
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Fragile within the knees

Guys am very sorry for not 🥺posting regularly I had a little problem lately.Take this 👿👿 s*x scene as a gift for The New Year. I hope you will forgive me😜🤪😜.

Darlington had always been a 👼virgin boy all his entire life.He never gets chance to even go on a date with a lady, not to mention the fun stuff that happens after every Dates.

Hearing this from such a pretty lady's head. Darlington walked straight to the nice figured African American lady.

Darlington"🙋Hello beautiful 🤩"

"😘Hello handsome,"She responded.

Darlington ``There's something I need to tell you about.." He was staring deep into her deep brown eyes. as he said iWhile he said that.t.

She instantly felt it and knew exactly what he meant.

Behold! What you are about to read may be a little disturbing to some of you.Its rated 🔞🔞.

Don't say I didn't warn you…🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅

"Stop! I think I know what you want to say."

She dragged Darlington straight into the men's bathroom on the First floor.

The moment they reached there, She leaned in and kissed Him hard, taking out his breath. They felt warmth as their lips met.💋👥

Darlington had never been this close to a woman before much less being so intimate with this one.He wanted to savor the moment to the fullest and make sure everything would be perfect .He felt the warm breath of Isabella when their tongues met.Their tongue flowed like river as they continued kissing. When they were kissing Darlington felt Isabella's cold Iced fingers massaging across his sensitive part making it hard .He also made sure he return the favor.

Skin touching each other, his fingers soon made it to her rounded breast he instantly started playing with her cute nipples he soon squeezed the two melons that was touching his hard chest he pressed it gently making her moan In pleasure .

He pressed it gently making her beg to be touched more and more .He then started revealing the pink dress from her body as he dragged it down revealing her wasp waisted sexy body.He was no longer himself,he had become a lust demon that only sought to conquer. He felt his chest touching the soft bosom of her marvelous body while their bodies entangled each other.

"Gees,, you are so hard I cannot wait to enjoy you"The moment she finished saying that,

She gently untied his belt as the trousers from his waist went downhill.She removed the remaining with her left arm then tossed them away making him stand bare with his father's gift pointing straight and hard at her while it was bulging with veins crying to travel through her reddish brown lips below her body.

She felt something warm pull down her last cloth 👙 covering her private part making her a ripped 🍌 flower ready to be plugged.Darlinton,seeing her hairy ebony private region, instantly turned his father's gift harder and he couldn't wait any longer to possess her.

He covered her body with his,as he finally made it through her opening."yeeees"

She shivered and groaned in excitement the moment something long and hard went deep inside her.It tingled her from within.

As went *to and fro of her*.

His domineering shovel was plowing through her reddish pink garden.It was all wet and soft,yet the meaty flesh within her opened legs squeezed his "Father's gift* from all sides making him cry.

"This feeling can be compared to nothing else in this world."

She moaned as she felt something hard went all in and all out as He gave her gentle kisses on her lips. She instantly felt like she was in Paradise wishing that moment never ends..

Her hand wandered around searching for a resting place while enjoying the best moment of her life.She unintentionally pressed the blue button on the wall. Water from the top started raining down on them, making everything smooth,wet and hard as they continued to ride.. Darlington was sniffing her sweet scented hair that had been drenched in the water sprinkling on top of them.

"Ahh,ahh,ahh, anh more,harder "her knees suddenly became fragile. The water continued spraying on them. She quickly took the soap near the sink then she started rubbing it across her soft dark skin.

Flesh sounds of meat clapping resounded together with Isabella's moans.The entire bathroom was then occupied with nice sounds as flesh spank each other.

The water brushed the white foams off her soft body as she was on top of him moving up and down. A wet sensation overwhelmed Darlington as the slutty girl was going on with her movements.

They finally switched their positions They were all standing tall as Darlington held her thighs with his hand,, elevated her body a bit high asthen he continued Pounding her hairy Boston cream pie slowly while they stood tall in the bathroom. She was feeling the painful_sweet sensation from her mama's gift that made her heart raced faster while Darlington spank his body against hers.

Few minutes later.



,yes,yes,yes, yeeees!"

As soon as Darlington pulled out of her. She gave another loud moan.


He sprayed all the white slimy liquid onto the floor as soon as he felt the urge to discharge, stop and release.

"This is the best moment of my life"

Isabella said as she was wiping off the remaining white slippery substance off her private region..

"Really,I can't wait for another time."He Said while closing the last button of his white shirt.


Isabella"Wow,I never knew you were this good and hard. I loved every moment of it thank you, for making me feel like a woman again after a long-long time."

"You are welcome my dear by the way I am Darlington "

"Yeah I know your name already and don't ask me how I knew. I am also Isabella. Today's meeting experience was nice,hot and perfect and I loved every second of it but this ain't happening again."

