there was a glimmer of hope in his words.

Aki sighed in relief, his shoulders relaxing. But Leo continued to scrutinize him, and Aki could sense there was more to this conversation.

"That sigh... Does it mean you're fine with whatever happens next?" Leo asked, taking a step closer toward Aki. "Are you fine with Makima dying?"

Aki hesitated, the weight of Leo's question sinking in. "I don't know if I'm fine with it, but I'm willing to accept it if it's the only way to keep them safe," he replied, his voice filled with determination.

A dangerous smirk formed on Leo's lips as he brought his hands out. "Then... give me your phone, Aki."

Aki furrowed his brow, a hint of suspicion in his eyes, but he reached into his pocket and handed his flip phone to Leo.

Leo accepted the phone, holding it firmly as he brought his other hand up to his neck. The sharp edges of glass formed at the tips of his fingers as they dug into his skin. Flipping the phone open, Leo began scrolling through the contacts one by one until he landed on Makima's.

Kishibe, standing next to Aki, watched intently as Leo brought the phone to his ear, patiently waiting for the other end to be answered.

Leo's phone call was answered, and Makima's smooth voice could be heard, but her words were illegible. To Aki and Kishibe's surprise, when Leo responded, his voice had transformed, sounding like a one-to-one recreation of Aki's voice.

Leo calmly replied in Aki's voice, his tone matching the calm demeanor that Aki often carried. "Miss Makima, I'd like to talk about Denji and Power's participation in the upcoming mission..."

Kishibe raised an intrigued eyebrow, studying this uncanny impersonation closely, while Aki's eyes widened in astonishment. The act was so convincing that even he had to do a double-take.

On the other end of the line, Makima's response remained unheard, but it was clear that the conversation had taken an intriguing turn.

"Yes," Leo continued, letting Makima's manipulative words sink in. "I understand. I'll meet you there."

Leo smirked, hanging up the phone and closing it before handing it back to Aki. However, as Aki reached out to take the phone, Leo's demeanor shifted abruptly. He crushed the phone, letting the shattered pieces fall into Aki's hand.

"Follow the old man," Leo said, still sounding like Aki, before withdrawing his fingers from his throat and letting out a bloody cough into his hand. He continued, now sounding like his usual self, "I'm going to pay Denji and Power a visit before meeting Makima."

Kishibe, a flask in hand, raised an eyebrow at Leo's abrupt change. "Is that it? Just like that?"

Leo looked up at the sky before turning to Kishibe. "By the time the sun sets, Makima will be a problem of the past," he replied with a snarky tone before disappearing in the blink of an eye, leaving a gust of wind in his wake.

























Makima walked down the street, her long black coat billowing behind her as she moved with purpose. The sound of a nearby beach, and waves crashing against the shore, filled the air. She was dressed in her typical devil hunter attire, her business clothes neatly pressed beneath the coat.

Approaching the beach, the sun had passed its midpoint in the afternoon, casting a warm, golden glow across the eerily deserted streets. The remnants of the recent snowfall glistened, creating a stark contrast against the dark asphalt. Puddles here and there reflected the surroundings like liquid mirrors.

Makima's footsteps echoed in the stillness as she made her way toward her destination, her expression calm and collected, but the tension in the air was palpable, and the world seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

As Makima approached the beach, the rhythmic sound of the waves grew louder, mingling with the distant cries of seagulls and the occasional rustle of the wind. The sun's rays painted the sky in a tapestry of warm hues, casting a serene and almost surreal ambiance over the tranquil scene.

In the distance, a single silhouette caught Makima's eye. They stood along the shoreline, their black hair swaying in the wind, casting a familiar presence that compelled Makima to halt her advance. The earlier ambiance that surrounded her had faded, replaced by the occasional gust of cold wind that sent a chill down her body.

Makima contemplated turning back; the War Devil seemed to have achieved its goals with the Nuclear Weapons Devil and the omnipresent fear it had sown. In contrast, she felt cornered, her options dwindling. But then, a familiar scent reached her, compelling her to continue forward, undeterred by the dangers that lay ahead.

The fear of death was foreign to her; she couldn't die, not while contracted with the prime minister. This thought echoed in her mind as she drew nearer to the War Devil.

"Long time no see, Makima," Leo's voice drifted to her, his gaze fixed on the ocean's ebb and flow. "Indeed, it has been a while."

Makima took her place a few feet from Leo, her gaze intent on his back. "What brings you here, Yoru?" Her voice was gentle but laced with volatile undercurrents.

Leo shrugged and glanced back, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Just here to settle some things, I suppose."

Makima probed, "Settle what, exactly?"

Leo retorted with a chuckle, looking back at the vast ocean. "Let's not play dumb, Makima. We both know what I'm talking about."

Makima peered at him with an almost mocking tone. "Do you have the means to settle anything, Yoru?" She began to turn away, but his words made her pause.

"You can't keep running forever," Leo's voice carried a sense of inevitability. "Eventually, everything will come together, and we'll... well, mostly you, will have to confront the inevitable. So why not settle things now?"

Makima replied, her tone firm, "There's still time for anything to happen, Yoru." She started to walk away.

"Maybe... maybe," Leo muttered, turning around. "But I'm just about done waiting. So let's settle things now."

A wet, sloshing sound reached Makima's ears as Leo tossed something into the air, catching it and letting it land with a wet splash. An unnatural shiver coursed down her spine, compelling her to turn around involuntarily. Her gaze locked on an orange organ in Leo's hand, its only distinctive features a canine face and a cord at the top of its head.

Makima's heart raced as the familiar scent she had encountered earlier began to make sense. Questions swirled in her mind about how and when, but she could not tear her gaze away from the familiar organ in Leo's hand.

"What do you say, Makima?" Leo remarked, tightening his grip over the organ, "Shall we settle things...?"