
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Suyi Xueyue

Jing Yan 25 years, July.

The weather is still very hot as soon as it enters autumn, and it is exactly the hottest day of the day at noon. The scorching sun usually roasts the earth, and most people avoid their homes or shade in the shade.

It was just at the foot of Xuan Mountain in the western part of Beizhou, but many people were chasing under the scorching sun. The man in the front was a man in black.

"Yan Yingzhou, you have nowhere to escape!"

After forcing the man in black into the dense forest in the mountains, a group of people surrounded him. Among the group of people were soldiers in uniforms, scholars in robes, merchants dressed up, and others like croppers… different costumes and different expressions. The same thing was that the swords in their hands all pointed to the people around them.

The surrounded man was about 278 years old. He was holding a long sword. He was injured in many places. Blood was constantly flowing out, staining the grass under his feet, but he still stood upright and looked at everyone coldly, not Like a fugitive at the end of the road, he is like a general who wants to fight against the enemy.

Although the group of people surrounded the man, his eyes were mostly concentrated on the baggage carried by the man.

"Yan Yingzhou, leave things behind, let us put you a way of life!" A man dressed as a military commander raised the big knife in his hand and pointed to the black man—Yan Yingzhou.

A little smile floated on the face of the man who was called Yan Yingzhou, with a cold scoff, "Zeng Wen, general Zeng Fu of Beizhou, will slay the city for three days every time he breaks a city. Yan Mou is especially compassionate."

This sentence not only satirized Zeng Fu's unreliable words, but also pointed out his brutal nature. Sure enough, Zeng Fu was annoyed and was about to speak out. A man dressed as a Confucian student beside him shook his fan. He said in a gentle manner: "Yan Yingzhou, today you will find it hard to escape, and keep things in mind when you are aware of current affairs. We can make you die more happy."

"Of course, Yanmou knows that he can't escape today." Yan Yingzhou said calmly, and tightened the burden on his back with his hand without a sword. "It's just-public undue, the poison in your fan has hurt me 20. Subordinates, I have to take your dog's life before I can go away." The words fell, the long sword pointed directly at the public, and my eyes were colder and more profitable than the sword in my hand.

There are countless murders under the public fan, but at this moment, he can't help but be afraid. Everyone around involuntarily squeezed the weapon in their hands and became alert.

The four generals of "Frost, Snow, and Rain" in Jizhou are famous all over the world, and the person in front of them—Yang Yingzhou, the head of the four generals who became famous in World War I in Chacheng in the past—had already seen their rivals in this way. Brave.

"Yan Yingzhou, you have been seriously injured today, and it is already clear who wins and who loses." The man dressed like a peasant stepped forward, staring at Yanying Zhou and raising his sword to shout, "Don't worry, everyone. He, let's take him side by side and cut him one piece each, so we can go back and ask for help!"

"Okay! The heroes of Lin Huai Lin said rightly, they cut Yan Yingzhou, the things are ours!" The merchant-like person took off the soft whip from the waist, the words hadn't fallen yet, the arm swayed, the long whip had flew out quickly , Directly take the burden on Yan Yingzhou's back.

"Be side by side!"

I don't know who yelled, and saw several people shot, the weapons all pierced on Yan Yingzhou.

Although Yan Yingzhou was injured, his movements were still agile. His body was slightly on the side, and his left arm was raised. The long whip wrapped around his back was caught in his hand. Then his body quickly turned around and his hands were around. He vigorously drew close to the knife that had been cut by Zeng Fu, and then waved his right hand. The long sword had crossed the weapon cut from the side, and the force was on the arm. "Go!" A cold drink, the one cut on the sword The weapons were shaking in unison, and the people holding the weapons felt that the tiger's mouth was sore, they could not hold it, and they had no choice but to withdraw, and they had to take a step back to avoid the ugliness of the weapon.

For a moment, Yan Yingzhou forced several people to retreat, and his movements were neat, making people on the sidelines hesitant to wait for the profit of the fisherman or to make a quick decision together.

"Let's go too!"

