
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Midnight, the stars are like sparse raindrops, dotted on the dark sky, and a round of bright moons hang in the sky.

The first high mountain of Dadong, the vast mountain, under the reflection of the Xingyue, it looks like a steep jade standing on the Qiyun Plain, and the moon is thinly shrouded like a silver gauze, lining the noble mountain noble Proudly, worthy of its reputation as "Wang Shan".

At the top of the high mountain, there were two old men sitting opposite each other, in white robe and black robe, both in their fifties, with a clean appearance. In the middle of the two is a square boulder, the top of which is cut flat and flat, and then carved into a chess board, with many stones densely embedded on it. There are several big stones next to each other. When you need to drop a piece, you can squeeze a piece from the big stone, and then rub it freely. Then the stone becomes a flat and round piece. When the piece is dropped again, it is embedded into the boulder one inch, revealing an inch. .

On the chessboard, the game is half, and the two sides are evenly matched.

"This kind of clear Xingyue hasn't been seen for a long time." The old man in the white robe pondered his eyes and moved away from the chessboard, looking up at the sky and the moon, with emotion.

"It's hard to get clear in troubled times." The old man in black robe also moved his eyes to the night sky. "It's past time, it's time to come." There was a faint hope in his tone.

The old man's words fell, and suddenly the star burst above the sky, when the sky jumped up a star, and the starlight passed through nine days in an instant, actually surpassing that round of Haoyue, and illuminating the whole world instantly.

"Appeared… finally appeared!" The old white robe's calm eyes suddenly burst into excitement.

But at this moment, a star suddenly rose from the sky, and the light was dazzling, as if the whole sky and earth could only be lit by a star.

"Look! Sure enough… Sure enough!" The old man in black robe had an unstoppable excitement on his skinny face.

"They… are finally here." The old man in white robe stood up and looked at the two stars of Yaobi Lang on the sky.

"So… this troubled world is finally coming to an end." The old man in black robe stood up and stood side by side with the old man in white robe, watching the two stars on the sky opposite each other, which were brighter than each other.

"The troubled world will end in their hands, but on the nine days above, it is destined to save only one king star. When the stars meet, which one will survive?" The old man in white robe raised his hand and seemed to touch the stars in the sky, There is excitement in the tone and there are unpredictable doubts about the future.

And the two shining stars in the sky suddenly slowly converged, not as dazzling as before, but still much brighter than the surrounding stars.

"The stars meet, what happens… It may depend on themselves, or it may be determined by fate." The old man in black robe has a long and quiet voice, which seems to have been passed down from ancient times.

"Fate…" There was a trace of regret and regret in the eyes of the old man in the white robe.

"Yes, that cannot be determined by you and me." The old man in black robe withdrew his gaze and fell to the board in front of him. "Can't this game still be played?"

The old man in the white robe also withdrew his gaze from the sky, looked at the half-game chess in front of him, and shook his head, "Since it is not up to you and me… Then why should you and I finish." He raised his finger to the starry sky, "Let them play. ."

"They?" The old man in black robe looked at the chess board and then at the starry sky, and smiled faintly. "Alright, just keep them coming."

Old man in white robe turned his sleeves around, "Let's go down the mountain, it's time for you and me to find them."

"Well." The old man in black robe also turned away. "The last half of the game will be played by them. It will determine the victory of you and me, and it will be the world's-attribution."

"Hehe…" The old man in white robe replies with a chuckle.

The two went away, leaving only the half board game at the top of the vast mountain.

In the future, someone who climbed the vast mountain would be surprised to see such a game on the top of the mountain, but no one moved it. There are not many people who can climb the first mountain of Dadong, and the people who climb up are also extraordinary people. Since someone left the endgame, then someone will naturally come to finish it.

Many years later, two people followed the path of fate and finally met at the top of the vast mountain, facing the chess game left by them.

When the two old men left the chessboard on the top of the vast mountain, it was the two years of Dadong Jingyan.

It has been more than 600 years since the Great East passed from the founding of the Great Emperor to the Emperor Jingyan.

