
Winn Schott Jr., the S.I.

Winslow Schott Jr., as of 20 minutes ago, that is who I am. I woke up in a pod, looking through the glass pane in front of me... My body felt like it was having millions of volt pumping, coursing through it!

Jamesshinto · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 1- Finally growing some balls

As it turns out, I did not have any relatives, or at least none that would take me in, so I was put into the foster system. Due to my being a child in the foster system with no one to care for me, besides the weird government run orphanage that I had ended up at, the Crane corporation board was easily able to take control of the company.

I did want to be closely related to Krane, so I sold the shares that I had gotten in his company to people on the corporation board. They just thought that I was a stupid kid, willing to give up something that I did not see as important.

I did get some concessions such as the ownership over the lab that I was created/awakened in, various buildings in the city and a literal boatload of money. Luckily for me, neither the Crane corporation board or anyone else besides my father and Krane himself knew about me.

I did keep an eye over the company. Even if they were formerly led by Krane, they still were a science company in a comic universe, they usually did not have a good track record of not doing evil, morally repugnant things.

Being in the Dc universe with Superman and having superpowers was not easy to get used to. I had repeatedly made mistakes, especially in school. The bionic chip that my father had inserted in me wasn't exactly without it's… glitches. You know, firing lasers out of my eye when I was really excited or using my super breath in a sneeze when I got sick from a virus that I got after a date. That was a good lesson for me to really upgrade my chip.

The history of the new world that I had found myself in was similar but different in some ways. I had learned that Hitler was not a regular human but a meta-human with mind control powers, which explained why, even though he was a descendant of Jewish people and had black hair and brown eyes, he was not prosecuted by the Nazi's but lead them.

My powers had caused a lot of mistakes and destroyed buildings which I had to explain away by hacking the cameras of my many schools and changing or erasing the data. I still had to pay for the accidents.

Sometimes anonymously and other times after I had transferred out after an incident. This had the unfortunate cause of really putting a drain on my finances. Luckily, I had already built my lair/base already so that was a relief. Making my suit and building and repeatedly repairing my lab, after I trained my powers, had been ridiculously expensive, so even though I had literal boatloads of money, my finances really took a hit.

Fortunately, I had met an up and coming reporter named Cat Grant. Back when I was 14, she had been investigating the circumstances between me, Superman, Vincent Krane and my father. She had been asking me about the reason that my father had gone to work for Vincent Krane and why Krane just gave me his fortune.

I had caught her snooping around my lab, so I had hacked her computer to learn what she knew. Unfortunately for me, she had found out about my hacking skills .

I suppose getting first place in over twenty hacking and engineering competitions in National City and Metropolis wasn't too smart. She had found out about my hacking signature using the Daily Reporter I.T. nerds and found it in the code.

Instead of getting me sent to juvie, she asked me to build the firewall security for the company that she was building, Cat co. I agreed to do it.

After I had finished, she offered me a job as the head of I.T. in her newly made company. I told her no. Not having full control over my abilities would not have endeared me to her.

She just smiled at me and said that whenever I wanted the job, she would have the position open for me. After my financial debacles, I agreed to work for her with some concessions. I really did not like to be constrained, so we had an agreement, which was written into my contract, just in case the Cat co board succeeded in taking over the company.

It was at Cat co, that I met the woman who attracted my more primal side. Kara Danvers, an awkward, nerdy, bubbly, intelligent, and optimistic woman that my instincts gravitated me towards.

It took me time to act on my urges. The last time that I did so, I fell for the woman that would engineer a tech-virus to force me to love her. Luckily, she did not know the full extent of my powers. Haaah, Indigo.

I had been in the mindset that acting on my instincts would lead me to dangerous; albeit incredibly beautiful and powerful women.

Eventually, she gave me her phone to fix after she caught a virus that slowed down her computer. At first, I thought that it was something caused by a porn site but when I really dug deep into it, I found out that a certain trillionaire was the cause of it. In completely getting rid of it, I found out who she really was. A biological cousin to Clark Kent, which made her a Kryptonian.

I had been ignoring her for so long based on what she was, unbeknownst to me. When I tried to make friends with her, she really didn't seem receptive. She had noticed my aversion to her and wasn't really trusting my sudden want to be friends with her.

It took me a few months to become friends with her. Every time that I tried to hint that I wanted something more in the relationship that we had, she seemed to avoid it. At first, I thought that she was just being sweet and trying to spare my feelings. Which she had done before to a friend when she was in high school but I had repeatedly caught her checking me out when she thought that i was not looking.

I had repeatedly taken her on things that could be construed as a date. Picnic lunches in the park, sitting together at the movies. Hell, I even did the romance movie thing where I licked the ice cream off of her cheek. If she was uncomfortable or did not like what I was doing, she could have at least said something but she just blushed, gave me an awkward laugh and looked away from my face.

