
Winner in Life System (BL)

Arthur unexpectedly transmigrated to the parallel world after the university examination. As a foreigner growing up in China since birth, possessing foresight of future events, he thought that his life would be even smoother than his previous live. Unexpectedly, the Winner in Life system also came. Arthur, said with emotions: "I no longer have to struggle in this life!" System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the VIP privilege gift package gaining 5 attributes points and gaining the skill, 【Driving a Ferrari with one hand】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Absolute focus】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Consumption Rebate Critical Card】… .... With the help of the system, the rich and handsome Arthur found that he seemed to be on the path to becoming an Almighty Male God, … However, in this life, this Male god also capture the hearts of other high-quality men, achieving the peak of life. Note: - The novel depicts the relationship of Male x Male. The mc will have his Harem so take cautions. - This novel takes heavy reference from CN Danmei novels, and urban novels (mostly the latter) - This is my first novel ever, starting purely from my own interests. Hope I will receive your support. - The cover photo does not belong to me. Source: Pinterest

Arthur_ErosGod · LGBT+
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43 Chs

Next morning

In such a situation, Feng Yang didn't know it, but the youth was completely awake!

Due to the influence of alcohol, Arthur's eyes were moist and not as clear as before. He could just barely open them. His blurred eyes stared at the ceiling without any focus. After a long pause, he coughed twice and his eyes gradually regained their clarity.

'Damn it! I obviously overestimate my alcohol tolerance.' He thought.

'It's also because I am also bothered by that failed confession more than I expected.' Letting out a long sigh, he reflected upon himself.

As most reader could've guessed, the plan B of Arthur is simply a routine often used on televisions. After the first failed unsuccessful confession, Arthur intended utilize his self-cultivation as an actor and take drunkenness as an excuse to do some unscrupulous things with Feng Yang.

He understood that Feng Yang, this dead arrogant man, would remain forever inactive without any hard push. Therefore, in Arthur's plan, he would first use alcohol to relax his vigilance, and subsequently create some accidents to provoke this iceberg. Even if his attempts resulted in utter failure, he wouldn't have lost anything anyways. He could then just laugh it off and dumped the blame on the wine.

Yes, that was the plan.

But the plan could not catch up with the reality!

The misshape in his plan boils down to a single point...

He stupidly overestimated his alcohol capacity!

Luckily, despite not following the initial outline of his, the plan was not a complete dismal.

Turning back to some time ago, just by the time Feng Yang dragged him back to the house, he was still muddle-headed.

When Feng Yang sat beside his bed and stroked his lips, Arthur thought it was a dream and pulled the other person into his arms, simply intending to hold him as a pillow and sleep well.

But once he actually embraced the other person, he was clearly awakened by the high temperature from the other's body. He immediately sobered up. Arthur then realized that he unexpectedly did such a thing in his daze.

Caught by surprise, Arthur's subconscious response was to ... pretend to be sleeping.

Back then, his mind was really dizzy!

He felt like Feng Yang was going to do something. Thus, Arthur could only shout the name of his dog… Keke, it was the name of a dog and the strange atmosphere was quickly broken.

His eyes might not be open, but Arthur knew that his lips might only be half a centimeter away from the man's lips.

Did he not want to kiss Feng Yang?

That wasn't it.

Arthur just felt that today was definitely not a good time. He was currently suffering from a bit of mental confusion from his drunkenness. Once their lips touched each other's, it is also synonymous with confirming their relationship. 

Some people might say it's kind of stupid as Feng Yang's initiative earlier was literally delivering meat to his mouth. However, to Arthur's liking, he absolutely did not want their relationship to be initiated when the world in his head is spinning around! 

Looking at the big picture, one could not claim Arthur's plan was an utter failure. At least, he believed that after this night, Feng Yang had definitely confirmed his own thoughts.

The next time, he would definitely not refuse Arthur's courtship!

With these strange thoughts, Arthur once again fell asleep.


Once he woke up again, the sky was already bright. Golden sunlight could be seen piercing through the gap in the bedroom door.

Arthur touched his forehead and found that he luckily no longer suffers from the hungover. His body, though sores a little, was still as good as ever.

Looking around the room, there is no shadow of Feng Yang anywhere. Arthur froze a little bit.

Right when the feeling of loss washed over him, the person he was looking for was seen carrying a tray of food and lightly pushing the door open. He was slightly startled when he saw that Arthur was awakened. His eyes subconsciously dodged a bit before looking straight into the youth's eyes. 

Seeing this figure, our Little Arthur's face turned 180 degrees and brightened up. The sight was as if a little sun showed up after the dark clouds.

Seeing such a sight, Feng Yang felt quite amused and warm-hearted. Mentally laughing in his mind, he set the dinner plate on the bedside table, before handed Arthur a cup of clear, almost transparent liquid.

Arthur shivered and blinked. "?"

What was this?

The handsome and elegant man rolled up his cuffs, revealing his thin wrists. Then Feng Yang spoke like it was natural. "Coconut water. It helps rehydrating after the hangover"

Arthur obediently placed the cup in his mouth and drank it.

Feng Yang was very patient and picked up a bowl of red bean and glutinous rice porridge. He kept stirring the porridge with a small spoon to help it cool down. The glutinous rice porridge was really thick and delicate. Every grain of glutinous rice was like tiny broken pearls. They rolled round and round in the porridge soup.

