
Winner in Life System (BL)

Arthur unexpectedly transmigrated to the parallel world after the university examination. As a foreigner growing up in China since birth, possessing foresight of future events, he thought that his life would be even smoother than his previous live. Unexpectedly, the Winner in Life system also came. Arthur, said with emotions: "I no longer have to struggle in this life!" System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the VIP privilege gift package gaining 5 attributes points and gaining the skill, 【Driving a Ferrari with one hand】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Absolute focus】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Consumption Rebate Critical Card】… .... With the help of the system, the rich and handsome Arthur found that he seemed to be on the path to becoming an Almighty Male God, … However, in this life, this Male god also capture the hearts of other high-quality men, achieving the peak of life. Note: - The novel depicts the relationship of Male x Male. The mc will have his Harem so take cautions. - This novel takes heavy reference from CN Danmei novels, and urban novels (mostly the latter) - This is my first novel ever, starting purely from my own interests. Hope I will receive your support. - The cover photo does not belong to me. Source: Pinterest

Arthur_ErosGod · LGBT+
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43 Chs

System product must be boutique!

As it was still early in the morning, Arthur found nothing to do before his date with Feng Yang. Thinking it was really boring to stay at room like this he decided to go swimming for a while.

The Four Seasons Hotel's swimming pool is located on the top floor and is also equipped with a gym.

The environment of the swimming pool is very good. If you are tired from swimming, you can rest in the lounge area and enjoy the scenery below while looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass.

It's just that the price of the swimsuits is relatively expensive. A pair of swimming trunks costs 300 yuan. As Arthur made the decision on a whim and had not prepared any swimming clothes, of course he had to buy one.

Walking out of the changing room, Arthur immediately attracted numerous sights from others. A handsome athletic boy emerged in nothing but his swimming trunks. Arthur's muscle appeared not bloated, but lean and proportional. His attractive figure, especially his clear abdominal muscles and V-line full of manly hormones, exude fatal temptation to anyone putting their eyes onto.

Arthur paid no attention to these eyes and went directly to the swimming pool. During his time alone, there are several girls tried to ask for his contact information. But they got tactfully refused by Arthur and could only reluctantly left in regrets.

After spending some time swimming around, Arthur had finally emerged from the water.

He sat on the lounge chair and was breathing heavily.

At this time, a bottle of mineral water appeared in his vision.

Arthur was taken aback for a moment. He looked up and found out that there was a young man handing him the water bottle. The young man seemed to be swimming alongside with him several times now.

The man doesn't look very old, about twenty years old. He had very handsome appearance, with a pair of extremely clear eyes. The man also wore only the swimming trunks, exposing his sculpted body, full of hormones.

Arthur took the water and thanked him, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

The young man waved his hand and stared at the watch on Arthur's wrist and said, "The watch is very beautiful."

Just as Arthur was about to speak, he discovered that the young man was also wearing the same Vacheron Constantin series on his wrist.

Both of their watches had royal blue dials.

Their watches turned out to be the same, except that the strap of the young man's watch was replaced with a rubber one.

It wasn't until this time that Arthur understood why this man would give him water.

Shaking his watch, Arthur smiled and said, "It's quite a coincidence."

After taking a sip of the bottled water, the young man said: "Also, let me give you a suggestion. It is best to change the strap of the watch to the rubber strap. Metal straps are not very suitable for sports."

"I bought a watch for the first time, so I don't know much. Thank you for your suggestion." Arthur smiled.

The young man then asked: "By the way, do you want to continue?"

Arthur glanced at the time and shook his head and said, "No. I'll get going now. I still have something to do."

"Okay. See you around!" said the young man and then left. 

Arthur looked at his back for a moment then proceeded to return to his room. Even though this man's appearance was really superb, his head is now filled with the images of Feng Yang.

Taking a shower and blow-drying his hair, time has approached noon unknowingly. Checking the phone, Arthur found that Feng Yang had yet to send him any message. Not wanting to inadvertently disrupt his schedule, Arthur decided to go the hotel's restaurant again to fill his stomach before returning to his room.


Sitting on the bed, Arthur began to sip a cup of tea and studied the system shop. 

This new feature has made its appearance in the previous chapter. But only now did Arthur have time to study it in-depth.

At present, this system shop will only refresh one product at a time. He wonders if the number of products will increase as the system level increased.

What makes Arthur most depressed is that if he doesn't buy the items in the shop, the shop will not refresh.

In other words, no matter what product it is, he must buy it if he wants the system shop to refresh!

"I always feel that this system has some hidden agenda or something!" Arthur said.

Shaking his head, he looks at the only item in the shop.


[Hot Weapon Enhancing Pill]: This bill will have unexpectedly miraculous effect to your body. Price: 100,000 yuan! ... [Further information available after purchase]


Looking at the product description, Arthur had a lot of question marks on his head.

He thought that this pill is simply some supernatural product to enhance the power of hot weapons, such as a gun, or something?

Because of this, he initially thought it was completely useless as he could not gain access to a gun. In China, it is illegal to privately possess a gun, okay?

However, contrary to his expectation, this pill was used to improve his physique.

But the naming is too weird, right?

What's more, the system is still playing coy, not fully revealing the effect of the products!

Nevertheless, Arthur without hesitation...

Buy! Buy! Buy!

A pill to enhance physique!

A pill that only appeared in the cultivation novel! 

