
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Xuanyi Moyue came to the cloud

There is a mansion west of Ruancheng in Beizhou, this is the famous Han family of Beizhou martial arts.

Although the Hans are among the martial arts families, they are not known for their martial arts skills, but they are well-known in the rivers and lakes for their family medicines "Zifusan" and "Buddha Pill".

Zifusan is an elixir of trauma, and Foxindan is a detoxification holy product. The people in the rivers and lakes have all been licking their blood, and injuries and poisoning happen at any time. Therefore, the panacea of ​​the Han family is extremely hungry for the people of the rivers and lakes. It's just that this Korean medicine is unique and secret, and it is never easy to give away. Therefore, although the martial arts of the Han family are not high, the martial arts people all give three points to the Han family. It is inevitable that they will need the Han family to give medicine to save their lives when they are seriously injured.

Today is the sixtieth birthday of Han Xuanling, the master of the Han family, but seeing his horses and horses in front of the house, there are hundreds of banquets in the garden and the garden is very lively. Not only did the heroes of Beizhou and the celebrity squires of Ruan Cheng came, but also the heroes of other countries came from afar to celebrate the birthday of Han Han.

"Yo, it's so lively."

When the host and the host were happy, a clear and loud voice suddenly sounded, overshadowing all the noise in the garden. The guests looked around in amazement and saw the roof. A young woman sat leaning against the eaves. The white long gown fluttered like the sky and clouds under the sun, and a bright smile looked down at the house. All guests.

"It's you again!" Sitting at the first red star Shouxing Han Xuanling Huo Di stood up, glaring at the woman on the roof.

"Yeah, it's me again." The woman in white said with a smile, "Senior Han, today is your sixtieth birthday, and I also wish you luck in the East China Sea, and life in Nanshan."

"No, as long as you, the **** of plague no longer appears, the old man will live for a hundred years!" Han Xuanling left the walk and walked to the center of the park, looking up at the woman in white with a cold face, "Baifengxi, you have taken it many times. My Han's elixir, the old man doesn't have a theory with you, and I don't want to pursue it on today's festive day, and you quickly leave when you know each other."

All the guests in the garden were immediately surprised by the words.

Although Bai Fengxi is a famous river and lake, but the **** dragon has never seen her, but very few people have known her, but she did not expect to see it today, nor did she think that she was so young, even more surprised is the words of Han Han "Take the elixir," she thinks that she has a wide range of heroes, how could she do such a thing?

So everyone in the garden couldn't help but leave their seats and surrounded the eaves.

"Senior Han, don't be so angry. You must know that the medicines were taken without your permission, but they are all used to save people. It is also a good thing for your Han family. Thank you for being me." Feng Xi said with a smile.

"You… you have to be strong!" Han Xuanling said angrily.

The Han family of this generation is born with sexual love, but this Bai Fengxi is often stealing those hard-to-find elixir without paying a penny, but she is very strong in martial arts, and she is free to come and go in the Han family. Her friends were all defeated by her. Therefore, at this moment, Han Xuanling looked at the smiling people on the eaves, but could not help but pull down the people in front of him and beat him hard to get rid of his hatred.

"Alas, Grandpa Han, who likes your family's medicine to be so flattering, but your medicine is too expensive, and I'm too poor, so I have to ask for one and ask for it. Otherwise, you can copy the prescription Give it to me, it's okay for me to match, so you don't have to see me again, and naturally you don't have to make such a big fire every time. The anger is too strong for your health." Feng Xi completely ignored Han Xuanling The angry face said with care.

"The old man has lived to this day and has never seen you as shameless as you!" Han Xuanling sneered coldly. "Bai Fengxi, the old man warned you to leave quickly and never appear in my Han's house, otherwise Blame the old man on you!

"How do you do that?" Feng Xi flew from the roof with her toes a bit, as if the white butterfly flew, landing gracefully and lightly in front of Han Xuanling.

