
The Closed Door

I live in Vyga - the magical town. It's not really magical but it has many of the world's most beautiful sights. And that is one of the reasons I love this place. I spend most of my time, watching them.

      The one I loved so much that I drew it a dozen times to perfection. It was the closed door. Or at least that's what I call it. The door has never been opened for ages. A curly plant grew along with it. The plant is known to be a sacred one. And thus, we believe everything the plant grows on, to be sacred. We praise the door and it has never been opened nor was it even touched.

          We believe the God himself exists beyond the door. By God, we mean the thing what we are in the most need of. I sit by it, everyday; which I am not supposed to. My mother pulls me back home and explains that the God needs to be solitary. Of course, that's not what I thought. I believed that the God needs company; he's bored of sitting beyond the door, alone all day.

     Then, the day came when the God himself, wanted to see me. There was nothing for transportation in Vyga. All of us had to walk for miles for water. Everyone in the town had left by then. I got out of my house making sure there's no one near me. I didn't want to go out to the deserted place where the river of Abencha flowed. I trotted towards the closed door. I neither liked my legs in pain after walking, nor did I like my mother's legs in the same condition.

         I knelt down before the closed door. I prayed to it in my mind. I believed the God could hear me from beyond. The wind hit me fiercely and with that, came a sound from ahead. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, the Closed Door flung open with the fierce wind. Inside, it was dark. I walked in, trembling. A loud noise came from inside. It looked like some sort of tunnel. I advanced forward as the sound came clearer. Suddenly, daylight hit my face. Before me, was a waterfall.