
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The promise of Xu Xi's promise

"Close the sword."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, with dignity in the light, as if the king had commanded his son.

The Xueyi man heard the sound, and his body suddenly converged, his wrist moved, and he tried to pull back with a sword, but failed to twitch.

The tip of the sword was pinched in Feng Xi's hand. He twisted his eyebrows and pulled the sword again, but failed to twitch. At once, the blue that had faded slightly in the pupil of the Xueyi surged up again, staring at Feng Xi without blinking. Seems desperate to fight, but is very patient.

"How did the girl let go?" The voice sounded again, still faint, but with a hint of command that could not be ignored in the tone, but it would not be offensive. This person seemed to be born like this.

"What if you don't let go?" Feng Xitou didn't turn back.

"Sister?" Han Pula pulled her sleeve.

"How does that girl want to let go?" The voice behind him sounded again, with a trace of patience and curiosity.

"Apologize." Feng Xi stared at the Xueyi man gently.

"Huh?" The voice behind him seemed a little funny.

"This man plucked my brother with a sword for no reason. If I arrived in time, the younger brother would have been killed under his sword." Feng Xi still didn't look back, just staring at the man in Xueyi, the lazy light in his eyes had now turned into a cold cold light. , "Perhaps human life is like a mustard in your eyes, but in my eyes, my brother is better than any treasure in the world."

"Oh?" The person behind him glanced at Han Pu. "Let's not hurt his brother."

"Oh?" Feng Xi narrowed his eyes, "Just because he wasn't injured or killed, then he can only blame him for his bad luck or inferior skills when he was frightened?" She tilted her head and smiled extremely brilliantly, "Since So-I have killed many people, but I asked myself that I have never killed an innocent person. Now, I will try to kill a stranger too!"

The snow man hadn't recovered from her smile, and he felt a pain in his wrist, and then he numb with five fingers, and the sword had left.

"You also taste this taste!" Feng Xi whispered in his mouth, seized the sword and turned, his wrist turned, and the long sword had turned into Changhong who stabbed straight behind him.

"Master, be careful!" the Xueyi man yelled.

Jian Guanghuacan, as fast as the wind, has reached the man's neck in an instant.

The man was not a casual person, his figure flew to the left quickly, and the sword passed by, but he didn't wait for him to take a breath. The second sword followed him, piercing his eyes.

"Whee?" The man was a little surprised, thinking that the opponent's skill was so fast, unavoidable, his wrist turned, and the blue light in his sleeve flashed, which could hold the long sword, and the tip of the sword was less than half an inch from the eyelids .

"Son!" The Xueyi man was shocked, but he didn't dare to act.

"Good." Feng Xi applauded, and at the same time, his wrist shook, and the tip of his sword hit the blue light-it was a machete that was no more than a foot long, the blade was light blue, and it flowed in the sun. Blue meniscus.

The man saw Feng Xi's wrist move, and immediately the power was on his arm.

Ding! The forces they had transported collided, causing the swords and swords to make a clear sound of Jin Ge, and at the same time the **** were numb.

"Good Kungfu!" This time the man praised aloud. Before the words fell, he flexed his sword and flicked the sword with a short stroke, bringing up a fascinating blue light and wrapped it around Fengxi's neck.

Seeing the wind on the evening, his mind sighed, his long sword swayed sharply, and he suddenly woven a windproof sword wall.

I can only hear the sound of Ding Ding Ding's continuous sword fights. The two are already fighting close to each other.

"Take me this trick." Feng Xi sipped, turned his right wrist, and the long sword swept back, knocked away the opponent's short knife, and then quickly turned, stab the man's chest straight. At the same time, the left sleeve flicked, and if Bai Yun flew away, straight to the man's face door, the sleeve was not reached, and the sharp sleeve wind had swept the skin slightly.

Seeing this, the man couldn't help but admire this person's high skill and quick move, but still not panicking, his right hand turned over, his short knife blocked the long sword from his chest, and the same left hand waved into Palm knife, holding the eight forces, straight to the left sleeve of Feng Xi.

"Hee-take this trick again."