When Han Xuanling saw her flying down, she stepped back involuntarily.

Feng Xi completely disregarded, rubbed his hands, and looked at Han Xuanling with a smile on his face: "I came here just to get some medicine with you, but I didn't expect you to be feasting. I also didn't eat one night , So I decided to give you a birthday too, and stop by for a meal."

After she said she walked straight to the nearby table and nodded and smiled at the guests, as if she was just a late invited guest, and those guests looked at such a woman with a bright smile and a smile. Involuntarily stepped back to make way for her.

And over there, Han Xuanling was so angry that his red face turned green, "Come here! Get her out of me!"

As soon as his words fell, he jumped out of two tall, sturdy men with strong limbs. The males hurried fiercely toward the windy evening, their arms stretched out, and they went straight to her head like an eagle catching a chick.

Fengxi, who had just sat down, seemed to feel nothing. He picked up a jug of fine wine in one hand and waved his sleeves in one hand, and then everyone watched the two Kongwu powerful men swept out like two wooden stakes. Far away.

"Yeah, good wine!"

boom! boom!

Feng Xi admired the loud noise of two big men falling to the ground.

Everyone watched that they hadn't been able to recover. There was already a right hand stretched out on the side of the box, and he grabbed a trotter in his hand. With a bite in his mouth, it was a big piece, and he nodded while chewing, "Well… Um… these five-scented hoofs are fragrant… this cook has good craftsmanship."

Everyone looked at it and swallowed, wondering how could such a small mouth bite such a large piece? Is this person really Bai Fengxi who is famous in the world?

Feng Xi greeted the crowd while eating, "Everyone, continue to drink and eat vegetables, such a rich birthday feast as Mr. Han, after eating this time, I don't know if there will be another time."

"Why are you cursing my dad?" Suddenly a Jinyi boy about ten years old jumped out and pointed at Fengxi.

"Uh?" Feng Xi's right-handed pig's trotters and left-handed chicken drumsticks, and his mouth is full of meat, trying to make his mouth clear and helpless, his voice still vague, "Little… brother… I… have a curse… is your father? I …Why… don't know?"

"You curse my dad and say it's not next time!" the boy said angrily.

Feng Xi tried to swallow the meat in his mouth, then walked to the teenager and leaned down: "Little brother, you misunderstood, I am not trying to curse your father for the next birthday feast, but to say, according to your father's The stingy character will definitely be reluctant to spend so much money to invite so many people to eat next time." After that, she patted the boy's head with a pair of oily hands.

The boy hides from the left and the right, but he can't avoid the pair of oily hands. Finally, he was helplessly photographed in front of him, only to feel a greasy top of his forehead, and immediately shouted: "Your hands are dirty!"

"Park Er, you step back." Han Xuanling strode forward and pulled the boy behind him.

"Dad, this woman is really abominable and dirty the baby's face." The boy, Han Pu, Han Xuanling's youngest son, raised his sleeves and wiped his forehead.

"You go down and wash your face." Han Xuanling motioned his servant to lead the young man down, and then turned his head to stare at Feng Xi. "Bai Fengxi, on the martial arts, Han Xuanling is really not your opponent, but today you don't want to do whatever you want!"

"Oh?" Feng Xitou glanced at the guests in the garden. "This is not a fake. Your home has many experts today."

"Just know it." Han Xuanling snorted.

Feng Xi looked around and turned back, still smiling, without any tension, "Old Man Han, I have a friend who was badly injured and badly needs your family's Zifu San and Buddha's Heart to save your life. Send me two more bottles. Anyway, there is more in your family. It saves me from grabbing it and sweeping everyone's interest." The tone is leisurely, just like borrowing a spoonful of salt from an old friend.

Han Xuanling was too late to speak, but some people were already in a hug.

"Bai Fengxi, old Han heroes have been very tolerant to you, and go away if you have fun, otherwise there are so many heroes here, one punch is enough for you!" One person jumped out and shouted, five short stature, but thin and thin, but a pair of tough The triangle eyes rolled round and round.

