

Normal frickin days. Boring usual college days. Normal us. So why. No ,where did it all go wrong. When did it all go wrong. Just a bunch of teenage girls trying to get over their last year as seniors ,each of them wanting to go to different universities with different dreams. Four best friends ,different personalities ,different everything ,only met last year but became closer than childhood friends or so they thought. When they get tangled up in something they never could have even dreamt of ,friendship isn't friendship ,enemies aren't enemies ,nothing is normal and usual and boring and the same and it never will be. New allies or maybe not.

_mokshikaWrites_ · Teen
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11 Chs



The holiday was fine. Sage went over to her grandparents. Sloane as usual slept all day. Sarah finally texted letting everyone know she was fine and that she just had a little trouble with her father and that was what was bothering her. As for me ,like always I made sure all my friends were fine and did some workout ,studied ,did some art ,took my dog for a long walk and slept early to get in my beauty sleep.

That being said ,the dreaded college day was back. Time to put on a smile, fake or not ,look energized just as the teachers want ,even though you want to drop dead on the floor out of fatigue and last but not least always be kind. That's my resolution ,it has and will be forever.

But I guess it's just me ,because my friends sure like showing their annoyance and tiredness to everyone ,every college day.

We were in the canteen ,except me everyone had their choice of food platter. I always eat home cooked meals ,so I wait for the person my dad sent to drop my lunch bag in the reception where I can take it ,he said he'll be there in five.


"Hi guys ,had fun yesterday?" ,I said smiling brightly ,I wonder if my mouth can stretch anymore.

"It was fine"

"Fine for you Sage ,it was awesome for me ,I slept for over 15 hours I think ,new record or what" ,Sloane says smirking and patting herself on the back.

"Not bad a holiday ,I guess but you know what ,there's a new family moving in next to mine and this guy..." says Sarah stopping midway to see the commotion going on in front of them that was shocking to say the least.

What happened was,

While Sarah was telling them about her holiday ,I decided to go grab my lunch bag but I also had to make a quick stop to the classroom as well. Bad idea.

What was unfolding in front of them was funny but not good. Delilah had Dominic in her arms ,what looked like him tripping and her being strong as hell ,yes she is very strong for a small petite girl ,saved him from probably bursting his skull open by falling down the staircase. But he is literally 'Dominic' ,our college bully but he bullies students from other schools and colleges as well. He's known all over town for being a big guy ,scary enough that the police think about it before getting involved ,some rumors say his family is a big influence ,old money and that's why no one should mess with him but it could all be bullshit.

Anyways ,I ,yes I had Dominic in my arms ,it all happened in a second ,I was walking up the staircase while I bumped into someone and on the first step I stood ,turned around and apologised but when I turned back a big thing ,no a big person was falling backward ,I guess it was just instinct but I held my arm open and somehow I saved this big creature from falling. Now he was getting heavy in my arms ,so I quickly shoved him forward not caring if he stumbled or not and quickly fixed my hair.

"What was that for..." ,said the big guy.

When I looked up ,he was staring at me. I recognised him immediately. Dominic ,school bully ,oh no ,why me. But I saved his life ,practically he's not going to hurt someone who saved his life right?.

"Your welcome" ,I said but it was more like a whisper and I started towards the staircase again. A large hand held my arm tugging me backwards in a firm pull.

"Wait a second ,I did not hear what you said and we're not done here"

"What ,I didn't say anything ,I need to be somewhere right now so I need to go" ,I looked back desperately to find relief when I saw my friends walking towards me.

"I just wanted to say thank you" he said.

I turned to find him with a grin on his face so wide ,I wanted to scratch his face with my neatly done nails ,but I would probably hurt myself doing that.

"You're we...welcome" ,I said, confused a bit by his warm tone in voice. But why was I stuttering?.

He chuckled looked back at his friends and then moved a bit closer to my face and whispered "you can go now little cat ,but we'll meet again ,until then" he said and walked away ,only then did I realize I was holding in my breath the whole time.

He turns back suddenly winks and says ,"your strength is your charm huh, consider me charmed"

I take a deep breath and my friends come into view.

"Delilah ,you okay?" ,asked Sarah

"Yea ,I think?" ,it was more of a question to myself.

"What do you need from class ,I'll go fetch it ,you can go sit down ,Sloane will get you your lunch ,you need to eat" said Sage.