Seeing that the trick was about to be resolved, Feng Xi chuckled suddenly, raised his left wrist, and the big sleeve suddenly slipped away before the man took the knife. The man's palm fell into disappointment, and when he was about to change his move, the wind and the long sleeves rewinded in an instant, intending to wrap the man's left palm. If this move succeeded, the man's left palm would have to take off his wrist!

The man was still in danger, and his martial arts were also brilliant. At the moment when his long sleeves could wrap his left palm, he turned his palm into claws and grabbed it with his five fingers. He only heard a sizzle, and the two separated, half-length in the air. The sleeves fell between the two.

"Sister!" Han Pu saw the two separated and hurried to Fengxi's side.

"Young Master!" The man in Xueyi also hurried to the man's side, but his eyes were staring at the wind, and his expression was ashamed and annoyed. I am ashamed of the arrogance of swordsmanship, and today I was snatched the sword; I am annoyed that this village aunt dare to do it with my son!

"Sister, haven't you been injured?" Han Pu looked at Feng Xi worriedly.

"No." Feng Xi bowed his head and returned to Han Pu with a smile, indicating that he should not worry. Raising his left hand, he has been ripped off half of his sleeves, revealing a white arm, but the palms are still black and dirty. "Well, the sleeves have been ripped, and I haven't encountered such an opponent for many years."

"Son, are you okay?" The man in Xueyi also asked his master with concern.

"It's okay." The man shook his head and raised his left hand, leaving a shallow blood mark about three inches long on the back of his hand. "I can't think of such a master in this wild mountain wilderness."

Feng Xi looked at the man, but at first sight he couldn't help but startled.

It was a young man who was memorable at a glance. Tall and tall, wearing a light purple brocade, long black hair tied with a purple ribbon behind his head, a face like a peerless work carefully carved by the best jade selected by heaven, eyes are rare The golden brown, if there is a golden light flashing in the blink of an eye, stand up casually, but in this barren mountain, it looks like a king who has come to the world, bringing a kind of nobility and arrogance.

Feng Xi and Feng Xian have known each other for many years. She always feels that no one in the world can look at the appearance of men. She can always look at herself with the best appearance, but she can't help but be surprised at the moment.

"Well, it was the first time I saw someone who could match the black fox." She could not help murmuring.

"Sister, what do you say?" Han Pu asked. Just because Feng Xi's voice was too low to be heard clearly.

"I'm saying-when will you grow up." Feng Xi glanced down at Han Pu. Looking at his small handsome face, he thought, maybe he could grow up with one of them when he grew up.

"The girl's martial arts height is really rare, dare to ask the girl's name?" When Feng Xi looked at the man in purple clothes, the man was also examining Feng Xi.

The woman in front of her couldn't tell the original color of her clothes. Her face was white and black, and she couldn't distinguish her appearance. At first glance, it was really undesirable, but she had unusually bright eyes, like dark and chaotic. The only two cold stars in the wilderness radiate a dazzling clear light, which makes people look involuntarily again. When I look at it again, I find that this dirty woman has a kind of flying free and easy, as if it is a breeze that is free from the ten feet of soft red and can fly away at any time.

"Huh! How can my sister's name be free to tell people." Han Puwenyan hummed his nose and raised his chin high. "At least you have to apologize to me first."

"Oh?" The man in Ziyi glanced at Han Pu lightly.

Han Zi did not know what to do when the man in Ziyi swept his eyes. His heart fluttered, and his arrogance became weak. "You… You have scared me for no reason, and of course I have to apologize to me."

"Oh." The man in purple clothes raised his eyebrows. "So what's the name of the little brother?"

Upon hearing someone's name, Han Pu immediately reported herself boldly and boldly, "My name is Han Pu. Although the martial arts are only generally high at present, they will definitely be more powerful than Bai Feng and Black Breath in the future!"

"Hahaha!" Wen Yan said, the man in purple clothes couldn't help but smile with his head up. He laughed with a domineering domineering body, which made people dare not look at it.

The Xueyi man frowned and looked at Han Pu, who clearly told him that he didn't believe that he had the ability.

Han Pu, stimulated by the purple man's laughter and the snow man's eyes, immediately clenched his fists and shouted, "You… what are you laughing at? Do you not believe it? Well, you know my sister…" It's just an unfinished word, on my head But he slaps and pats the second half of his sentence back.

