

"Oh My God! Thankyou!", I said.

"Happy Birthday, Bro", he replied.

"Hey, I haven't seen anything like this before! What do you call this?", I could not take my eyes off it.

"I don't know too. Maybe you could name it", he smiled. "Me?", I said, "I need to know what it is first". "Rar Bracelet", he replied. "Rar? That's its name?", my eyes gleamed. "Well, Rar means 'Strange' in some language", he said. "You know the word but not the language's name?", I laughed, "Never mind. Rar it is".

The party was over as the moon was on the rise. I went in, watered the plant beside my bed, and turned the lights off. I laid my back on the bed and as I opened my eyes again, it was Dawn.

Lucky for me, it was a holiday from school. I nodded all the way down the stairs and placed my head on a pillow on the sofa. Turning of the Television, "Floating Shirt", were the words I heard first.

"A shirt has been found in the air, denying gravity, yesterday night. It was found in the region of Darga Mandal town. The Police are still investigating on whom the shirt belongs and how the shirt floated in the thin air."

They flashed the camera on the shirt which was still in the air. I was shocked. It was my shirt. How could it be there? I thought it would be better if I leave it there, keeping the question away. I pretended to be shocked after seeing a shirt floating in the air and asked my parents whom it might belong to.

I really wished I could solve the mystery. How could my shirt be floating in the air, going viral? I tried to recall of what I did with it, last night. All I remember was hanging the shirt, attempting to dry it. It was the last thing I did before I slept. No. I watered my plant. That was the last thing. Drying the shirt was the last but one. And recieving the Rar was the last but two. Hmm..

"Rar", I said to myself as I recalled of the name and nursed the bracelet which was now around my wrist. The bracelet which was hanging down from my palm, suddenly hung upward as I removed my hand from it. Two shocks in one hour? It seemed like it was longing to go into the sky, against gravity. I removed the chain which held it close to me. The bracelet rushed up and started floating in the air – like it was affected by no gravity.

The Shirt! The same might have happened to the shirt! What did I do before I dried the shirt? As I kept thinking, my brother came in without knocking and found himself shocked as he saw the bracelet floating in the air. "Oh my god, what's happening? Why is Rar floating?", in surprise, he held onto a piece of metal. The metal floated in the air too. It was like common now. "Rar! Right! That was the word which was spoken before the flying happened!!", I tried to explain the same thing to my Brother. He could not close his eyes. "Rar", he said and touched a glass of water. The glass floated. I said the same word again and touched the water in it. The water were acting like they were in the International Space Station.

"Great Discovery!", shouted my brother, "Rar!".

I had a lot trouble, telling him to avoid touching everything, until I floated.