
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


[Word Count: 3086]





Quiet stillness. 

Amid the stillness, Leo found himself in a familiar environment. This tranquility, he had grown accustomed to when dealing with his family. It was his way of maintaining the facade, allowing their words to pass through him like a gentle breeze, never letting them see the turmoil beneath the surface.

Time and again, he had practiced the art of letting their interactions slide off him, all while keeping them close, never revealing the true extent of his involvement with the War Devil. It was crucial, especially now, as it helped ensure they remained where he needed them.

Even as Ruby persistently probed for a reaction, Leo's face remained a mask of stoicism. He bore the weight of cracks, both literal and metaphorical, forming beneath the surface.

However, everyone had their limits.

What was supposed to be an ordinary day, sitting on the couch and awaiting Kishibe's decision, took an unexpected turn. Leo had returned from eliminating the Puppet Devil and thrusting the War Devil's name into the headlines following the nuclear explosion in Germany. The days that followed were meant to be a respite, a quiet interlude before the next move, either by Makima or Kishibe.

Yet, the sleepless nights had begun to take their toll on Leo. He felt himself softening, the unyielding facade slowly giving way under the weight of exhaustion.

Soft, yet ponderous steps resonated through the underground bunker's hallway as Leo returned. Shards of glass embedded in his right eye refracted the dimming lights that lined the corridor, a tangible sign of his waning determination to maintain the relentless facade.

The once-inconspicuous bags under his eyes had grown more pronounced, a testament to his tireless crusade to eliminate stray puppets worldwide. The initial exhilaration of achieving what had eluded him for years had gradually faded as he approached what he considered his little haven.

As he drew nearer to the familiar observation room, he could practically sense Ruby's effervescent energy radiating from within. Leo halted at the open doorway, taking a moment to collect himself. He regulated his breathing, settling into the well-practiced routine of erecting mental and physical defenses. His body responded almost reflexively, reducing his temperature and slowing his heartbeat to maintain the facade he had crafted over time.

Stepping into the room, Leo was met with the familiar sight of the shattered observation room window. Surprisingly, throughout their stay, the urgency to replace the broken glass never seemed to arise. Ruby and Aqua demonstrated enough sense to avoid the jagged edges, rendering window replacement a moot point.

Himeno, who usually occupied the observation room, was conspicuously absent. However, a glance through the fractured window revealed her presence in the makeshift living room. She stood with her arms crossed, gently swaying as she kept a watchful eye on Leo's family.

As for his family, Ruby was perched on the table that separated the two couches, facing Ai. The youngster allowed Ai to apply makeup with a sense of delicate trust. Beside Ai, Aqua sat, clutching a small photograph, his gaze alternating between Ruby and the picture, an air of skepticism etched on his features.

Ruby commanded the lion's share of attention, with most eyes trained on her. Leo's arrival went unnoticed as he wearily rubbed his tired eyes before proceeding to join the gathering in the living room.

Leo's footfalls were muffled as he descended the stairs, the collective attention of the room firmly fixated on Ruby. When he reached the bottom step and passed through the doorway separating the stairs from the expansive room, Leo's gaze settled upon Ruby's back. Her hair flowed freely, not bound in its customary side ponytail, much like Ai's. His eyes trailed the contours of Ruby's silhouette, a sight he hadn't seen in years but one that was etched into his memory.

Her blond hair swayed gently as she hummed to herself, the scene evoking a strange blend of nostalgia and unease. It was all so achingly familiar that it choked him up, a lump forming in his throat.

Aqua, who had been glancing between Ruby and a picture in his hand, noticed Leo standing near the doorway, his gaze fixed on Ruby's back. A faint, concerned frown tugged at Aqua's features as he gently placed the picture on his lap.

Leo's right eye was a fractured mess, its iris obscured by a web of imperceptible cracks, steadily worsening with time.

Himeno, sensing Aqua's diverted attention, turned to see what had caught his eye. Her gaze followed his, landing on Leo's unwavering stare fixed on Ruby.