"It's okay ,I'll get them ,I'm fine"

"Nope ,not happening ,as Sage said well go get them tell me what you need" ,their stubborn as a bull ,but they're my bulls.

I giggle and say ,"alright ,I'll go get my phone from class ,can you guys fetch my lunch bag" ,they gave me a look.

"You just wanted your phone ,all this happened because you went for your phone" ,said Sloane.

"We'll ,I forgot my phone ,all of you have yours ,what if I lost mine ,so I remembered and was going to get it back ,besides how would I know something like this was going to happen"

"Makes sense" ,said Sage

"Fair enough" ,said Sloane ,Sarah started laughing and we all cracked up too.

"But I have a real question that's bugging me ,how the heck did u actually carry that massive dude" ,Sarah said tilting her head waiting for my answer.

"Well I didn't carry him exactly, it was just like he fell on me and somehow I was able to hold him in my arms just for a few seconds before I shoved him forward" ,I said secretly proud of myself.

"This is why you should eat broccoli everyday" ,I said ,broccoli is one thing I love ,love so much ,you can eat it plain or with anything and it's super healthy.

"Broccoli. Everyday. Blergh ,I'm gonna be sick" ,Sloane says pretending to faint.

"Don't be dramatic" ,I said, rolling my eyes at her hysterics but it was funny either way.

I got my phone ,had lunch and the day went by pretty fast ,it was the end of the day ,Sage left ,Sarah left ,even Sloane left. My reason for going home late today ,I was supposed to go by bus ,but my dad said he was picking me up today because all of us were going to go somewhere. Where? I don't know ,he said it's a surprise.

At first I was against the idea because going directly meant I had to go wherever in uniform. While my uniform is actually quite nice and comfortable ,it's strictly only for college, not something you would like to wear outside so nope ,I made my mom pick something from my closet and get it ,I would find some place to change.

As I was waiting ,I was scrolling through my pinterest ,when I felt a presence approaching me ,but just as I was gonna look behind ,there was a honk in front of me and it was my dad and my mom in the car. I quickly got on ,and drove away ,that's when I realized I didn't look back at all.

Hopefully whoever it was didn't need me for any emergency or there was no one at all. I just brushed away my thoughts ,put my phone away and asked my dad where we were going.

"Where do you want to go"

"I don't know ,you tell me" ,I said.

"Were going to your grandparents" ,my mom said.

"What ,why so suddenly"

"you don't wanna see your grandparents?" ,my mom said, raising her eyebrows.

"It's not like that ,I'm just asking ,wait did something happen" ,I got a little scared at my own question.

"Nothing happened ,it's a holiday tomorrow again ,your college announced and the day after is Sunday anyway ,so I told your dad we could go meet them for two days ,wouldn't hurt ,it's been long" ,she said.

"It's a holiday again ,why?"

"Your principal sent a message saying ,it's a college issue and hence a holiday" ,my dad said.

"But why again?"

"You like holidays anyway ,just enjoy it"

"Alright I guess" ,my worry faded away as fast as it came.

I texted the group telling all of them what my mom said.

"Yeah my dad just told me now too" ,came a reply from Sage.

"Yea ,same" ,reply from Sloane.

"Why so suddenly again ,they just said college issue ,I'm a bit curious now" ,said Sarah.

"It's fine, there must be some small personal problem ,what are you guys doing for the holiday ,since it extends onto Sunday ,it's two days off" ,I said excitedly.

"Yep ,I'm sleeping" says Sloane ,not new coming from her.

I rolled my eyes.

"I guess I'll go to the mall ,wanna join guys?" Sarah says.

"I'm going to my grandparents right now ,I won't be back till Sunday night" ,I said a tidbit disappointed ,but I'm going to meet my grandparents ,that made me smile ,I truly miss them so much.

"I'm coming ,let me know the time" ,Sloane says.

"Sorry guys ,my parents told me to go with Ajax"

"Where?" ,I asked.

"He wanted to go somewhere with me ,he won't tell me where and I denied at first but he made my parents convince me ,that moron" ,we all chuckled at that.

"Have fun guys ,send lots of pics ,love y'all" ,I said and put my phone away ,enjoying the long ride to my second home.

"No one heals himself by wounding another"

~St Ambrose

Who is Ajax¿

How is he related to Sage¿

Let's find out in the next ch.

I tried to write a longer ch this time ,hope y'all like it :)

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