Gong Wudu waved his fan and bullied himself and killed him. The rest of them also shot one after another. At the moment, they saw swords and swords, and only heard Jin Geming knock.

While the crowd was besieging Yanyingzhou, a young man in white robe was watching with a gun. He was followed by four followers.

Despite being besieged by more than a dozen people, Yan Yingzhou showed no fear. When the sword turned, it brought dazzling blue light. Wherever the long sword went, there would be a wailing and blood.

Good skill! The white robe nodded secretly, his bright eyes were full of appreciation.

And Yan Yingzhou in the siege knew that he could not escape today, so he only attacked and did not defend. It was a desperate play, but he was surrounded by masters. Moreover, there were so many people, so it didn't take long. Several wounds were added to his body, the blood was flowing like blood, and the steps were full of red.

Ugh! The white robe teenager shook his head gently and watched Yan Yingzhou's slow movement due to the aggravation of his injury, revealing regret.

"Yan Yingzhou, meet your destiny!" Just a cold drink, the public looked at the opportunity, and the iron fan was like a knife, stabbing Yan Yingzhou's chest.

Seeing the iron fan striking, Yan Yingzhou's figure was slightly on one side, and was about to flash, but it was still a little slower, and the iron fan pierced him under his rib.

Gong Wudu saw success, but when he was proud, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. When he looked down, Yan Yingzhou's blue steel sword had penetrated his chest without a handle.

"I said I will take your dog's life!" Yan Yingzhou gritted his teeth. He was trying to kill him even if he tried his best.


Gong Wudu just said a word, but Yan Yingzhou quickly drew his sword. The blood rain spewed out, splashing on him. Gong Wudu rolled his eyes and fell down.

Yan Yingzhou drew his sword and went to the back frame, but he was one step late. There was a tingling pain in his left shoulder. Zeng Fu's knife was pierced from behind, and the blood burst like a spring, and the whole person became a blood man.

"Sneak attack from behind… You are still a country general!" Yan Yingzhou took a cold breath and glared.

"Huh! Who is a gentleman at this time?" Zeng Fu hummed without shame, the knife was still embedded in Yan Yingzhou, watching the knife was already seriously injured, he couldn't help but burst out in his heart, his left hand reached out Straight from the baggage on his shoulder, "Are you still… ah!"

I saw Jianguang flashing, Zeng Fu howled, stunned to the ground, his hands had been cut off his wrists!

Yan Yingzhou took a step back when he succeeded. He pulled out the knife embedded in the back and threw it on the ground. Zeng Fu's broken hand was still on the handle. The siege people looked back, and they all took a step back.

But after two heavy blows, Yan Yingzhou was exhausted, and his body shook, and he fell to the ground when he saw it. He fell on his knees with his sword, and he knelt on one knee, looked up at the enemies around him, and his eyes were bloodthirsty, such as The wounded and violent beast, the people around him were pressed by his momentum, but they did not dare to move.

Yan Yingzhou gasped for a moment, then slowly stood up, and those around him involuntarily retreated back.

"Come on! Today, Yanyingzhou will be able to meet the heroes of all countries. It is also a blessing for three lifetimes… It is not lonely to be accompanied by everyone on Huangquan Road!

Yan Yingzhou smiled and raised the sword in his hand, pointing straight ahead.

Standing right in front of him was Lin Huai. At this moment, his throat knot rolled, and he looked at him with fear in his face as if he was a **** "General Wind", and his feet could not help but retreat…

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Just when Lin Huai was afraid, Lin Zhong suddenly sounded the sound of high-five, which appeared particularly abrupt in this killing. Everyone was startled, and turned to look at the high-five, but it was a white robe teenager who stood by with arms folded.

The young white robe stepped forward and looked directly at Yan Yingzhou who was holding up his sword and waiting for the enemy, and said aloud: "Yan Yingzhou, you really are a hero! Instead of dying in the hands of these incompetent rats, I'll fulfill you British name!"

When the words fell, he flew up, and the silver gun in his hand was like a beam of white light piercing the sky and the sky. It was quick and beautiful, and wrapped in an unparalleled stab at Yanyingzhou.

