
Man in the Darkness

The reception was quieter than the veranda, with no people dashing you every second, no tripping between their legs. It was peaceful in the reception and the boy could breathe.

"How did I come to know that?" he thought. He had never been to the veranda since the morning. How did he come to know that it was busy outside?

There was a package in his hands. The cleaner at the reception took his hands back as if he just gave the package to him. The boy walked slowly to a bench to sit on and open the package. Still thinking about the weirdness he was facing, he sat on a bench and put the package on his knees. He put his hands on it and suddenly realized that he would need something to tear the package open. Then he shouted to the cleaner, "Can I have a blade? To cut the plaster" the cleaner looked back at him with a slightly flushed face, "I've already told you that you will not be given a blade for what you did yesterday"

"What did I do yesterday?" he said, all confused. The cleaner exited the room in an angry weather. The boy gazed at the door and reluctantly turned his head towards the package. For a moment, he thought he should leave the room. But there was nothing he could do, so he just tore off the package with his bare hands. The covers came apart until a box came out. He carefully opened the box and found a short but thick metal cylinder.  He was very much surprised by seeing it. By the incidents that had happened and by the gift, he was sure that he was dreaming.

He took the cylinder in his hands and nursed it a bit. Then he twisted the neck of the cylinder and a bright-blue length of light came out of an opening of the cylinder. It made a sound as if an airplane was flying nearby. "A light saber!" he said, his eyes gleaming. Then he felt a slight disturbance and looked behind him, only to find a man in darkness. He had a triangular hat. There was no one in the room until then, yet this strange man has appeared behind him – the man about whom he had been studying in the class. The boy almost had a heart-attack. He swung the light saber towards the man.

Then he fell out of himself as the whole class of students, including the teacher saw him. The students laughed and the teacher tried his best to make them be quiet. On the black-board was a figure of several creatures. The boy then remembered that the teacher was explaining them how dangerous that creature is, which can change its form of appearance. "Are you okay?" said the boy who sat beside him. Then he said "Are you sure what you saw was real?" the boy didn't recover yet. "Did you just read my mind?" he said and the teacher gazed at him, waiting for an answer for his behavior.

 The boy suddenly stood up and said, "I killed him".

The class fell silent. "You what?" asked the teacher. "I killed him in the reception. The creature" said the boy. Everyone gasped. "Do you want me to believe it?" said the teacher. The boy felt pain in being laughed at. Then he remembered the package in his hand. "I had a package in my hand. It felt so real" the boy said and he immediately started looking for the package beneath the bench he was sitting on. At least a piece of the package must have come back with him!

Then a boy with grey hair said with shaking and urgent voice, "I found that light sab- I mean, the package beneath your bench. I put it in the cupboard there". He said that he didn't know what it was. All this seemed to the class as if he is speaking in tension and panic. The boy was in panic too. So he quickly tried to walk towards the cupboard to search for the package there but stopped. He turned back to the grey-haired boy, "What did you say?". The grey hair boy swallowed, "I said I saw your package". The boy started walking towards him, "No, you said you saw my light saber. How do you know there's a light saber in it?"

The grey-haired boy looked tense and sweating. He said nothing. All of a sudden, he exited the class and started running. The teacher and the boy ran before him too. The boy took detour towards the school ground. On the staircase was the cleaner, cleaning. The boy walked right into it and reached the ground, from where he could get a clear visual of what's happening. He saw the teacher running after a giant hairy-man, casting spells on him with his wand. But the giant dodged them, slipped through the floors of the building and disappeared at last. The boy could not believe his eyes. It was the creature which sat with him in the classroom! And he was not dead!

The boy was later called by the teacher.  "What you did there was something which doesn't happen to everyone" the teacher said. "What do you mean, sir?" the boy asked.  "The staff performed a research on how you identified the antagonist in disguise, and the way you said that you killed him. They concluded that you may have foreseen his death" the teacher said, quietly, "Does that make any sense to you?" It just blew the boy's mind. He foresaw the fight between him and the creature! "Maybe, sir" he said, shocked. Then he got reminded of the cleaner on the staircase. Maybe that's the reason he did not provide a blade to him. The boy knew what that meant. He wished he did not enter the next day. But it did happen. It was the morning when his friends woke him up. They said that there was a call for him from the reception.

The boy froze. He slowly walked towards the reception, warming himself up. He opened its door and the pressure in the veranda pushed him in. There was the cleaner in the room, with a package in his hand. "I will not provide you any kind of thing to cut the cover" he said, handing it over to the boy. The next minute was hard to pass for him. He twisted the light saber and it gleamed, brighter than ever. Then, he knew the creature would come. So he swung the light saber in advance, which, exactly passed through the man in the darkness. The man fell down. The boy didn't expect it to be that simple. He fell over the man and cried, "What did you do for us to fight against you?" The man, choking, replied quietly, "Fought the bad".