
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The sword light is like a snowman

"Park Er, did you see those murderers that night?"

Outside Ruan Cheng, he walked slowly on a white horse, and immediately carried the two men, with Han Pu in front and Fengxi in the back.

Han Pu shook his head, "I have seen those people, but they are all blindfolded and invisible."

"I can't see my face…" Feng Xi frowned slightly. "So what weapon do they use?"

"The knives are all very wide knives." Han Pu said.

"Sword…" Feng Xi frowned again. "Do you remember what moves they used?"

Han Pu shook his head again, "As soon as those black people arrived, Dad hid me and said he would never come out without telling me, so I don't know what happened later."

"Ah, you don't know anything. This tells us where to find those in black." Feng Xi couldn't help but knock his hands on Han Pu's head. "Do you want revenge in your life?"

Han Pu was aggrieved by Feng Xi's words, "Of course I do! Although I don't know the origin of those people, I know that these people came for my family's prescription, because I heard that they told my father to hand over the prescription."

"No wonder all your medicines have been looted. As for the prescription, now the prescription is in my hands–" Feng Xi lifted his chin and his eyes shone with cunning light. "If we let out the wind, say that Han's prescription is in my hands. , Then those who are greedy for the Han's elixir will all be chased, and those in black will definitely be chased."

"If you… if you do this, then everyone will come to kill you!" Han Puyi couldn't help shouting, "You don't want to die!" Although he is small, this matter is still clear.

"What to say!" Feng Xi raised his finger and knocked again.

"Ouch, don't knock me." Han Pu cried in pain.

"Boy, are you afraid of those people?" Feng Xi smiled.

"I'm not afraid!" Han Pu has a chest, and his little handsome face is raised high, "You are not afraid, my majestic man is afraid! Moreover, I will kill those people to avenge my father!"

"Well, this is just like a man." Feng Xi nodded, watching Han Pu trying to put an adult's face up on a handsome face, so he couldn't help tapping his head again.

"Don't knock on my head, it hurts!" Han Pu touched his head.

"As the saying goes, there is no knocking, so knocking makes you smarter." Feng Xi smiled, but it really stopped.

"I'm already very smart, my dad and my husband have praised me." Han Pu murmured his forehead, eyes staring blankly at the front.

The road ahead is long, and I don't know where to go, his little head is at a loss, vaguely knowing that the future road will be different. In the past, Jinyiyushi, warmth, and innocent happiness were all cut off that night. In the future, it may be a storm of dust.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly turned around and whispered, "Hey, thank you."

Although he was small, he was born in a family of martial arts, and he often listens to the elders saying bad things about the rivers and lakes. Therefore, Fengxi would take great risks to do so, and may even die, thinking of it would be grateful.

"What is it, call my sister!" A forehead was knocked again.

"You promise not to knock, I will call it." Han Pu hugged his head to prevent being beaten again.

"OK, let's hear it first." Feng Xi agreed with a smile.

"Um… sister… sister." Han Pu finally whispered in a whisper.

"Well, good boy." Feng Xi reached out and wanted to knock again. When he came to the head, he remembered what he had just promised, and quickly changed it to touch.

"Sister, where are we going?" He had called once, and Han Pu felt more comfortable when he called again.

"I don't know." Feng Xi answered simply.

"What?" Han Pu jumped up as soon as he heard it, but he couldn't jump up on his horseback.

"Parker, how old are you? Why are you always so shocked? You have to grow up quickly and become mature and stable, don't you understand?" Feng Xi did not forget to tune this new brother at any time.

"I will be ten years old by the Chongyang Festival." Han Pu answered honestly.

"Oh, I dared to go out alone when you were so old." Feng Xiyun said lightly.

"Oh?" Han Pudun was interested. "Are you going out alone? Are your father and mother worried?"

Who knows that Feng Xi ignored his question, but instead stared at her eyebrows and thinking about something. After a while, her eyes lit up and her palms hit, saying, "Parker, I thought of it."

"What did you think of?"

"If there is a voice saying that the prescription is on me, then people from all walks of life will come to chase and kill me, I am not afraid, but you…" She glanced at him, "You are a little bit martial arts, and I will lose my life, so I thought of a Good way."

"What's the best way?" Han Pu asked again. It's also reasonable to think about it, not to mention revenge for your own martial arts, that is, you can't protect yourself, and you might be involved in it by then.