Yan Yingzhou stood motionless, holding the hilt tightly in his right hand, waiting for a shot of the broken wind. He couldn't hide or hide, he could only stand and wait, waiting for the silver gun to pierce his chest-then his Yanyingzhou's sword would also pierce the enemy's chest!

The silver gun is bright, and when you see it, you are about to pierce Yan Yingzhou's body. A flash of white electricity flashes in the air, which is too fast to make it clear. It has disappeared, but the white electricity disappears together with the seriously injured Yan. Yingzhou.

The change was so sudden that not only everyone was stunned, but the young man in white robe also maintained the original movement, the silver gun stretched straight and flat, as if it penetrated the enemy's body… but in fact, he did nothing Not stabbed. His eyes were fixed on the spearpoint, and he couldn't believe that he would miss with a stab, and he didn't even know who the opponent was and where.


Just as everyone was stunned, a series of clear laughter suddenly sounded in the sultry and smelling Lin Zhong. In an instant, the forest seemed to have a cool breeze sweeping away, and it seemed that a clear ice spring came out, the fishy smell faded, and the sultry dissipated, and a coolness came out from the bottom of my heart.

"Interesting, interesting. When I wake up, I can still watch such a play."

The clear voice rang again, and everyone looked around. I saw a young woman in white sitting against a branch on a tall tree three feet away, her long black hair drooping straight down, her face clear and extraordinary, her lips and lips covered Silk sneered, her eyes half-open and half-closed, looking down on the crowd with a lazy expression that only woke up after a nap.

Everyone under the tree looked at such a quiet woman, and could not help being dazed.

For a moment, Lin Huai first interrogated: "Dare to ask who the girl is?"

The woman in white didn't answer him, instead he smiled and said: "Yo, Lin Xia, you come forward at this moment, how did you just stand back at the three-foot sword of the other person." Flying up and down in her hands.

It was only now that everyone could see clearly. It was Yan Yingzhou that she was carrying in her hand, but she was fainted at this time, and there was a long white silk wrapped around her waist. I thought it was the woman who rescued him with white silk just now. he.

"You!" Lin Huai was ridiculed by the woman in white, and she couldn't help getting old.

"Huh, this Yanyingzhou is a hero, but at this time, you are only half a life left. It's really pitiful!" The woman in white was carrying Yanyingzhou in one hand, looking carefully, and also aside Shaking his head and sighing, and a big man weighing ten pounds put her in her hands, as if lifting a baby.

"You stinky mother doesn't want to live!" A thick voice rang out, and a thick man in the crowd stood out, pointing at the woman in white and shouting loudly, "Quickly put down Yan Yingzhou and roll away Far! Stink… Um—"

Before the Han Chinese was finished, everyone saw a flash of green light, and with a snap, he closed a leaf with a mouth.

"Your voice is so unpleasant, I don't like to listen to you." The woman in white puts Yan Yingzhou on the branch, and said leisurely, "And your tone is too stinky, or closed Mouth is wonderful."

"Bash!" Some people couldn't help but could not help but stopped quickly because of the fierce face of the big man.

The big man's face was suffocated like pig liver, and he stretched out his hand to tear off the leaves on his mouth. One mouth still had spicy pain. His heart was shocked and angry, but he really dared not speak again. The woman in white just now can see that her skill has reached the level of picking leaves and flying flowers, hurting people to death, but the most terrifying thing is that she can't see how others shot, and she can't avoid seeing the leaves flying. If you are not merciless, perhaps you are already on the same path with Gong Wudu.

During the stalemate, the merchant-like person stepped forward and said kindly: "This girl, who is here today is not an unknown person. Although the girl's martial arts are good, but her fists are hard to beat. It's better for a girl to go her own way, and to sell her personal feelings to me and wait for him.

"Oh, boss He Xunhe is really kind. No wonder your business is so prosperous." The woman in white nodded at the man who looked like a merchant, and she clearly recognized the identity of the person. "You are very reasonable. I blame it."

