
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Although the **** ship has a simple appearance, its cabin is very gorgeous. Purple drapery, carved tables and chairs, colorful carpets, landscape paintings hanging on the walls, but the most striking thing is the people on the soft couch by the window, because of him, all the gorgeous will become Elegant grace.

Feng Yi sits on the soft couch and is slowly tasting with a cup of tea. Zhong Li stands beside him, a man kneeling on the ground, his head bowed, his face is not clear in the dim cabin, I just feel that this person looks like a ball The vague shadow is indistinct and impenetrable.

After drinking a cup of tea, the abundance lightly asked, "What's the matter?"

The kneeling man replied: "There is a clue about what the young man has ordered. Yun Yun, please ask the young man, do you want to start directly?"

"Oh." Feng Xi handed over the tea cup in his hand, and Zhong Li took it up and set it aside, "What did you find?"

"Currently only their whereabouts have been tracked, and their purpose has not yet been determined." The man replied.

"Is this so?" Feng Xi groaned slightly, "No need to do it for now, just follow."


"Also, Xuan Ji's matter told him to ignore it, I have my own arrangement." Feng Xi said again.


"Go." Breathing waved.

"Subordinates quit."

After the man stepped back, the room was quiet and the breath of light fell somewhere. After a long time of contemplation, he turned his head and asked Zhong Li: "Is the girl in Phoenix ready?"

"Hui Gongzi, the girl Feng has been placed in a partial cabin." Zhong Li replied.

"Huh." Feng Xi nodded, leaning back, leaning on the soft couch, looking sideways out of the cabin, it was already dusky and heavy.

The door was gently pushed open, and Zhong Yuan came in with a black jade box in his hand, walked into the room, opened the lid, and the eyes were bright and bright, driving away the darkness of the room. Inside the box is a night pearl the size of a baby's fist.

Zhong Li took a palace lamp from the bulkhead, put the pearl in it, and hung the lamp on the top of the cabin. The light inside the cabin was like daylight.

"It's too bright." Feng Xi turned back, glanced at the bright lamp, stroked his eyebrows with his hands, slightly opened his fingers, covering his eyes, and also covering the inexplicably dark look in his eyes.

Zhong Li and Zhong Yuan could not help but looked at each other. Ever since he waited for the son, he knew that he hated dark oil lamps or candles. Whether at home or outside, he used the pearl as the lamp. Why did he say that it is too bright today?

"Change a lamp, you go down." Feng Xi lowered his forehead and closed his eyes slightly, his expression calmly commanded.

"Yes." Zhong Li and Zhong Yuan responded.

One removed the bead lamp, one lit the oil lamp, and then gently closed the door and left.

Waiting for the quiet footsteps to go away, a light like a bean in the room, accompanied by the faint sound of river water.

On the soft couch, lying flat in abundance, eyes closed slightly, his face quiet, as if he were meditating, as if going to sleep.

Time passed quietly, only the faint river wind occasionally flicked the faint butter lamp, and the light and shadow jumped for a while, but it was also quiet, as if afraid of disturbing the false sleep on the couch.

I don't know how long it took. My eyes opened, and my gaze moved to the dark river. The lights by the river occasionally flashed, falling into those black eyes, making those eyes shine like pearls and flash. With a cold light.

"Xuan Ji–" Shen Shen spit out the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes, his right hand lifted slightly, looked at the palm of his hand, and slightly closed, sighed almost inaudibly, "Baifengxi…"

Early in the morning, when Zhong Li and Zhong Yuan pushed in, they found that their son was still lying on the soft couch, dressed as usual, and glanced at the bed he made last night.

"Young Master." Zhong Li lightly called.

"Huh." Feng Xi got up and stretched his slightly stiff limbs slightly, his face as usual, without fatigue.

Zhong Yuan hurried forward to serve him to rinse his mouth and clean his face, combing his hair and changing his clothes. After everything was done, Zhong Li had brought his breakfast and set them on the table one by one.