"Did you lose your face enough, do you still want to lose my face?" Feng Xi patted Han Pu, his eyes squinted at the man in purple, and said lightly, "The waves of the sea and the sea are all after the waves, the world's personnel is always New people change old people. Maybe one day in the future, his reputation for martial arts will really surpass these people, so why should you laugh at him."

"Girl Han, I didn't laugh at his rant, but praised others for being so ambitious." The man in purple clothes smiled and looked at Han Pu. "It's just that characters like Bai Feng and Hei Xi haven't come out for decades. If you want to surpass them, you can't just do it casually."

"My sister doesn't-ouch!" Han Pu saw that this person mistakenly called Feng Xi as "Girl Han" and was about to correct it. Suddenly he was slapped again on the forehead and took the second half of the sentence back again.

"Is it? Then wait and see." Feng Xi said lightly, and then tossed his long sword in front of the man in Xueyi, holding Han Pu, "Park Er, since your fist is not hard, then we Let's go."

"Slow down." The Xueyi man suddenly yelled at them.

"Why? You still have to fight a game? Although it will be hard to win your son, but it is not difficult to win you." Feng Xi stopped and looked back at the snow man.

"Sorry," the Xueyi man said suddenly.

"Uh?" Feng Xi was surprised.

"My Xiao Jian is not an indiscriminate killing of innocent people." Xueyi man said, but it is still the same sentence, still proud and unwilling to explain the reason for the sting.

"Oh?" Feng Xi couldn't help but turn around and looked at him carefully. For a moment, she smiled, "Xiao Jian? Got it."

Xiao Jian was puzzled by her smile. Obviously, her face was black and dirty, not to mention her ugliness, she was very merciful, but she looked like pearls when she smiled. Although she was dusty, she still revealed a kind of brilliance, which made people look sideways. Recalling that she had lost her smile and even lost her sword, she suddenly felt a little annoyed by such a smile.

The man in purple suddenly asked, "I don't know why the girl appeared in these wild mountains and wilderness?"

Feng Xi turned his head to meet his piercing gaze, "People like a son should not appear in these wild mountains and wilderness."

The purple-brown man's golden-brown eyes stared closely at Fengxi, as if to see through her, she was a sharp man. "The girl's skill is the second one so far that I can't beat with confidence."

"Huh? The second one?" Feng Xi turned his head, "Who is the first one?"

"Jade Wuyuan." When the arrogant man in purple clothes said the name, his voice showed a rare respect.

"Jade Wu Yuan?" Feng Xi heard, his lazy eyes suddenly lighted up, the light was burning, and his face also smiled with joy, "Yu Wu Yu, the first son of the world? Can he be listed as someone you can't beat?" , But it's an honor."

The man in Ziyi saw the name of Jade Wuyuan, she was so happy and admired, she could not help asking, "The girl also knows Jade Wuyuan?"

"Jianshan Jade alone, the world is sighing for no reason. Whoever does not want to make friends with the world's jade son, it is a pity that he is famous for a long time, and he is desperate." Feng Xi sighed. Looking up at the sky, the sun is shining, and I wonder if the legendary man is as glorious as the sun? "The person I want to meet most in this world is the young man Yu."

"Oh?" A trace of intriguing smile floated on the man's face in Ziyi. "Can the whole world only have Yu Gongzi in the girl's eyes?"

"Haha…" Feng Xi looked back and smiled at the man in purple clothes. "Of course, it is also an honor to meet the son of the imperial prince of Jizhou, one of the four sons, but only…" She rolled her eyes, carrying The cunning look, "If I met Yu Gongzi, I would still be happier."

"Is it?" The man in purple clothes raised an eyebrow, and then laughed loudly again, "Ha ha ha… The girl's ingenuity is rare." The laughter was cheerful, resounding in the mountains.

"Crazy, rude." Xiao Jian watched Feng Xi spit out two words.

For a moment, the man in purple clothes stopped laughing, but only smiled in his eyes. "Since I was born, no one has ever said such things to me, but I listened but rejoiced."

"The crown prince is standing high, and it is natural to hear'crabber'." Feng Xi raised an eyebrow at Xiao Jian, as if to admit his arrogance and rudeness.

"Why does the girl affirm that I am an imperial dynasty?" The purple man, the imperial dynasty, didn't care about the identity being discerned.