"I want to go, but the old man in Han must give me medicine first." Feng Xi waved his hands helplessly.

"Hum! Toast without eating fine wine!" The man snorted dismissively, then turned his head to look at Han Xuanling, "Han Lao hero, today you are on your birthday, and take a rest, wait for me Wei An to teach you and teach her "" As soon as he turned around, he quickly walked to the windy evening, his hands into claws, striking her eyes directly.

This Wei An is so young when he sees the wind, and he doesn't want to go to high skill. The reason why he has such a high reputation may be that the people in the martial arts have exaggerated, so he wants to rely on his skills to have 80% of the time, and he shot uniforms. If she defeats Bai Fengxi here, she can be famous all over the world, and she can win the favor of Han Xuanling in order to obtain the elixir.

"Yeah! It turned out to be a master of the Eagle Claw Gate, it was really powerful." Feng Xi cried out, but there was no slight tension in his expression. His body seemed to turn casually, avoiding the iron claws that attacked the binocular, Then he waved his right sleeve straight and wrapped it around Wei An's wrists.

Wei An shrank away from his hand, thinking that if he could make a move more powerful, he suddenly changed his right hand, full of real power, grabbed Feng Xi's left shoulder, intending to grab her arm.

"I have no grievances with you, is it too cruel for you to take such a shot?" Feng Xi smelled the wind and narrowed his eyes, but greeted him instead of retreating. Wei An's eagle claws fell on her left shoulder. At first sight, Wei An was very happy in her hand, but she was shocked again. When she grabbed it, it seemed like she was grabbing a pile of cotton without any effort, and Feng Xi's right hand didn't know when to take it. Above his right hand, suddenly his right hand could no longer work.

With a click, Wei An's miserable sound followed, "Ah!" Then everyone saw Feng Xi floated back, Wei An knelt to the ground, his left hand holding the right wrist that was unable to hang down, his face full of pain.

In one move, Wei An's wrist bones snapped to Feng Xisheng!

Some of the guests in the garden were terrified, while others were filled with righteous indignation.

"You mother-in-law are too ruthless!"

Along with this sound, several people have inadvertently swept towards the wind and evening. Some of these people were grievances, some were Wei An's friends. When he saw that he had broken his wrist, he couldn't help but avenge him, and some of them just watched the arrogance and discomfort of Feng Xi, and some even wanted to try this white. Whether Fengxi is really as powerful as the rumor, of course, there is no shortage of people who rely on people to join in the fun. For a time, people in the garden flew, tables and chairs slammed, swords fought, and they played well.

And Feng Xi is still full of smiles, calm attitude. With a left hand wave, he hit someone's face, and with a right hand shot, he hit someone's shoulder, and with his legs stretched out, someone flew out of the circle, and with a hook, someone fell to the ground, and she could still be heard from time to time Clear tone of laughter.

"Yeah, your punch is too slow!"

"Stupid, if your palm comes from the left, maybe I will be hit."

"Stupid! You can really do what I say."

"This big brother, your feet smell bad, please, don't stretch out!"

"Yeah, brother, you have too much hair on your arm. It's scary. I'll pull it out for you!"

There were some people's cries of crying, bowls and plates breaking, tables and chairs breaking… in a joke, but for a moment, the garden was already in a mess, and the most embarrassed were the heroes who besieged the wind and the night, the obvious number There are many, obviously all masters, but at the moment… I saw the crowd walking around in the evening, waving freely, patting this person from time to time, grabbing that person, or pulling the collar of this person, and wiping that The human head… These rivers and lakes heroes are like the monkeys under her hands.

"Okay, all the oil on my hands has been wiped clean. I won't play with you anymore."

The voice fell, and a white damask flew out. If Jiaolong walked away, he only listened to the thumping sound, and those people were swept to the ground one by one.