He Xun was well-known on rivers and lakes, so it is not surprising that the woman in white knew his identity. He only hoped that the woman could leave early. Just know that he would run a river and lake all his life. Since I can see a lot of people, this white woman still talks and laughs at so many of them. She wants to be from hard work, and from her shot, it is not a leisurely person, so one thing is better than one thing, Moreover, the focus is only on the burden carried by Yan Yingzhou.

"Just–" The white woman suddenly said again when everyone was about to relax.

"Just what?" He Xun still asked kindly.

"As long as you can compensate me for the loss, I will naturally leave." The woman in white laughed leisurely.

"It's easy, I don't know how much the girl wants?" He Xun said with a sigh of relief. He turned out to be a treasure lover.

"I don't want much." The woman in white stretched out a finger.

"One hundred silver leaves?" He Xun tentatively asked.

The woman in white shook her head.

"One thousand silver leaves?" He Xunmei asked again.

The woman in white shook her head again.

"Does the girl want ten thousand silver leaves?" He Xun took a breath, wasn't this the lion's mouth?

"Neither is it." The woman in white sighed and shook her head.

"That girl–" He Xun didn't know how much she wanted. Can't she ask for one million silver leaves?

"Boss He really is a businessman, but you can't say anything other than gold and silver?" The woman in white said, playing around with the white damask in her hands.

"Please also ask the girl to express." He Xun was too lazy to guess again.

"Ah!" The woman in white sighed for a long time. It seems that Xun could not comprehend his intentions and regretted it. "Originally, I was awake when I was in a nap and my dreams were sound."

He Xun looked at the woman in white and wondered what she was going to say, while everyone on the side frowned a little impatiently.

"It was nothing to interrupt a dream, it was just that dream-it was a rare thing in a thousand years!" The woman in white suddenly smiled and said seriously, "You know, I am dreaming that I was invited by the Queen Mother of the West Going on the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, tasting Qiong pulp and jade liquid, enjoying Xian'e singing and dancing, it was really uncomfortable. Finally, she gave me a Yaochi fairy peach, but when I was about to take this fairy peach, you broke in and interrupted me. Sweet dream, I didn't follow. Boss He, do you say this is serious or not?"

"What? Sister-in-law, you are playing us!" Lin Huai could not help but scolded.

"Huh." The woman in white shook her head and looked at Lin Huai, and a smile appeared on her face again. "Where am I playing with you? I'm very serious. I must know that the Yaochi fairy peach is different. You can live forever after eating it." , Ranked in Xianban, you said how many people dream of it, but because you have caused me not to eat, this loss is so heavy! So of course I have to pay it!"

"Does the girl want us to pay you a Yaochi fairy peach?"

"Of course!" The white woman waved her hand and Bai Ling danced a peach shape in the air. "As long as you pay me the Yaochi fairy peach, I will leave immediately. This Yanyingzhou…" Her eyes glanced. Looking at Yan Yingzhou fainted, "It's nothing about Xuanji, it has nothing to do with me."

Hearing her last words, everyone's face was changing, all staring at the woman in white, her eyes already implied a murderous opportunity.

"It seems that the girl is going to take care of things." He Xun's face was cold, and his right hand quietly held a hidden weapon. "It's just that He Mou finally advised the girl. Today, almost all the heroes of the countries have been present. The state is offended. Although the world is big, I am afraid that the girl will have no hiding place in the future!"

"It's a great honor for the heroes of all the nations to gather together." The woman in white is still smiling, "It's just that I have always been indistinguishable from pearls and fish, so I really can't see how many of them are. Hero, it's just right to call the bear a bear by your actions."

"You!" He Xun couldn't help but be angry. He thought that after some persuasion, no matter how high the martial arts of the woman was, she should have some concerns. Who knows that she didn't take the heroes of Six States into her eyes, but instead spoke out. Seeing the anger of the crowd present, he no longer spoke much, left palm protruding toward the weapon, intending to kill the person in one fell swoop.

On the verge of being touched, the white robe teenager who had been silent for a long time since the woman in white suddenly appeared—

"Dare you ask the wind woman?"