"The prescription was also stolen by the black fox. His martial arts are many times higher than you do not know, and there are so many masters around us, so we might as well let out the wind and say that the prescription is in his hands, so that everyone can Follow him, and then we follow behind, waiting for those in black to show up." Feng Xi brows and smiles, seems to be extremely proud of this method, "Sister I am this method is very good?"

Han Pu was dumbfounded, and after a while, he said: "Aren't you hurting him?"

"What to say!" Feng Xi slapped him on the forehead. Although he didn't knock, he didn't say, "The black fox is cunning, fickle, insidious, cold-blooded, and ruthless… Martial arts are rare. Rival, you might as well worry that those who chase you will be killed in his hands!"

"It's not uncommon to be framed and slandered behind others but still so eloquent."

An elegant voice came from behind, and when the two turned around, they saw a black horse slowly carrying the abundance, followed by two rides. It was the identical twins Zhongli and Zhongyuan, and then one. The carriage, the driver is an old man of about fifty, with a sallow face, but a pair of eyes shining Lingling.

"Hey, black fox, you also go this way." Feng Xi greeted with a smile, without any embarrassment, "Since the same road, then I will sleep with your carriage, I am sleepy." When she landed, she flew up from the horseback, landed on the carriage, and waved at the driver, "Uncle Zhong, I haven't seen you for a long time." Then she faced Zhongyuan and Zhongli Road, "I ate the snacks in the car, if The black fox is hungry, and you will find a way to block his mouth, and wake me up when you reach the ground." As soon as he finished speaking, he got into the carriage.

"Sister, where are we going?" Han Pu, who was thrown on the horse, asked urgently.

As soon as the car curtain lifted, Feng Xi stretched his head and pointed to the abundance. "Follow him." Then he shrank his head and never came out.

Han Pu looked silently and asked silently.

"Let's go to Wucheng first." Feng Xi said lightly, then pulled the reins and led the way.

Looking back at the silent carriage, Han Pu began to wonder a little bit. Did he follow the wrong person?

There are many high mountains in Beizhou, with the mountain name Wushan in the south and the city name Wucheng under the mountain. It is a side city connecting Beizhou to Wangyu. There is a river originating from Wushan. If the jade belt generally passes around the city, it flows into Qiyun. Through the entire Wangyu, and then to Youzhou, this is the third longest river in the Great East-Wuyun River.

At this time, a ship docked on the edge of the Wuyun River. The shape of this ship looks exactly the same as that of a general ship. The only special thing is that the hull is painted black.

At the bow of the boat stood two people, one big and one small, it was Feng Xi and Han Pu.

As for the wind evening, it was originally reclined sitting on the boat rail, but at this time it was lying on the board and sinking into a sweet dream.

At dusk, the setting sun shone a shallow golden light from the sky, reflecting the sparkling surface of the Wuyun River. The sky and the water are the same, the dust is not stained, and even the clumps of reeds by the river are also stained with a layer of pale gold. In the river breeze, swaying slightly, it seems to be showing off the last charm.

The phoenix's eyes squinting with long abundance, looking up at the round of the red sun in the west, a golden light shrouded in the body. At this moment, he was silent. He seemed to have stood here since ancient times. The extraordinarily quietness was not like the gentle and pleasant son of ordinary people. The long black figure in the setting sun looked so tall, like a mountain like a great shore, but with the loneliness unique to the high mountains in the twilight, just like this one figure in the whole world.

However, Han Pu stared at the sound of Fengxi on the ship's board, and just looked at it for a long while, but still couldn't figure out, how could such a person be the Baifengxi who spread the world?

From Ruancheng to Wucheng, along the way, Fengxi basically did only two things, that is, eating and sleeping. She seems to never sleep enough. In addition to standing, as long as she sits or lay down, she can immediately go to sleep. This kind of sleeping skills is really compelling for Han Pu.

And eat, alas! Think about the first day, she alone ate all the meals prepared by the Zhong brothers in the carriage for two days, and then went to sleep. In the end, they had to eat at a small shop by the road, waiting for their meals. These hungry couples immediately gulped, but Grandpa Feng only glanced at it, and did not move the chopsticks at all. .

After a moment, I heard a scream in the car, with a painful scream, "Black fox, I killed you!"

Listening to the screams in the carriage, Zhong Li, Zhong Yuan and that old man Zhong still hung their heads to eat. Only he looked at the carriage anxiously and worried about the destruction of the car. He even forgot to eat even the meal. Finally, Mr. Zhong patted He motioned him not to worry. Of course, in the end, the two didn't make a life, even the scars were not seen.

