
Proving my love

Hey, I guess you could call this a regular teenage love story. Only this isn't about love, it's more about obsession, an obsession that would soon ruin my life. Okay so more formally, I'm Terrence the "teenage boy in love". I start my day as usual getting up brushing my teeth then getting dressed . I never ate breakfast because....let's just say we weren't the wealthiest family." TERENCE YOU'LL BE LATE!" My mom yells from downstairs." Coming!" I yell back. I head downstairs, and I see my mother scathing her lottery cards. She always says one day we'll win, but I guess I don't really believe in the lottery. "Hurry hunny." She says with a smile, placing her lottery cards on the table." I know mom I'm heading out now." I say. I grab my bag and say goodbye to my mom. I then make my way over to the bus stop where I'm greeted by my best friend pearl. I could notice those beautiful bright blue eyes anywhere.

She greets me with a half smile. It shouldn't but it lightens my day. I look at her to see she's still wearing my hoodie I gave her." Hey nerd." She says jokingly. "Hey." I say with a smile. She then begins to talk about other boys in our class, and it's better if I just block her out. I just watch her lips move so perfectly. Until my watch time is cut short by the screeching sound of the bus finally arriving. I help her onto the bus sense she's only 4'11. We sit next to each other. We began talking about our favorite books, until we are interrupted by a guy." Hey, I saw u drop this." He hands her a crumpled up dollar bill. I give him the death stare, but it doesn't seem to faze him." Thanks." She says as she smiles and takes the dollar bill. The guy walks back to his seat making sure to not take his eyes off her." How do you like my hoodie?" I make sure to say loud enough for him to hear. He then looks away from her. She finally pays attention to me." Oh yeah, yeah it's great." She says rushingly. I see she's staring at him now. That made my blood boil. I've worked so hard to even make it into the friend zone! And this guy just comes in and ruins it! I try to ignore the devilish thoughts in my mind as I just look out the window. I feel her tiny hand tap my arm. I then look over to see a picture of the guy sitting across us.

That little shit ! He posed for the photo." Isn't he just adorable?" She says making googley eyes at him. I see her send the picture in the "girls" group chat.I say that because I'm literally in it. " I'm so far in the friend zone" I think to myself. All of the girls of course began drooling over him. I roll my eyes and look out the window hoping this ride would go faster. We finally come to a stop. Pearl and I began walking out but she is stopped by him.