After everyone fell to the ground, Fengxi Baiya turned her sleeves back and clapped her hands easily. "Old man Han, the heroes you asked are not too good, just wipe my hands."

"Bai Fengxi, you—you–" Han Xuanling pointed at Feng Xi and was speechless. Looking at these heroes who came to celebrate his birthday, all the bruises and bruises fell to the ground and no longer had the prestige. It was just because Feng Xi wanted to wipe the oil on their hands from them. Chest pain.

"Old man Han, don't be too angry, I don't take too much shots." Feng Xi is still the expression that smiles and doesn't care much, "Who told them to want to win more, so I am also merciful, they all With only a little skin trauma, rest for three or five days.

"Bai Fengxi!" Han Xuanling no longer roared decently, and looked at Feng Xi with his teeth gnashing his teeth. "The husband's good birthday banquet has caused you trouble. Do you want the husband to be angry? Wei An's hands are broken for you. Isn't this a heavy shot? The old man's guests were all hurt by you. Is this still merciful?"

"Senior Han, you can't blame me." Feng Xi spreads his hand. "It's just that you blame the rules you set,'regardless of the rich and the poor, you must pay a thousand dollars for medicine'. I am poor and poor, how can I give you money. The medicine saved me, and I won't make trouble, so in the final analysis, you are too greedy and stingy."

"You!" Han Xuanling was so angry that his eyes were about to pop out.

Feng Xi didn't seem to see his anger, and still said lightly: "As for this Wei An…" She glanced at Wei An, who was still humming, and then Wei An was swept by her eyes, suddenly After a cold war, the hum in the mouth also stopped, "The tea house outside Ruan City, the old man, but his hands and feet were a little slower, he failed to pour the tea for you, "Wei hero", but he couldn't commit a punch. Can you vomit blood? Do the Wuling people still deserve to be called heroes? I will let you taste the taste of this renunciation."

Han Xuanling was so angry that his whole body was shaking with blood, and his eyes were rising to Venus. He pointed to Fengxi and shouted, "Okay! Okay! Okay! It's all your reason! It's reasonable to grab medicine! It's reasonable to make trouble! You're justified when you hurt someone!" You really are like no one in the world can cure you Bai Fengxi? You are really invincible in the world? The old man invites someone who can cure you today!"

"Oh?" Feng Xi not only did not panic when he heard this, but his eyes lit up. "Who? What big hero did you invite?"

"Go, go to the backyard and ask Feng Xizi to come out!" Han Xuanling ordered a servant.

"Feng Xi? Did you ask Hei Feng Xi to deal with my Bai Fengxi?" Feng Xi looked at Han Xuanling with a weird face after listening.

"Huh, why? Frightened?" Han Xuanling looked at her expression only when she was afraid.

"No." Feng Xi shook his head, watching his eyes seem to be somewhat sympathetic, "Old Man Han, how did you get the Black Breeze?"

"People Feng Feng arrived in Ruan City the other day, and he did not refuse to visit Han. The old man regarded himself as a distinguished guest." Han Xuanling stared at Feng Xi, "Bai Fengxi, don't run away if you have the courage!"

"Haha… How can I run away." Feng Xi laughed like he heard what was so funny, looked at Han Xuanling, and sighed to herself, "It's easy to send God, it's hard to send God, old man Han" , Do you know?"

"Huh, you old **** of plague God, ask yourself if it's not difficult to send!" Han Xuanling looked at Feng Xi resentfully, if the anger in his eyes could kill, Feng Xi would be blunted at this moment!

"Alas, I can't even tell who is the **** of plague. I really don't know how you live to this day." Feng Xi shook his head and sighed.

During the talk, two Tsing Yi teenagers suddenly came to the gate of the park. They were all about 14 to 5 years old. They were clean and beautiful, and they looked exactly the same. They each held a burden in their hands.

The two teenagers walked into the garden and they were just one stroke.

