
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The setting sun is like a jade

"Sister, will that dynasty son become an emperor in the future?" Han Pu asked Feng Xi after a long walk.

"Perhaps it is him, maybe not." Feng Xi raised his head, and the nine-day sun was dazzling, just like the lifeless Jizhou Shizi.

"But the way he talks makes people think he is." Han Pu also learned that she looked up to the sky, squinting to bear the hot sun.

"Park Er, do you envy you?" Feng Xi looked down at Han Pu and asked with a smile, "Do you want to be someone like him?"

"Sister, I envy him, but I don't want to be someone like him." Han Pu answered seriously with a dirty face.

"Why?" Feng Xi was a bit strange to hear him answer.

"That person–" Han Pu bit his finger, and seemed to be distressed about what to say.

Feng Xi did not urge him, just looked at him with a smile.

"Yes!" Han Pu suddenly raised his finger to the sky. "Sister, the dynasty son is like the sun in this sky. The light is too dazzling, it will cover up all the people around him, and then there is only him in this sky." He turned Looking at Feng Xi, his expression was very serious. "Isn't it lonely if he stands so tall alone?"

Feng Xi heard something stunned, watching Han Pu's eyes gradually softening, and after a moment she reached out and gently stroked his head, "Pu'er, you will become a person beyond the white wind and black breath in the future."

"Ah? Really?" Han Puwen Yan grinned and smiled suddenly, but then suddenly laughed again, "I don't want to surpass my sister, I want to stand in the same place with my sister."

Windy evening seemed to be unheard of, reaching for the hair flying from the temples, gazing at the distance as if looking to the end of heaven and earth, so deep.

"Although there is no companion in the highest place, he has the supreme power, the vast territory, the prostrate thousands of subjects and the endless glory and wealth. This is also a kind of compensation."

"But those things he couldn't take away when he died." Han Pu argued, frowning, "My mother said before, when a person died a hundred times, everything was like a cloud in his life, and he couldn't take it away. My dad said that she could take him when she died. I think she could take her when she died, but the emperor couldn't take his throne, power, territory and subjects."

"Oh, I didn't expect Old Han to even say such things." Feng Xi smiled gently, then patted Han Pu's head, "Who said that the emperor can't take away, your mother has your father, the emperor died Not only are there many treasures buried, sometimes concubines are also buried, and he can take away more."

"But it's not sincere! It's not sincere, and you can't find it when you go to the prefecture. Isn't it still alone?" Han Pu still insisted on his own opinion.

"Sincerely–" Feng Xi looked back suddenly, looking at the way he had come, his eyes flickering, and after a long time, you sighed quietly, no more words.

"Will anyone follow me when I die?" Han Pu suddenly thought of what happened after his death.

"Then I don't know." Feng Xi smiled and tapped his forehead. "How come you are so strange, you think about what happened after you died."

"When that sister dies, I'll go with you, okay?" Han Pu didn't give up, and wanted to find a companion.

"Not good." Feng Xi refused flatly.


"Because you are younger than me, you can still live very long and long when I die."

"But I want to go with my sister. We can be a company in the prefecture, and we can also go into the baby together."

"Don't, don't do it! Unfortunately in this life, I have to carry your burden, I don't want to carry it in my next life."

"I'm not a burden, I will change my back sister when I grow up."

"I don't need someone to carry it, you should go carry someone else."

"Dad and mother are dead, I have only sister now."

"There are wives and children."

"I don't have a wife or child."

"There will be later."


The big one and the little one go away.

On the other side of the mountain road, Xiao Jian asked the question of his heart: "Young Master easily shows Xuan Ji, aren't she afraid of her greed?"

"That girl-maybe the whole world was brought to her eyes, she didn't disdain, not to mention this one… the Xuanji that was dirty in her eyes." The emperor sighed.

"Huh." Xiao Jian nodded after thinking about it, and then asked, "Does the son see its origin?"