A cup of clean water, a bowl of porridge, a dish of crystal dumplings are not expensive.

This cup of clear water is Qingzhou's "Qingtai Spring" water, which is known as the "first spring in the world". The porridge is boiled with bird's nest, white fungus and white lotus, and the crystal dumplings are in Youzhou. Tender cabbage stuffed with the name "Snow Jade Piece" is the filling. Abundance likes meat and dislikes meat.

Fengfeng first drank the glass of water, then took a porridge, and then picked up a dumpling, just as soon as he reached his lips, he put down his chopsticks, and finally he only finished the bowl of porridge.

"After steaming too long, Caixin will die. Remember the fire next time." He glanced at the dish of crystal dumplings.

"Yes." Zhong Li removed the dishes.

Feng Xi got up and walked to the desk, took the pen and ink, spread out the white paper, and swiped down, all at once, and wrote two letters in a moment.

"Zhong Yuan, send these two letters separately." He handed the letter to Zhong Yuan.

"Yes." Zhong Yuan took the letter and opened the door, and Zhong Li was coming in with a cup of tea.

Feng Xian took a sip of the tea, then put it down, raised his head and instructed, "Zhong Li, prepare for it, let the ship dock on the beach tomorrow morning, change to dry road and go straight to Youzhou."

"Yes." Zhong Li responded to the head, suddenly thinking of what raised his head and asked Feng Xi, "Son, don't you have an appointment with Xi girl to meet in Jizhou?"

Feng Yi smiled and ridiculed a little, "If the woman promised something to others, she would certainly do it, but if I were, she would be very willing to do it. What's more, you heard her promise that day ?"

Zhong Li thought about it carefully, shook his head, and did not hear Feng Xi's personal promise.

"So let's go to Youzhou." Feng Xi picked up the teacup, lifted the lid, and a burst of heat rose up to his face. His eyes were also misty at this moment, "That woman really let Xuan Ji It fell into the hands of Jizhou Shizi! That woman is really…" The words below were not spoken again, and the tone was helpless.

"Why do you want to go to Youzhou? Son, we have been out for so long, why don't we go back?" Zhong Li frowned. He was only fifteen years old. Although he followed his son when he was seven years old, he has been accustomed to wandering so far, but he has been away from home for too long and really misses his mother.

"Why do you go to Youzhou? There are many reasons." The face after the mist and fog was empty, and then he put down the cup and stood up, patting Zhong Li's head. "Relax, we will go home, almost."

"Well." Zhong Li nodded with peace of mind, "Master, I'll go down first."

After Zhong Li stepped back, there was a person with abundance in the room, approaching the window, facing the sunrise, the abundance squinted slightly, looking at the flying birds passing by the river, murmured, "Youzhou…"

At that moment, in the cabin, Feng Qiwu woke up and saw a 14- to 15-year-old girl standing next to the bed, combing her bun, and two small pear vortices embedded in her plain face. With a sweet smile, it makes people feel comfortable at first sight.

"Girl Feng, you woke up, the slave-servant called Xiaoer, and the young man ordered to wait for the girl in the future." Xiaoer said honestly.

Feng Qiwu nodded slightly and got up.

"Does the girl get up? Xiaoer is at your service." Xiaoer said as she started, serving Feng Qiwu out of bed, then dressing, washing, and dressing.

And Feng Qiwu didn't say a word from beginning to end, but just laughed coldly.

After finishing her dressing, she looked at the beautiful flowery face in the bronze mirror, and she couldn't help but praise: "The girl looks really beautiful."

Feng Qiwu raised her lips, responding to her praise.

"I'll serve the girl breakfast." Xiaoer opened the door and left.