The red beams were thoroughly boiled and seemed to have become red bean paste. The red bean paste mixed with the milky white glutinous rice looked sweet and savory. It was particularly attractive.

Arthur, " Wait, it's just a hangover. You're treating me like I'm sick(⊙口⊙)!!!"

Feng Yang had no reactions on his face. He calmly put down the glutinous rice porridge, causing Arthur to stare at the dish.

The porridge at the hotel was cooked very well. Then look at the side dishes, which were light, refreshing and beautifully placed. There was even a carved flower radish next to the pickles! 

Arthur, "…"

The chef of this hotel was really attentive…

Feng Yang turned to look at Arthur when he finished drinking the coconut water. However, he suddenly became startled.

The youth had just woken up and there was a layer of translucent water on his throat. He was no longer drunk, but his cheeks were still red and his lips were bright and shiny.

Feng Yang fixed his mind and said quietly, "I want to cook for you. But it's a pity as it's impossible to do it in the hotel."

Arthur received the bowl of porridge from Feng Yang and couldn't smile jokingly, " You don't have to pretend? I don't believe our price Feng could cook though."

Feeling quite offended, Feng Yang raised his eyebrow and respond coldly humped "Believe it or not."

As he spoke, Feng Yang placed a small table on the bed and put more dishes on it one by one for Arthur.


Arthur felt that it was strange to listen and talk with Feng Yang by the bedside while eating glutinous rice porridge! Sometimes he would take a few sips, put down the porridge and speak a few words, then eat from the bowl again!

He felt like he was a child, being taken care of by his old father!

Arthur complained in his mind but he was still honestly eating the porridge with relish. After a while, Feng Yang asked, "What is your schedule tonight?"

Hearing the question, Arthur jerked and looked at Feng Yuan. The latter was looking down at him with a mysterious expression. There wasn't much to be seen on the cold and elegant face.

Arthur instantly smiled, "Nothing actually! I came to Shanghai only for shopping. But out of my expectation, I actually met you. Actually, after we registered at the university, we would have fewer occasions like this though. So, perhaps, after you finish your things here, would you mind accompanying this fellow of yours?"

Without replying, Feng Yang looked down the youth in silence and with a little melancholy. 

Yes, after a few days, they would have to wait for a long time for a full day together like this.

It is because he and Arthur would actually go to two completely different universities. Arthur would register to The Jilin University of Finance and Economics, which is far away at Changchun, Jilin. As for Feng Yang, he would then go to Fudan University, one of the top universities of China located in Shanghai. It was also mostly for the registration to Fudan University that he came to this city.

Not to mention they studied at different schools. They are even at different cities!

The fastest way to travel between the two cities is by train. Although the journey on train only took about 2 hours, travelling in the inner part of the cities to each other's place might take quite more time. Even if the travelling time posed no problems, they have to also consider their own works at the university.

By the time they officially attend the school, their time for each other is surely limited!

That's also the reason why Arthur was trying so hard to come up with some tricks these days.

... Love is war!

For a person like Feng Yang, if it had not been for his constant bombardment these days and he instead engaged in the attrition warfare, what if the feelings that he has painstakingly cultivated started to wear down.

Of course, Arthur believed his efforts would not crumble that easily. However, now that they haven't taken the last step to confirm the relationship, Arthur could not be blindly confident.


Having all these thoughts in mind, Arthur once again resolved his resolution to officially take down Feng Yang. Little did he know his man was also having these considerations and about to take some practical actions!

Feng Yang then said: "If you had nothing to do, why don't you accompany me to the Fudan university this afternoon. I am going to finish my registration there. Afterwards, we could go somewhere together tonight ....!"

Not letting Feng Yang finish his words, Arthur agreed directly "That's the plan."

At this moment, Arthur suddenly realized that Feng Yang had finished packing his luggage and seemed ready to go somewhere.

He asked subconsciously: "Are you going anywhere now?"

Hearing the boy's voice filled with a tinge of sadness, Feng Yang's heart thumped. He suddenly felt like spoiling this man so much!

Patting the youth's soft blond hair gently, Feng Yang said: "Well, I had to a few things to do. Wait for me 'til the afternoon and I would come and pick you up."

Hearing this answer, Arthur calmed down and continued to eat happily.


It felt that just after a single night, their relationship was quickly heated up. What both of they want to do now is just finding a chance to confirm their feelings with each other.

After talking together for about half an hour, Feng Yang decided to set off. Before he walked out of the room, he suddenly said:

"By the way Arthur, check out of the hotel in the afternoon! Tonight, let's spend some time at my place!"

The sound of the closed door then sounded, followed by some heavy hasty footsteps. There seems to be a person who was walking hurriedly because of shyness from his own ambiguous words.

Arthur stared at the door dumbfounded and then laughed loudly.

It seems that this night is destined to be promising...


NOTE: The following update schedule will be quite erratic, at least until the next week. 

I have to focus on the upcoming exam. The Accounting - Auditing knowledge of this semester is much harder than my previous one, that's why I want to place more emphasis on it. 

I will not stop updating entirely but will only update 1 chapter each 2 or 3 days. Hope you guys could understand.

Again,thank you you guys for your constant support. I really deeply treasure it!

Finally, the ralationship between Feng Yang and Arthur is about to reach the critical stage.

During writing their romantic progess, I stumbled quite a lot. Hope you guys could give me some comments. Because I really find that the more I focused on this aspect, the worse I write. I don't know if it were an illusion or not :((.

Arthur_ErosGodcreators' thoughts