

Cameron's smile faded. Alice wasn't in the room. He alerted all the doctors. Five minutes later, the doctors started rushing and said, What happened? Cameron said someone kidnapped Alice. Everyone screamed, How? Cameron said I would find you, my love, soon. As he walked out of the room, he received a call. He answered his phone and said, Who is this? The person on the phone started laughing crazily. Cameron said, Wait, Savanna? Savanna said yes, it's me. I kidnapped your love, Alice. If you don't want her to die, come to this address: xxxx16 street, and you remember the girl y'all put in jail? That was my sister, and guess what? She escaped the hell hole. The police are looking for her anyway. Do you hear your love screaming? Ah, yes, she woke up. She's not dead yet. I love hearing her cry and scream. It's music to my ears. Cameron scream Alice, my love Alice screamed because Savanna kicked her stomach. Cameron said you better not hurt her. She said, Oops, too late. I just kicked her. Do you hear her screams? Ahh, Cameron said, Just wait, you little bitch. I'm coming now. Savanna laughed and said, Hurry up because of her condition. She's not looking very well. Savanna hung up the phone. Cameron and Jake got in the car and left 20 minutes later. They arrived at the palace. They rushed inside the building. They heard screaming. They followed the sound, and when they saw what they saw, their hearts dropped and tears were dripping out of their eyes. They screamed Alice's name. Alice looked and whispered, Cameron, why did you come here? You must leave the hell place." Savanna said, Oh, hello boys, aww, you see your girl is ugly now. Look at all this blood, huh? Well, I will kill her here right now. Say bye bye, Cameron. Savanna was about to shoot Alice. The police shot Savanna and her sister. The sister died instantly. Savanna was still alive. The police handcuffed her. Savanna said I would return. Always watch your backs. All of you. From now on, the police took her away. Cameron started running to Alice, started to cut the rope off of her, and said, I'm here now, my love.They both started crying. He said, Come on, let's take you to my my house." He put Alice in his arms and carried her to his house. A few minutes later, they arrived. They went inside the house. Cameron said, "Alice, let me clean you up." She nodded her head. He took her to the bathroom and started to bathe her. After washing carried her into the dining room. He said, Let me cook for you.After cooking and making her favorite coffee, she was happy. Alice was looking into Cameron's eyes, and Cameron was looking into Alice's eyes. Their faces were getting closer and closer until their lips kissed. The kiss was sensational and passionate, full of love. Cameron put his hand on her thighs. His hands were going higher and higher and higher. Alice moans loudly. Cameron smirked and said, You are so wet. Oops, did I do that? Alice replied, Yes, baby, I'm wet for you. The kiss got more intense as he slid her underwear off and inserted his fingers in her, thrusting his fingers deeply. Alice moans louder. Cameron smirked, took his pants off, and said to Alice, Baby, I'm about to make you scream my name out loud." He took his underwear off and inserted it inside her. Alice moans, and he starts thrusting hard and faster. Alice started moaning louder and louder and started to scream, Yes, daddy." Cameron smirked harder, and things got more intense after 5 hours. They both lay down, breathing heavily, and they both said, I love you. Good night. One month later, Alice was getting ready for work, but she had been vomiting lately. She found out she was pregnant. Cameron called her and said, Meet me at the beach by 11:00." Alice went to the beach and started crying. Cameron had surprised her. Cameron walked up to her and said, My love, I loved you when I first met you. You are the love of my life. I can't live without you. Will you marry me? Alice said yes; of course I will. She kissed him. And I said I have something to tell you: I'm pregnant. Cameron said, Really, baby, I'm so happy." They both started slow dancing to enjoy the night. Nine months later, the baby girl was born. They named her Baby Miracle. 5 years later. Everyone had met up in the park. Jake had found a wife and had a child. Miracle said, and Daddy Cameron replied, Yes, Miracle said, I want a brother. I'm lonely. Cameron said, Don't worry, your wish will be granted in nine months. He pulled Alice's waist and whispered, Get ready for baby number 2. It's our baby wish, he smirked. Alice's eyes got big, and her cheeks got red. They all started laughing, and they have all lived happily ever since.