"Jizhou respects purple." Feng Xi glanced at the costume of the dynasty. "Moreover," she bent over to pick up the half-length sleeves on the ground. "It's not my own arrogance, but I have been in the rivers and lakes for so many years. This world can fight me. There are not many people with a tie." Shaking the dirt on the sleeve of the sleeve and putting it away, and then turned to look at Xiao Jian. "Besides, there is no second person in the swordsmanship called "Xiao Jian". I'm wrong about the snow sweeping general in Jizhou?"

Xiao Jian frowned slightly, looked at her, for a moment, cautiously clenched his fist: "Ling brother just hide and hide, I was mistaken as an assassin, offended, please forgive me."

In this regard, Feng Xi just waved his hands and said, "This stinky kid has made me ashamed, and he wanted to beat him ass. Who would have known that he escaped faster than a rabbit, so you scare him Deserve it."

"The girl saw both of us, but we still don't know who the girl is. It seems that when we look at people, we lost." Huang Chao said.

Feng Xi burst into a smile, "I've seen through the identity of the emperor's son. Naturally, my identity should also be recognized by the emperor. This is fair, isn't it?"

The dynasty smiled at the words and looked at Fengxi sharply, filtering out the characters it knew.

"The first-rate martial arts woman in this world is second to none, and then come to the princess Xiyun of Qingzhou, and then the general frost feather general Qiu Jiushuang of our country."

"Oh?" Feng Xi raised his eyebrows and waited for him to follow.

"Jiushuang was recognized by my ministry naturally, and although I haven't seen Bai Fengxi, but I have heard of his "Suyi Xueyue, Fenghua Peerless", girl–" The dynasty gave a meal, glanced at the opposite side. It's a woman whose facial features can't see clearly, where is the word "Fenghua".

"Hey, my ugly and blameless self is not the "Fenghua Peerless" in your mouth, isn't it?" Feng Xi chuckled, not unhappy.

"The girl is neither Bai Fengxi nor of course Princess Xiyun. Although Princess Qingyun Qingzhou founded Fengyunqi, she is famous, but she has never heard of her involvement in rivers and lakes. This." The dynasty said again.

"Well." Feng Xi nodded and seemed to agree with his speculation.

"As for other martial arts and strong women on the rivers and lakes…" The dynasty came back again. "Fei Xueguan's Shan Feixue is known as the'cold noodles', but the girl smiled, and Shan Feixue had become a monk. , The natural girl is not her. Mei Xinling's Mei Xinyu's "Plum Blossom Rain" sounded out of the rivers and lakes, but she married the "Peach Fallen Hero" Nan Zhao as a wife three years ago, and the two are deeply affectionate and inseparable. You won't be alone here. Pin Yuxuan's Jun Pinyu is a generation of doctors. Hearing that there are endless stream of people seeking medical treatment every day, he has no time to wander in this barren mountain."

"Well." Feng Xi continued to nod.

The dynasty counted the martial arts and high-strength women one by one, but still did not find a woman who could match the number in front of her. "The girl's surname is Han, forgive me, I have never heard of this name on rivers and lakes."

"Hee hee-Although the imperial son lives in the royal palace, he knows everything about the people in the world, but there are many people you and I don't know in this world." Feng Xi smiled authentically.

"The girl Xu Shi just entered the rivers and lakes soon?" The dynasty said, looking at Feng Xi's face in an instant, "or the girl washes her face, let me see the true face, maybe it is not difficult to recognize the girl. "

"Oh?" Feng Xi raised his hands to caress his face, both hands and faces were gray and black, and then looked down at himself, could not help but laughed at himself, "Not only to wash the face, but also to take a bath." She With a look, he looked at the dynasty and said with a smirk, "I want to see my true face, do you want to follow along?"

"Huh?" The dynasty froze.

He came from a distinguished background, and the women he met on weekdays were all gentle and decent ladies, even if they were more daring women and girls, no matter how small they are, they would never be like the woman in front of them. Ask a man when she takes a bath Do you want to follow along?

The dynasty was silent and looked at Fengxi with serious eyes never seen before. In front of him is this man who indulges in sensuality? Not like! Those eyes are clear and bright, without any trace of wickedness, and the smile on the face is straight, even if it is a dirty one, the whole person is still refreshing.

