
Chapter 22: At home

At home, whitney and Lola are watching a k-drama and eating ice cream. The title of the k-drama was true beauty. suddenly, "I need love like this" Lola spoke as she smiled and closed her eyes, causing whitney to chring. "good for you, but I don't believe in love" whitney said as she deeped her spoon in her ice cream and stared at the tv. no hearing those statements, Lola opened her eyes and stopped smiling, then she turned to whitney before she spoke "but you love BTS" Lola said trying to confront her, whitney sighed and answered "that's different, it's a relationship between star and fan, nothing more" Lola looked at whitney in disbelief "so all the marry me namjoonie and I need you jungkookie was just fan show" Lola asked "duh, it's not that they would actually marry me or anything like that. things like that only happen in movies or comic or romance novels " whitney answered "you are too realistic, it's wired" Lola said to whitney. "thanks" she replied her with a smile "it's not a compliment" Lola said, as she hits her slightly. "watch it, you almost spilled my ice cream" whitney said, ad she tried to protect her ice cream. "that's for saying you don't believe in love" Lola said, she then folded her hands. "look, it's a movie, don't be such a drama queen, stuff like this Don't happen in reality" whitney said and placed a spoon of ice cream in her mouth and remained calm. Lola then turned to her again "I'm not being a drama queen, you have to love, there is true love, it's like a zing or a spark" Lola said facing Whitney. Whitney turns to look at her "I never said there isn't love, I only said I don't believe there is a thing such as true love" whitney then took a sigh and kept her ice cream on the table before she added "ok miss Lola true love, choose between Kim taehung and jeon jungkook" whitney said as she stared at Lola. Lola placed her hands on her jaw and began to think . moments later, Lola still couldn't make a choice, she just stuttered "em, hummm" . Whitney then spoke "you see, they both look good, there fore, people base love on looks. you can be with any of those guys and say you love them or you can even say you love them both, so reality is "you look good, people love you" she spoke in a convincing manner. her words caused Lola to stay silent for a while before she eventually murmured "there is love, I know there is love" she said with her head faced down. Whitney tooka sigh, and too her ice cream and continued eating "fine, what ever you say baby" whitney spoke teasingly. "I'm not a baby, there is true love" Lola pouted. her actions caused whitney to giggle slightly and they continued watching the movie. few minutes later, "the results will be announced in two days" Lola said to whitney. Whitney paused for a moment, her body language changed, see seemed scared. "I'm a bit nervous" whitney said to Lola. Lola then gave her a reassuring smile and said "trust your self, I know you will get picked, because you are my bestie and I trust your skill" . Whitney smiled at Lola in relief and said "I hope so, I will stay positive whitney said. "just two days before you become a trainee, I'll miss you, what if you meet bts and they become your trainer" Lola spoke with excitement and without control. Whitney stared at her with her mouth wide open "hey missy, slow your roll and wait until I get accepted, let's watch the drama please" whitney spoke as he waves her head side to side in disbelief. After moments, a kiss scene came on and this made whitney to Ching ."awww" Lola said as she held her face with both her hands and smiled. "ewww" whitney responded in disgust to the scene and Lola's action. Lola stopped smiling and glared at whitney. Whitney noticed Lola's glare and quickly turned her expression into a smile " sorry, I mean awwwwwn, they are exchanging saliva" whitney said and laughed. Lola smacked her with a pillow"ouch" whitney responded and they had a pillow fight before eventually going to bed.