"The two don't have to be rude, may I ask Mr. Feng?" Han Xuanling asked stepped forward.

Who knew that the two boys ignored him, but said in unison to the wind: "The son is cleaning his face, he is using the third water, please wait a moment." After they finished speaking, they shouted the heroes on the ground We, "You get up quickly, don't block it, my son is coming."

As they said, the two still started, some of the heroes of the rivers and lakes climbed up on their own, and some were pushed aside by them, and all the tables, chairs and dishes were picked up by their kickers, and they immediately cleared a large area of ​​the park. Come.

After clearing the venue, the two turned around and went back, but came again a moment later. One moved to the mahogany chair and the other to the coffee table; then opened the carry-on baggage, one took out the dust and flicked the chair and the coffee table, and one covered the chair with brocade mats; then one took out the jade cup and one took out the jasper pot; One opened the lid and the other was filled with tea, which was still steaming hot.

Both were very agile and dexterous, and they completed it in an instant. After doing this, they turned around and went back. After a while, they came back again, but they all laid down the red carpet all the way to the mahogany chair. under. After they finished everything, they stood still in front of the chair.

While they were doing this, the heroes, including Han Xuanling, were all foolish and unclear. Therefore, Feng Xi found a chair early and sat down to squint and take a nap.

Everyone waited for a while, but still did not see the abundance. Even Han Xuanling wanted to ask, but when he saw the quiet appearance of the two attendants, he swallowed back when he spoke.

"Ah—" Feng Xi, who kept his eyes closed, yawned a big yawn, and then shouted loudly: "Black Fox, if you don't get out of me again, I'll peel your skin!"

As soon as her voice fell, a man's voice came.

"Women, you will always be so rude." The voice was like the breeze Xu Yin, calm and calm, and like Yubi gently tapping, expensive and elegant.

When the words fell, a young man appeared at the gate of the park, with a white jade crown in hair, Mo Yuyue in the forehead, dressed in a black robe with a wide white waist, and a beautiful face carved by Ruo Meiyu. A graceful and leisurely smile, so casually came to the red cloud.

Everyone looked at the young man and thought in unison that such a person should come out of the Ruizhu Palace where the white jade is the order, the jade is the tile, the coral is the wall, and the crystal is the curtain. Only such a talent would be the black abundance of the world, and only such a talent would be the most elegant abundance among the four sons of the world. It didn't look like that… Turning around again, looking at Feng Xi. But when he looked at the man's white hair and black hair, his face was clear and clear. If the blue sky and clouds were casual, he suddenly felt that such a white wind evening is also unique.

Feng Xi sat down on the chair with padded cushions and lifted his left hand slightly. The teenager on the left took the tea cup into his hand. He opened the tea lid, blow a little gas, took a sip, then shook his head. Now, Zhongli, three tea leaves will be left in the future."

"Yes, son." Zhong Li hurriedly replied.

The cup was covered with abundance, and the teenager on the left took the tea cup from his hand and put it back into the coffee table.

There were clearly hundreds of people in the garden, but they all looked at him quietly, and no one dared to bother.

Finally, Feng Xian swept his eyes to everyone, and everyone only felt a thump. The young man's eyes were too bright, as if the darkest place in his heart had also illuminated him with one glance and cleared.

"Woman, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Feng Feng smiled and opened his mouth, his expression was pleasing, and he looked straight ahead.

The crowd followed his gaze, and he sighed again.

Compared with the noble and elegant wind instrument, Feng Xi has no image at all, leaning on the back of the chair obliquely, his long hair hanging down to the ground, his legs stretched straight on another chair, The eyes seemed to be open and closed, as if drowsy.

Listening to the rich call, she opened her eyelids lazily, then yawned again, stretched her arms, stretched her lazy waist, and then said: "Black fox, every time you do These troubles are enough for me to sleep." But she is not vulgar though her words and deeds are casual, which makes her look comfortable.

