
You must survive

After dr Cameron & Jake trying to help dr Alice Dr Alice pulse is still dropping the doctors started running into the room Alice was about to close her eyes. Cameron / Jake scream no please don't please don't die I love you Alice open her eyes and looked at Cameron and said I love you too please take care of yourself our friends goodbye Alice close her eyes jake said let's do surgery. The doctors started to Get the surgery started after 6 hours of surgery Alice survive but she's in a coma Cameron and Jake is very stressed they bust out crying and screaming saying I love you so much please get better I want you to always be happy 20 days later dr.Kim went to check on Alice he exam her and sigh. And said this is not good if she stay in this coma for 30 more days she will die mr Kim was sad he shakes his head and said let's do a another blood transfusion dr Cameron was behind the door listening Cameron started to walk away and started thinking about how he met Alice after he comes out his thoughts he said she will survive I believe that 

10 days later the doctors walk to Alice room soon as they got in the room they looked at her vitals signs they wasn't too good the doctors said oh no we only have 15 days left please Alice wake up we all missed you so much they all left the room sigh 5 Days later Cameron was in the cafeteria hanging with Jake and mr Kim Cameron was drinking coffee and started to think about his memory with Alice a annoying voice interrupted his thoughts he look at her and said ugh with a disturbing face umm excuse me what do you want savanna? Savanna Replied me? What do think I'm asking you out I love you will you marry me? Jake looked and put his head down and laugh Cameron replied to her hell no I have no feelings for you Savanna roll her eyes and throw his spoon on the floor and said oops you dropped something Cameron bent over to get his spoon savanna went and put sleeping pills inside his cup and Jakes too after picking up the spoon he said you are Crazy savanna then he drunk his coffee and Jake also drunk his savanna sat down beside Cameron Cameron said what the hell are you doing? Savanna replied looking at your handsome face of course Cameron roll his eyes 10 minutes later he and Jake had falling asleep savanna carry him into the empty laboratory she lay him down started to unbutton his shirt and said woah handsome man you all mine now. She was about to kiss him then dr Kim bust in the room with Jake and police savanna looked and said what the hell is happening? Cameron woken up and said haha we caught you wow another devil got caught he started laughing wow how many psycho is in this hospital?

if you are wondering how dr Jake woken up dr Kim gave him medicine to get rid of the sleeping medicine let's get back to the story 

savanna evilly laugh and said I will always love you don't worry Alice your love? She won't make it alive good luck you will marry me instead of her. Cameron looked then said mr Kim get her out of here he angrily said the police took her out Jake said bro are you okay? Cameron replied yeah I'm good thanks man 10 days later it was time to see if Alice is out of the coma he went to her room but something bad had happened...