At this time, she, a woman, was lying on the ship's board so brightly and completely sleeping, completely ignoring the time of day, and ignoring the man beside him, as if this world was her bed sheet tent, and she slept so comfortably and sweetly. .

Han Pu looked quietly, staring at Shen Si and then dumbfounded.

Feng Xi lay on the side of the ship's board, with one arm behind his head and one arm slanted around his waist, long black hair scattered on the ship's board, as if laying a bed of black silk. Jiang Feng flew by, and the silk silk fluttered up and down, some fell on the white coat, like a light smoke wrapped around the floating cloud, a few strands flew up, a few wandering in the air, falling on her cheek, The smooth and soft black silk slowly fell from the snow-white face reluctantly…

When Feng Xi turned around, he saw Han Pu staring intently at Fengxi, with confusion, doubt, envy, and amazement flashing in his eyes…the small face and small eyes were full of deep thoughts that were not in accordance with his age. He stretched out his hand and slapped it on his little head. Han Pu looked back at him, half angry and helpless.

Suddenly heard a thumping sound, the two turned their heads at the same time, but they disappeared from the wind, and saw a splash of water splashing on the ship's head, which was scattered on the ship's board. After a while, the two people regained consciousness: Fengxi fell into the river !

"Yeah, will she swim?"

When Han Pu exclaimed, he ran towards the side of the boat, but Feng Fang grabbed him and counted lightly in his mouth, "One, two, three, four… ten!"

boom! The river splashed, and then the wind floated up.

"Cough…you're hopeless…cough…fox!" She coughed while swimming.

"Women, you really admire your sleeping skills. You can even sleep in the water." He praised it in the mouth, but it was not difficult for people to hear the ridicule in the words.

The wind rose from the water in the sky, and there was a whirl in the air. The water splashed all over the boat, and the two people on the boat covered the river.

"Lonely music is not as good as everyone's music. I also share your enjoyment in such cool water." Feng Xi landed on the bow of the ship and watched the two of them splashed wet by himself on the ship and could not help laughing.

"Huh!" The head of the abundance headed, and black eyes stared at Fengxi. "Although you are lazy, but you are not too lazy to grow meat." The eyes moved up and down, looking from head to toe, "This should be long The place is long, the place that shouldn't be long is not long, um, in this respect, you still have some merits."

At the moment, Feng Xi was soaked all over her body, the big white dress clung tightly to her body, the exquisite curve was clearly seen, long black hair was dipping behind her, and drops of water dripped from her hair, a piece White jade with a face like water, warm and clear, like a water demon emerging from the river, casually showing the charm of deceit.

Han Pu saw the appearance of Feng Xi at this time. Although he was young, he hurriedly turned around and closed his eyes. He remembered the "do not look at it" taught by the previous family, but he was suspicious in his heart. In terms of such people, is there a word of "li" in her mind?

Feng Xi bowed his head and knew what was going on, but Bai Fengxi was Bai Fengxi, and he was not embarrassed. As soon as he shook his head, his wet long hair was thrown in front of him, covering some of the spring light, with a smile on his face, saying: "Feng Gongzi, who can enjoy the world, is so praised, it is honoured." In the exhibition, I stretched to the front of the abundance, stretched my arms, and twisted my body. If the water danced enchantingly, "How do I look like those girls in the flower house?" A layer of misty water curtains shrouded the body, making it difficult for people to see clearly, and by the way, abundance.

"The girls in Hualou are gentle and considerate, charming and touching, and will never splash my water." Feng Xi narrowed his eyes and smiled bitterly.

"Oh, that's it?" Feng Xi stopped and asked, tilting his head, and his eyes might have been immersed in the water of the river.

"Well, although you are neither gentle nor charming, the girl in the flower house does not have the ability to splash my body of water." Feng Xi sighed helplessly as the mist wiped his face.

"Hahahaha…" Feng Xi laughed, and looked at Han Pu's red face with a corner of his eye, a fingertip flicked, and a drop of water hit his forehead.

"Ouch!" Han Pu screamed, rubbing his forehead, opening his eyes, glaring at the wind, and finally he was sure that he should not be said to be "little" for such a person.

"Why are you stupid, standing, and don't hurry to find clothes for your sister to change." Feng Xi looked at him.

As soon as the words fell, Zhong Yuan had brought out a set of clothes and handed them respectfully to Feng Xi, "Xi Xi, please enter the cabin and change your wet clothes."