"Women, I haven't seen you in a year. You still haven't grown much." Feng Xi shook his head with regret.

Feng Xi heard the words and sat up straight from the chair, the lazy expression on his face was also swept away, the legs stretched a little, and the chair under her feet flew toward the abundance, with a fierce castration, hidden wind, He also shouted, "Girls, I have a name and a surname. Don't call a woman long or a woman short. I don't know if I have any unclear relationship between you and me. It is very unfortunate to have the same name with you. It's also a piece, so I might as well jump directly to find a river."

Facing the chair that flew in, the Breeze still lay leisurely, and his right hand stretched out at will, and the menacing chair stopped peacefully in his hand. His hand was thrown again, and the chair fell lightly on the ground, unissued. The slightest sound.

"I just want to remind you that one day you might be so forgotten that you might even forget that you are a woman." Breathing and polite, she glanced at her, then shook her head, "Be my woman, Gee…you This looks… Alas." Although the words were not clearly stated, the sigh was enough to express the meaning, so some people in the garden couldn't help laughing.

"Feng Gongzi." Han Xuanling took a step forward, interrupting their sneer.

"Han Lao hero." Feng Xi turned his head to look at Han Xuanling, with a gentle smile on his face, "The old hero called me out, but let me meet the heroes?"

"This is nothing more than one." Looking at Feng Xi's smiling face, Han Xuanling unconsciously pulled away a smile, "Another thing…" He glanced at Feng Xi and looked back at Feng Xi, "Feng Gongzi, the old man the day before yesterday I don't know the son who mentioned the matter to you…"

"Oh, I see." Feng Xi nodded in a sudden enlightenment. "The old hero asked me to help Bai Fengxi for taking the elixir." He turned his head to look at Feng Xi. "I heard that you have come from the Han family all these years. After taking a lot of medicine, the old hero of Han meant that you should return all of the medicine. If you don't, you can convert it into silver money." Of course, Han Xuanling told him to take a lesson and teach Bai Fengxi. In view of his understanding of her, there is no retelling.

"Hehe…" Feng Xi smiled when she heard the words, "I have run out of medicine, as for the money -" Her eyes rolled, "I am penniless at the moment."

Feng Xi smiled slightly, as if she had known her answer for a long time, turned her head to look at Han Xuanling, her eyebrows were slightly picky, and she was embarrassed. "What… what about the old hero?"

Looking at Feng Xi, Han Xuanling remembered the medicines and the big troubles she had just made. She wished she could peel her bones, saying, "It's also simple, let her face offense and leave her hands behind."

"Wow, it's cruel!" Feng Xi shouted suddenly, raised his hands and looked at it, and then pointed a little, then the person floated lightly in front of the abundance, stretched out his hands and asked him, "You really want to cut My hand?"

Feng Xi looked at her, and then looked at the pair of slender plain hands in front of him. Suddenly he touched his forehead and sighed, seemingly helpless. "Unfortunately in my life, I knew you." Then he stood up and gave a gift to Han Xuanling.

"Dare not! Why is Feng Gongzi so?" Han Xuanling hurriedly saluted.

"Han Lao hero, I am here to compensate you for her." Breath is gentle and polite, black eyes are clear, and the expression is sincere. "Although she took your elixir, she used it to save people and did not seek personal gain. , It is also regarded as Han Jiaji's good deeds, it is better to ask the old heroes to forgive her for her youth and ignorance."

"This–" Han Xuanling vomited, if he refused to stop as he wished, but refused to face the face in this way, but was unable to.

"As for the medicines she took away, the old hero will see how much money is converted, how about I pay you on her behalf?" Feng Xi continued.

As soon as this remark came out, Han Xuanling immediately moved. I secretly wanted to see the situation. This Feng Gongzi had a close relationship with this Bai Fengxi, and he and these heroes were not opponents of Bai Fengxi. If he had a strong behavior, he was only afraid of embarrassment, but now he would pay for her. Why not be a favored person?

