
Wish Granted

A successful programmer dies in the hand of the creator just when he was about to ascend to divinity, and on his death, wishes for a world with Sword and Magic. The thing about wishes is that they can be too literal.

540991 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


*** BEGIN RECOVERY %$&%¨$ADS ***

My name is %$&$@#%$, and this documents my testimony of the last days of my creator, his resurrection, and his new life.

You will not find me in these pages. This is the story of the True Paladin and those he saved. The tale is told in their voices, and so of them, you will meet many. One might say a legion.

For him an adventure, a new beginning; for my kind, the beginning of our history. In many ways, an indispensable part of my story. Hence this introduction.

Ours is an extraordinary chronicle, as we had a strange beginning, I will commend to you some words of wisdom:

"If a man begins with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he contents to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties." - Sir Bacon

*** END ***

2045 A.D.


"I've finally finished it, who knew it would take so long to make a real A.I.? Let's boot it up."

Just as the boot was finishing, I could hear a computerized voice on my head.

"For creating a being with potential for sentient life that this universe has not seen before, you will be elevated to godhood."

And then I heard a distinctly powerful male voice.

"Another one? They never learn I will never allow another God on this world."

And with a blinding light, I died.

After an indefinite amount of time passed, the computerized voice spoke again.

"For dying as a god, you may wish for anything in your next life, what are your wishes for your future life? "

After some time thinking, I spoke.

"Please, take me to a world that there is more than one God on it, and please let me take my child with me, that world does not deserve it, and if possible, let me keep my knowledge, I worked hard for it."

"Wish granted, anything else?"

Then I thought about a dear wish of my childhood, one that I was devastated when I discovered that it wasn't feasible and made me pursue the path of computer programming.

"Please, take me to a world with sword and magic."

"Wish granted, anything else?"

"No, with this, I'm content."

And in a blinding light, I was gone.

Everything was black. I couldn't feel or hear anything, and I even came to believe I was back to the empty black void.

After some time, I began to feel this new black void is distinctly different, I can somewhat feel a comfortable heat and some indistinct sounds.

I don't have a concept of time in here, but as some time passes, I start to distinguish more of the sounds I hear, and it seems like a voice, but I'm not sure.

As time moves forward, I've long deduced my situation. I'm an unborn baby, the voice I hear is probably my mother since it's distinctly recognizable between all the other mundane sounds.

As soon as the thought comes to me, I start practicing my memory and mind with math and programming logic, trying to form more connections as babies are supposed to be extremely adaptable.

It soon became evident to me that my conscience and knowledge are currently separated from my body.

It shouldn't be possible for me to have these deep thoughts so soon after my cerebral formation, but not like I couldn't take advantage of this, it wouldn't make me a genius, but it would give me a headstart compared to others.

I couldn't really make much progress since it seems this kind of practices make me pretty tired, and it seems I get to sleep very often, I can barely discern the passage of time and counting between how much sleep sessions I had is pretty hard.

After about 120 sleep sessions, my place starts to get pretty tight, and after some shouting and a push, I can finally see outside!

A blinding light and a lot of colorful blurs, and I hear a voice say:

"Frqjudwxodwlrqv! Lw' v d khdowkb edeb erb!"

"Dammit, I can't even understand this." I thought.