
Witch of Ice ; Reborn.

In the mystical realm of a dense forest, Seraphina awakens without any memory of her past. She discovers that she has been reborn as a human, her powers as a witch of ice stripped away. Uncertain of her abilities and purpose, she sets out to explore her new surroundings. Opening her status tab, she finds herself labeled as a level one "???" with unknown stats. As Seraphina delves deeper into the forest, she encounters Leona, a mage from a nearby town who collects herbs in the woods. Unaware of her own humanity, Seraphina seeks guidance from Leona, who offers to lead her back to town. Together, they traverse the verdant landscape, collecting herbs along the way. Upon reaching the town, Seraphina discovers a bustling human civilization, filled with cobblestone streets and vibrant marketplaces. Determined to uncover her true identity and purpose, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking answers to her past. In this quest for knowledge, Seraphina explores her latent abilities and navigates the intricacies of human society. Along the way, she forms an unlikely bond with Leona, who becomes her ally and guide. As Seraphina unravels the secrets of her past, she confronts challenges and uncovers the extraordinary destiny that awaits her. Amidst a world teeming with magic, mystery, and human connections, Seraphina's rebirth as a human sets in motion a transformative journey. With each step, she learns to embrace her humanity, unlock her true potential, and shape her own destiny in a realm where the power to reshape the world lies within her grasp.

Cyfrin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Tomorrow, to the town!

As the day waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, Leona and Seraphina arrived at Leona's modest home on the outskirts of the town. The warm glow of candlelight spilled from the windows, inviting them inside.

Leona's cozy abode welcomed them with a comforting embrace. The crackling fire in the hearth cast dancing shadows on the walls, filling the room with a sense of tranquility. Seraphina couldn't help but feel a twinge of gratitude for Leona's kindness.

Leona busied herself in the kitchen, conjuring an aroma that wafted through the house and made Seraphina's stomach rumble. The table was adorned with a spread of hearty dishes—a feast fit for the weary traveler.

"Please, have a seat," Leona gestured, her voice warm and inviting. "I've prepared a meal to sate your hunger. It's not often we have such a delightful guest."

Seraphina settled at the table, her heart touched by Leona's thoughtfulness. The meal was a symphony of flavors, each bite awakening her taste buds and comforting her restless spirit. Between mouthfuls, she couldn't help but wonder about her true origins and the purpose that lay hidden within her reborn self.

As they finished their meal, Leona led Seraphina to a cozy bedroom adorned with a soft, inviting bed. The room exuded a sense of tranquility, inviting Seraphina to surrender to the weariness that clung to her bones.

"This is where you'll stay," Leona said, her voice gentle. "Rest well, Seraphina. Tomorrow, I'll show you the wonders of our town."

Seraphina offered a grateful smile, her mind swirling with thoughts and questions. With each step, she was one step closer to uncovering the truth of her existence. The weight of her unknown past settled upon her, but a glimmer of hope flickered within her heart.

As Seraphina slipped beneath the covers, Leona bid her goodnight and retreated to her own room. The flickering candle on the nightstand cast a soft, warm glow, lulling Seraphina into a state of tranquility.

Thoughts and dreams intertwined, visions of ice and magic dancing at the edge of her consciousness. Who was she truly? And what purpose lay dormant within her reborn soul?

The quiet of the night wrapped around Seraphina like a comforting blanket. She allowed herself to surrender to the depths of sleep, knowing that the dawn would bring new discoveries, friendships, and a journey that would shape her destiny.

In the hush of the night, as stars twinkled overhead, Seraphina drifted off to sleep, her dreams a tapestry of possibilities and the promise of a future intertwined with the vibrant threads of the town and its people.