The woman in white blinked her eyes and looked at the young man in white robe. "Do you know me?" It is also admitted that he is the "Windwoman" in his mouth.

The white robe stared at her forehead, where there was a crescent moon snow jade stringed with black pearls the size of rice grains. He dropped the silver gun and respectfully paid a salute to her, "Bai Fengxi,'Suyi Xueyue', is known to everyone, not to mention villain."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked! Especially He Xun, couldn't help but feel fortunate that the hidden weapon in his hand had not been issued just now, otherwise… this poisonous sand must have all returned to him.

You should know that the most famous martial arts today is Feng Xi and Feng Xi. Because the names of the two of them are the same, it is easy to confuse them. The Wu Lin middlemen will call Feng Xi according to their clothes. It is called "Black Breeze" and is collectively called "White Wind and Black Breath". They have been famous for nearly ten years, and they are all the best masters in the world. They thought they were not old, at least about thirty or forty, but they never thought that Bai Fengxi was such a young and beautiful woman. Appears here.

"Hee hee, you don't have to be so polite, you are so dissatisfied with your compensation, maybe my white damask will be wrapped around your neck." Feng Xi sat on the branch, his legs swayed left and right, behind him Changfa also wobbled slightly with her movements, "Look at you holding a silver gun, it is probably Yong Chuanyun, the'General Chuanyun' from Yongzhou."

"It's Chuanyun." Ren Chuanyun replied still respectfully, and then asked, "Is the Wind Lady also interested in Xuan Ji?"

"I'm not interested in Xuan Ji." Feng Xi shook his head. "It's a pity that this Yan Yingzhou Ji has an appetite for me and let him die. So, I want to take him away." She spoke lightly, seeming to feel taken Walking Yanyingzhou is like a stone walking side by side, and the heroes of Six States are like nothing in her eyes.

"Fart! You said it was for Yan Yingzhou, but it wasn't actually for the mysterious pole of his body! This kind of pretext deceived a three-year-old kid. It's almost the same. Save it in front of Lao Tzu!" He couldn't help but scolded.

You should know that everyone present came for this mysterious pole, some wanted to get it, some came to buy it for heavy gold, and some obeyed the orders of the kings. Xuan Ji is the supreme thing in the world, a sentence "the one who gets the order gets the world", attracting countless people to scramble, even if he can't order the world, but the king of the six states who don't want to be the lord of this thousands of miles Selling to any country owner, that glory and wealth came by itself.

"Smelly mouth!"

I only heard Feng Xi said faintly, and then the green light flashed straight towards the bearded big man. The big man saw the leaves coming, and the instinct was to dodge, but before he could move, the leaves snapped on his mouth. Suddenly the pain struck him for so long that he wanted to call his father and scream, but he could only hum.

"My son wanted Xuanji very much. I don't know if the wind heroine could allow me to get it from Yanyingzhou?" Ren Chuanyun turned a blind eye to this and asked only Fengxi.

"Why, son Lan Xi also wants to be the Lord of this world?" Feng Xi looked at him with a crooked smile, but he didn't wait for him to answer again, "It's just that Xuan Ji is Yan Yingzhou's desperate need to protect I want to keep what he lives."

"In this way, Wind Lady doesn't agree with Chuanyun to take it away?" Ren Chuanyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hand holding the silver gun could not help tightening.

"How? Do you want to take it?"

Feng Xi glanced at Ren Chuanyun lightly, and did not see her moving, but Bai Ling in her hand suddenly flew up if she had her own life, as if a white dragon was swinging wildly in the air, all of a sudden, everyone felt nothing. The fierce and overbearing momentum was pushed down by the mountains and the sea, encircling them, making people unable to move. They can't help but fight against each other, but every time the "White Dragon" swings, the momentum will increase by one point. Everyone clenches their teeth and supports them desperately. They all know that if they press this momentum, even if they don't die Will go half-life!