"Zhongli, you are still good!" Feng Xi took the clothes and patted his head with a smile.

"Xi girl, I am Zhong Yuan." Zhong Yuan's delicate little face blushed like the setting sun.

"Oh?" Feng Xi raised his eyebrows, then said to himself, "It's okay, Zhongli Zhongyuan is you anyway." After that, he turned and went into the cabin to change his clothes.

When she changed clothes, the bow was rising.

"Where are you going?" Feng Xing's negative hand stood on the bow of the boat, without looking back.

"Randomly," Feng Xi replied lightly, squinting and looking at the changing clouds in the west, "Going ashore, wherever you go."

Han Pu Wenyan subconsciously held Feng Xi's sleeves.

Feng Xi looked at the corners of his eyes, his lips ticked, and there was a slight smile, "Han Pu, are you sure you want to go with her?"

"Of course!" Han Pu replied tightly to Fengxi's sleeves without hesitation. I don't know why. Every time I was swept by this breathing eye, my heart felt cool, and I always felt that those eyes were too bright and too deep. Everything was in him. If the eyes are transparent, this is one of the reasons why he does not follow him.

"Is it?" Feng Xi laughed unpredictably, and then sighed in a low voice. "I wanted to pull you, but…you will know that you will suffer in the future."

"What are you talking about?" Han Pu couldn't hear clearly or understand.

"It's nothing." Feng Xi turned his head to look at Feng Xi. "Do you really want to use your own bait to kill the murderers of the Han family?"

"Why is the bait depends on my mood, as for those people–" Feng Xi raised his hand and plundered the long hair that was still dripping with water, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and the snow was like a sword, but it was fleeting, still it was A lazy look, "You and I guess the estimate is not far away. Five years ago, although you and I flattened the broken soul gate, but failed to eradicate the grass. Five years later, they appeared in Beizhou Xuanshan to kill Yan Ying Chau. And the Han Family's massacre, they can't be separated from them even if they want to. They have always only accepted money to do things, and those who can afford them must be the rich one."

The abundance raised its head, and the sails had risen, "I went straight from the Wuyun River into Qiyun, you might as well take Shangzhou, this way, I will trace the murderer's trail for you, you will trace the whereabouts of Xuanji for me, and finally meet in Jizhou ,how is it?"

Feng Xi heard him looking at him, capturing the flashing light in his eyes, smiling and saying: "Why are you attached to Xuan Ji? Do you really want to build a Feng dynasty?"

"Are Feng's dynasty…" Feng Xi evoked an unpredictable light smile, staring at the front, "I'm just entrusted."

"Who has such a big face that can make you do things for him?" Feng Xi raised his eyebrows. "Aren't he afraid of the non-human?"

"Yongzhou Lanxi son." Feng Xi replied lightly, his eyes turned back to Feng Xi. "The jewels that paid your debt that day were all given by him. In this way, you owe him a favor. Xuan Ji is what he wants. Thing, you should ask him by the way."

"Princess Lan Xi?" Feng Xi turned his head, and then his lips sneered. "It is said that one of the four sons of Dadong, the Lan Xi son, is elegant and quiet like Gu Zhilan. A mysterious pole touched by thousands of dirty hands and countless dirty blood? Not only will the Ministry be seized in the future, but will also bribe the Jianghu people with heavy money. It seems that when the Jiangshan Emperor is mentioned, no matter how high the people are, they can't be vulgar."

For Feng Xi's cynicism and satire, Feng Yi has long been accustomed to. He smiled on the face and looked at Antou: "The ship is already gone. Do you want to go with me to pray for the cloud?"

"I don't want to go with you, the black fox." Feng Xi stretched out his hand and grabbed Han Pu's collar, toes a little, his figure flew up, and landed lightly on the shore.

"Women, don't forget the agreement, see you in Jizhou." Feng Xi flirted.

"Ha-Black Fox, even if I find Xuan Ji, I won't give it to you, I will give it to Shizhou Shizi." Feng Xi smiled.

"Why?" Feng Xi asked.

The ship had gone farther and farther, but Feng Xi's answer still came clearly.

"Because that's what he hoped for, and he traded his life for it."

Looking at the white sail away, the only white on the black ship, Feng Xi murmured, "Besides your agreement, I didn't agree."

The piece of white sail finally disappeared into the sky, but the people on the shore still stood staring, looking at the blue water of the mountains in the twilight, but his heart was heavy for no reason.

"Sister, where are we going?" Han Pu recalled Fengxi who was still looking far away.

