
Witch of Ice ; Reborn.

In the mystical realm of a dense forest, Seraphina awakens without any memory of her past. She discovers that she has been reborn as a human, her powers as a witch of ice stripped away. Uncertain of her abilities and purpose, she sets out to explore her new surroundings. Opening her status tab, she finds herself labeled as a level one "???" with unknown stats. As Seraphina delves deeper into the forest, she encounters Leona, a mage from a nearby town who collects herbs in the woods. Unaware of her own humanity, Seraphina seeks guidance from Leona, who offers to lead her back to town. Together, they traverse the verdant landscape, collecting herbs along the way. Upon reaching the town, Seraphina discovers a bustling human civilization, filled with cobblestone streets and vibrant marketplaces. Determined to uncover her true identity and purpose, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking answers to her past. In this quest for knowledge, Seraphina explores her latent abilities and navigates the intricacies of human society. Along the way, she forms an unlikely bond with Leona, who becomes her ally and guide. As Seraphina unravels the secrets of her past, she confronts challenges and uncovers the extraordinary destiny that awaits her. Amidst a world teeming with magic, mystery, and human connections, Seraphina's rebirth as a human sets in motion a transformative journey. With each step, she learns to embrace her humanity, unlock her true potential, and shape her own destiny in a realm where the power to reshape the world lies within her grasp.

Cyfrin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


In the mystical realm of a dense forest, Seraphina's eyes fluttered open, revealing a world she did not recognize. Confusion washed over her as she struggled to recall her past. Memories eluded her, leaving only a lingering sense of emptiness. As she sat up, a surge of unfamiliar sensations coursed through her body.

Gazing at her hands, she discovered that her once-icy touch had been replaced with warm, delicate flesh. Seraphina's heart raced as she realized she had been reborn as a human, her powers as a witch of ice stripped away. Uncertain of her abilities and purpose, she resolved to explore her new existence.

As Seraphina stood amidst the towering trees, she felt a pulsing energy emanating from within her. Intrigued, she reached out to open her status tab, hoping to gain insights into her new self. The interface flickered to life, revealing a puzzling display.

Name: Seraphina

Level: 1

Class: ???


- Strength: ???

- Agility: ???

- Intelligence: ???

- Charisma: ???

- Wisdom: ???

- Vitality: ???

- ??? Points: ???

The question marks that obscured her abilities and potential only deepened her yearning for understanding. With determination, she set forth into the heart of the forest, eager to unravel the mysteries of her rebirth.

As Seraphina delved deeper into the wilderness, her senses heightened, attuned to the symphony of nature. She marveled at the dappling sunlight that pierced through the canopy, illuminating the vibrant flora that adorned the forest floor. Her steps were light, curiosity guiding her path.

Lost in her thoughts, Seraphina's attention was drawn to a figure moving gracefully among the trees. Her heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of a young woman with flowing auburn hair, adorned in a cloak woven with intricate patterns of magical symbols.

The woman turned her gaze toward Seraphina, her emerald eyes shimmering with both curiosity and wisdom. "Greetings, wanderer," she spoke, her voice gentle like a soft breeze. "What brings you to these woods?"

Seraphina's voice trembled slightly as she replied, "I... I am Seraphina. I woke up in this forest, and I am searching for answers."

The woman's lips curved into a warm smile. "I am Leona, a mage from a nearby town. It seems fate has guided us together. Allow me to be your guide."

Leona's presence exuded a calming aura, and something within Seraphina compelled her to trust this stranger. Without revealing the nature of her rebirth, she nodded in gratitude.

Leona led Seraphina through the forest with a grace born of familiarity. They walked in companionable silence, the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds filling the air. Seraphina found solace in the rhythm of their footsteps, the gentle cadence of their journey.

As they strolled deeper into the woods, Leona's keen eyes spotted an array of herbs along the path. She knelt down, expertly plucking leaves and flowers, her nimble fingers working with precision. Curiosity piqued, Seraphina crouched beside her, watching intently.

"These are lavender," Leona explained, holding up a cluster of purple blossoms. "They possess soothing properties and can be used to ease anxiety and promote restful sleep."

Seraphina reached out to touch the velvety petals, inhaling their calming scent. It stirred a faint memory within her, a sense of familiarity. She listened attentively as Leona shared more about the healing properties of the herbs Leona's knowledge seemed boundless as she introduced Seraphina to various herbs along their path. They encountered chamomile, known for its calming effects; peppermint, which invigorated the senses; and sage, used for purification and protection.

With each herb, Leona shared its uses, properties, and even anecdotes about their healing powers. Seraphina absorbed the information like a sponge, her fascination growing with every new discovery.

As they continued their journey, the forest seemed to reveal its secrets to them. Seraphina's senses sharpened, attuned to the subtle whispers of nature. She noticed the gentle rustling of leaves, the soft trickling of a nearby stream, and the faint calls of woodland creatures.

Through Leona's guidance, Seraphina began to see the world through new eyes. The forest, once an enigma, became a tapestry of interconnected life. She learned to identify different plants, their relationship with the environment, and the delicate balance of nature's ecosystem.

Time passed swiftly as Seraphina and Leona wandered deeper into the forest, their woven baskets brimming with an assortment of herbs. They shared stories, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie that formed an unspoken bond between them.

As the sun began its descent, casting an amber glow through the trees, Leona turned to Seraphina with a gentle smile. "It is time we return to town. The day grows late, and there is much to be done."

Seraphina nodded, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity coursing through her veins. She couldn't help but wonder about the town that Leona had mentioned, a place where humans lived, where she might find answers to her own identity.

They retraced their steps through the forest, the comforting familiarity of the path guiding them back. As the trees thinned and the sounds of civilization grew closer, Seraphina's heart quickened with anticipation.

Emerging from the forest's embrace, they found themselves on the outskirts of a bustling town. The air hummed with the lively chatter of townsfolk going about their daily activities. Seraphina's eyes widened, taking in the sight of cobblestone streets, colorful market stalls, and the vibrant tapestry of human life.

Leona turned to Seraphina, her voice filled with warmth. "Welcome to our town, Seraphina. Here, you will find a community that embraces both magic and humanity."