"No." The dynasty sighed. "I watched carefully when they were eating. The child named Han Pu, although hungry, was so unsightly to eat, but sat upright and didn't sprinkle a bit when eating. It's obvious that tutoring is excellent. And there are a few common foods that people can't eat in those foods, but he is as treasured as every other family, which shows that he is rich and wealthy."

Xiao Jian listened and thought about it.

"As for the girl–" The dynasty stopped and looked back. "What do you think of the girl?"

Xiao Jian thought for a moment, and said: "She is ugly, and she is so ugly. She is even strange, and she is also very strange."

"Haha, it seems that you admire the girl very much." The dynasty chuckled and continued on.

After walking for a while, Xiao Jian suddenly called, "Son."

"Well." The dynasty responded.

Xiao Jian hesitated for a while, and said, "Did the youngster notice the ornament on her forehead?"

"The ornament on the forehead?" The dynasty turned suddenly, his eyes like electricity.

"Because of her black and grey face, she couldn't see clearly, but the son mentioned Bai Fengxi's undressed snow moon-although the ornaments on the forehead of the woman are ordinary, but there are not many women in the rivers and lakes, think about it now. The outline of the ornaments on it looks like a meniscus."

"You mean-she's Bai Fengxi?" The dynasty was a little stunned, and suddenly remembered that the competition was just a few, and there are not many who can tie it with himself, not to mention a woman, who suddenly wakes up and cannot help laughing. "Good white wind evening! Alas, you and I are all confused by the word "Fenghua Peerless", thinking that it is a beautiful woman with outstanding looks. But even if she is dirty and smelly, she still can't hide her glory. That's not like "Fenghua Peerless" 'What is it? There can be several women with such martial arts skills in this world, I should have thought that it was.'

Xiao Jian couldn't help looking back at the past. That woman is Bai Fengxi!

"Sure to see you again." The dynasty converged and strode forward.

Since the decline of the imperial chamber, King Qiyun has lost its former honorable status. Countries often find various excuses to attack, and the territory is slowly divided up. If the general of the country's general, Dong Shu, loyal to the imperial chamber, led his army to 100,000 forbidden troops. Guarding Qiyun, Wang Yu has been swallowed up by the princes.

Today's Qiyun Plain is sparsely populated and has a sluggish economy. The discussion of national strength and military power is not enough to compare with Yongzhou and Jizhou. The literary and economic is not enough to compare with Qingzhou and Youzhou. It is the weak Shangzhou and Beizhou. Due to annexation and plunder in recent decades, the national power has already surpassed Wang Yu.

The Wuyun River is a big river from north to south. It winds down from the northernmost Beizhou. Fuze has countless rural towns, including Yucheng. Yucheng is bordered by the city in the south, Taoluo in the west, Jiancheng in the north, and the Wuyun River in the east. It is located in the Middle East of the Qiyun Plain. It is not like the border city is often affected by wars. Therefore, in addition to the imperial capital, Qiyun is the most stable city, all industries are prosperous, and the people of Antai have the shadow of the prosperous and prosperous past of King Qiyun.

On the east side of Yucheng, there is a tall building next to the Wuyun River. The building is five stories high, one facing the street, and the other facing the water. This is the most famous restaurant "Sunset Tower" in Yucheng. The Sunset Tower is famous for the sunset on the banks of the Wuyun River and the restaurant's own wine "Duan Hongye". There are endless stream of guests who come here every day, especially at sunset, there must be a car running like a horse in front of the building.

The owner of the Sunset Tower is also not a vulgar generation, only looking at the fame and business of the Sunset Tower today, uninformed people may think that this building is Zhulou Biwa, magnificent, so that it is worthy of the "first floor of Qiyun" Said.

But in fact, you can't see half of the rich and gorgeous in the sunset.

Good wood above the building was built, but the decoration in the building is simple, there is no brocade table, no carpet floor, no exquisite palace lights hanging, no beautiful bead curtains hanging in front of the door, only simple tables and chairs that every guest will need, Clean dishes. It's just that the tables, chairs, couches, curtains and curtains are all designed in an ingenious way, and they are placed properly, making people feel refreshed and comfortable when they enter the door.

The old man looked away, and the sun appeared.