"Randomly." Feng Xi's answer equals no answer.

"I don't want to go casually." Han Pu again doubted his choice.

"Oh." Feng Xi looked down at him, and then thought about it sideways, "then we will go down this road, Shangzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, Qingzhou, Yongzhou, and then to King Qiyun… Just go all the way, and one day you will meet those people."

After listening to Feng Xi all the way, Han Pu had knotted his head and looked at Feng Xi with his eyes open. "Did you just walk around like this?" The evaluation of her bravery, extraordinary wisdom and wisdom on the rivers and lakes is definitely all misinformation!

"Go, what kind of face do you have to show me." Feng Xixian stretched his fingers, flicked on Han Pu's head, and then took the lead, "Have you heard a word? Wear it in Beizhou, eat in Shangzhou, Wu In Jizhou, Wen is in Qingzhou, Youzhou is in Youzhou, and Yizhou is in Yongzhou. My sister will take you to enjoy some food and drink!"

"You go slower." Han Pu busy kept up, embarking on the first journey of his life.

Half a month later, Shangzhou, Xijing Mountain Road.

The big one, the small one and the two are on their way. A woman in white is walking ahead with wide sleeves, black hair like a waterfall, a light pace, and a pleasant look. Walking behind is a boy in white, with a small burden on his back. A white coat has almost become a gray coat. The handsome face is completely lost, his eyes are bleak, and his mouth is still weakly missed.

"How can I follow you?

"I followed you to a meal and didn't stop, sometimes I ate a king's meal, and mortgaged me there before I escaped, or it was the belly of wild fruits and vegetables, and I drank the water in the ditch! Sleeping is not sleeping in others. Under the eaves is hanging on the tree, or it is wrapped in straw mats in the broken temple, the wind and the sun are raining, and no day is better.

"Why is Bai Fengxi, one of the best masters in martial arts, no money? Isn't all the heroes majestic and entangled? I should follow the black abundance, even if I'm sold in my sleep, I can eat at least a few meals. It's a good night's sleep."

Needless to say, the person complaining was Han Pu who was determined to follow the wind, but at this time he was very regretful.

"Park Er, you are ten years old or not eighty years old, take a long way to go slow like an old man." Feng Xi turned back and called Han Pu who was four or five feet behind.

Upon hearing this, Han Pu sat down on the ground, but stared at Fengxi with the last trace of strength.

Feng Xi walked back in front of him, and looked at him tired, his face full of ridicule, "Who said he came from a man, why not walk this way?"

"I'm thirsty…I'm hungry…I have no strength…" Han Pu retorted weakly.

"Oh, okay, I'll go and find out if I can catch a hare or pheasant to fill your stomach."

Fengxi is helpless, it is not good to bring a child, especially this kind of Jinyiyu food raised, delicate and expensive, but also eat and drink. However-he has almost cured himself of the problem of picky eating, haha, at least when he is hungry, as long as he can eat, all gobble up.

"As for your thirst-there seems to be no mountain springs around here." She rolled her eyes and lowered her voice closer to him. "It's better to drink the blood of hare or pheasant, which quenches thirst and makes up."

"Oh! Oh!" Han Pu pushed her away and threw it up on the ground, but she just retched a few times and nothing came out. All the things in her stomach had been exhausted.

"Ha ha ha ha… Parker, you are really fun." Feng Xi laughed away, "Remember, pick up some firewood, there will be nothing for nothing in the world."

"Got it." Han Pu murmured. Then he swayed up to pick up some dry wood and came back. He found another level ground and used his small dagger to cut out an open space. He put the firewood on the rack and waited for the wind to return.

"Good boy, light the fire."

The voice of Feng Xi came from afar, Han Pu knew that this meant that she had caught the prey, and quickly found the flint to light the fire. When the firewood was on, Feng Xi already had a pheasant in one hand and two quite in one hand. The big wild pear is back.

"First quench your thirst." Feng Xi threw the wild pear to Han Pu.

Han Pu immediately took a bite, sucked in a bite of pear juice, and then sighed happily. The sweet and sour pear juice was not as good as the syrup.

"Parker, do you eat roasted chicken or beggar chicken?" Feng Xili plucked the pheasant's hair and cracked his belly. That kind of skillful movement could not be done in three or five years of practice.

"Roast -" Han Pu's mouth contains flesh, just to have something to eat quickly.

"That's Feng's roasted chicken." Feng Xi raised the chicken fork on the fire. "Pu'er, the fire is a little lower, you can blow it up."