The mighty emperor Dong started as a commoner, but he was ambitious when he was born in troubled times. He led a group of brothers from bare hands to millions of soldiers. Finally, he swept the world, and established the Great East with the surname "East" as the country name. empire. Later on the merit award, the seven most distinguished ministries will be kings. This is the seven kings of seven states-the king of Jizhou, the king of Minzhou, the serenity of the king of Minzhou, the king of Yongzhou, Fengji, the king of Beizhou. Wang Baiyima, Youzhou King Hua Jingtai, Qingzhou King Wind alone, Shangzhou King South Film Month. It is made of black iron from the bottom of the North Sea and cast into an eight-faced Xuanling. The largest side is "Xuanji", which is owned by the emperor, and the small side is "Xuanshu", which gives the king of the seven states. When the king gave the order, the emperor and the seven kings allied blood: Xuanji supreme, Xuanshu supreme loyalty!

After the mighty emperor, Emperor Taixing, Emperor Xining, and Emperor Chengkang were all a generation of Ming lords, with a wide range of talents, an understanding of the people's sentiments, an easy-going affair, and a clear-cut politics. The subjects are becoming stronger and stronger.

In the mid-term, several emperors such as Emperor Yong'an, Emperor Yanping, Honghe Emperor, etc., although not very talented, were still considered to be conquered. However, Zhizheng Emperor, Tiantong Emperor, and Shengli Emperor were all indifferent masters, eager to enjoy ease and enjoyment, and neglected in political affairs. Any tyrant who controlled the government and a powerful dynasty gradually declined.

Later, Emperor Baoqing, like luxury, love female color, overhaul the Gui Palace Orchid Palace, take away all the beautiful women in the world, and have great joy, two troops were sent to Mongolia and they were defeated, causing domestic financial exhaustion, people do not talk about life, complain With the sound, the princes of various states also gradually grew distracted. First, the King of Minzhou, Minzhou, rose up and wanted to replace it, but Emperor Baoqing did not wait for Ning Jun to kill the emperor. The wine-corroded body collapsed into the luxurious Lichi Palace because of fear.

The crown prince takes the throne and the year is "Holy Blessing". Emperor Shengyou invited the Xuan Ji in Lingxiao Hall, ordered all princes to sway Master Qin, and finally gathered the six-state army to defeat the Fujian army. At the end of his impoverished journey, King Min died himself, and his territories were annexed by the neighboring Yongzhou Fengshi, Jizhou Huangshi, and Qingzhou Fengshi.

After pacifying the rebellion of the King of Min, the princes of various states took power. Although the emperor Shengyou had great ambitions, Dadong was already a lingering body, and the emperor was killed by the arrow in the rebellion of the King of Min. He collapsed without any interest, and his brother Li Wang succeeded to the throne, with the year name "Chunxi".

Emperor Chunxi was brutal in nature and did not like the beauty of gold and silver, but he only loved hunting, but his hunting was not a beast, but a hunter. He scattered the living people around the hunting ground, and then led his attendants and courtiers like wild beasts to capture and shoot in the jungle. If he had more heads, he would win. If he hunted the living people, he would break his stomach and drink for fun. At first, these hunted living people were just death row prisoners, called "live hunters". Later, if there were not enough death row prisoners, they brought all the prisoners who had committed any crimes to the hunting ground. Finally, when the prisoners were not enough, they caught civilians in full.

Such atrocities aroused the nation's indignation, and there were occasional rebels everywhere. However, after two blunders and the rebellion of the King of Fujian, the emperor's line-up of troops was nearly exhausted. The emperor Chunxi had to invite the princes to send troops to suppress them, so the princes used their flags to recruit troops and fight against each other. Expansion of their territory and wealth, and there are occasions of mutual attacks between countries, and the emperor is now unable to restrain the countries.

In the eleventh year of Chunxi, when the emperor was hunting in the Qiujie hunting ground on the outskirts of the emperor, the tyrannical live hunters finally fought and killed the emperor, and then they rushed to the emperor capital where the prince and aristocracy lived. There were many people responding along the way, and soon Then they assembled thousands of rebels, they attacked the unexpected capital city, and they entered the rich palace…In the end, although they were suppressed by the army led by the East Army, the rebellion this time was left in the history of youth. A striking stroke is made, and history is called "Qiu Ji Hunting Change".

After Emperor Chunxi collapsed, the crown prince took the throne, and the year was "Jingyan".

After Emperor Jing Yan ascended the throne, he found that Xuan Ji in Ling Xiao Temple was missing during the riot, and he immediately issued a search for the world, but it was a needle in a haystack, and there was no trace. The various princes took this as a reason and called it "the imperial court lost virtue, Xuanji abandoned it", and no longer respected the imperial chamber. At this point, the Great Eastern Empire began to fall apart and entered the era of the six states' separate politics and mutual dumping.

After Xuanji disappeared, the heroes of the world did not want to take the position of supremacy.