The dream of Wanli Mountain and River broke, and Tiantian sighed.

Thinking farewell, chaotic hair, tears in the air.

Fan Ying is as light as an arrow and crosses a thousand mountains! [Note 1]

A song of sadness and sorrow floated out of the setting sun, the quietness merged into the wind of the Lingling River, and gently dispersed into the vast red dome, chasing towards the round of the red sun falling westward, and there was a lot of emotion in the clear wind and beautiful water.

In the crimson sunset, there is a piece of white sail across the sparkling river surface, penetrating the rich golden light, coming like an arrow. In a blink of an eye, the white sailed black ship stopped in front of the sunset building, and the buddies who had listened to all directions had already quickly walked up the wooden bridge built in front of the building and bowed to welcome the guests who came off the ship.

When the man in the cabin stepped out, the guy only thought that the young man seemed to come from Xitian on the golden light, surrounded by a shallow Huaguang, and he was stunned for a moment, forgetting why he came until His sleeves were being pulled again and again, and then he woke up. And the young man was standing in front of his eyes, less than three feet away from him, his robe like ink, and his style like god.

"You're blocking my son's way." The sleeves were pulled again.

When the guy looked down, he found that a handsome young man in Tsing Yi was pulling him. He suddenly awakened and hurriedly gave way, "The villain is rude, please son."

Mo Yizi shook his head lightly, "please ask younger brother to lead the way."

"Son, please." The man hurried him to the pontoon.

In front of Linjiang's building, when Mr. Mo Yi stepped up the pontoon, a horse-drawn carriage stopped in front of the street facing Luoxia Building. The horse is an ordinary thin black horse, and the car is a simple two-wheeled car, but the guy standing in front of the door does not judge people by appearance, and still runs eagerly to the car, while calling "Guest Officer Please Get Off", while diligently starting the car curtain.

The car curtain lifted and the person in the car stepped out of the carriage. At that moment, the people in front of the building, the guests, or the pedestrians on the street all looked at the person involuntarily, and then they all felt ashamed.

It was a young son, dressed in a white cloth long coat, the whole person was simple and plain like white jade without any sculpting, but it was natural and natural, but it was pure and flawless. In a pair of clear and tranquil eyes, there were no waves and no desires. , Standing at the front of the carriage, his eyes turned casually, but he seemed to be standing above the nine days, looking down on the long red dust camp camp sentient beings, indifferent and compassionate.

At that moment, everyone in front of the building suddenly felt that the humble carriage was gleaming, as if the Tengyun would rise up at any time, carrying away this person of extraordinary style.

"Sunset Tower." The young man in white raised his head and looked up at the plaque in front of the building, reading softly.

"Yes, yes! This is the Sunset Tower." The fellow who had returned to God hurriedly nodded as he led the person in, "Son, please."

"Thank you." The boy in white thanked lightly.

"Your son is polite." The man's mouth was almost grinning behind his ears.

So, one after the other, Mo Yi and Bai Yi stepped into the sunset at almost the same time, almost at the same time, both of them saw each other.

All the guests stopped chopping and staring at the moment they glanced at the two of them, and all were amazed by the two's peerless style.

The moment the eyes met, the two were a little stunned, and then smiled at the same time, as if they were friends from other countries.

"Yu Gongzi?" Mo Yizi looked at the man in white clothes in front of him and bowed his hand to salute.

"Young Master Feng?" The young man in white salutes the man in front of the moose grace.

In this smile, one ritual is called, one Yong Ya is like a golden horse jade hall, and the other is like a floating white cloud.

"The abundance is destined, and today we can meet the jade missed jade son who is sighing in the world." The son of Mo Yi smiled, restrained and polite.

"It was fortunate that I was able to meet the young black plumper in "White Wind and Black Breath" today." The gentleman in white floated a gentle smile with a slight distance.

Naturally, this son in ink is abundance, and this son in white is jade missed as the "first son of the world".

"Since we have met, I don't know if Fengfeng can be honored to ask Yu Gongzi to drink a pot of broken hongye together?" Fengxi asked politely.

