
chapter 24: Announcement

The next day, Lola wakes up to the sound of a notification on her phone. she took her phone and rubbed her eyes before she finally opened it . she found a message and read it. "dear Whitney ogbewe, you have been accepted to be a trainee for hybe entertainment" the message said. on reading the final words, Lola screamed very loudly, causing whitney to storm into her room, whitney held a kitchen knife and frying pan, as if she was ready to attack some one. "what what" whitney spoke in panic. omg! lola continued still staring at her phone. "what Lola, you are scaring me, you better have a good explanation for all this" whitney spoke, and kept calm. moments later, "you got accepted for the auditions" Lola said as she ran towards whitney, she held her hands and shakes them in joy. on hearing those statements, Whitney's eyes widened, she froze for a moment, before giving out a very loud scream from her lips. Lola joined her and they both screamed, while jumping around together in Lola's room. after moments of jumping and screaming, they stood for a moment. Lola could clearly see the uncontrollable excitement in Whitney's eyes. "let's celebrate " Lola spoke. droplets of tears rolled down Whitney's cheeks "I really didn't think I would get accepted" she said, as she wiped her teary eyes with her arms. "it's ok, you deserve to win, you worked so hard" Lola said before pulling her in for a hug. pov( The memories of whitney getting rejected by so many companies, she auditioned for in the past flashed back in her memory and this made her cry even more.) Lola patted her on the back "it's ok, Please don't cry, you already got in. what you need now is how to focus on passing the trainee stage, you know that this is going to be very hard, so crying is the last thing you need" Lola said softly. whitney broke the hug and whipped her eyes "thank you, I have to be prepared no time for crying" whitney said, trying to encourage herself. "that's my girl, fighting" Lola replied. "but we have to celebrate, let's go out" Lola said. "I'm not in the mood to go out" whitney answered. "lies, we must" Lola replied. "I prefer to rest at home" whitney said. "it's a new place and it's really fancy" Lola replied, but whitney still refused "pleaseeeeeee" lola pouted. "ok fine, but you are not putting me in any tight dress, I want to wear pants" whitney said. "ummm, the dress is really Pretty, just this once" she said and pouted. "get your big eyes from my face, you look ulgy" whitney answered. Lola still continued to pout, and this time she did it more intensely. minutes later "fine, your eyes are hurting me" whitney said and took a sigh. "yeeee, I will go get the dress" Lola said, as she rushed in excitement to get the dress from her wardrobe. author: sorry, I forget to mention this in the beginning, Lola is a fashionista. Whitney sighs and leaves to her room.