" What?"Darlington yelled in disappointment.

"Her heels clicked against the floor as she finally made it outside wearing her pink dress again.

Darlington was still staring at her big rounded butt as she left the bathroom.

"Wow, this is the best moment of my life"He screamed while making it outside.


They pounce in excitement when they notice they have outrun the guards that were chasing them but how were they going to keep on with this? They were still in the hospital gown.They sneaked through the entrance of the amusement park unnoticed feeling tired and hungry.

It has already been a while ever since they have eaten.They needed both clothes and food.

They saw a clothing store,it was in a blue kiosk with lots of teddy bears parked on the front desk . The two suspects walked their way towards the shop feeling the need to be helped. The sweet fragrant of the delicious Sandwiches the man was already eating traveled through their nostrils the instant they were 4 meters near the shop. The urge and the powerful force of habit urged them to march straight into the shop without being invited.

"Hello sir, can you help us? We are very hungry right now and we will love it if you share your food with us".Clara said to the man while placing her hands on the desk.

The shop owner was a big guy. He was around 5,4 with a buff body and a scary looking face. He had thick eyebrows and a very nice chin with mustache.

His eyebrows were deep brown as he scanned Clara from head to toe.

"You just look at us, we are being chased by people who want to kill us, please help us."

Benjamin Reeds added when he noticed Clara's word where not doing any good .

The words of the two innocent children in the Hospital gown, did a number on him,he instantly welcomed them into his small shop container and gave them his food without a second thought.

"Why would some people want you both dead?"

The shop owner asked.

Clara's face pointing to the ground she said" It's my Uncle Rorshan, he wants to kidnap us and sell us to the dark market and a nurse at the hospital received some few Bucks to help him capture us in doing so, she ended up killing her own friend instead of us."

"Unbelievable, people here has turned evil these days.This town is too big for kids to be walking here alone I can help you."

Both Clara and Benjamin instantly realized their surroundings. It looked alot more like America but the Vegetation of this place was quite strong."Where is here exactly , where are we?''Both kids asked simultaneously.

"You are in Rio de Janeiro,'' the owner answered.

Clara and Benjamin feeling shocked"we in what now?"

"Yes this a country called Brazil, right now we are in the town of Rio.,"

"Amazing.." Benjamin blurry but after he saw Clara, giving him a deadly glare …" Um I mean terrible how did we travel from Dellon to get here. "

Clara " Dellon? "

Benjamin" Is a town, that is where Rick..y" he stopped.

That instant tears started raining down Clara's cheek. She quickly wipes it off with the blue gown she was wearing. Clara was the tough kind of person, She always wanted to stay strong in most difficult situations. She always detest being soft yet she couldn't stop her tears.

Benjamin once glanced at the clothing parked in the shop."We would Appreciate it if you' kindly gives us something to wear sir"

"Oh sure, but don't call me sir "He tossed them a yellow and a blue T shirt with blue jeans.

"I think you should get out, I am about to change"She was looking at the owner as she said. ""That includes you Ben."

She quickly took the pair of clothes the shop owner gave her.

Few minutes later Clara called them in.

"Am okay now I am all dressed up you can come in but I feel trapped in these jeans. Can I try another one? ``said Clara.

"No my child I'm afraid not this is the only cheap clothes I can give you for free"

Benjamin also finished changing his clothes few minutes later.

On the front desk of the kiosk the radio stopped playing the music and started broadcasting a voice announcement.

"*****Hello Rio this is Cart Grant,this is an emergency, just 5 minutes ago, two insane young foreigners just murdered A nurse and injured a another patient on their attempt to flee from their criminal activity.The name of the hospital is The Yakima central health care.The Police reports says that the suspects successful fled from the crime scene. Is a boy and a girl.

The boy has a flourishing deep brown hair and he is 3.5 feet tall most importantly he was bleeding at his occiput, you might see him wearing bandages .Report immediately if you saw anyone as such.

The girl is 3.5 feet tall and her hair is golden hair ( with blood stains inside)

The only clothes they were wearing before they left was the blue patient gowns.

The mayor of California has also pledged to pay 1 million U S dollars to anyone who brings those two to him.He would immediately send the two suspects to California where they are from."***

After the broadcast was done The owner of the shop screamed in excitement.

"Hallelujah….I am going to be rich."

Clara and Benjamin stared in shock.

"But we have not done anything wrong.We are innocent I swear some else killed her not us"

"I believe you, my son,"said the shop owner.

Clara"You do?"

"Yes I trust you and not just because you are children but also you have a good heart.I will go and make sure my father's place is all settled so that I can hide there now that you are wanted. Wait here in my shop , everyone in this town is after you two now,I want you to wait and whatever you do, don't go outside.".........

To be continued........................