Did she think that I might be prejudiced against aliens or hate them, that if she told me I would not accept her or would tell everyone about her?

You know what, that actually sounds really plausible. I mean, I was pretty much always flirting with her, if she did not like me or the flirting, she could have told Cat Co's HR. It is quite efficient in dealing with all types of harassers, especially sexual harassers.

Cat's time at the Daily Planet really made sure that she would stamp out sexual harassment, whenever she could.

I walked down the pathway into Cat Co, my satchel hanging at my waist. I took the secondary elevator for everyone that is not Cat. I took the elevator up to the 21st floor. When it opened, I went to my desk, taking my satchel off and setting it down by my seat.

I booted up my computer. I then began checking the Cat Co firewall log and server for hack attempts or incorrect and off-site logins.

My first year working at Cat Co, I caught three hackers in the first 6 months alone. I retaliated by sending a virus to their system that would short-circuit their rig. It took me an hour to finish and by then people began to come in. I caught Jim Torka coming in from Cat's private elevator and made a note about it. About 20 minutes after people came in, I saw Kara walk in while I was printing something out.

I grabbed my tablet and the paper, disconnecting my tablet from the printer. I put my plan into motion by going into the alien info site that I had created to get information on aliens that were in National City. All I had to do was cross-reference the sites aliens with the ones that the DEO catalogued and boom, I know their weakness and can kill them if they ever attacked me.

I walked next to Kara, showing her the site. "Did you see this? There was an armored car robbery last night. There were no witnesses except for this homeless guy, who swears the robber had horns!" She grabbed something from Phil, the print proof guy.

"Like on his head! They are out there, aliens!" I exclaimed. I saw her nose crinkle and her eyes dart from my face at the mention of aliens.

She nervously chuckled. "Winn, there are no such things as aliens." she said to me, a smile on her face.

"Superman is an alien, Kara. I mean, who knows, he might have a sister or a cousin that is going about her life. She's bringing coffee to her boss and denying the existence of aliens, even though she is one." Kara looked down at her hands, which held Cat's coffee and mail and then back at me, wide eyed in fear.

She turned away from me and put down both the coffee and mail on her desk. Now that she knew that I knew, I took the plunge to see if I was what she wanted. If now that I knew, she would give me a chance. "Hey Kara, do you wanna go see a movie tonight?"

She nervously looked at me before saying, "I… I can't, I-I',m sorry. I have a date."

I sighed and asked "Really? Who's that with?" she began tidying herself away, while I turned and leaned on her desk, turning on her monitor.

"It's an online date. Says we are 82% compatible, so... should be good."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "you know that you can't quantify emotions based on algorithms, right?"

"Winn, you're I.T. Isn't your whole life based on algorithms?" she asked with a cute smile on her face.

I gave her a look of confusion, "You know that it isn't, Kara. But still, if there was an algorithm for love, I would have already shown it to you." The 'and how I feel about you' went unspoken but the blushing on her cheeks showed that it was still received.

"You will know when you see that person. That rush of energy when you see them, the neverending streams of thoughts about them and the gut punch you get when you find out that you waited so long only for them to find someone else." She looked at me, wide-eyed, and I could see a glint of regret, anger and possessiveness in her eyes.

I heard the gears of Cat's elevator. It was coming up. I stood with Kara, who looked at me in suspicion towards my having noticed Cat's coming. "How did you…?" I just smirked at her and looked back at the elevator doors, one ding later, Cat walked in and everyone in the office stood up.

I sat down at my seat once she walked past me, giving me a nearly unspotted smile and a wave of her fingers. I noticed Kara saw Cat's exchange with me and saw the frown on her face and the jealousy in her eyes. Did she think that Cat and I were… That I was her… Nope, nope, nope!

That is it! I am not going to tiptoe around her anymore! I went onto my computer and hacked onto the dating app that she had gotten the date from. I found out who she was dating, Ryan Aronson, an arrogant dickhead, who as of 14 days ago has cheated on no less than 15 out of all the girlfriends that he's had. I diverted him to another girl, who is as prolific a cheater as he was.

I then went home after checking on my fellow I.T mates. When I got home, I got ready for the date, putting on a flower printed button down shirt, blue jeans and a blazer. I checked the alien website for any new updates, but there was none. At a quarter after 6 pm, I walked out of my apartment, a special watch on my wrist and my motorcycle key in hand.

HEEEEELLLLLOOOOOO, EVERYBODY!!!! Here it is, the third chapter, as promised. It is 2116 words long. I hope you enjoy it. If you like, comment on the chapter.

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