
Winn Schott Jr., the S.I.

Winslow Schott Jr., as of 20 minutes ago, that is who I am. I woke up in a pod, looking through the glass pane in front of me... My body felt like it was having millions of volt pumping, coursing through it!

Jamesshinto · TV
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16 Chs

Part 2 of the ominous prologue

I woke up the next day, rested and feeling something that I've never felt before, complete. It was like all the aches and pains of my life, previous and current, were gone, whether they be mental, emotional or physical. I remove the duvet on top of my body, eager to have my questions from the previous day answered.

I began to observe myself and noticed certain things about myself that I did not previously. I only had on a blue cotton, form fitting boxers. I did not understand why my father would allow me to wear only boxes, especially form fitting ones. Another question I would surely ask my dad.

I looked around, taking in the room that I was currently in. To the right of the bed. There was a walking bathroom with no door, which was also quite weird. To the left of the bed was a closet full of clothes. I went into the bathroom, taking a long shower and letting the heat of the water wake me up completely. I wrapped a towel around my waist after I finished showering.

I reached into the closet and put on another form fitting underwear, not being able to find another kind of underwear, and a zip up full body suit. I walked out of the room, following the path that my dad had taken when he brought me to my room. I quickly got into the lab, where I saw my dad typing on a holographic keyboard. "Dad?" I called out. He quickly spun around once he heard my voice.

"Winn, how are you feeling?" He asked me, smiling.

"I'm feeling great, dad!" I replied, truly feeling amazing.

He got up out of his chair saying, "That's great, Winn!"

"So, dad, now are you gonna tell me how I am alive?" I was eager to know the circumstances of my living but also the consequences of it.

Dad glanced away from me for a moment before looking back at me, "Winn, sit down, this will be hard to hear." I looked at him in confusion but still took a seat on the swivel chair where he sat previously. I sat on the chair, my legs swinging below it. He looked at me with such regret, similar to how a soldier does in moments of friendly fire.

'What could have caused him to feel this way?', I thought to myself. " 2 years ago, your mom and I were Going through a bit of a rough patch after I forgot another anniversary staying at the lab. If I had never done that, this would have never happened. Your mother wouldn't have driven into a ditch, and I would not have lost you or your mother. A few days after what happened, I was contacted by Vincent. He told me away that I could save you but to do that I had to make some... rather difficult choices."

"What difficult choices?" He walked next to me, spinning the chair towards the console. He pulled up the holographic keyboard, typing on it. After a few moments of a button smashing sound on the keyboard, a video appeared on the holographic screen.

In the same lab that I stood in was my father and Vincent Krane, behind them, the same pod that I remember being in. Dad pressed play and what the video showed scared and confused me. I saw myself or what I thought to be myself, on a metal slab, cold and blue, but then the camera tilted, and I saw another meat. This version of me didn't look dead, it looked like it was alive. It didn't have pale skin or Lifeless eyes. Then I watched as my new dad, Winslow Schott Sr. turned around the living-looking me and opened its neck with a surgical scalpel. Vincent Crane then gave him a shiny gold and blue tinted computer chip with tongs and handed him a long metal cylinder with a red button on its side. He parted the cut neck and put the computer chip onto its spine. The chip latched onto the spinal cord, causing a blue and gold surge of electricity throughout the spinal cord. Then he closed the flaps of skin on its neck and pressed the button on the metal tube, causing a laser to fire, cauterizing the neck. As soon as he finished, the video stopped.

"Dad, what are you showing me?" I asked him, not understanding the meaning of this. He looked at me, an emotion filling his eyes, shame.

"If you let me finish showing you everything, then you will realize why I am showing you all of this." I looked at my feet for a moment before looking back at him and nodding to him in agreement.

He swiped his hand to the left in front of the holographic screen, causing the video to change to another. He pressed play and this time; it was a view overlooking a copy of me that was in a water filled glass tank which had small holes in it. This time, my copy had various lines around it in black marker. At certain points. There were small circular holes in the marker lines. I heard a whirring sound, and a large number of needles slowly came down.

After a few moments, the metal tubing began to fill with a gold, blue and grey tinted liquid. The syringe needles began to spin, and they suddenly inserted themselves into my copy! Its entire skeleton seemed to be under the painful stab with the needles. The liquid inside of the syringes began to grow smaller, emptying them into my copy. Throughout all of this, my copy did not thrash around in pain at all, he just laid there, none the wiser of what was being done to him. The video ended at that point.

I was beginning to become disillusioned of the man that has become my new father. He has experimented on a copy of my current self, for what purpose? I looked at my father once again but this time, I did not have the desire to give him the benefit of the doubt. Again, my father changed the video.

This time, the camera focused on the pod in the lab. I can see my father and Vincent Krane. My copy was floating inside of the pod, a dark green liquid filled the pod until my dad slowly turned a dial and electricity coursed through the green solution in the pod. He stopped the video there. At that moment, I realized what had happened, what my father was showing me.

It isn't the copy of me that was going through these experiments, it is me! I am the clone of the dead Winslow Schott Jr! I looked at my dad, no, I looked at the dad of the original Winslow Schott Jr. "Winn…"

I screamed at him, "Don't call me that! I am not Winn; I am not your son! Why did you show me this? Why did you call me your son?! I am just a clone, an experiment of yours!" I didn't even know why it bothered me this much. I knew that I was really this man's son, even though I have his memories, but it hurt somewhere deep inside of me. He pulled me into a hug, tears wetting the shoulder of the jumpsuit that I had on. I gripped him tight, tears also coming out of my eyes. "Why did you show me? Why couldn't you let me stay in my delusion of being your son?!"

