

I back up in shock." What the hell Nilah?!" I yell. Just before Nilah could say anything pearl cuts her off."she's a slut. That's what she does." Pearl says as she walks up to Nilah." I'm really fucking tired of you speaking on me." Nilah says as she walks up closer to pearl. I am now in between them, I don't know what to do at all so I just stand there frozen." And what the frick are you going to do about it? Whore." Pearl says as she walks around me . Nilah smacks her again causing one of....PEARLS CONTACTS TO FALL OUT?! I'm stuck in confusion as I see pearls eyes arnt blue... they're dark brown."wha-" I'm cut off by pearl." DONT! Just don't." Pearl says as she walks out of the exit door. I want to run after her but...I have to handle this Nilah situation first. I walk up to Nilah and stand there awkwardly. She breaks the silence."so....how about we talk about this over pizza?" She says with an awkward smile."s-sure." I say. She walks towards the exit, I stop her." We still have 3 classes left." I say in Confusion." Class rhymes with pass for a reason." She says as she walks out. I reluctantly follow her. She runs across our school parking lot, once she gets to the side walk she motions me to hurry up. I run after her. We finally reach the pizza store." I have no clue why we ran." She says as she tries to catch her breath."because we're children." I say also trying to catch my breath. She giggles and walks up to the door, I rush in front of her to open the door for her." See this is why I've crushed on you for so long. You really know how to treat a woman." She says as she walks in. I stand there surprised for a bit before I get it together and also walk in." Go ahead and sit down I'll order." I tell her." So sweet. You know my favorite topping right?" She asks." Of course pineapples. It's disgusting but I remember it." I say with a giggle." You have to try it before you judge it!" She exclaims as she walks towards a booth. I roll my eyes and order our pizzas. After I order I walk up to our booth and I take my seat on the opposite side." They said it should be done in a little bit." I say to her. She stares at me for awhile before saying something." Okay, let's just address the elephants in the room. I've been in love with you sense kindergarten." She says confidently. I'm at lost for words. She notices and come over to my side of the booth."you don't have to say anything. I know you like pearl. But can you at least give us a chance? You can't run after her ALL your life." She says looking into my eyes. I realize she's right, I can't spend my whole life obsessing over one girl." I would love to give us a chanc-" before I could fully finish my sentence she jumps into my lap." I can't believe you said yes." She says with a big smile. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer. "This just feels right " I say to her. She leans in and kisses me but we are rudely interrupted by our pizza. The bus boy puts out pizza on the table." Looks like this is going to be a to be continued." Nilah says and she hops off my lap and begins eating her pizza. I got to reach for my slice when I'm greeted by something that absolutely shocked me. Pearl walked in with that GUY!