Therefore, the noble and strict handsome face of the dynasty for the first time emerged with playfulness, and smiled lightly: "If the girl invites, the dynasty voluntarily scoops the fragrant soup and holds the Luojin."

"Uh?" It was Feng Xi's turn to be surprised this time.

Since her debut, few people except the black fox have been able to answer her words and deeds that are too uncomfortable. If it was changed to that Yanyingzhou, it must now be blushing and supporting, and if it was changed to this beautiful snowman, it must have been cold with an ice face and not looking at her, and this dynasty-hehe , Who can be listed as one of the four eldest sons, is really good.

"Why? The girl dare not?" The dynasty smiled when he saw Feng Xi surprised.

"Well, I'm not afraid." Feng Xi rubbed his hands and scratched his head. "Instead, he asked Jizhou Shizi to serve, even the emperor sitting in the golden palace of the imperial capital had no such blessings, let alone Xiaomin, I was afraid of losing my life. Yeah."

"Hahahaha…" The dynasty couldn't help but laughed loudly, and then his arms stretched out, "I will open this barren hill into a clear lake in other days, how about asking the girl to come and clean it?"

"Huh?" Feng Xi couldn't help but stare at the dynasty. From the wild and arrogant face, she couldn't see the slightest jokes, and she felt instinctively that this man would say it, so she nodded slowly. If you really dig a lake here, then I will come back to wash my face at the end of the world."

"Okay, it's a word!"

"It's a word!"

The two actually swear by high-five. After high-five, look at each other and laugh at the same time.

The laughter was hearty and straight into the sky.

Xiao Jian on the side looked at the two laughing, and a little smile flickered across Xueliang's eyes. Then he looked at Fengxi carefully and carefully, from head to toe without leaking, and finally his eyes stopped on her forehead, where there seemed to be hanging ornaments.

"Eh, I'm hungry, please invite me to dinner." As soon as the laughter ceased, Feng Xi asked politely.

"Huh?" The dynasty raised an eyebrow.

"Why? You don't want to ask me this little man in the mountains?" Feng Xi stared.

"How come." The dynasty shook his head and responded readily, "I invite you."

Wen Yan, Feng Xi patted the dumb Han Pu, "Park Er, our lunch has fallen."

"Sister, this is the imperial dynasty! The son of Jizhou! One of the four eldest sons of the same name as Heifengyi!" When beaten by the wind, Han Pu suddenly woke up and couldn't help shouting, his eyes wide open Very large, bright, staring at the dynasty in admiration.

"So what? Swallow your saliva back!" Feng Xi knocked Han Pu's head hard.

"This little brother, you have this kind of sister, will come from extraordinary." The dynasty looked at Han Pu with a faint smile.

Han Pu touched his forehead knocked by Feng Xi, and when he heard the words of the dynasty, he could only smirk. "Hehe…that is."

"Eh, let's solve the problem of hunger first." Feng Xi rubbed his belly.

The dynasty nodded with a smile.

Feng Xi led Han Pu, followed by the dynasty and Xiao Jian, several people shuttled in the wilderness, less than a moment, they saw four people standing on a flat grass **** in front.

"Young Master." The four of them saw the dynasty coming back and greeted them, looking at Feng Xi and Han Pu.

"Wow, so much to eat!" Han Pu shouted first.

The grass **** is covered with a piece of purple carpet, which has a variety of food on it.

"I want to eat this roast duck!" Han Pu quickly rushed to the golden roast duck in the center.

"Get first, get first." Feng Xi also shouted.

Two silhouettes, one big and one small, dashed towards the roast duck, and the roast duck was about to lose its safety, but the two stopped at the same time, all four hands stopped in the air, an inch away from the roast duck.

Not because of their modesty, but because of the four hands-it's too dirty!

"Use your clothes!"

Xiao Jian hadn't had time to react yet. With a glance, Feng Xiren had reached his front, and then his sleeves were tight. When he looked down, his eyes widened—she even wiped her hand on his sleeve! The white sleeves of snow were stained into black and gray!

"You—you–" Xiao Jian stared at her speechlessly.