"It's a blessing to miss the sunset with Feng Gongzi's sunset," Yu Wuyuan replied politely.

Feng Xi smiled back and asked the man who guided him: "Are there any elegant rooms on the fifth floor?"

"Yes! Yes!" The man nodded again and again, but he didn't, and he had to make room for the two sons.

"Yu Gongzi please." Feng Xi politely turned sideways.

"Feng Gongzi please." Yu Wuyuan also waved his hand.

In the end, the two joined hands.

The buddy led the two to the elegant room on the fifth floor and opened the windows and doors. It was the setting sun and the sky, and the breeze was beautiful.

Fengxi sits opposite to Jade and missed the window, beside Zhong Li and Zhong Yuan standing quietly.

"What do the two sons want to use?" the man asked.

"What are some of your signature dishes?" Feng Xi asked.

"Come to us, and the most customers order are the light wind, the aging flowers, the cold moon dew, and the yellow leaves." The man replied.

"This is the poem or the name of the dish that the younger brother reads?" Yu Wuyuan saw that the man was so elegant that he couldn't help smiling.

"Hui Gongzi, these are the four most famous dishes in this building." The man replied, "Because these four dishes are of different seasons, our landlord can plant them all year round. Guests must order these four dishes to see if the rumors are true. Naturally, these four dishes are so famous because they are really delicious."

"Oh?" Feng Xi chuckled, "It seems that we have to try it." Moving his eyes to Yu Wuyuan, "What does Yu Gongzi think?"

Yu Wuyuan also smiled and nodded, "Naturally you have to try it."

"That's good, just take these four dishes and add a pot of Duanhong Liquid." Feng Xi ordered the man.

"Oh, son, wait a minute."

When the buddy left, the room fell into silence.

It stands to reason that the two of them are tied together as one of the four sons, and they are both extraordinary generations. This occasional encounter should have been a pity for each other, but somehow, the two are facing each other at the moment, as if they are across the water. Seeing each other's demeanor, they couldn't talk freely.

Sitting at the abundance end, playing with a Cangyu finger between his fingers, his eyes sometimes glanced towards the river, and sometimes lightly fell on Yu Wuyuan's body, with a light and elegant smile on his face.

Yu Wuyuan looked sideways out of the window, his eyes far away, as if looking at the sky, or looking at the river, with a calm expression, clearly in front of him, but seemed to be far in the sky.

After a while, the wine and vegetables were delivered.

"Water is light, Pinghua is getting old, moon dew is cold, and the leaves are yellow, plus a pot of broken Hongye." The man sang the name of the dish, breaking the quietness in this room. "Please use it slowly, two sons." He turned and retreated, but walked to the door and suddenly turned back, "I wonder if the two sons want to listen to music?"

The two heard the words and both raised their eyebrows at the man.

"Is there any singing here?" Yu Wuyuan asked.

"Don't get me wrong, our sunset building is not a blue building, and the girl Feng Qiwu who sings music is no better than those blue building girls. She was a young lady of Qing Qingyujie, if she hadn't—" The man said that he suddenly stopped, and seemed to feel a bit talkative. Therefore, he only said, "Don't say the song Feng girl sings is not Yucheng, it is also one of the best in Qiyun. The two sons will know it if they don't believe it, and there is no boast for the small one."

The two heard each other's eyes and looked at each other.

So Feng Yi shifted his gaze to the man, "Just heard a half song "Meeting with each other" in the boat just now, but did this girl sing?"

"Yes, the girl just sang the song just now." The man nodded busy.

Feng Xi nodded, "Then ask girl Feng to sing a song across the curtain."

"Okay." The man stepped back.

Zhong Li stepped forward to pour wine for the two.

"Come on, Yu Gongzi, let's try this famous wine of the sunset sun." Feng Xi raised his toast.

Yu Wuyuan also toasted.

The two clink glasses and drank up.

"The entrance is clear and gentle, and good wine." Yu Wuyuan first praised.

