
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs

What’s Happening

Bang! Bang!Bang!

The bullet passed right behind Clara's neck like a speeding hyena . It punched through the floor leaving a massive hole behind.

"Ahhh, it almost got you. Clara are you alright?"

" What is happening! , "Clara said, while recovering from the shock.

" Clara, I don't know,"

" This is not happening right now. Why is everyone we meet getting killed? Somebody explain things to me."

The guy with the black hoodie angrily stuck the wall behind him.

"Fuck … I missing my target. Because of that insolent brat, another guy is dead.

Benjamin felt the marks on the ground. His fingertips touched the bottom of the golden bullet that had sunk midway in the ground.

Just a few minutes ago they were feeling relieved. There were less worried about everything and Just before they could plan on how to leave, fate brought another Crisis on them.

Clara glanced once at the unmoving body of the Shop owner that used to be lively and strong a few seconds ago,now there's just a huge dent up in his skull as blood drools from the empty dark -red spots.She was remembering about his parents death.

" Clara!, We gotta go"

Clara's body was not responding to what she just heard from Benjamin. She had watched five people die brutally just within the week.

" Clara, we can't stay here"

He stretched out to pull her pale skin looking hands. She blinked a few times before she could control her self.

Benjamin rushed to get the back door open but it was locked up. The door was locked when they saw the cops leave.

Now they are locked up whilst trying to free from his enemy.

With a few tries the door finally opens.

" Huh, finally. "They starred in disappointment at the sky that had turned blue- black.

They had been at the shop and totally forgot about the time that passed them undetected.

" It's night already! Since when did this happen?"

When they tried looking around the store, all the people that were there had already turned to thin air. Nobody was there playing. They were all gone.

All that was left was the howling of the wind and ofcourse the unskilled sniper.

" What do we do now?"said Clara.

" I don't know"He tried but his brain cells was not responding to him.

Benjamin felt uneasy for not knowing what to do.

He would have sniffed out the killer by now if only he could change 👹 to his Elevated form.

How could he?Clara was all over him,he couldn't change, Clara would pass out and also he was trying to impress her about himself so that was a no.

" Hello are you there" He touched his head while hoping to hear the strange voice he heard nothing.It was all silent inside his mind like the cemetery.

" Come on. I need you."

Clara " What has gotten into you? Who are you talking to now?"She shakes her head in disbelief. She wanted him to come up with a brilliant idea. She thought Benjamin Reeds would come up with a great plan on how to scape from the sniper. She got disappointed.

This boy had freed them from actual criminal. This was supposed to be easy for him right?

" I Expected much from you. My apologies"

Benjamin here,was totally lost. He was trying to activate his * Senes* at least to just here the voice. All his try outs came back negative.

" Oh,crap, I guess I have to do this all by myself then"

Clara " Do you have a plan?"

Benjamin" I think so"

Clara" You think so? Are you that hopeless"

What stoped them from their minor whispers was hearing soft and gentle footsteps coming their way.

Clara muttered "Any ideas?"

Benjamin " Yes…. Run"

They rushed their way to the bushes holding hands But since Clara was the pulling Benjamin, I wouldn't say it that way.

The wind breeze made their eyes watery. They had moved through the cold wind without any second thought.

Clara's fast steps amuzed Benjamin.He breathed heavily after they were able to make it in the dark woods.Their crouching footsteps stop near the first tree.

" Huh, Are we safe?"Asked Benjamin while he was unbending his waist.

"Shhhhhh, He is here "

They had gone only a few meters when there was a sound of hurried footsteps behind them.

A familiar voice calling could be heard in the black pods inside his ears.

" Mr Fenty,Any Good news. I hope by now you are done with your mission."

He hold the bark of the odum tree as he touched the pods.

" No sir, I underestimated those two. They are too prickly. "

" I don't have all the time in the world, finish your mission quickly. I have another one for you."

Fenty;" Okay sir, Give me one more hour to eliminate those two."

He sighed softly after his master accepted his excuse.

" I will kill them brutally, they have made my mission this though."

Five meters away from the Odum tree the two have managed to get a bit far. But they couldn't see where they were going.

" Benjamin slow down I can't see"

They walked gently, making sure every step landed on a good surface but this time they were already walking on a wooden surface." "It's a bridge! Be careful" Clara's voice echoed in the dark clouds.

As they stepped on it, they heard creaks, but then that was expected. As they continued along, the wood seemed to be moaning. Suddenly a rail to their right snapped, then the boards beneath their feet gave way, emitting angry cracking noises. They found themselves sliding down boards into the huge opening below. For a brief moment, they seemed airborne, but the water soon engulfed them, and the strips of tired, shattered wood from the bridge battered them as they splashed.

Few moments later.

She panicked and began thrashing her body,

The first three seconds were as follows: Her body began to float upwards. Her cute mouth was open, and the throat completely contracted. She was warped in an awkward posture;her torso was arched forward, and her limbs were flowing backward, she started gazing straight up, although she couldn't register anything she was seeing.

After the four seconds passed,

Her mouth was open, and It was letting out discreet, minuscule amounts of air through her esophagus, trying to buy as much time before she could ran out of air. She felt her fragile body slowly taken down by the river.

"I have to survive. I have to somehow reach the surface and survive. I dont want to die." She said to herself as she forced her body to move a bit upwards.Benjamins gaze landed on the fragile body that was slowly failing to live.

" Clara!!!! you are drowning"