Feng Qiwu stood up, walked to the window, pushed open the window door, the sun was dazzling, she could not help narrowing her eyes. After she adjusted her eyes to bright, she looked back at the cabin. All the objects in the cabin can be seen as very precious, that is, when the house was full, it was not so luxurious, but it was not vulgar, and it was properly matched with one thing and one thing. Looking around, it has its own noble and generous.

I don't know where he came from.

Thinking about it, the door was pushed open and the smile came back, "Girl, have a meal."

Feng Qiwu moved to the table and sat down.

After finishing breakfast, Xiaoer packed up the dishes and retreated. When she returned to the side cabin, she saw Feng Qiwu playing with her lute.

Dingding gurgled three or two times, it didn't make a song, but it was just tossed.

"Did Girl Feng get up?"

Suddenly, the sound of abundance came, Feng Qiwu was shocked, looked up, but no one saw him.

"The son is in the main cabin." Xiaoer said sideways.

"Please ask the girl to come over and talk." The breath of the breath sounded again, as clear as if people were in front of you.

So Feng Qiwu hugged the pipa and stood up, and Xiaoer was busy leading the way for her.

When the door was pushed open, the person standing in front of the window stood tall and tall, and the splendid sunrise sun sprinkled on him, leaving him with a thin layer of golden awns.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around, raised his hands and waved his sleeves, and the whole body was flowing, as if it were more gorgeous than Chaoyang. Only a pair of black jade-like eyes are still black, but she looked at the black eyes, always feeling that there was a vein of tenderness hidden in the deep depth, but I didn't know who it was for. And hide.

"Phoenix girl is still accustomed to living?" Feng Xi sat down on the couch and raised her hand to signal her to sit down.

"Qiwu has long been accustomed to be at ease with the encounter." Feng Qiwu said lightly. Then approached and seated on a soft stool in front of the couch.

"Feng Qiwu, Qiwu-this name is really good." Feng Xi's eyes looked at Feng Qiwu softly. The woman always wore a cold, "Can there still be someone in Qiwu's family?"

Listening to the abundance, "Qiwu" was whispered, and a light gleamed in Feng Qiwu's indifferent eyes, soft and warm, lining up the jade face of the frost race snow, bright and bright, falling into the room In the eyes of the four people, they all sincerely admired.

"No home, no relatives, where there is Wu, where can live." The voice was empty, Feng Qiwu's eyes fell on the eyes of the abundance, with some kind of perseverance.

That kind of gaze allowed Feng Xi to stretch out his hand, slender fingers flicked Feng Qiwu's forehead, and her fingertips lightly drew her eyebrows.

Eyebrows are like green feathers, eyes are like stars, skin is like gelatin, lips are like red lips.

This face is not modified at all, since it is beautiful in nature, but cold and indifferent, but it has a precious temperament.

This is a rare sight, and it has been a long time since the rivers and lakes have seen such clean and refreshing characters.

"Why?" Feng Feng whispered. The question was clueless, but Feng Qiwu understood it.

Feng Qiwu gently closed his eyes, and let his fingertips swipe his cheeks, feeling the warmth of his fingertips, "because of willingness."

Yes, because of willingness, because of her willingness.

Fengxi's fingertips rested on her jaw, lifted slightly, and sighed softly: "Qiwu."

Feng Qiwu opened his eyes, his eyes were as clear as water, no trace of impurities, no trace of hesitation, reflected in front of him, reflected clearly.

As if it was the first time I saw myself so clearly, the clean eyes reflected a pair of gentle and ruthless eyes, hesitant if the abundance reached the mouth, the hand retracted, smiled, and smiled gracefully and calmly. Wu, I will help you find the best sycamore."

My heart sinks, and it hurts instantly, why not plant a sycamore for you?

"Qiwu doesn't like to talk, then sing." Leaning on the soft couch, he is still the noble prince's son Feng, and his face still smiles leisurely, "Qiwu's singing is like a natural sound, let People don't tire of listening, I like it very much."

Do you really like it? That's fine, let you listen for a hundred years?