Feng Xian also nodded, "Into the throat wine aroma Qinfei, not bad." Stretching the chopsticks to the water like a purple water lily light, taste carefully, and then laughed, "It turns out to be eggplant. Eggplant is difficult to do It is particularly oily, often too greasy, and this dish is fresh and smooth, the mouth melts, not only the eggplant flavor is full of teeth, there seems to be a lotus lotus in the back of the throat, but I do not know how to get this lotus fragrance. "

"This Ye Qingping is stained with a light yellow, it is no wonder that Pinghua is getting old." Yu Wuyuan looked at another dish, and then tried it with a chopstick in his hand. "Well, it turned out to be cucumber. It was just right and sweet between the raw and cooked. Crispy and full of melon juice, it must be made fresh and made now."

"This thought is that the moon dew is cold." Feng Xi looked at the dishes that were round and yellow like a full moon, picking up a piece, and thin white dew-like beads condensed on it, and took a bite. A crunchy sweetness spreads out of the mouth. "It is a lotus root slice. It is a tender lotus root of moderate thickness, cut into thin slices of uniform thickness, and then ordered with sherbet juice. The color is beautiful and the taste is sweet. The name is also interesting."

Jade missed the last dish, a petal shaped like a slap, the bud leaves were light yellow, and the color was touching, "Well, the yellow leaves of Wuye turned out to be white, very tender and fresh."

After the four dishes were tasted, I was filled with emotion. "It was unexpected that the famous dishes of the Sunset Tower were not only vegetarian dishes, but also very common dishes."

"Being able to make such an ordinary dish into such an unusual shape and taste, it is better to take such a decent name. The owner of this sunset tower is not simple." Yu Wuyuan also smiled and sighed.

"Looking at the style of this building, it is not difficult to imagine its owner." Feng Xi looked around the pavilion and admired, "Simple and elegant, elegant and chic, this kind of handwriting is very rare."

"At sunset, in the sound of Duan Hong, Jiangnan wandering, looked at Wu hook, patted the railing, no one would know, ascended the intention." Yu Wuyuan yelled and moved his eyes outside the window, Xi Hui was slowly converging, a few Ye Xiaozhou died towards the sky, "I don't know what kind of thoughts the owner of this sunset building had when he built this building." [Note 2]

"Huh…" Feng Xi smiled and looked at him, his eyes seemed to reflect the golden glow of the setting sun. "Perhaps he integrated the "Deng Linyi" of "no one will" into this building, just-Yu Gongzi should not "No one knows."

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "intention to board"." Yu Wuyuan took back his gaze from the window and looked back at the abundance. His eyes were calm, and Jing Ruo was still not surprised at all.

"Really?" Feng Xian smiled faintly.

Light footsteps sounded in the stairwell, accompanied by a faint scent of fragrance, from far to near, and finally stopped in front of the curtain, through the thin aqua blue curtain, a faint figure could be seen faintly.

"I don't know what song the guest wants to listen to?" The voice of the woman outside the curtain was indifferent and proud in the cold.

Yu Wuyuan did not mention the chopsticks and a cold moon dew, as if unheard of.

Picking up the wine glass after the abundance, drinking all the wine in the glass, only lightly said: "Sing what the girl wants to sing."

There was a moment of silence outside the curtain, and then the sound of the pipa started.

Hearing the sound of the pipa, the two of them in the room were a little surprised, and they both glanced at the curtain. They couldn't think of people with such skills in Feng Chen.

Who listened to the flute last night?

The cold solitary cicada can't stop singing.

Clay pot tea is cold and unpretentious,

Prefer to sing in the dream. [Note 3]

A ray of voiceless sound came through the curtain, curling like smoke, lingering bones, as if someone only shadowed Lengyue, continued tea in the dream, and a quiet room with chills.

Listening to the mournful song and looking at the setting sun outside the building, for a moment, although the two were sitting opposite each other, they both gave out a touch of loneliness. There seemed to be a melody in their hearts, but they didn't know who to listen to.

After the song, both of them had a moment of silence, and the people outside the curtain did not sing anymore and stood silently.

After a long while, Yu Wuyuan sighed: "Princess Xiyun rarely enjoys his talents, and his poems have been sung by chaos alleys."