Whatever its specific effect was, Arthur believed it was definitely against the sky. Not to mention only 100,000 yuan. He would not hesitate even if it cost 500,000. 

He just spent one hundred thousand yuan to refresh the system shop anyways, and it will also increase the experience points.

Keeping this in mind, he believed that the 100,00 yuan was definitely a steal deal.

"Buy the product!"

After the purchase, the column of the system shop suddenly changed.


Host: Arthur Farlier

Grade: LV3

LV3 Privilege Reward: "Every time you blink, you will get 0.4 yuan."

Upgrade experience: 126,900/1,000,000 (Experience points can only be obtained through spending, not through loans or money earned!)

System Shop: 23:59:59 left before the next product refresh.

Props: [Hot Weapon Enhancing Pill]

Skill: [Driving a Ferrari with one hand]; [ Gay-dar Identification Aura]

Amount: 749,808.1 yuan

The experience points needed to achieve LV4 are more than 800,000 points.

Arthur currently has earnings of 740,000. Based on his current daily income of 7,680, he will be able to accumulate enough money to upgrade again in about fifteen days.

In fact, Arthur had many other methods to quickly upgrade the system level, but he didn't implement them.

The main reason is that he does not want to disrupt his lifestyle and become a slave to money.

There are many ways in making money. But Arthur feels that enjoying life and doing what you like the most is the most important thing.


Holding a small wooden box in his hand, Arthur carefully studying the pill, which just appeared out of thin air! The pill's appearance resembles a green pearl, with smooth and lustering surface. Its appearance is just of a typical pill in a freaking cliché Chinese cultivation novel!

Holding the pill in his palm, Arthur looked as if he were weighing the pill. But the truth is that right now, his mind was a little bit confused. He mentally lit a stick of incense to Buddha in his mind, hoping his future life will not be dog-blooded like those urban novels.

Calming his mind, Arthur started reading the full description of this pill, which was only available now.

However, after a minute, his hand holding the pill seemed to freeze. And an inexplicable expression etched on his handsome face. This pill indeed improves his physique, but not in the way he expected!

What appeared in his line of sight is...

[Hot Weapon Enhancing Pill]: This bill will transform your body to become optimal for sexual intercourse. Your tightness and adaptability were optimized to bring your partner otherworldly pleasure. Once somebody experience a night with you, he could no longer leave you!

Arthur was silent for a second....

A minute...

Only after more than a minute, he could not help but burst into foul language:


This system is really not serious!

Arthur definitely would not admit that he had any dirty thoughts. This system definitely slandered him by offering this foul pill as the first product in the system shop.

Jumping up and down in the room for a while, Arthur sat down in silence. Suddenly, his face blushed intensely, and he decided to ... take that pill IMMEDIATELY.

It's definitely not because he had any bad thoughts. He did this only for Feng Yang, okay?

Even though Arthur had cultivated hard to gain knowledge about the entanglement between man and man, what he had was only limited to theories without practice. He absolutely did not want his first time to a big turn-off with his soon-to-be boyfriend!


Righteously forcing himself to think so, Arthur carefully felt the change brought about by the pill to his body.

Lifting his clothes, he then closely examined his muscles. The pill did not improve his strength and muscles. However, he could feel that his dick's size was a bit longer, reaching 18 cm. It was already impressive, considering he was still in his growing period. But what's more noticeable to him was that his butt became much sturdier and perkier. 

Carefully touching his butt, a hint of redness reached his neck as he felt the apparently increased sensitive reactions brought about. Only after touching his body for a whole while did Arthur finally calm himself down.

Arthur suddenly remembered a famous quote: 

'When you really want something, the whole universe conspires to make it happen'

Because right now, Arthur felt that the whole world was pushing him to do the deed with Feng Yang tonight!

If this was God's will, he ... will... reluctantly comply!

Imagining the scene 'unsuitable for children' with Feng Yang tonight, Arthur's breath quickened. Then, he suddenly slapped himself hard in the face.

'Arthur, you fucking horny sinner!'


While Arthur was messed up because of the new system product, he didn't know a person was busily preparing for their unforgettable night.

Right now, Feng Yang was in an apartment, doing some quick cleaning. Although this was actually his uncle's property, he rarely spent his time here because of his jobs. Therefore, his parents had previously contacted his uncle and managed to rent this place for his days outside dormitory (Note: In China, there is usually a residential area on campus where many staff and students live. Many students find living in dormitories convenient, and only spent some leisure time in their own accommodation). This was the accommodation that he was going to stay on his trip to Shanghai in the first place. It was only because he wanted to stay with Arthur with a valid reason that he, in a moment, decided to follow him to the hotel.

Now that their relationship needed a breakthrough, he decided to bring Arthur to this place.

Because it was not actually taken care of for quite some time, he needed to do a quick clean-up. Afterwards, he bought several ingredients and put them in the fridge. Feng Yang then did some other trivial preparations and heaved a sigh.

He then took a shower to wash off the sweats and changed to an outfit comprised of a light blue shirt, paired with a dark blue pants. Finishing all the cumbersome preparation, Feng Yang finally called Arthur.


2-3 chapters countdown to the deed?

The updating schedule was getting more and more erratic in recent days. However, I still want to express my most sincere thanks towards fellow readers, who have constantly gave me their support.

Your supports are what motivate me with this novel everyday!

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