
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Unwanted Fate

The wind howled around as the joyful screaming of the crowd echoed everywhere at the park.

Clara " We are wasting time already… we need to leave, I think it is getting late and we cannot trust that man, what if he is calling the cops.."

Benjamin " Oh come on Clarabelle, the man said we should not leave this place."

Clara "😡 Don't you ever call me that, I hate that name. it's simply Clara and don't you dare add anything else to my name, is that clear. ?."

Benjamin " Um... okay Clara am sorry,"

Clara bends her head " Um, I .......am sorry too for screaming at you.It's just that, you calling me Clarabelle, reminds me of my Ricky He use to annoy me with that name... and I don't want to remember him now.We are in a big mess right now"

" Losing a parent is not easy Clara, and it wasn't your fault for yelling at me minutes ago. When I saw my mother being murdered by that monster,It change me into this raging beast."

When Benjamin said Monster, Clara thought it was the beast that tried to eat her the other night.She was missing all the points.

Tears welled up her eyes as she said this.

" That same monster killed my parents too, we were searching for them after waking up without seeing them. Mom said we were supposed to leave the jungle that day and we waited for them but they didn't come back.

Then we went searching for them in the woods,we saw their tattered flesh across the road like blended fruit with their heads on top of their flesh unharmed while their face showed hostility.The monster ripped out all the bones in their bodies.

We saw you lying between your parents when we ran away from the scene.

"Oh!'' This made him feel so guilty.He wanted to instantly tell her he was sorry, It wasn't his fault, for losing control to his other self.He knew Clara would freak out the moment he told her about his true identity.He decided to go with the flow.

" So sad, I am here for you okay..". He accepted that his parents were part of the monster's victims. To keep Her company.

Clara" I don't want your pity, save it all for yourself."

"What could make such a young girl this rude."Benjamin muttered as he stared at the walls.

The man's feet screeched the floor as his sandals carried the dust into the air as he was moving back and forth at the play yard near the exit of the amusement park, deciding on Benjamin and Clara's fate.

" Should I hand them over to the police.? If I do that, I may have to leave with guilt for the rest of my life.No I am handing them over.It is good money. The reward is such a huge amount that I can buy houses with that kind of money.

"No, they might kill them! NoI can't risk their lives for my own selfish reasons. I am helping those kids.Money can't buy lives".

He made his final decision.

On his way to the store,He saw four officers walking towards his shop.

His feet finally made it to the dark painted Merry go- round with lots of broken horses.

" Hello officers!" He screamed as he tiptoed towards the police men.

" To what do I owe you this pleasure ...Mr Police officers."He said the moment he reached a bit closer.

Clara choked on her own breath as she overheard a familiar voice yelling "Police officer" near the shop.

If she had not snooped on them, she wouldn't have found out they were four police officers,each of them welding AK-47 gun looking so angry with killing intent written across their faces.She quivered the moment her gaze fell at their huge muscles that was trying to break free from their respective uniforms.

" Oh no, They are coming for us!." She said, while she covered her body with the curtains hanging on the wall.

Benjamin" What?"

Clara: "Duck! The Police are here." She pinched him then drugged him down Wards.

"Hey,man. We ain't here to buy any of your items, we are looking for two suspects."

"duos suspectos quaerimus, vidistis eos?"He said in Latin.

His heart raced hearing this from the men that had veins bulging, all around his neck.

" No,I swear, (iuro me neminem vidisse ut tale)" he said.

He felt his legs swaying endlessly.

One of the officers noticed his trembling feet.

" Why are you shaking, what are you afraid of…are you hiding something?.."

The shop owner recalled instantly from his shock.

" Well, you are holding guns and I am not the only one here with an unregistered store" He pointed at the big shop that was at the corner of the park opposite the roller coaster.

"That man haven't registered yet, you can kill him to"

" What? We are not here to kill shop owners. We are only here to capture those two murder suspects."The leader said gently.

" I have seen them."The man responded boldly.

" You have? Where did they go"

He gave an honest face then he indicated the direction they went. He was pointing at the spot where trees were dancing in the air while they synthesized their food. It was the woods.

" They went into the woods?" The officers all cried out with suspicion.They were directed by the skinny nurse to come here and now the man is showing them another way.

" Yes that woods, that place is a very lovely dark- deep vegetation and it's so suitable for criminals to hide there trust me.'

You are wasting time. Go before they get away."

They didn't trust his words but looking at the honest looking face, they all made it to the dark woods that even the scorching sun rays could not reach.

Three minutes later, The man had already blabbed all the things that happened to him to The two kids.He was jumping in excitement when he saw their heads buried in the depths of the jungle far away.

" Foolish officers, go for your demise."He said.

" Excuse me sir, but you said you are going to hide at your father's place, what happened."

Clara asked.

" Um yeah.. I did say something like that but it doesn't matter anyway, now let's see what I can do for you two ...."


Just before he finished speaking his head exploded as brain cells scattered across the room. He had blocked the red rays that were aiming at Benjamin.

He was no longer a living man. He simply died a virgin as blood 🩸 drool over from the hole at his occiput.

In a secluded area. Almost a perfect spot for every sniper, the young assassin gave a grin the moment he missed his target.

" Hello sir, I missed my apologies. I will try another time"

Few minutes later, He pulled the CHEYTAC M200 Intervention(Range 1800-2334 m) sniper. It was the most powerful and best sniper in the world.


He pulled the trigger three times as the three bullets screamed in the air as it travels towards it's target.

** Guys have you ever wondered about what the devil was doing when he was young?

Visit Royal Roads to read the Forbidden Angel.

Is a story about the devil after being reincarnated as a young boy.

Thank you...