"Eh, don't be stingy, if my clothes are still clean, I don't have to rub it on you. Anyway, you are a rich general and you just need to buy another one." Feng Xi said while trying to wipe his hands dirt.

"You-you can go wash your hands!" Xiao Jian finally roared, the sound was not in line with his beautiful appearance, and the pupils of his eyes appeared light blue strangely again.

"Wow! It's changed again! It's changed again!" Feng Xi shouted like a child at first sight, shouting with joy like a child.

"What has changed? What has changed?" Over there, Han Pu was washing his hands with the wine in the jug. Hearing Feng Xi's cry, he ran over with the jug.

"You–you–should wash your hands with wine?" Xiao Jian saw the hip flask in Han Pu's hand and had a cramp in his forehead. His beautiful eyes were almost jumping out of his eyes, and the touch of blue was deeper. "This is'rouge drunk'" what!"

"Wow! His eyes turned blue!" Han Pu also exclaimed.

"Rouge drunk? A pot of rouge drunk?" Feng Xi snatched the jug from Han Pu and sniffed, "Well, really."

"You also know it's a pot of gold." Xiao Jian sneered.

I thought Feng Xi would regret it, who knows…

"Then I wash my hands too!" The words fell, the pot poured, and the rest of the wine poured on her hands.

Xiao Jian can only stare dumbfounded at the moment, completely speechless.

"The pot is for you." When Feng Xi threw his hand, the jug fell into Xiao Jian's hands, and then patted with two hands on Xiao Jian's shoulder. "Let me rub it again."

There were two wet handprints on Xiao Jian's shoulder.

"The roast duck is mine." Feng Xi pointed a little, and the person had fallen on the blanket. With his hand stretched, the roast duck reached his mouth, biting his teeth, and half of the duck leg came into the mouth.

"Ah!" Han Pu, who was still looking at Xiao Jian's eyes for a while, finally recovered, ran back immediately, sat down, and stretched out his hands, "These two honey-coated chicken legs are mine!"

"The shrimp with this sauce is mine."

"Then this piece of Furong jade is mine."

"Then this box of Ziyun Ribs is mine."

The two divided the food on the blanket one by one, and each time they grabbed one, they looked up at Xiao Jian, and they were satisfied to see that the light blue in the eyes of the ice and snow gradually deepened, and finally the blue sky was clear.

"You seem to be very excited today." The dynasty has been sitting on the sidelines and watching, seeing the always calm and indifferent love with few fluctuations in emotions today will be irritated one after another, can not help feeling.

Xiao Jian awakened suddenly when he heard the words, then calmed down and calmed his emotions, so the blue on the pupil slowly faded away, and finally the pupil was silent.

"Ah…no…have." Han Pu sighed with chicken's slur.

"General Xiao, do you have another name?" Feng Xi glanced at him, and then squinted to the sky. "Your eyes are like the blue sky on the snowy field, clear and pure, very beautiful, should be named Xue Kongcai Yes."

Xiao Jian was startled and stared at Fengxi. After a while, he whispered: "Word Xuekong."

"Good." Feng Xi nodded with a smile, looked at him again, and said while chewing, "You should not wear this snow-white clothes, um-you are suitable to wear light blue, blue like the sky." In your busy schedule, you never forget to extend your oil finger to the sky.

Xiao Jian didn't answer this time, but just looked up to the sky, letting the clear blue sky reflected in his clear eyes, and occasionally passing a trace of light clouds.

The dynasty listened aside and looked at the two gobblers with a faint smile.

Suddenly, Feng Xi, who had eaten his head and the emperor sitting at the end, glanced to the right at the same time. When he looked back, Feng Xi continued to bury his head while eating, and the expression of the dynasty slowly converged.

Then Xiao Jian also found it, flew around, and disappeared without blinking.

Only Han Pu still eats and drinks unknowingly.

A moment later, Xiao Jian came back with a man on his back, followed by five Tsing Yi men.

"Your subordinates meet the son."

As soon as the five arrived, they bowed down to the emperor's dynasty, but the man carrying Xiao Jian also struggled to salute.

"Get up." The dynasty asked lightly, glanced at them, but saw that these people were injured, especially Xiao Jian's back was the most seriously injured, and the clothes on his abdomen had been dyed bright red.

