

Normal frickin days. Boring usual college days. Normal us. So why. No ,where did it all go wrong. When did it all go wrong. Just a bunch of teenage girls trying to get over their last year as seniors ,each of them wanting to go to different universities with different dreams. Four best friends ,different personalities ,different everything ,only met last year but became closer than childhood friends or so they thought. When they get tangled up in something they never could have even dreamt of ,friendship isn't friendship ,enemies aren't enemies ,nothing is normal and usual and boring and the same and it never will be. New allies or maybe not.

_mokshikaWrites_ · Teen
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11 Chs

Weird day


Ring Ring ,smash ,"what the hell is going on in here" ,said my mum ,"you broke your alarm clock again ,well I'm not buying you a new one" ,she said smugly and left the room ,"get up your already late" ,came her voice from what seemed the kitchen.

"You could have woken me uuup" I said slowly lifting myself out of bed.

"Your old enough to get out of bed by yourself ,look at your friends" ,only if she knew ,I quickly type a good morning reply to my only early bird friend delilah who has already sent a good morning text followed by a cute gif that makes me giggle.

She has the kindest heart you will ever see in a person. If I described her in colour I would go with purple or violet ,it's her vibe it's her colour.

Anyways ,I have college at 8 and it's 7:20 right now.

What are the chances of going back under the covers instead of going out of bed.

"Zero chances ,get up now" ,came my mum's voice as though she heard my thoughts.

She's a mindreader I'm telling you ,but I think it comes with the job ,she's a teacher at my old school and she must have seen enough of students like me to be able to tell what were thinking and she's my mom ofcourse she would know but how is she so accurate geez.

I crawl out of bed ,like literally crawl my way to the bathroom grabbing my towel on the way which was hung on the door handle , head straight to mirror and damn why do I look so good in the mornings. When I come back from college I literally look like I jumped into a trash can and then jumped out and walked home but in the mornings I look like I can model for a magazine.

After staring at myself for another 10 minutes ,I snap out of my daze and brush my teeth ,shower and get ready.

Yes ,I'm a rule breaker ,our uniform is actually blue jeans blue shirt ,but not once in my life have I worn jeans ,I always go with comfortable black track pants and blue shirt but I put on a jacket which covers the whole shirt ,it doesn't look like I'm wearing my uniform at all and ofcourse no I don't put my identity card around my neck I just drop it somewhere in my bag ,pull my hair out of its low ponytail and wear the band on my wrist knowing I'll loose it by the time I reach college. I'm ready now.

"Here you go your breakfast ,your lunch box is on the table , don't forget to take it ,I'm running late bye love you" she jogs out of the house forgetting her phone.

"You forgot your phone mom" I shout ,she comes back grabs it plants a kiss on my head and leaves with a smile.

I roll my eyes ,but a smile is on my face too ,I quickly pack my lunchbag ,lock the house and leave.

The time was 7:55 and I had 5 minutes to get there.

College is a 10 minute walk from my house so I don't have to worry about being late I guess.

I still jog on my way and I reach in 5.

"Wait up" says a panting and huffing Sarah.

She's never late though so why today.

"Why are you late today"

"I got up late"

"no way ,you always sleep early and wake up early"

"I know but my alarm didn't go off ,or it did but I was too deep asleep I didn't even hear it" she said scratching her hair.

"You ok?"

"yeah I'm all good don't worry" ,we had reached class while talking but our physics teacher was already in class.

"Oh man ,why is he so early today" ,I said in frustration.

"He always is ,you and me are extra late today"

"How are we extra late it's only 8:02 ,2 minutes come on"

"Well late is late ,no matter how late"

"Why are you both late today ,do you know what the time is" , he said walking slowly towards us.

"We're sorry sir" we both said in unison.

"I do not need your sorry ,I asked you a simple question"

"We're sorry sir" said Sarah "but we're only 2 minutes late sir" I said a bit annoyed.

Sarah dug her arm into my sides.

"Ouchhh" ,I glared at her.

"Get in both of you ,this is your last time"

I was gonna say "but sir it's our fi..." and Sarah shut me up again by punching my shoulder.



"Haha ,late both of you ,but why are you late Sarah" asks Sloane as confused as I was.

"I woke up late"

"but you always..."

"I know I know ,my stupid alarm didn't ring"

"Hi cuties" ,says delilah looking ever so cute in her violet hoodie and purple bracelets and her neck length hair combed neatly with a purple clip in it.

See I told you the girl is the epitome of purple itself.

"Hi" I say smiling back at her,

"Hey" says Sloane quickly folding her arms getting ready to fall asleep the moment her head touches the table.

"Hi" says Sarah in her usual happy voice with a tiny bit of worry.

"It's obvious something's bothering you ,what is it" ,I said.

"We can't help you if you don't tell us you know" says sloane getting up.

"It's nothing ,don't worry im just thinking about how I didn't hear my alarm ,it's..."

"Girls ,pay attention" ,says Mr Reese ,

"yes sir" we say and try to not fall asleep for the rest of his class.

He is a good teacher ,his classes are boring because it's physics ,who doesn't find physics boring ,oh yeah Sarah loves physics ,I like math and Sloane likes chemistry.

Delilah likes every subject or atleast she tries her best in everything even if she doesn't like it ,even if you ask her she'll say "i like everything what is there not to like".

We're best friends ,we only met last year when each of us transferred from different schools ,but one year was enough to bring all of us together ,we're all completely different from each other but they do say opposite poles attract each other.

"Oh no you're wearing this jacket today" said Delilah with a frown on her face

"Why this jacket gives me good luck"

"As if ,everytime you wear this jacket you've had the worst luck possible" said Sloane rolling her eyes.

Then we all turned towards Sarah she was glaring at her book with the same frown on her face.

"What are you not telling us Sarah" said Sloane

"Nothing it's just I have this gut feeling that something bad is about to happen today"

"Why just because you got up late ,Sarah that isn't..."

"No Sloane it's not that ,it's just I don't know something about today"

"Great ,even Sage is wearing her unlucky jacket" she says rolling her eyes and slumping back in the table. Yes ,she rolls her eyes a lot ,more than me too.

Good morning class" says Ms Roberts.

"Good morning Ms Roberts" we say in unison and Sloane whispers in the back 'not so good morning but ok'

She teaches English , it's boring sometimes but easy so we'll be fine.

See perfectly normal day.

Just like it was yesterday.

Just like how it will be tomorrow.

"Have faith in your intuition and listen to your gut feeling" ~ Ann covon

Remember to drink water:)

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