"This girl has exquisite pipa skills, a clear voice, and the song is affectionate, which is also rare." Feng Xi praised the singer outside the curtain.

Yu Wuwei couldn't help but smiled slightly, "I heard that Feng Fengzi is versatile, and when I saw it today, it was true."

"Jizhou Shizi once said that the talent of Yu Gongzi is the master of the king, so no one can afford the versatility in front of Yu Gongzi." Feng Xi also smiled lightly.

"I wasn't ashamed." Yu missed my head.

The two talked and laughed at random, as if forgetting that there were people standing outside the curtain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Calm and rhythmic footsteps suddenly came from outside the curtain, and all the way recently, finally stopped outside the Yajian, and then a steady male voice sounded, "Yu Gongzi."

Yu Wuyuan dropped the wine glass in his hand and said calmly, "Come in."

When the curtain lifted, the two looked up and saw a loyal young man stepping in. Naturally, he also saw the expressionless Tsing Yi woman standing outside the curtain, embracing the lute, and the curtain quickly fell again.

"Yugong, the letter from the son." The man respectfully submitted the letter.

Yu Wuyuan took the letter, "Go."

"Yes." The man withdrew.

When the curtain was lifted again, the breath of glance passed by at random, but he saw a pair of eyes resentful and angry and at a loss.

The curtain fell lightly again, blocking the gaze, inside and outside the curtain, two worlds.

Jade missed the opportunity to open the letter, and a moment later a slight ripple rippled through his quiet eyes.

"If Feng Feng doesn't want to give up, how about coming in for a drink?" Feng Xi looked at the curtain.

There was no movement for a while, and the air was condensed, as if he could feel the hesitation of the shadow behind the curtain.

Finally, the curtain lifted, and the green shadow moved into the curtain. The cold eyes first fell on Yu Wuyuan, paused slightly, and then gently fell on Feng Xi, no longer moving.

Feng Xiwu looked at Feng Qiwu with a bit of amazement, and was a little surprised. The first singer of Yucheng was actually Jingchai's sarong, no grease powder. Even so, it was still very beautiful. Daimei was like a willow, and her face was like a peach blossom. There was a layer of arrogance between the eyebrows, and there was a kind of coldness that refused to be thousands of miles away.

"Pour wine for Feng girl." Feng Xi ordered lightly.

The bell garden on the side immediately took a glass of wine and delivered it to Feng Qiwu.

Feng Qiwu didn't take it, just stared at the abundance, and the abundance left her to watch it, tasting wine by herself and looking relaxed.

As for jade missed, his eyes were still on the letter, but his mind seemed to drift away.

For a moment, Feng Qiwu took the glass with one hand and drank up.

Feng Xi saw that she had finished drinking in one gulp, and could not help laughing lightly: "It turns out that the girl is so bold."

Feng Qiwu heard the words coldly and said: "Qi Wu drinks the guest's wine for the first time."

"Oh?" Feng Xi raised her eyebrows and looked at her, but she saw that her cheeks as frost and snow were filled with a faint blush, reduced by a little cold and proud, and added a bit of beauty, "Girl pipa singing It's so unbelievable that people in the world are competing and asking for it."

"Qiwu never drinks the wine of the guests." Feng Qiwu still spoke coldly, his eyes still alive, as if there was no third person in this room.

Feng Xi heard this, and finally let her see her, but saw a pair of sadness flashing in the wonderful eyes of Qing Ling, "In this way, Feng Xi is fortunate enough to win the girl's face."

Feng Qiwu didn't say a word, just looked at the abundance, and his eyes slowly grew sad.

When the first song was sung in the setting sun, she knew that her life had fallen into the wind and dust, and the past was just like yesterday, never going back. It's just that it's hard to open her eyes, and she is lazy to look back, tossing that bead, and tossing the dude, letting the autumn and spring breezes disappear with the water, she still possesses the pride of the family, maintains her dignity, and does not want to be like this. Falling into the dust forever. Just because there is so little in my heart-a little bit of reluctance to give in.