"Treat them first." The dynasty motioned to Xiao Jian.

Xiao Jian nodded, then waved his hand, and the four men who had been waiting next stepped forward to help the six people sit down and put them on medicine for their injuries.

After the six men had finished the wound, the man with the most injuries got up and walked towards the dynasty. His hands trembled out of his arms and pulled out a thing wrapped in a blue brocade. He knelt on one knee, raised his hands above his head, and lifted the green Cloth bag presented.

The dynasty reached out and took it, but was not in a hurry to open it, motioned to Xiao Jian to support him, and then looked at the things in his hand, and his eyes flashed a terrifying light, but then he thought of something extremely important, and his eyes were like electricity, and he shot him directly, "General Yan?"

The man's already trembling hands were shaking violently at this time, and his head was raised. A pair of tiger eyes were wet, but he stubbornly replied with a trembling voice: "Yan…General Yan…died in Xuanshan!"

"What?" The dynasty swayed, and then suddenly stood up, and instantly reached the person. His left hand stretched to grab his shoulder, and his eyes were sharp, "Say again!"

"Returning to your son, General Yan has died in Xuanshan, Beizhou!" The man endured the severe pain in his shoulder and answered clearly again, the tears in his eyes finally dripped.

The imperial court released him, standing tall, his lips closed, his face expressionless, only the pupil of the golden brown eyes kept shrinking.

Xiao Jian's sword made a tinkling whistle, and the hand holding the sword was exposed with green muscles, slightly bowed its head, and its hair was dancing without wind.

When Feng Xi heard the dynasty asking about Yan Yingzhou's whereabouts, somehow his hands softened, and the duck in his palm fell on the blanket. She bowed her head, staring blankly, without moving.

Afterwards, Han Pu also felt that the atmosphere was a bit off. She stopped her hand and moved closer to Fengxi. Seeing her expression at this moment, she could not help worrying about the sleeve that she had left, "Sister ?"

Feng Xi looked up at him when he heard the sound, then smiled lightly to show that nothing was wrong. At that moment, Han Pu felt that the smile seemed to have laughed over thousands of mountains and rivers, and over a thousand turns, with a touch of weary mourning.

"Yingzhou!" Murray's long dynasty finally uttered a deep voice, grasping the green cloth bag involuntarily with his hands, and the golden brown pupil passed the grief. In silence, he called: "Xiao Xi."

"In." Of the four people who were wounded for several people, one stood up and bowed.

"The four of you escorted the six of them back." The monarch ordered.

"Yes." Xiao Xi responded.

The emperor turned his head and looked at Xiao Jian: "You and I went to Xuanshan."

Xiao Jian was dumbfounded, and then dissuaded, "Son, if the things are in hand, then you will go back with Xiao Xi and they will do it in Xuanshan."

The dynasty looked at the cloth bag in his hand, and there was a slight smile on his face, but it was deep and sad, "Yingzhou said before he left that he would win the order and never lose me. Since he has not failed me, how can I Lose him."

"Son, it's very dangerous to go here" Xiao Xiao tried to persuade again, but was interrupted by the dynasty waving his hand.

"I've decided, you don't need to persuade anymore. This Xuanshan trip, I want to see who can **** things from my hands." He said the world's arrogance and arrogance.

Seeing this, Xiao Jian no longer discouraged, and instead told Xiao Xi, "You will **** the six of them back, and pass on Xiao Chi, so that they will join me quickly."

"Yes." Xiao Xi led his life, and then quickly left with those people.

The dynasty turned around and walked in front of Fengxi, put the cloth in his hand, and asked, "Does the girl know what this is?"

Feng Xi stood up, but instead of looking at the cloth bag, he looked up at the sky, his lips slightly tickled, and said, "Isn't that the Xuanji that is dirtier than me?"

"Dirty?" The dynasty did not expect that she would judge this world's supreme thing like this.

"So many people have touched their hands, and they are still stained with countless blood, is it not dirty?" Feng Xi looked back at him, his eyes cold.

"Haha." The dynasty smiled and opened the tightly wrapped bag.

When the last layer of cloth was uncovered, a long black iron order was revealed. The fingers were lifted up, and the bone was cold, about nine inches long, with the word "Xuanji Supreme" on the front, and the flying dragon on the opposite side under the sun. , Cold ink flow.