"Have you heard "Sidi Township"?" Feng Qiwu asked softly.

"Xiwu sing to listen." Feng Xi closed his eyes.

The pipa sounded, noisy like drizzle, whispered like a whisper, and silently talked.

Spring tour, Xinghua blowing his head, whose family is young and romantic?

The concubine intends to marry and take a lifetime off. Never be ashamed even if you are ruthlessly abandoned. [Note 1]

The clear, unstained singing voice flew around the room, floated out of the window, and sprinkled on the river.

The river is wide and the sun is shining, a few clumps of reeds, a few leaf fishing boats, a few thick fisherman's songs, and a few kingfisher song, then it becomes a painting, and the bright painting is surrounded by a ray of if there is nothing. The faint smoke, flew away.

The concubine intends to marry and take a lifetime off. Never be ashamed even if you are ruthlessly abandoned.

That trace of no complaint, no regret, no trace of indifference, no trace of infatuation, flying around Jiangxin, even if the wind blows.

Shangzhou Taicheng.

This city is located in the south of Shangzhou, and then it is Ercheng, which is a border city adjacent to Jizhou. Originally there were Gecheng and Yincheng in Seoul, but they all annexed Jizhou five years ago.

"Okay, finally arrived in Taicheng." Outside Taicheng gate, Feng Xi looked up at the big words on the gate, and then looked back to greet the young master Jiao step by step three times, "Parker, hurry up, we Go into town for lunch."

"Do you have money?" Han Pu was helpless with an empty stomach.

The two were clean and tidy at this time, except for Han Pu's noodles.

"No." Feng Xi patted the cloth-to-cloth purse and answered very simply.

"How can you eat without money? Do you want to grab it?" Han Pu straightened up. Don't blame him for speaking badly, but getting along these days makes him feel that any abnormal behavior is normal on Fengxi.

"Snatch?" Feng Xigua shouted and shook his head straight, "How come, how can I make such a shameless thing in my white Bai Fengxi."

"Did you do less? Did you steal less medicine from my family?" Han Pu pouted. I thought how much he admired the two heroes, Bai Feng and Hei Xi, but now that they see their true colors, I just think that this so-called hero is sometimes similar to a rogue rogue.

"Hey, Parker, about your medicine, it's called doing good." Feng Xi laughed twice, "As for today's meal, I will get it."

"How to get it?" Han Pu looked at her suspiciously.

"Just follow me." Feng Xi glanced at Han Pu and smiled deeply.

When she glanced at her, Han Pu only felt that the forehead was cold, and the cold hairs on the back of the neck were raised, which was not intuitive.

"Come on, Park Er, why are you still stunned." Feng Xi urged him.

Han Pu had no choice but to follow her.

The two entered the city, crossed one street and then turned two streets, and reached a very lively street.


Hearing Feng Xi yell in his ear, he looked up and there was a big "gambling" in front of him.

"This is not a restaurant, but a gambling house." Han Pu shouted. Although the teacher taught, he always hid and hid, but he could escape, but the four characters of "Jiutai Gambling House" are still recognizable.

"Of course I know it is a gambling house." Feng Xi slapped his head and pointed at the plaque of the gambling house. "The nine Thai gambling house is the largest gambling house in Thailand. It has a good reputation and never bullies."

"Do you want to win money by gambling?" Han Pu guessed her intentions. He didn't bother to think of her as a woman and claimed that the martial arts martial arts would actually gamble. He hasn't been surprised to get along these few months.

"Parker, you are really smart." Feng Xi praised.

"Why didn't you gamble?" Han Puhu doubted, so that she would not be fascinated by Fan Tang. Whenever she praised him, it also meant that she was calculating him.

"Who said I didn't gamble." Feng Xi smiled, the smile on his face resembled Fengfeng at the moment.

Han Pu looked at her up and down, and finally looked at the ornament on her forehead. "Don't you want to use this thing as a gambling book? That's not as reliable as going to the pawnshop to be some money."

