
Winner in Life System (BL)

Arthur unexpectedly transmigrated to the parallel world after the university examination. As a foreigner growing up in China since birth, possessing foresight of future events, he thought that his life would be even smoother than his previous live. Unexpectedly, the Winner in Life system also came. Arthur, said with emotions: "I no longer have to struggle in this life!" System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the VIP privilege gift package gaining 5 attributes points and gaining the skill, 【Driving a Ferrari with one hand】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Absolute focus】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Consumption Rebate Critical Card】… .... With the help of the system, the rich and handsome Arthur found that he seemed to be on the path to becoming an Almighty Male God, … However, in this life, this Male god also capture the hearts of other high-quality men, achieving the peak of life. Note: - The novel depicts the relationship of Male x Male. The mc will have his Harem so take cautions. - This novel takes heavy reference from CN Danmei novels, and urban novels (mostly the latter) - This is my first novel ever, starting purely from my own interests. Hope I will receive your support. - The cover photo does not belong to me. Source: Pinterest

Arthur_ErosGod · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Don’t do it. Itchy…

The night has long descended to Shanghai. The sky resembled a vast canvas of inky black stretched overhead, adorned with twinkling stars.

On the deserted streets at the end of the day, Feng Yang slowly walked back to the hotel while carrying the utterly wasted Arthur.

The influence of alcohol gave rise to Arthur's body temperature, which magnified the presence of the said person on Feng Yang's back. The skin-to-skin contact made Feng Yang's heartbeat faster than ever.

Thankfully, the silence at the late night had helped soothing his mood more or less, enabling him a moment of recollection. Looking back, he felt as if too many special things had crashed into his life altogether in just a single day.

Up until this moment, the thing that haunted him the most was when Arthur asked him about his feeling.

In fact, many times, Feng Yang has muddled over his emotions and relationship Arthur. But all every single time, he can't seem to ever make up his mind.

However, right now, looking sideways to the face of the youth resting peacefully on his shoulder, a trace of regret and pain shrouded in his heart.

Thinking of the youth lost face rembling a abandoned puppy (scene filtered by Feng Yang's imagination) when he brushed things off, he wished he could turn back time and gave himself a hard slap in the face.

'Maybe I should have just agreed. Whatever our relationship might become, let's see how things will go. At least, I would not have the feeling of regrets'

'But now it's too late, though' He thought, heaving a sigh of regrets.

'But if there were another chance, I would not hesitate to grab it tightly'

The night appears quiet, while the inner world of the big man is experiencing waves of turbulence. 

Lost in his own inner drama, Feng Yang succeeded in dragging Arthur back to the hotel. If Feng Yang had not specifically paid attention to keeping fit, a big man like Arthur would have to crawl his way back to the hotel room. 

Opening the room, the first thing Feng Yang do is to gently place the seemingly unconscious youth on the bed. He then sat silently besides the bed. His eyes fall attentively on the undefensive Arthur. 

The youth on the bed had red cheeks and jade-like skin, which is now dyed pink due to drunkenness. His eyes were closed tightly, but his long eyelashes were fluttering like butterfly wings. Under the influence of alcohol, and his forehead was wet from the sweat. 

Feng Yang pushed the wet blond hair to one side, revealing the youth's white forehead. Right now, the handsome youth has exposed his unseen side to him, a side full of vulnerability.

Feng Yang's eyes darkened.

'I should not leave him sleeping in his sweaty clothes, or he might get sick!' Feng Yang thought righteously.

Arthur's shirt, usually crisp, was now rumpled and clinging uncomfortably to his warm skin. Feng Yang began unbuttoning it slowly, each movement deliberate and quiet. The first few buttons yielded easily, but a stubborn one near his collar caught. After some time, Feng Yang finally took off the shirt, completely exposing the youth upper body to his line of sight.

His unexpectedly muscular body is then revealed. The smooth skin, wide shoulder and narrow waist emitted deadly temptation, causing a rush of heat to Feng Yang's lower body. Arthur's chest rose and fell gently with each breath, a testament to his deep slumber.

The current Arthur didn't have the momentum of the past. He had a sensual beauty, causing Feng Yang's heart to shake intensely.

Thinking back of his every moment beside Arthur, his liveliness, his confidence, his mischievousness and his grandeur.

No matter what, his Arthur was always beautiful.

He was so beautiful that he made Feng Yang, in a single moment, resolutely abandon all his schedule in Shanghai to accompany him here.