Before coming, the man boasted that the two sons in the room were so rare in the sky, listening only to loathing. The only way is that there are two rich children with empty skins, who came for his own skin, who would have been wrong. Rejecting her from the curtain was so cold that she was shocked and ashamed.

The moment the cloth curtain lifted, I only saw a pair of eyes, dark and deep like midnight, with a dazzling glory that was only found in the sun. In an instant, she seemed to have fallen into the dark night, without feeling cold or panic, but with a slight warmth through the night, gently rushing to the heart that had not been warm for many years.

The hint of warmth had not faded, the curtain lifted again, and I saw those eyes again, as if a vortex of ink color, light and shadow interlaced, dazzled, and vaguely felt that if it fell into it, it would never leave. Fortunately, the curtain suddenly fell again, isolating the vortex, just thinking about leaving quickly, but the leg was heavy and could not be pulled.

Hesitant, he called her out loud.

When the sound of Fengmingyu knocking sounded, it seemed that fate was waving to her. Fate, just a little entanglement, she couldn't break away, she could only obey weakly, lifted the curtain again, and faced the eyes like the night sky again, towards the pale golden evening light, the ink coat and hair, like ink A jade-like flawless person.

"Qiwu sang a song for four years in the sunset, drinking the first glass of wine." Feng Qiwu said gently and clearly. Different words say the same thing, I only hope that this person can understand, he is her first.

"Qiwu-Fengqiwu." Feng Xi thought of the name and looked at the woman with deep thought. Although she looked cold, she had a longing in her eyes, hiding it so deep that it made people look Feeling pitiful.

Hearing his name, Feng Qiwu felt sore. The man who named her had already turned into a loess, and she had the name, but she lived up to expectations.

"In these years, I have traveled all over Kyushu, but this is the first time I have heard the girl singing so wonderfully." Feng Xi took a slight pause, and then looked at Feng Qiwu lightly, "I don't know if the girl would like to walk with me, go and see Look at the mountains and rivers other than Qiyun?" He said he self-possessed a jug to pour wine and no longer looked at Feng Qiwu. It seemed that it was unimportant whether she agreed or not.

At the moment of hearing Yan Fengwu's eyes flashed a gleam of light, but it instantly calmed down, still as bright as peach and plum, as cold as frost, but a pair of slender hands gently stroked the string, and the slightly trembling string leaked her inner layer at the moment. Jing Tao.

After drinking a glass of wine with abundance, looking at the jade missed in front of him, he was surprised by the faint sorrow that was born between the eyebrows of this person who was not stained with red dust.

"What kind of good news is written in the letter of the emperor's son, which caused Yugong to be so lingering?" Feng Xi asked, but his heart was already clear.

Yu Wuyuan's instantaneous recovery was indifferent, and his eyes waved out of the window, and then his hands rubbed and waved gently, and the letter-formed paper floated swiftly toward the surface of the river. "There are good and bad."

"Really?" Feng Xi glanced for a moment, and then said, "This good should be related to Xuan Ji?"

Yu Wuyuan still had a calm look, reaching for the wine glass, looking at the transparent sake in the white porcelain glass, shaking it gently, and the wine swayed with a trace of water. "How does Feng Gongzi know that it is a letter written by the Prince?"

"The emperor's son respects Yu Gongzi as a teacher, which is well known in the world." Feng Xi also raised his wine glass, leaned his nose close, squinted slightly, and smelled the fragrance of the wine. "And the "Yu silk paper" is the paper used by the royal royal family. ."

"Feng Gongzi has a good eye." Yu Wu nodded, looking at the abundance, smiling like a spring breeze, but his eyes were full of cold autumn wind. "There are two good and bad news in the letter of the emperor's son."

"This is a good thing, Xuan Ji is at hand, one is bad…" Feng Xi's eyes dropped slightly, he looked closely at the white porcelain cup in his hand, and spit out lightly in his mouth, "This is bad-it should be the spirit of General Gale returning to Xuanshan ?"