Han Pu had a little bit of energy to eat the next wild pear, and the flames blew, "Hoo!"

"No, no matter how big it is!" Feng Xi said while flipping the chicken body. "No more ignition, I'll chew the chicken bone later."

Knowing that Feng Xi is saying it, Han Pu quickly took a deep breath, angered Dan Tian, ​​and then tried his best to "exhale!"


Firewood and dust flew up in the air, and black and gray flew down, and the two fell on one face and one face.

Feng Xi wiped the gray on his face, and a white face became a black-and-white flower face, opened his eyes, and burst out two words from the teeth, Leng Ruoqiu Frost, "Han Pu!"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Han Pu immediately bowed and fled into the trees. At this time, his movement was definitely faster than the hare.

"Stop!" Feng Xifei chased him, where he was still seen in the dense trees.

Han Pu crawled slowly in the bushes, fearing that if he accidentally discovered Feng Xi, he felt regret for the hundredth time, and he should follow the abundance. At least he would give him a full meal before his death.

Wordy! Wordy!

There was a soft sound behind him, and Feng Xi came after! He jumped out and made the effort of feeding the three-legged cat to run forward.

Ding! The wind behind him seemed to be a hollowed out weapon.

"I didn't mean it, I will be careful next time!" Han Pu shouted miserably.

But the wind behind him was tighter, and a chill was almost behind him.

Isn't she so cruel? Looking back in his busy schedule, this look scared half of his three souls and six souls!

It seemed as though the snow was holding the needles and the rain swept toward him like a thick rain, but he was too late to marvel at the beauty of the snowflakes, the thorns were close to the skin, and a bit of chill came and closed There was only one sentence in my eyes, "Sister save me!"

After a long time, the pain of the sharp blade piercing the body did not come, and even the chill faded away. The surrounding seemed to be very quiet. Han Pu quietly opened an eye slit and immediately blocked it in his throat.

Xueliang's sharp sword tip was just an inch in front of his neck, and he looked up along the long sword. Two inches before the sword tip were two black and gray fingers, and the long **** and index finger easily held the sword body. , Skip your finger and look up the sword body. It is a hand holding a sword. It is delicate, white and slender. It is far different from the **** in front. Then look down that hand. It is white as snow. The sleeve, looking down the shoulder along the sleeve, is a snow-like face.

It is as clean as snowflakes, as beautiful as snowflakes, as cold as snowflakes, and as fragile as snowflakes, as if the face just flicked away with just a flick-melted.

"Are you stupid?" Feng Xi's slightly sneered voice came from her ear.

"Sister!" Han Pu looked back and hugged Fengxi with excitement. All the chills disappeared, and a heart that jumped up and down fell back into place.

"Well." Feng Xi responded softly, but his eyes were fixed on the person in front of him.

Is this man male or female? Except for that face, the rest should look like men-like a snowman!

Long hair is like snow, white clothes are like snow, skin is like snow, and there are snow-like transparent ice eyes, snow-like indifference and cold temperament, and the only black is the two eyebrows.

Such a beautiful snow-like person wonders if it is as vulnerable as snow?

The left hand was lifted when the thought was moved, and the fingers flew on the sword. The sound of the ding and the body of the sword shook. The man in the snow clothes shook his hand, but it was still tightly held, like Xue Bingliang's eyes died Staring at her deadly, a light blue light burst into his pupils.

"Huh?" Feng Xi was also surprised. This finger she made the five successful forces. She thought that the men in snow clothes would definitely take the sword off. Who knows he actually grasped it, it seems that the skill is good.

The Xueyi man was even more shocked. The dusty, black and gray face in front of him was as dirty as a villager who came out of the dirt pit, so easily he pinched the one he pierced with two fingers. The sword, and the power of one finger numb his fingers, if not all the skills, the sword was afraid that he would fly away.

Who is she? When did a woman as powerful as martial arts appear in the martial arts?

"I let go, do you close the sword? Or is it–" Feng Xi squinted at the snow man, his lips slightly tickled, it was a light smile, but a black face was very funny to laugh, "again Or—I broke it?"

Sure enough, her words fell, and the murderous intentions flashed in those beautiful eyes, and the light blue in the pupil of the Xueyi man deepened, like the blue sky above the snowy field, and his whole body burst out with a sense of sharpness. Forced her to come, like a fighting soldier on the battlefield.

What a proud person! She couldn't help but sigh.