Meanwhile, Ruby's lilting hum filled the room with an oddly soothing melody, a hint of normalcy amid their surreal circumstances.

Ai continued her work diligently, wielding the makeup brush with a deft touch. Her strokes against Ruby's skin were precise and gentle. She would have continued uninterrupted, but the sudden hush in the room prompted her to cease her hand's movement. She looked around, eventually spotting Leo seemingly suspended in the doorframe. A small, genuine smile curved her lips as she followed his line of sight and realized he was watching Ruby.

Unaware of the attention, Ruby momentarily opened her eyes, feeling Ai's brush halt. She met Ai's gaze, and they exchanged a curious look. Following Ai's gaze, Ruby turned her head to peer in the same direction, wondering what had captured their collective interest.

Ruby's eyes widened as they locked onto Leo standing near the doorway. Her face became a canvas of surprise and delight, her features illuminated by an unexpected joy.

"War-chan!" she exclaimed, the name filled with warmth and affection. Without hesitation, she rose from the table and started to make her way towards him, her footsteps gentle and almost inaudible against the floor.

Leo remained still near the doorway, and as Ruby drew nearer, he took in the sight of her. It was as if the world around him had slowed, his thoughts connecting the dots with each of her graceful steps.

Ruby's hair cascaded freely, styled with two tufts on each side of her face, and the realization began to click into place. The reason why Aqua held up a picture, why Ruby's hair was down instead of in her usual side ponytail, and even why Ai was applying light makeup to her face. She was dressing up to resemble Yuki...

Ruby's resemblance to Yuki was uncanny, a fact that resonated deeply with Leo. He silently observed her approach, his gaze lowering as she collided with his stomach, her arms enveloping his waist with a fierce grip, careful enough not to disturb the Dao strapped to his belt.

"War-!" Ruby began to greet him, but her words halted when she felt a familiar hand gently land on top of her head.

"You've gotten smaller..." Leo's words were soft, carrying a blend of melancholy and nostalgia. The room fell into a poignant hush, and everyone looked down with a tinge of sadness, Ruby burying her face into Leo's abdomen.

Leo's hand remained on her head, tenderly caressing her hair as if reassuring himself that she was real. The room was steeped in a poignant atmosphere as the past and present converged in this bittersweet moment.



November was fast approaching, and with it came the annual commemoration of the tragic events involving the Gun Devil. However, this year marked a stark departure from the usual somber remembrance. Instead of mourning the lives lost on that fateful day, people were celebrating. The Gun Devil had been defeated, reduced to nothing more than shattered remnants left in the wake of the War Devil's rampage.

Speaking of the War Devil, its looming threat continued to haunt people's thoughts, especially after the recent events in Germany. Following the news of the colossal explosion that had torn through the sky, shaking the very foundations of the world, the death toll was mercifully lower than what had been seen during the Gun Devil's reign of terror.

Although countless blurry images and videos depicted the War Devil carving its way through countless individuals, leaving behind gruesome scenes occasionally punctuated by a sinister smile, most news channels chose to keep this information hidden from the public eye.

Conspiracies did sprout up, but they found little traction beyond those who had nothing better to occupy their time. The world remained focused on the massive explosion that had decimated Germany's abandoned capital. The area surrounding the crater was declared uninhabitable for the foreseeable future, though it had already been long deserted.

However, the echoes of the War Devil's actions continued to reverberate throughout the global consciousness. The explosion's aftermath brought forth an eerie sense of unease, prompting discussions about the nature of the War Devil's capabilities and what it might mean for the future of humanity.

Despite the attempt to contain information, rumors persisted, painting the War Devil as a fearsome entity with powers beyond human comprehension. Some whispered about its ability to manipulate not just physical matter but also the very fabric of reality. In contrast, others claimed it was a manifestation of long-buried fears and anxieties, a reflection of humanity's darkest impulses.

Yet, as November approached, the collective mindset shifted. The commemoration, although tinged with a sense of relief, also carried with it a weight of uncertainty. The defeat of the Gun Devil had brought a temporary respite, but the presence of the War Devil lingered, a shadow on the horizon that reminded everyone of the fragile balance between peace and chaos.

