
Chapter 23: School, you meet new people

The next morning, whitney is dressed in a jean skirt and a black top, a pair of beautiful flats and some jewelry. her hair is packed in a bun and suspended with a pin, she dropped few portions of her hair at the front and used a lip gloss on her lips but no make up as usual, showing off her natural beauty, she looked exquisite. "let's go we are running late Lola" whitney yelled, as she waited for Lola in the living room of their average apartment. "I'm coming, I am almost done" Lola replied in a loud tone from her room. "hurry" whitney added, as she sat down and began to tap her feet on the ground, out of impatient. few minutes later, Lola rushed out, with a pair of trousers and a top, unlike her other fashionable days, she looked quite simple but beautiful. "I'm here" Lola said. on hearing her words, whitney got up hastingly "we are going to be so late today" whitney said as she gave out a sigh. "I'm done, let's go" Lola said as she passed whitney and headed for the door. "Lola where are your shoes" whitney asked . Lola then looked down at her feet "one minute" Lola said as she quickly rushed back inside. Whitney paced back and forth in the living room, while checking her wrist watch simontanously. Not long after, Lola came out with a pair of sneakers and they both left for school.

(Time skip)

An hour later, whitney and Lola arrived at school, they were late, but lucky, the lecturer was stuck in traffic so the lectures were delayed. Not too long after their arrival, the lecturer came. After classes were over, whitney and Lola were walking in the hall way with other students. They we're ready to leave school, because they didn't have any more classes that day. suddenly, a tall guy with dark long hair, brown eyes,a slightly muscular structure with pink lips in fact, he was every girls dream or let's say Lola's dream, because whitney wasn't paying much attention to him. but he was breath taking. "hello, I'm namjoon ho" the handsome guy introduced himself. "hi I'm Lola" Lola replied as she began to play with her hair in a flirty way, but whitney wasn't quite into the conversation. "hi I'm namjoon ho" he said again, as he extended his hands towards Whitney. "hello" whitney replied but didn't shake his hands. Lola then cuts in with an interested smile on her face and shook namjoon hos' hand. "I'm Lola Chen" she said still holding on to his hand firmly. namjoon ho pulled his hand out of Lola's grip and turned back to whitney "what's your name" he said to her in calm voice. "I'm whitney" she replied seeming less interested in the conversation every minute that passed by. Lola just stared as him in a wired way, like she was going to eat him up. on noticing this, whitney became uncomfortable "we have to go, we have places to be, but thanks for the intro" she said to namjoon ho and looked at Lola. "do we" Lola said confused and not wanting to leave. Whitney glared at her before she eventually spoke in a stressed intimidating tone to Lola "yes we do"whitney replied. Whitney then grabs Lola by the arm and pulled her along with her while giving nam ho a wave and a fakeish smile. namjoon ho smiled at her and waved in return. "bey nammy" Lola said in a flirty way as whitney draged her away. As soon as they got out of school, whitney let go of Lola's arm and just stared at her "why did you make us leave" Lola said as she pouted like a baby who wants candy, but it was taken away. "you literally almost suffocated him to death with your lustful eyes, like seriously "nammy" " whitney said, as she was baffled by Lola's actions. "you don't even know the guy" whitney added. "so, he is cute" Lola said as she folded her arms across each other. "every one is cute to you Lola" whitney exclaimed. "that's not true I have standards" Lola said in a childish manner. "fine go back and find him, but I won't make dinner for you" whitney said jokingly, knowing fully well that food was one of Lola's weaknesses. she wanted Lola to take her seriously, so she kept a straight face after making the statement and just walked away. "whitney wait for me" Lola said as she quickly followed whitney.