Winslow gripped me even tighter. "Winslow Schott Jr, you are my son!" He emphasized, rubbing my back, which made me feel better, strangely. I made sure to wipe my tears as I felt him release me. In that moment, I decided that it did not matter that I am a clone or that I reincarnated into a new life, a new body, I am, for all intent and purposes, Winslow Schott Jr and I will be until I die… again.

"So, dad, can we go home?" I did not want to be in the place where I was essentially made, plus I do not want to be anywhere near such a sketchy operation.

"We can't go home now, at least for now. We still have to run tests to make sure that there are no problems with you and the abilities, powers that you now have."

Wait a minute, "I have powers?!" I asked, ecstatic at the possibility. I mean what person did not wish to have superpowers.

"That is what all of those experiments were for. They will keep you safe, especially with people out there like Zod, Lex Luthor and that Killer Croc in Gotham." I still don't understand why we had to stay here but I would follow my dad. Well, until it starts looking as if Vincent Krane is a bond villain, then I would take my father and we would hightail it out of here.

"So when will we begin testing?" From behind, like a ninja, came the voice of Vincent Krane, answering the question.

"Now." I jumped a little, startled by him. Apparently, it wasn't just a little. When I looked down, there was my dad and Krane, 10 feet below me. I quickly fell to the ground, gravity acting upon me. When I touched the ground, my dad immediately ran over to me, looking me over in fear of something being wrong with me.

"Are you okay?! Your legs don't hurt, right? Do you feel like you are in any kind of pain at all?" He fired off rapidly. Krane bellowed out a triumphant laugh

"I really did it!?" He had a wide smile on his face signifying great happiness. I caught a case of the heebie jeebies hearing him speak those words. It sounded weird, similar to multiple people speaking at once. " I have finally created the ultimate weapon!" My father and I both looked at Krane as if he was inside, which I was quickly beginning to believe is true. He looked at my father and I, with an ominous grin on his face.

"Thank you, Winslow, for all of your help. You have been a great help in reaching my goal but now that I have what I want, I do not need you anymore." Vincent said, implying something that I did not want to consider. "I Know that you are intelligent, but you really lost your sense when I brought up raising your son from the dead. How fortunate for me that you fell for it. I mean seriously, how gullible can you be?!" Vincent said, laughing at my dad.

I looked at my dad, concerned, which turned to confusion when he started to laugh, well snicker. "No, Vincent, I did not believe that a rich man in charge of a multi-billion-dollar company would just help me bring my son back to life. You forced me to experiment on him, alter his DNA and his body. Did you really think that I would not have a contingency plan in case you were like Lex Luthor?"

Dad raised his right arm, opening the head of his watch and pressing a button that looked like the superman symbol. A man came crashing through the ceiling, ceiling debris falling onto the ground. He wore a red and blue spandex full bodysuit with a red cape. His chest held a symbol, that of the House of El. I recognized him. He is Superman! "You called Superman on me?! He'll take us both to prison.!"

My dad smiled while looking at me, his eyes softening, I could truly see how he cared for me in his eyes. "I will do whatever it takes to keep my son safe, even if that means that I will go to prison!" Krane pulled out a gun from under the table near him, and ran towards Superman, firing shot after shot. It was like he never heard that Superman was invincible. Superman easily tanked the bullets and grabbed Krane, tapping him on the forehead and knocking him out.

Superman smiled at my father. "Thank you for your help in catching this man, Winslow but… " Superman looked at me in regret and slight shame. "I will allow you to have your time with your son but remember I will be picking you up after dropping Krane into a police station." My dad nodded his head in agreement.

Superman bent his knees and flew through the hole that he dropped through. Dad kneeled down, focusing on my eyes, "Winn, I will be going to prison but with the little time that we have left, I have to prepare you. If you are going to be without me, you will be needing this."

He walked over to a filing cabinet, opening the top drawer, and pulling out a large file from the front of the drawer.

"This file contains everything that we, that I, did to you. All of the experiments, all of the powers that Krane and I predicted that you would have and some possibilities that we were unsure about. It is all in there. Your birth certificate, death certificate and social security are also in there." He handed me the folder.

He then pulled out another full folder, this one had the image of a crane on top of it. "When Vincent and I made the contract about you, one of the terms was that he would give you everything."

I scrunch my face up in confusion, "What do you mean by 'everything'?"

"You will take his money, his shares in any company that he has, all of his properties. All of his holdings, including this building, although you might have to pay to get the ceiling fixed." He chuckled at his own joke.

Minutes later, Superman dropped back through the ceiling and said "Winslow, it's time." Dad kneeled down and hugged me tight, he let me go, clutching my shoulders, tears compiling in his eyes, while he stared into mine.

"You know that I love you, right? I will always love you, whether I am in prison or out of prison. Don't you ever question that, okay?"

I nodded my head, "Okay!" I said, tears and snot running down my face.

He turned around, giving Superman a nod. He walked to Superman, who grabbed him, motioning for me to also come over. Superman gripped my body suit and jumped through the ceiling into the sky. I gripped the folders tight to my chest and for the next few seconds, all I knew was wind.

Superman dropped me off at the police station in National city before flying off with my dad in hand.

I walked into the police station, signaling the cop at the front desk. The female cop looked down at me with a smile. "Who are you, little guy?" I looked down, at my feet, tears filling my eyes. I rubbed the tears away, holding the folders tighter before saying, "My name is Winslow Schott Jr and I need some help." She blinked before walking out from behind the counter, putting her hand out, which I grabbed and bringing me over to a detective. This is the beginning of my life as Winn Schott Jr, the self-insert.


I'm back again with the next part of my prologue.


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