Amid the approaching anniversary, Leo, or rather, the War Devil, underwent a noticeable change in attitude, marked by Ruby's sudden makeover. The young girl rarely left his side, serving as a guiding light, holding his hand to wherever they might go.

Gentle snowflakes began to fall from the overcast skies as the 10th of November drew nearer. The world became blanketed in a soft layer of snow, creating a tranquil, yet eerie, atmosphere.

Positioned at the entrance of the underground bunker, Ruby clasped Leo's hand in her own. Her gaze held a blend of curiosity and deep affection as she peered out into the snow-veiled city. Her typically boundless energy seemed to have mellowed, adapting to the wintry chill that enveloped them.

"War-chan," Ruby began, her voice a hushed whisper amidst the serene, snow-covered world. "What's on your mind?"

Leo met her curious gaze, his one good eye softening as he contemplated her question. It felt like time had both slowed to a crawl and was slipping through his fingers. The constant internal debate about whether to drop the act and return to a family life weighed on his thoughts, and with the approaching anniversary, the decision wasn't getting any easier.

"Nothing," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Nothing for you to worry about."

Ruby peered up at Leo, her curiosity unabated. She nodded and gently tightened her grip on his hand. "I'm happy you're here with us, War-chan," she said, her eyes expressing a deep sense of comfort that Leo's presence brought her.

"Is that so..." Leo murmured, acknowledging her sentiment as he gently returned her grasp.

"Mhmm," Ruby affirmed, resting her head against the back of Leo's hand. "You may not be Papa, but you remind me of him."

"Do I...?" he responded quietly, a vulnerability seeping into his voice.

Ruby nodded again, her eyes unwavering as she met his gaze. "Mhmm. You're strong, like him, and you protect us. You're like a watered-down version of him."

A faint chuckle escaped Leo's lips as, in the recesses of his mind, Yoru seemed thoroughly unimpressed by Ruby's comparison.

"Watered-down...? The hell is that supposed to mean...?" she grumbled, resting her head back against Leo's chest.

Shifting her gaze, she glared at the snickering Fire Devil. "Do you have something you wanna say?!" she snapped irritably.

The Fire Devil scratched its chin, flecks of charred skin crumbling off. "I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it," it remarked, its tone edged with a hint of condescension.

"Hmph!" Yoru huffed, turning her head away and crossing her wings with an air of irritation.

Meanwhile, in the present, Leo had instinctively lifted Ruby, cradling her in his arms with her head nestled just below his chin, allowing her to feel the slow steady rhythm of his heartbeat with her hand.

"You're a lot like her," Leo murmured, his voice barely audible. "You have the same energy, the same enthusiasm."

"Who...?" Ruby murmured, attempting to peer up past Leo's chin.

Leo didn't immediately respond, continuing to hold Ruby close, swaying gently as he took a deep breath.

A sigh escaped him. "There hasn't been a day when I haven't missed her. A day when I don't question whether I've made the right choices, wondering if I should have taken a different path... a day when I wonder if she would approve of what I've become."

Ruby pushed back from Leo's chest, her gaze rising to meet his face. His right eye, though marred by countless cracks, held a glossy quality, reflecting a complex blend of emotions.

"Every day feels like I'm getting closer to a point where I can just stop," Leo said, his tone distant, as he stared ahead into the distance, "but then I hear my name, and I end up right back where I started."

Ruby's hand, resting gently against Leo's chest, could feel the subtle rise and fall of his breath. She listened to his words, hearing the undercurrent of sorrow and yearning in his voice. The frigid air outside seemed to intensify the chill she felt against Leo's skin.

"And now, with everything seeming to repeat, over and over again, it's a strange sensation," Leo mused, his thoughts swirling in the wintry air.

Leo's grip on Ruby tightened ever so slightly as if seeking some form of grounding amidst his tumultuous thoughts. His gaze remained locked on an unseen horizon, his mind seemingly lost in a labyrinth of memories and doubts.