Ren Chuanyun's silver gun was leaned tightly in front of him, with the tip of the gun pointed straight at Bai Ling, and his eyes were fixed on the dancing Bai Bai in the air without blinking. The strength of his whole body was concentrated on his arms, but only with increasing pressure , The tip of the gun trembles unceasingly, the hands holding the gun are almost numb, and the legs shake slightly. Seeing that I can't support it, I have to fold it down—

Suddenly, Bai Ling rolled a roll, and then gently dropped it. Everyone only felt that the whole body was loose, and the breath held in his chest finally exhaled, but then the whole body was weak, and he collapsed and just fell asleep.

When Ren Chuanyun's pressure was relieved, he only felt a sweet throat and quickly swallowed it, knowing that he must have suffered an internal injury. I didn't think that Bai Fengxi was so young but had such a deep internal force that he had suppressed the audience before he actually started. The only good news is that she finally showed mercy and never took her life.

"I want to take Yan Yingzhou away, can you agree?" Feng Xi's soft voice sounded again in his ear.

Everyone refused in their hearts, but they were frightened by her martial arts and dared not speak.

"Windwoman please, please." Ren Chuanyun adjusted his breath, closed the silver gun, and led the entourage out of the circle.

"Why? Don't grab Xuan Ji?" Feng Xi looked at him with a smile, his eyes bright as if he had penetrated his soul, seeing all his thoughts.

Ren Chuanyun smiled faintly, and said: "The son once said that if he encounters Baifeng and Black Breath, Jade Missed Son, Jizhou Dynasty Prince, and Qingzhou Xiyun Princess, no matter the victory or defeat, as long as you can retire, you will be rewarded ."

"Is it?" Feng Xi waved his hand, and the long white silk flew back into his sleeve. "Lan Xizi looks so despised to us?"

"The son said that only these five talents are suitable to be his friends or enemies." Ren Chuanyun glanced at Fengxi, and then seemed to smile with a deep meaning, "If the wind heroine is destined to Yongzhou, the son will be Shili Jinpu meets."

In Dadong, Shili Jinpu was the most solemn etiquette for the princes to greet each other, but the martial arts of the wind and the night were no less powerful, and the reputation was louder. After all, it was only a civilian, how can it not be a prince. Ying, want to come to Ren Chuanyun's remarks is just a polite.

"Is Shili Jinpu afraid that it will be replaced by Shili Sword Array." Feng Xi heard the words unmoved and his expression was faint, "And you, if you didn't try it just now, you wouldn't want the whole body And retreat?"

Ren Chuanyun's face changed slightly, but then he returned to nature, "Duan Yunping heard the young masters talking about five masters of the generation, and they have never been able to meet them. I was lucky to meet the wind heroine today. I wanted to ask the heroine for advice. . If you are offended, you still want Haihan."

"Is it?" Feng Xi said faintly, and then jumped gently, standing on the branch, and everyone under him could not help looking.

Feng Xi glanced at everyone, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Ren Chuanyun, "If you have nothing to say about Yan Yingzhou and be so pampered by heroes and heroes, you just want to take advantage of the fisherman just now. Thinking, I won't just point you at "one or two"."

"Duoyun thank the wind heroine for showing mercy." Ren Chuanyun bowed his head, his hand clenched the silver gun involuntarily.

"Haha… With your subordinates, you can see how great Lan Xi's son is. He will have a chance, and I will definitely ask Lan Xi's son to ask him personally." Feng Xi suddenly raised Yan Yingzhou and flew away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Only the voice came from far away, "I will be less accompany today, if you want to take Xuanji, then follow me!"

Seeing Feng Xi go away, several subordinates behind Ren Chuanyun could not help but ask: "General, will you stop here?"

Ren Chuanyun waved his hands to stop them and said, "Bai Fengxi is not something you and I can deal with. Go back and ask your son to talk."


"Let's go." Ren Chuanyun did not greet other people, that is, he led his subordinates and turned away.

After leaving the office, the people in the forest looked at each other for a while, wondering whether it was a good one or a good one.

In the end, He Xun clenched his fists and said, "Everyone, He Mou takes a step first. Can Xuanji win from Bai Fengxi, let's each have their own luck."

