
Witch of Ice ; Reborn.

In the mystical realm of a dense forest, Seraphina awakens without any memory of her past. She discovers that she has been reborn as a human, her powers as a witch of ice stripped away. Uncertain of her abilities and purpose, she sets out to explore her new surroundings. Opening her status tab, she finds herself labeled as a level one "???" with unknown stats. As Seraphina delves deeper into the forest, she encounters Leona, a mage from a nearby town who collects herbs in the woods. Unaware of her own humanity, Seraphina seeks guidance from Leona, who offers to lead her back to town. Together, they traverse the verdant landscape, collecting herbs along the way. Upon reaching the town, Seraphina discovers a bustling human civilization, filled with cobblestone streets and vibrant marketplaces. Determined to uncover her true identity and purpose, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking answers to her past. In this quest for knowledge, Seraphina explores her latent abilities and navigates the intricacies of human society. Along the way, she forms an unlikely bond with Leona, who becomes her ally and guide. As Seraphina unravels the secrets of her past, she confronts challenges and uncovers the extraordinary destiny that awaits her. Amidst a world teeming with magic, mystery, and human connections, Seraphina's rebirth as a human sets in motion a transformative journey. With each step, she learns to embrace her humanity, unlock her true potential, and shape her own destiny in a realm where the power to reshape the world lies within her grasp.

Cyfrin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Embracing the town

Leona led Seraphina through the bustling streets of the town, their footsteps mingling with the lively symphony of human activity. Seraphina's senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and aromas that surrounded her. The air was alive with the scent of freshly baked bread, the vibrant hues of market stalls, and the melodic voices of townsfolk going about their day.

As they strolled, Leona pointed out various landmarks and shared tidbits about the town's history. Seraphina listened attentively, her curiosity fueling her desire to understand this new world she found herself in.

"Over there is the Great Library," Leona said, gesturing towards a grand building with ornate architecture. "It holds vast knowledge about magic, history, and many other subjects. It might be a good place for you to seek answers."

Seraphina nodded, her eyes filled with anticipation. The idea of uncovering ancient tomes and scrolls filled her with a sense of excitement.

Leona continued guiding her through the town, weaving through the bustling crowds with ease. They passed by the Adventurers' Guild, a hub for those seeking adventure and fame. Curiosity got the better of Seraphina, and she glanced at the guild's entrance, noticing a sign displaying different ranks.

"What is the meaning of those rankings?" Seraphina asked, her gaze fixed on the sign.

Leona smiled and paused.

"The rankings in the Adventurers' Guild signify the strength and experience of adventurers," Leona began. "Novice adventurers start at the bottom and work their way up through the ranks. The lowest rank is E, and the highest is S. As you gain experience and complete more challenging quests, you can progress."

Seraphina nodded, absorbing the information. "And what rank are you and your party?" she inquired.

Leona's eyes sparkled with pride. "We are registered as intermediate-ranked adventurers, currently holding a rank of C. It means we've faced many trials and have become reliable assets for the guild. We take on more dangerous quests, but there is still much we aim to achieve."

Curiosity tinged Seraphina's voice as she asked, "Do you go on quests as a team?"

Leona nodded. "Indeed, my companions and I form an adventuring party. We support each other in battles, combining our strengths and skills to overcome formidable foes. Our bond and trust are what make us strong."

As they continued their exploration of the town, Seraphina noticed the gaze of several individuals lingering on her. Curiosity turned into cautious interest as she realized that these townsfolk might hold answers to her forgotten past.

One such person was a jovial baker, his apron dusted with flour as he skillfully kneaded dough behind the counter of his shop. Seraphina's stomach grumbled at the scent of freshly baked bread that wafted through the air.

Leona chuckled, noticing Seraphina's hunger. "That's Johann, the town's renowned baker. His pastries are beloved by everyone. Shall we indulge ourselves?"

Seraphina nodded eagerly, following Leona into the bakery. Johann greeted them warmly, his eyes twinkling as he noticed their presence.

"Leona! Always a pleasure to see you," Johann exclaimed, wiping his hands on his apron. "And who is this lovely newcomer?"

Seraphina's cheeks warmed at the compliment. "I am Seraphina," she introduced herself, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Johann's smile widened. "Well, Seraphina, you've certainly come to the right place. I havejust the treat for you," Johann said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He disappeared into the kitchen for a moment before returning with a tray filled with an assortment of pastries. The aroma of warm, buttery delights filled the air, making Seraphina's mouth water.

As they savored the delicious pastries, Leona and Seraphina engaged in lively conversation with Johann. They learned about the baker's passion for his craft, his fondness for creating new flavors, and his deep-rooted love for the town and its people.

Johann leaned forward, his voice laced with curiosity. "Seraphina, what brings you to our town? Are you an adventurer seeking fame and fortune?"

Seraphina's heart skipped a beat. She paused for a moment, contemplating how much she should reveal. Aware that her past remained a mystery, she decided to keep her rebirth a secret for now.

"I am still discovering my path," she replied, a touch of mystery in her voice. "This town, with its vibrant energy and potential, called to me. I seek knowledge and purpose, hoping to find my own place in this world."

Johann's eyes sparkled with understanding. "Ah, the allure of the unknown. It's a journey we all embark upon at some point. I wish you the best in your quest, Seraphina."

Leaving the bakery, Seraphina felt a newfound sense of belonging, knowing that she had made her first connection in this town. Leona guided her through more streets, introducing her to the local blacksmith, the apothecary, and other townsfolk who would play their parts in Seraphina's unfolding story.

As the day wore on, Leona's adventuring party crossed paths with them. Seraphina observed a group of skilled individuals, each exuding an air of confidence and purpose. Leona introduced them one by one.

"This is Gareth, our skilled swordsman," Leona said, pointing to a tall figure with a gleaming sword strapped to his side. "And this is Elara, our talented archer," she continued, gesturing to a woman with a quiver slung over her shoulder. "Finally, meet Cedric, our knowledgeable mage," she concluded, indicating a man with a staff adorned with intricate runes.

The adventurers exchanged greetings, welcoming Seraphina into their circle with warmth and curiosity. They shared stories of their past quests, their encounters with mythical creatures, and the challenges they had overcome together.

Seraphina's heart swelled with a mix of admiration and a longing for the kind of camaraderie they shared. She yearned for her own place among them, a purpose that would intertwine her destiny with theirs.

As the day drew to a close, Leona led Seraphina back to a cozy inn where she had arranged for Seraphina's accommodation. They bid each other goodnight, promising to continue their exploration of the town and the unfolding of Seraphina's journey in the days to come.

Alone in her room, Seraphina gazed out of the window at the twinkling stars that peppered the night sky. The events of the day replayed in her mind, igniting a sense of excitement and anticipation within her.

Tomorrow, she would continue her quest for answers, her path interwoven with the lives of newfound friends and the allure of the Adventurers' Guild. With each step, Seraphina drew closer to discovering her true purpose, embracing the town, and uncovering the secrets that lay dormant within her reborn soul.