"This is Xuanji." He rubbed with his fingers, his eyes glowed strangely, "The supreme Xuanji that is nine inches long and nine points long, and weighs nine pounds and nine points."

"It's such a dirty Xuanji, but it has hooked countless heroes." Feng Xi looked at this Xuanji, which killed countless people, with only cold disgust in his eyes.

"You make sense, this thing is indeed dirty, but…" The dynasty raised Xuanji and looked at the light from Mo Ling. "But in a way, it is the most sacred because it is the supreme world. The most holy thing."

"Ha!" Feng Xi sneered. "Why, do you also believe that this thing can make you order the world?"

"Order the world?" The dynasty repeated a sentence, and then smiled, "Hahaha… This thing can't order the world, it is the people. It is just a symbol, Xuanji is the symbol of the Great East Emperor, Xuanshu It is a symbol of the king of the seven states. Xuanji is in my hand. For the people of the world, I am the emperor to whom the destiny belongs. Therefore, it is me who really can command the world, it is my dynasty!"

Feng Xi silently said nothing, but looked quietly at the dynasty.

The man standing in front of him exuded a kind of arrogant domineering all over his body, like a giant who could swallow the whole sky with his mouth open, and the giant who would shake his feet to shake the earth.

Aside, Xiao Jian looked at his master with admiration, but Han Pu was the first person to see this kind of momentum as if he could rub the whole world into his palm, so he was stunned and his heart was beating in his chest. Like beating a drum, a heat flow out of the body.

"In the future, regardless of whether or not you are the one who holds the world, you will be a generation of masters with a long history." Feng Xi suddenly sighed, with a rare admiration in his tone.

"Of course it will be me!" The dynasty was absolutely decisive.

"Oh, the Prince's self-confidence is very human." Feng Xi Wenyan smiled gently, "Just in my opinion, but only 50%."

"Why only 50%?" The dynasty Wenyan Jianmei raised his eyebrows.

"I heard there was a game of chess on the top of the vast mountain. I wonder if Shizi ever heard of it?" Feng Xi shifted his eyes and looked forward.

The dynasty glanced and nodded, "Hear."

Feng Xi leisurely said: "The game is engraved next to the board game, "The vast end of the game is empty, the cloud will win supreme", the world is saying that the game and those two sentences are God's gift, indicating that there will be Two peerless heroes compete for the world. If Shizi is one of them, then there is another opponent in the world that is comparable to Shizi. Isn't it just 50%?"

"Oh?" The dynasty's eyes were somewhat unpredictable.

"And there are many heroes in the world. From the current situation, it seems to be more than one person in the world. It seems that there is more than one person." Feng Xi looked back at the dynasty, his face was lazy, but his eyes were as bright as a mirror, flashing The glorious glory is like everything in the world is reflected in her eyes, "Youzhou has'golden clothes riding', Yongzhou has'moyu riding', Qingzhou has'fengyun riding', these three states are all strong and powerful, Youwang, Lan Xizi, Princess Xiyun, are they not enough to be your opponent? Not to mention the size of the world, where is not the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there may be countless heroes who can be an enemy to the world."

"Haha… If you said, I have no chance of 50%." The dynasty heard the words but was not displeased and discouraged. He stretched out his arms as if hugging the world, "I will definitely play chess on the top of the vast mountain I went to take a look, but I don't believe in any heavenly statements, I only believe in myself. What my dynasty will surely do will do, and I will hold the world with my hands."

"Then wait and see to see who is the supreme man on the top of the vast mountain." Feng Xi also laughed, but with a touch of aura in his lazy smile.

"On the top of the vast mountain is only my dynasty." The dynasty looked down at it with great pride.

"Haha… for ten years, you are the most arrogant and confident person I have ever seen." Feng Xi smirked, and then took Han Pu, tapping with his toes, the person flew away, "I look forward to it very much I can see the emperor's son at the top of the vast mountain." When the words fell, his figure was far beyond a few feet.

"What I want to do, no one, anything, anything in this world can stop, I will level a road leading to the vast mountains." The dynasty said in a loud voice.

Above the barren mountains, echoes burst, the phrase "I will level a road to the vast mountains" for a long time.