When he had finished speaking, he turned and left, and the rest of the people saw him go, and soon dispersed as birds and beasts, leaving several dead bodies in the forest and their broken wrists, and Zeng Fu stunned to the ground.

As the sun goes up and the moon goes down, it is another day.

The sky was bright and bright, and there was still a crescent moon on the sky, but all the glory had been collected. In the faint morning light, the mist held Xuanshan's peak like a pen tip, and it was quiet and picturesque.

In a cave on the northern peak of Xuanshan Mountain, there was a very shallow mumble, which was issued by a man lying in the cave. After the man made this shallow hum, he opened his eyes and first looked around the eyes , And then stood up, but just after raising his arms, he made a cry.

"You are awake." The clear and slightly lazy woman's voice sounded.

The man looked around with sound, and saw a person sitting at the entrance of the cave, combing a long black hair from the front, facing the outside of the cave. Although the light was dark, the black hair emitted a glimmer of blue light when the comb slipped over.

"Who are you?" the man asked aloud, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he found his throat dumb and astringent.

"Yan Yingzhou, how can this attitude towards a life-saving benefactor." The woman at the mouth of the mouth stood up and turned towards him, holding a wooden comb in her hand, still holding a strand of long hair on her chest, combing it for a moment.

"You saved me?" Yan Yingzhou asked back, and then remembered the silver gun that pierced the sky before the coma, and immediately remembered more important things. He could not help but hurriedly touched his back, but didn't touch anything. He touched the wound and caused a pain, and only then did he realize that he had nothing to wear on his upper body, and only one underpants.

"Are you looking for that?" The woman's hand pointed to his left, where there was a pile of rags, stained with dried blood, and a burden next to the rags, "Relax, I didn't take it I lost it and never touched it." The woman seemed to see through his mind and added another sentence.

Yan Yingzhou raised her head and looked at her, only to find that this woman had extremely clear and handsome eyebrows, a snow jade crescent fell in her forehead, wearing a wide and loose plain white clothes and long black hair. He wore the bun straight, and the whole person couldn't tell.

"Baifengxi?" Yan Yingzhou looked at the snow jade ornament in her forehead.

"It's not a black abundance." Feng Xi nodded and smiled. "Is Jizhou Fengshuangxueyuyu all so afraid of death like you? I counted last night and removed those old scars. There are 38 wounds on your body. If it is Ordinary people, you have to be in a coma for at least three or five days without dying. But not only did you not die, but you only woke up after sleeping for one night, and your condition looked pretty good."

"You… count scars?" Yan Yingzhou asked strangely, thinking of his current dress.

"Yeah, I counted all over your body." Feng Xi took a step closer, put away the comb in his hand, and then looked at the expression on his face playfully, "If you have suffered so many injuries, I have to give you After hemostasis and medicine, of course you will see those scars, so I counted it by the way. And your clothes have become a pile of rags, so I peeled it off, so as not to prevent me from replacing it. You take medicine."

She hadn't finished her words yet, Yan Yingzhou was bloody, and her face was hot.

"Yeah, why is your face so red? Did the fever burn?" Feng Xi looked at Yan Yingzhou and exclaimed in surprise, reaching for a touch on his forehead.

The cool hand touched his forehead, and Yan Yingzhou moved back in shock, "Don't touch me!"

"Huh?" Feng Xi looked at him sideways. "Aren't you blushing instead of fever? Blushing is because of shyness? Shyness is because I have looked at you all over the body?"

Yan Yingzhou heard that all the blood in his body was pouring into his face, and the smile on Feng Xi's face was speechless. After a while, he said angrily: "You are a woman… …How is it…so…" What I said in the back was confusing.

"Haha…" Feng Xi laughed loudly without the gentleness and demureness that a woman deserves, but she smiled so naturally and comfortably, "How do I? Haha… You must have never seen a woman like me before."

Stimulated by Feng Xi's laughter, Yan Yingzhou couldn't help but say: "If the world's women are like you…" The words behind swallowed again. He was not good at speaking, and he was honest and honest, and he could not bear to speak badly to the life-saver in front of him.

