
Big surprise

I realize it's not my place to do anything. That doesn't mean I can't stare him down."hey! I just wanted to say your really beautiful. No disrespect to you boyfriend." He says. I look at her almost pleading with my eyes for her to go along with it. But she's to deep. "No! That's just my best friend." She says giggling." Well in that case. I would love to get your number." He says as he smirks. She writes her number on his arm and they talk for a moment more before I tell her we need to go. We walk in silence for about two blocks straight until she break the silence." You okay?" She says looking at me with her beautiful eyes." Fine." I say speed walking across the street. She struggles to keep up because of her short legs. " wait up!" She yells. I stop and watch her run across the street. When she finally gets across she looks pissed." What the frick dude ?" She says confused. "What?" I say. "You we're walking extra fast on purpose. What's wrong ? I know you. Your my best friend."Her words make my doubts my more real." I said I'm fine. Leave it alone pearl." I say as I began walking fast again. I hear her angrily blow air out of her nose as she tries to keep up. We make it into school and as usual she wonders off to her friends as I walk around looking for my only other friend. I finally find her. Her face lights up when she sees me.

"Hey!" She says exited."you look pretty today, as always." I say with a smile. She smiles back." Your to good to me Terence ." She says. Just then pearl walks over."oh hey nilah. I didn't think you would be coming today." Pearl says." Why wouldn't I ?" Nilah says with annoyance in her voice." Because you never come to school. So Terence is usually on his own if I'm not around him." Pearl says sternly." Well I mean Terence is grown. I'm sure he could handle hisself." Nilah says sounding stern also." Yeah, he's grown. But that doesn't mean he doesn't need his friends." Pearl says stepping closer to Nilah." What you need to do is back up. Your in my space." Nilah says pushing pearl back making her stumble. They began arguing.  Until Nilah smacks pearl. I then have to think quick and grab pearl and take out of of the classroom. As I walking away with pearl on my shoulder Nilah looks at me almost looking disappointed ? But why? What did I do? I sit pearl down on her feet and try to clear my head." What was that?!" I ask. " she hit me first! I was trying to make a point! She's a terrible friend. I don't know why your still friends with that chick." She's says sounding ...jealous? No, no that had to be in my head. I realize I'm  zoned out and pearls been talking for awhile. I zone back in." And down even get me started on how she dresses !" I cut her off." Stop! Just stop, I can't hear you criticize one more thing about her." I say and immediately regret saying." Oh. So your on her side ?" She says folding her arms." No! I just want to see my friends get along for once." I say as I walk away from her." Wait!" I hear her say. I turn around into a kiss. My eyes grown wide. I kiss back I've been waiting for this for so long. My hands travel her body, but...wait... Pearl is wearing my hood. This feels like a dress. I open my eyes to see NILAH.