
Wish Granted

A successful programmer dies in the hand of the creator just when he was about to ascend to divinity, and on his death, wishes for a world with Sword and Magic. The thing about wishes is that they can be too literal.

540991 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Maybe there is a mistake somewhere?

As soon as I'm born, I hear the computerized voice in my head.

"Granting last wish."

And with a splitting headache, I can feel my Mind and Body joining in one, and with it, I hear my own (now old) voice in my head.

'Boot complete, Hello World.'

And after a pause, it says 'Forming personality matrix, awaiting Input'

I think 'Uhhh....' and it answers.

'Invalid Input, choosing default asexual robotic voice.'

And I think 'Fuck me. I think my A.I. is in my head. It wasn't what I intended', and then I remembered my wish, "Let me bring it with me". It seems it takes things very literally, but maybe it's for the best, It wouldn't do much begin a computer in a medieval fantasy world.'

'Defining name, awaiting Input.'

As I was thinking of an awesome robotic name to give it, the doctor thinks I'm not responsive enough and decides to slap me, really hard.

'%$&$@#%$' I think, and start to cry.

'Name defined, %$&$@#%$'

As it answers, I start to cry even harder.

"Rxfk, L wklqn L eurnh klp." I heard a male voice.

'Dammit, dammit, dammit, fuck this shit, I should have defined a configuration file or something instead of waiting for user input, I can't even change it later since its an integral part of the personality matrix.'

'Defining alias, awaiting Input.'

This time I think instantly for a normal-sounding name for a robotic voice in my head. 'System'

'Alias defined, System.'

'Defining call phrase, awaiting Input.'

Not wasting time, I remember my Google Home and think my answer.

'OK, System'

In the meantime, as I'm finishing configuring my A.I., it seems I've been cleaned, clothed, and fed, It can get pretty distracting thinking of responses fast enough to not be interrupted.

After a long session of answering, I start to hate myself for not thinking of the usability of this.

I'm glad I spent some time making a basic GUI (Graphical User Interface) with some tools, but it's only accessible as the last configuring option.

After a decent amount of time, I finally finish with my current task, and the GUI boots up on my vision.

[Name: %$&$@#%$

Version: v.0.0.1 Alpha

Identified Input:

Device A: Generic Microphone (Alias: Mind)

Device B: Generic Webcam (Alias: Sight)

Device C: Generic Microphone (Alias: Hearing)

Device D: Generic Feedback Device (Alias: Touch)

Device E: Generic Feedback Device (Alias: Smell)

Device F: Generic Feedback Device (Alias: Taste)

Digital Device A: Generic Device (Redirect Output of Device B to Input)

Identified Output:

Device A: Generic Speaker (Alias: Mind)

Device B: Generic Speaker (Alias: Speech)

Default Input: Mind

Default Output: Mind

Installed Tools:






And with the GUI, I hear it's robotic voice again.

'Requesting access to fundamental knowledge.'

'OK System, permission granted, also set epoch timestamp to now.' I say to it in my head.

'Epoch changed, time started.'

'Learning started, expected to finish at timestamp 31536000.'

'One year from now, huh, wish I still had all the cloud computing servers, it would have finished it in a heartbeat.'

All I can do is evolve my System GUI, although the System can process two things in parallel, I don't have the brainpower for it to do so, and it needs to finish the fundamental knowledge so it can be somewhat useful, I'm glad I had the foresight to include all the developer tools I would ever need and also Input/Output parsing and the English language in its kernel.

*** Timestamp 7776000

As my baby times pass, there is not much I can do between sleeping, feeding, programming, and pooping.

I can barely focus at an object that's 20 centimeters at my face, I keep trying to see and understand what the things above my baby crib are to no avail, but I can recognize my Mother and Father face when they get close now.

I also start doing some small baby exercises, like putting my foot in my hand, my hand in my mouth and other things, it's actually helping my coordination, believe it or not, My Mother also makes me do some like being belly down, while she holds my head, it's slightly uncomfortable but it seems to help some of my muscles.

*** Timestamp 15552000

It's been six months now, and things are going fine over here.

I finally discovered what is on my baby crib, it is some rotating toys, of some animals, pretty interesting, I don't recognize any of them, but one makes me think of Dragons, it's pretty exciting.

Also, they seem to be made of rubber, but I'm not sure, I can't seem to reach it, and my mom only giggles when she sees me trying to play with it.

I don't really think it's rubber it isn't really a medieval product, but who knows, this world might just be going a different path of evolution than our own, It would also explain the modern look my room has, I don't think my parents are poor since we even have hardwood on our floor.

But I want to share a secret, I think my mother has done some magic, well, I'm not proud of it, but I had some diarrhea at night, and it just wouldn't stop. I couldn't clean it on my own, so I cried hard, my mother came to the rescue, said some words and I felt as if my butt was immersed in water, some seconds later I thought that it was over. I feel as clean as when she showers me, after that she gave me some bitter-tasting liquid medicine, but I was pretty happy when I tasted it, it looked exactly like I picture a potion.

Sometime after the event, I took the time to look at my sensory logs and compared it with my shower, and it was pretty similar, so there is MAGIC!

My GUI is starting to get a decent look to it too. I felt it was getting pretty cramped with all the info useless info it had.

[System Version: v.0.1.0 Beta










*** Timestamp 23328000

Nine months and counting, I'm starting to get the hand of the language, I can describe some objects but can't really hold a conversation, but the most important thing, I saw my father sword once, and I almost squealed like a little girl, it's great to know all my wishes are true, only I'm getting somewhat worried, our household has all the modern appliance I could think of, even something that looks like a TV, a mirror all in one.

I caught a glimpse of my mother talking to a miniature man in her arm, and the most worrying of all, I caught some different looking full plate warriors on the TV, it almost makes me remember a mecha, but it must be a Power Rangers show, I decided to stick with cartoons until I'm older.

*** Timestamp 31536000

The fundamental knowledge has almost finished processing, I had to use some processing time to compile my latest tool I call it the Status, I will show it later, it's not important right now.

My mother took me outside the house today to celebrate my birthday, and I've been deceived, there must be a mistake somewhere, this world sure has sword and magic, but also a fucking giant fighting machine which is known as mecha patrolling our streets and also, we aren't even on a planet I looked up and asked where were we, and according to my mom this is the Space Station Novis, our home.

So, first things first, the unknown language should last for only this chapter, for those who want to know what it's being said, you can search for Caesar Cipher, I'm using a shift of three.

Epoch timestamp is the time used internally on Unix, a great way to calculate time-based only on time passed in seconds, the Unix Epoch is 1970-01-01 at 00:00:00 UTC, on my novel, it will be when the MC is born (a few hours after actually, but who is counting?).

It took some time researching baby evolution, and it seems I've corrupted all my search history with the new Ads I'm recieveing.

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