The man's slender fingers slowly descended from the youth's eyes, along the beautiful curves of the face to the youth's lips. Feng Yang looked at the lips that were slightly dry from drunkenness and frowned slightly. Then he gently rubbed the delicate lips with his fingers.

His movements were gentle but touching the most delicate place was bound to cause a sensitive reaction.

Feng Yang sat by the bed in silence, stroking the dry lips with his fingers, as if to make them feel better. But in the next second, the boy opened his hazy eyes, stretched out a hand and pulled him down!


The sound of fabric rubbing against each other was heard in the quiet room.

Presumably because of the alcohol, the youth's slightly dry lips were very hot. Once the lips rubbed over his cheeks, the temperature was so hot that Feng Yang froze, allowing Arthur to drag him into his arms.

…Don't ask why Arthur suddenly had so much strength.

At this moment, Feng Yang's entire upper body was dragged down by the other boy and he lay parallel on the bed in the youth's arms, making him slightly… at a loss.

Arthur's left hand was gently resting on his waist, while the right hand was sliding over his shoulder. It moved upwards and upwards, until it finally rested on Feng Yang's hair and gently…kneaded?

Yes, it was rubbing twice to be exact!

The action was like comforting a small animal!

It was a type of gently rubbing, kneading twice, then rubbing again in repetition.

Feng Yang, "…"

Feng Yang was silent and felt flustered by the youth's strange actions, but he didn't struggle. His face was pressed tightly against the boy's hot cheeks, the warm breath from the other's mouth blowing out gently against his ears.

This ambiguous distance made Feng Yang's heartbeat accelerate. He vaguely felt blood has congested at the lower part of his body, especially when the youth twitched and turned slightly, rubbing his lips against Feng Yang's face.

The dark eyes became deeper. In a way that Arthur couldn't see (Arthur didn't even have his eyes open), Feng Yang closed his eyes helplessly and seemed to resign to his fate. Then he slowly reached out and hugged the young man beneath him. He embraced the other person's waist tightly and slowly raised his head. He looked at the youth's closed eyes and gradually leaned over.

Due to the overheated body, the youth's hot breath blew on Feng Yang's face as the distance between the two people got closer.

Feng Yang was just about to kiss the lips when he suddenly heard Arthur say, "Darling, don't play…uh…"

Feng Yang, "!!!!"

While talking, Arthur rubbed his hair again and said, "Don't do it. Itchy…"

Feng Yang, "!!!!!!!"

Who was his Darling? Say it again!

"Well…I will give you a bone in the evening. Don't move…I'll throw the frisbee tomorrow…"

Feng Yang, "…."

For the first few chapters, the author forgot to mention that Arthur and his parents raised a silly husky at home. The husky's biggest hobby was licking his owner and his goal in life was to wake up our little Arthur in bed every day.

The name of the stupid husky was—


Don't laugh! You might wonder why not choose names like 'Caesar the Great', 'Napoleon' or at least 'Albert', 'Edward' ? Well, they are quite imposing but too awkward.

Feng Yang didn't know the word 'Darling' had a relationship with a dog, but it didn't stop him from knowing that he wouldn't chew on a bone, let alone play with a frisbee!

It was probably a dog that Arthur had preciously… cough cough, raised. Now, perhaps, Arthur mistook him for the dog.

Feng Yang couldn't admit that he already guessed why Arthur misunderstood. How could the dignified he be mistaken for a dog?

Don't talk about appearance, even the species was different!

However, after being disturbed by these seemingly casual but critical words, the ambiguous atmosphere was broken, leaving Feng Yang dumbfounded.

Locked in that position, Feng Yang felt very distressed at the boy's sweet sleeping face and his hot breathing. He lay in the youth's arms until Arthur took the initiative to change his posture 10 minutes later. Then Feng Yang got up.

After some light exercises to relieve his muscle soreness, Feng Yang looked at the youth's face for a long time with a complicated expression. Then he sighed deeply and headed to the bathroom. A cold shower helped him draw out the heat and calmed his turbulent mood.


On the other hand, Feng Yang didn't know that after he closed the bedroom door, the eyes of the youth unexpectedly opened!


@Arthur: Darlinggg…

@Feng Yang: Woof! Woof!

Writing about the romance development is so hard for a single dog like me. Luckily, even without practical experience, I had instead abundant theoretical knowledge.

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