Feng Feng looked at his appearance and knew his intentions, and then turned to look at the people in the garden, "She just offended many heroes just now, but that was just her **** love, and I just joke with you. Please also be heroic and generous. With her consideration, I am here to pay the courtesy for her." After speaking, it was a clenching ceremony.

His actions were unexpected, to realize that everyone thought they would see a showdown with white winds and black breaths. At this moment, he saw him bowing and giving gifts, and everyone in the garden hurriedly returned the gifts. I was just ridiculed by Feng Xi just now. Although I was angry, I had to admit that my skills were not as good as others, so I was ashamed and ashamed. Feng Xi's move is a step for everyone, and not many people can get the gift of Feng Gongzi, one of the four sons in the world. The face is more glorious and the resentment subsides, so everyone said: "Feng Gongzi I can't obey when I wait." But secretly, they invariably guessed what the relationship was.

Regarding this act of abundance, Feng Xi seems to be regarded as normal, but just stands aside and looks coldly, with a slightly hooked corner of his lips, seeming to laugh.

"Since all the heroes don't care about it in large numbers, to express my gratitude, I am preparing for the Baitan wine in the drunk fairy tower in the city today, and I hope you will appreciate your face. How about getting drunk in the same way?" Feng Xi said again.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar, and they were all very excited.

A big man stood out from the crowd and clenched his fist towards Fengxi: "In the next exhibition, I know that Ruan Chengren's family is lucky to see the son of Sansheng today. So today, the wine of Zuixianlou also invites the son to reward him on the next thin noodle. Do all the friendship of the landlord and be drunk with the son and the heroes." He said that he would fist around and look around the heroes in the garden.

"it is good!"

Everyone should respond, and then their eyes moved towards the abundance.

"Feng Xi respect is worse than obedient." Feng Xi smiled and promised. Looking back, he glanced at the light smile on Feng Xi's face, his eyes intersected, and exchanged a look that was only clear to each other.

Feng Xi turned around and looked at the two teenagers around Feng Xing, "Who are you?"

The two youngsters were glanced at Feng Xi's eyes and could not help looking at the abundance.

Feng Xi smiled and nodded, "Zhongyuan."

Then the boy on the left took a red wooden box one foot long and three inches high from the bag on his back and handed it to Feng Xi.

Feng Xi took over and opened the box lid. For a time, all the people in the garden felt that Bao Guang was puzzled, and could not help staring at the wooden box. I saw a box of pearls with a big thumb, a willow tree made of gold, a mountain carved with agate, a buddha made of red coral, and a jasper with a big slap… Pieces are exquisite treasures.

Before everyone could see it clearly, Feng Xi closed the box again, then walked to Han Xuanling and sent the wooden box to him. "Old man Han, there is no less than one hundred thousand gold leaves in this box, buy me The medicines I took from you were more than enough, so you have to send me another bottle of Zifusan and a bottle of Foxin Dan today."

"This… these are all for the old man?" Han Xuanling looked at the wooden box with wide eyes, and then looked at Fengxi, and then looked at the abundance. For a moment, it felt like a dream. Although the Han family is also a wealthy and wealthy home, he also saw these rare treasures for the first time, so he could not believe that he could have these treasures.

"These are when I pay for the previous medicine for her, and how about asking the old hero to accept it and send her two more bottles of medicine?" Feng Xi smiled and nodded.

"Yes… of course!" Han Xuanling nodded again and again, and quickly took the box from Feng Xi's hand, shaking his hand a little.

"Then I will take the medicine." Feng Xi chuckled, the figure flashed, and she was lost in the garden.

"Well." Han Xuanling still nodded and promised, but then he jumped up suddenly, "Wait! Bai Fengxi, you wait! God-my medicine-I will be looted again!" I saw him rushing all the way to chase the wind, and he could still hear his distressed yelling.