"How about if it's like me?" Feng Xi's eyes had a strong smile, and the expression on his face also brought a little playfulness. "In fact, I am also rare for a man like you. I was touched and touched you. There is no loss, and I don't mean to see you touch you, but I know I am saving you."

Stimulated by Feng Xi's left and right sentences, Yan Yingzhou's blood that had faded a little came back.

"Yeah, you blushed again!" Feng Xi shouted like she found something interesting, "It's impossible…" She rolled her eyes and smiled very strangely, "It's impossible that you have never been a woman Have you ever seen it? Yeah, the face is even redder! Is it really me who has said it? Oops, I can't believe it. I think you General Gale is also a famous hero, and you should be almost thirty years old. ? Haven't even touched a woman yet? Gee, it's really an anecdote!"

Yan Yingzhou's face is comparable to morning glow in the morning. After a long time, he finally spit out the sentence, "This is what Bai Fengxi is like?" The famous female hero on the rivers and lakes, how can such words and deeds be so boring?

"Yeah, this is how I look." Feng Xi nodded and moved closer to him. "Did the general let down?"

When Yan Yingzhou saw her approaching, she immediately backed away. Unexpectedly, this movement affected the body's injury. "Hi!" The pain made him unable to breathe in.

"Don't move!" Feng Xi hurriedly pressed and held him. "I ran out of all the wounds on my body before I stopped your blood. Look, now it's split again." His eyes swept his body. , Suddenly stopped under his ribs, where there was a deep wound left by the male infinite degree iron fan, at this time the blood was actually black.

"The male fan is poisonous. Although I sucked out a lot of poisonous blood for you yesterday, but it seems that the poison has not been cleaned, there is no detoxification drug in you and me, what can I do now?" Frowned.

"You take the blood for me?" Yan Yingzhou heard and froze for a moment, and looked at her lips, and suddenly felt that the wound under the rib was as hot as hot.

"Don't take drugs for you, I'm afraid you will die last night." Feng Xi didn't notice his expression, and turned to the cave, carrying a water bag and a few wild fruits, "You are hungry too First, eat a few fruit cushions, and I will go down the mountain to find some medicine for you and then make clothes for you." Pass the water sac and fruit to him, and said, "Yesterday, those people were not determined about Xuan Ji, maybe Still searching on this mountain, don't run around, if they come, hide first, I'll come to find you." She turned and left.

Seeing Feng Xi's back disappeared at the entrance of the cave, Yan Yingzhou couldn't help but call: "Wait!"

Feng Xi stopped and turned, "What else?"

"You…you…I…um…" Yan Yingzhou "um" for a long time but still couldn't say it, and his face was bloodied.

"Do you want to thank me? Would you like me to be careful?" Feng Xi guessed, looking at him like that, it was just funny, "Yan Yingzhou, how did you become a gale general, how is your temperament so awkward? Hello, I I saved you and looked all over you again. Do you want me to be responsible for your innocence? Would you like to repay my life-saving grace with your promise?"

"You—" Yan Yingzhou stared at Feng Xi with speechless words.

Thinking of his fame as a teenager, he was quiet and serious in nature. He ranked first among the four generals in Jizhou. Shizi respected him very much, his colleagues respected him very much, and his subordinates obeyed him. No taboo woman.

"Haha… The general strong wind… It's so fun." Feng Xi couldn't help but laugh again, "Are you all like wind, frost, snow, rain and rain like you are so fun? Then I must go to Jizhou someday Play." She smiled and turned to walk out of the cave. She walked to the entrance of the cave and suddenly looked back at him. The smile on her face was brighter and brighter than the rising sun rising outside the cave. Yan Yingzhou was dazzled for a moment, "Yan Yingzhou, finally I will tell you a little more, that is… although you have a lot of scars, but your body is quite worth seeing! Haha…"

When she had finished speaking, she laughed away, leaving General Yan, who was red-eared in the hole and wished to dig a hole in it.