"This thing…" Feng Xi touched his forehead with his fingertips, sighing, "This is a heirloom. It shouldn't be treated as long as I can eat it for a long time."

"So what do you use for gambling?" Han Pu asked cautiously, while keeping a distance of three feet from Fengxi. In this way, he was able to do it as early as possible. In the end, only the dagger with jewels that Dad gave him was never allowed to be used as a gambling book. If she lost, if you went to the prefecture in the future, you would be Dad scolded.

"Follow me and you'll know." Feng Xi grabbed him with his hand stretched out and dragged him into the casino.

Upon entering the casino, an unpleasant odor and shouting shouts greeted us.

"Let's play the easiest way to buy size." Feng Xi dragged Han Pu into the crowd.

Han Pu was caught by Feng Xi in one hand, and he covered his mouth and nose with his free hand.

It is now the end of October. The weather is very cold. There is only one door open, but there are many people inside. The airflow is not open, and the natural smell is not good. Han Pu has been spoiled since childhood. Although these days have been popular with the wind and dinner, he has never really contacted these people at the bottom. At this time, they heard their vulgar screams in their ears, and they saw greedy faces intertwined with desire, smelling their body odor and sweat and sour smell that they did not take a bath for a few days, months or even a year, and their chests churned. , I want to leave immediately, but my hand is caught by Feng Xi, unable to move.

Feng Xi dragged Han Pu into the crowd, and finally let her squeeze into the circle.

"Buy quickly! Buy quickly! It's about to open!" The dealer is still shouting.

"I buy big!" Feng Xi took a picture with a palm.

The sound was so clear that all the gamblers were startled, and their eyes moved from the gaming table to her.

In an instant, the gamblers who could not tell the difference between the south and the north can't remember their father, wife and children. A pair of red eyes looked at the woman in white clothes with long red eyes, starry eyes were calm, fresh and beautiful, like a slender green lotus in the water.

"Hey, I'll buy it big, and open it soon." Feng Xi waved his hand and brought a sleeve of wind to make everyone recall.

This is the first time a gambling house has entered a woman since its opening, so the dealer is hesitant. "Girl-did you come to gamble?"

"Of course." Feng Xi's voice was quite loud and positive.

The dealer has been in this casino for many years. The strangers from the south to the north have also seen some strange looks. Therefore, this moment is settled, and the client who is no longer confined to the eyes is a woman, just asking: " How much does the girl buy?"

"This–" Feng Xi dragged his head to Han Pu outside, "Just him."

"Ah?" Everyone was dumbfounded again.

"You–" Han Pu was exasperated and stopped speaking as soon as he spoke, and the dumb point was stopped.

"Do you see how much this child is worth?" Feng Xi asked the dealer with a smile.

"Five silver leaves." Zhuang said, looking at the child's back, thin and weak, afraid of not doing any work, now in this world, having five silver leaves is already very expensive.

"There are too few silver leaves." Feng Xi bargained with him, pulling Han Pu's face to the dealer. "You see how much better this child is, with beautiful brows and delicate skin, better than some women." The children are all beautiful, if—"she lowered her voice strangely, "If it is sold to a rich man as a childish child—it will certainly be sold for thirty or forty silver leaves, and I don't want that much, just 10% off. How about Silver Leaf?"

"This–" The banker looked at Han Pu, and it was indeed very handsome, but his eyes were angered at this moment, and he was shuddering and looked away. "Okay, ten silver leaves."

"The deal." Feng Xi nodded and urged the dealer, "Come on, I'll buy it."

So, the dealer shook Ding Ding Ding Ding Zi, dozens of eyes stared at his hand, and finally he rested heavily on the table, all eyes stared.

"Come on! Come on!"

"big big big!"

"Small! Small! Small!"

The gamblers shouted, and the dealer hung up on everyone's appetite and finally lifted the cover.