"Well." Yu Wuyuan still nodded his head. It's not surprising how he knew. He tilted his hand and sprinkled the wine in the glass in the Wuyun River. "Yingzhou went first, maybe I will wait for tomorrow."

"I don't know what the other good is?" Feng Xi asked.

"Bai Fengxi." Yu Wuyuan said lightly, and his confused eyes flashed a little when he spit out the name.

"Baifengxi?" The breath repeated, and the hand holding the cup almost shook.

"Well, he said he saw Bai Fengxi in Shangzhou, an extraordinary woman." The smile on Yu Wuyuan's lips and lips deepened slightly.

"How can I say that it is a good thing to see that woman." Feng Xi unconsciously pouted.

"It's a rare luck in the world to see Feng Fengxia, who is called Feng Feng and Bai Xi with Feng Fengzi." Yu Wuyuan glanced at Feng Feng, his smile remained unchanged.

"In my opinion, as long as I met that woman, I was in luck." Feng Xi put down his glass and felt that the wine was no longer mellow. Of course, the smile on his face did not diminish.

"Oh, it's good or bad, it varies from person to person." Jade was not taken for granted, looking at Feng Xing's eyes with a little thought.

Hush! Suddenly Jiang Jiang suddenly heard a short, tight flute.

Feng Xi Wen's eyes flashed slightly, and then he got up, "It's a rare encounter with Yu Gongzi today, I shouldn't have been drunk, and I shouldn't return. It's just that there is something urgent at home and I can only take one step first. I hope he will have the chance to be with Yu Gongzi again drunk."

Jade didn't get up, didn't stay, only said: "Feng Gongzi has to do it in advance, he will have destiny in other days, and he will see you later."

"Farewell first." Feng Xi arched his hands, then turned around, but saw Feng Qiwu still standing there, "Girl…"

"I'll go with you!" Feng Qiwu blurted out. In an instant, she seemed to see destiny nodding and smiling, because someone succumbed to its arrangement again, and at that moment, she felt that Yu Gongzi's gaze glanced at her gently, as if she heard a slight sigh from him.

She could only smile weakly.

This is her robbery, the robbery she voluntarily received.

Feng Xi raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is the girl decided?"

"Yes, I decided, and I have no regrets." Feng Qiwu's voice was so low that only she could hear it, but everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

"Then let's go." Feng Xi smiled faintly and stepped away.

Feng Qiwu embraced the pipa in her tight arms. This was the only thing she had. When she lifted the curtain, she looked back at the jade missed and nodded slightly, which was a farewell. She thanked this person who could see her heart at a glance, even if her heart could never be known by that person, she would never talk to outsiders, but at least he knew.

The curtain fell behind her, and she followed quickly, and in the sunset building, there were countless beams of light, but there was no obstruction.

On the pontoon, the man chased him and passed a burden, "Girl Feng, this is what the landlord told me to give you. He said this is what the girl deserves."

Feng Qiwu took it, with a shallow wave of light floating in his eyes, then raised his head, still cold and frost-like, "For me, I thank the landlord for the care over the years."

The man nodded, "Girl Feng takes care of herself."

"Well." Feng Qiwu nodded, then walked to the **** ship, to the destiny arranged for her-home?

Upstairs in the elegant room, Yu Wuyuan missed the boat and sailed away, pouring the wine in the jug into the glass and drinking it out.

"Hei Fengxi turned out to be such a person." The tone of the tone was unsatisfactory and lamentable, "This kind of action cannot be done by the dynasty."

Thinking of the girl before Feng Qiwu left, she sighed for a long time. She saw the thorns ahead, but she still insisted on going, not knowing whether to call it stupid or praise her courage. Looking down at the palm of your hand, your fingertips pointed to the lines on the palm, but there was a slight bitter smile, with a touch of Qianshan alone.

"I wonder who Bai Fengxi is like?"

The murmured whisper with a slight sorrow.


[Note 1]Friend Zhang Pengjin's "Meeting and Meeting, Parting"

[Note 2]Xin Qiji's "Shuilong Yin·Deng Jiankang Appreciation Pavilion"

[Note 3] "Last Night" by friend Zhang Pengjin