
Wish Granted

A successful programmer dies in the hand of the creator just when he was about to ascend to divinity, and on his death, wishes for a world with Sword and Magic. The thing about wishes is that they can be too literal.

540991 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Growing Up

*** Year 3035

Yeah, I'm three years old, and this year I discovered what year we are, it's year 3035, I don't know from what reference they take and what marks the year zero, but it seems a pretty advanced year. Also, I'm getting pretty good with the language, I updated my log tool to include audio and video playback of the last week, it's taking some storage space in my brain but it's worth it, I'm recording my mother and father interactions so I can learn the language faster.

I did discover my parent's jobs, my father works in the army, I don't understand the hierarchy yet, but he seems to be an officer and my mother used to work in a school before she got pregnant with me.

There isn't much to tell, but there is one awesome news, my mother is getting my first magic kit for kids.

Yeah, I'm going to learn magic.

*** Year 3035 and a half, I think

So, today is my fourth birthday and I received my magic kit for kids, there are three devices in it, one seems like a terminal and a base, it looks pretty similar to a child computer on my old world, the second device is a bracelet, and the last one, is a metal doll target.

After the party with our extended family, I went to play with it. My father removed something in the garage and set up the kit for me to play with.

In the terminal, there is an area where I can put the bracelet, so I did it, and as I did it, the terminal turned on. There was a list of visual instructions and three variables I could select, and also an explaining video.

So, the first box, I could choose was the element, there were the primary four, wind, water, earth and fire, but earth and fire were grayed out, It seems my parents don't want me playing with it.

I choose wind on the first box and then selected the second box.

The second box seemed to be the delivery method, the only one available was through the bracelet, and then I could choose between it facing forward with my hand extended or downward with my hand resting, I decided to put it forward if I had two bracelets maybe I could fly like the Iron man, but with only one, it is better to use it to target it.

In the last box, I could choose the power and when to blow it up (if it would blow up).

I went with 100% power and blowing up, because why not?

I choose the third variables and pressed the big smiley green button, there was something different on the third icon, it was yellow or something, but I decided to go with it, because it's MAGIC TIME!

After pressing the button, I could feel the air vibrating and them the bracelet was propped up, floating. I took it and put it on, there was a big red button on the bracelet, I aimed at our garage door and pressed it.

It vibrated and made a sad face on the screen, then I aimed at the doll and pressed again. This time, it showed a smile and a loading bar, as the bar loaded I started to feel light-headed, when it finished I could barely keep my eye open, and when it fired, it was glorious, and... Oh, bad idea.

And everything went black.

*** Year 3035 and a half, and a day

Long story short, it's not a good idea to use 100% of your power on your spell. When it fired, blacked-out for the rest of the day, my mother was expecting this, and she playfully let me do it, she told me she was watching behind the door and saw me selecting the 100% and let it happen so I could learn from it. after I woke up my mother explained to me that it was channeling all the magic avaliable around the bracelet through me and then firing it, since I'm a kid, my body wasn't made to cope with this and I blackened out as the failsafe activated, I asked my mother if there was a way to cope with it, and she said yes, after I became older I'll be able to cope with one and then two bracelets, anything more, I just need to pilot a mage mecha as a wizard, and with this information, my mind blew up with possibilities, then I asked my mother if a mage mecha could fight with a sword too, and she said usually no, those that do are called the knight mecha, and they don't use magic because the magic core device is extremely volatile, so a sword cut might just make it blow up.

She also said that there actually is a way to use magic and sword, and that is through divine intervention, with the help of a divine being it would power up the magic for you, so you don't actually need the magic core device, only the other auxiliary tools, the mechas that were half knight half mages were called paladins.

[System Version: v.0.3.6 Beta

Body Status

Head: 100%

Torso: 100%

Left Arm: 100%

Right Arm: 100%

Left Leg: 100%

Right Leg: 100%

Mind: 100%





Body Status





Memory Playback


Sorry for the delay, I had some personal stuff to attend to.

A small chapter today, there isn't much to say before the teen age, I will do small time skips like I've been doing with relevant events.

About magic, this isn't a cultivation story, so he can't actually get better at magic by doing magic (besides the actual experience and understanding that comes with doing magic logically)

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