With a heavy heart, Ruby leaned into Leo's side, resting her head against his arm. She stayed silent, comprehending the weight of his words and the intricate emotions churning within him. In the serene moment, the sound of the gentle snowfall outside seemed to weave a melancholic melody into the air.

For a while, they remained in silence, enveloped by the tranquil stillness. Leo's breathing gradually steadied, and the tension in his muscles seemed to relax slightly as he found comfort in Ruby's silent presence.

In the dilapidated hallway behind them, Ai and Aqua observed the scene as Leo held Ruby in his arms. Leo's hand rested on the back of Ruby's head, and he took occasional deep breaths, each visible puff forming in the cold air. This unexpected turn of events was a welcomed one, adding credibility to the idea that Leo wasn't completely gone but rather trapped inside the War Devil's mind.

With each small nudge they made, with Ruby leading the way, fragments of Leo continued to resurface through the cracks in the War Devil's right eye. 

"Regardless of what might happen, whether I die tomorrow or in a week... at the very least, I'll know that you and everyone else will be safe," Leo murmured softly.

"War-chan..." Ruby started to respond, using her endearing nickname for the War Devil, but her voice faltered at the sound of Leo's tone.


Small tears welled up in the corners of Ruby's eyes as Leo's embrace continued, allowing her to feel the unusual, sluggish rhythm of his heart. Despite the sincerity in Leo's words and the growing number of cracks in his right eye, there remained a pervasive sense that the person they were talking to was not truly Leo.

This realization weighed heavily on Ruby and her family, creating a sense of longing for the person they had lost, even as they clung to the faint glimmers of his presence.

Outside, the snowfall began to intensify, the once gentle cascade evolving into a swirling tempest that obscured the world beyond. The air grew colder, the biting wind finding its way through the layers of Ruby's winter clothing, sending shivers down her spine. She instinctively drew closer to Leo, seeking solace in his presence, yet finding no warmth in the empty shell that was the War Devil.

The storm outside mirrored the turmoil within, its ferocity echoing the complex emotions that swirled in the hearts of those gathered within the bunker. In the midst of the wintry tempest, Ruby's hand sought Leo's, grasping it tightly as if trying to anchor herself amidst the growing uncertainty.

Emerging from the snowy veil, a lone figure approached, braving the gusts of wind and the heavy snowfall. It was Kishibe, his grizzled appearance highlighted by scraggly facial hair and a stitched scar running across his left cheek. His indifferent gaze shifted briefly when he saw Leo holding Ruby, but he quickly regained his composure.

"War Devil," Kishibe rasped, his voice cutting through the cold air. "We're moving on with Makima."

Leo's initial shock at the sudden news was swiftly replaced by a smile that graced his lips. Ruby, still absorbed in her thoughts, was momentarily jolted back to reality by the warmth of Leo's hand around her. As he began to set her down, her hand instinctively settled on his neck, feeling the previously steady, slow rhythm of his heartbeat quicken.

"Papa!" she exclaimed, elation filling her voice. But as she pulled back, her joy was overshadowed by a chilling sight. Leo's once-cracked eye was now restored, showing only the menacing red of the War Devil.

Leo's hand gently rested on top of Ruby's head as he stood upright, ruffling her hair slightly before moving around her. Kishibe observed the change in Leo's eyes and turned, walking ahead of him, guiding him into the snowy wilderness as they vanished into the swirling storm.

Ruby turned to watch Leo's retreating figure, her hand momentarily reaching out to stop him but pulling back at the last moment. Instead, she fixed the stray hairs that Leo had ruffled with a sense of resignation, a blend of confusion and longing in the midst of the storm.

As Leo and Kishibe vanished into the swirling snow, Ruby remained rooted in place, her hand suspended midair as if reaching out to grasp onto the fading presence of the man she so desperately longed for. The realization that the brief resurfacing of Leo was just that - a fleeting moment, left her with a lingering sense of emptiness that pierced through her heart.