"Haha…It's big! I won!" Feng Xi laughed, and reached out unscrupulously for money.

"Alas, guilty!" Some people are happy and some are sad.

"Come again! Come again!" Feng Xi cried excitedly.

So I continued to buy and continue to open, I do not know whether she was particularly lucky, or the dealer took care of her, anyway, she opened what she bought, after a few rounds, she had piled up a pile of silver leaves.

"Today's luck is really good." Feng Xi put the silver leaf into his bag and smiled authentically, "Sorry, I have to take a step in advance."

"Just leave?" shouted many people. Won the money and left?

"Yeah, I'm very hungry. I'm going to eat, and I'll play again someday." Feng Xi looked back and smiled. That smile, her eyebrows blooming, and everyone was dazzled and confused, she had led Han Pu quickly out of the gambling house.

Walking on the street, Feng Xi finally unlocked Han Pu's acupoint.

"You-how dare you take me as a bet! You even want to sell me!" Han Pu's acuity screamed, and he ignored the people on the street.

"Hush!" Feng Xi pointed her lips at her fingertips and looked at Han Pu with a smile, "Park Er, do you still want to be acupunctured?"

The words worked, Han Puguo didn't dare to shout again, but his anger was nowhere to be vented, his body was shaking with anger, and his eyes were full of tears. He was still unwilling to accuse, "Thank you for trusting me so much, treating you as a sister , You even took me to bet money, but also sold me to do-what to do that childish boy!"

"Park Er, this is just an expedient measure." Feng Xi patted his head, as if patting a disobedient puppy.

"What if you lose? Did you really sell me?" Han Pu certainly didn't believe it.

"Will!" Feng Xi resolutely refuted.

"Huh, it's still conscience." Han Pu hummed.

Na Zhi Feng Xi immediately said: "Parker, you are too young to look at my sister. I think I have been in the casino for nearly ten years. When did I lose? With my kung fu, of course, I want to have a big bowel movement, but I want to have a small bowel movement. The possibility of a miss!" is quite proud.

"You—" Han Pu listened, and then shook his head and walked away. He walked and gasped, "I don't want to follow you! I don't recognize you as a sister anymore! I don't care about you anymore!"

"Park Er, Park Er." Feng Xi was really annoyed to see him. He took hold of him and calmed down softly. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding. How can I lose you by my skill Well, even if I really lose, I will also **** you back. You know, with my martial arts, the black fox can't grab me!"

"Humph!" Han Pu twisted her face and didn't look at her even though she was pulled.

"Good girl, my sister promised you that I will never bet on you again." Feng Xi had no choice but to comfort her.

"This is what you said, you have to count the words, and you will never bet on me again." Han Pu stared back at her.

"Well, speak and count." Feng Xi nodded.

Han Pu looked at her and continued: "No matter what, I shall not bet on me, I shall not be sold, I will not be bored with me, nor will I be allowed to abandon me!" It was also red, and tears could not stop flowing down. A real panic grabbed him, fearing that he would be abandoned, and that he would be alone again. On the night when the fire burned, no one should shout his throat.

"Okay, okay, okay, I fully agree." Feng Xi saw him weeping, and couldn't help but sigh, and stretched out his hand to hold him away, no longer having a heart for teasing, thinking of his tragic upheaval in the house, and his heart was pitiful yet Pain, "Parker, my sister will not leave you, my sister will take care of you until one day, you grow up." Unconsciously such a promise came out.

"You promised, you should never regret it." Han Pu hugged her tightly, fearing that this warm embrace would suddenly disappear.

"Well." Feng Xi nodded, then let him go and wiped the tears on his face. "It's so big that I still cry. I thought I didn't cry for the first time when I went out alone. It was my father who cried. Stop crying, go to a restaurant to eat first."

"Huh." Han Pu raised his sleeve embarrassedly and wiped the tears from his face.

The two were about to find a restaurant, and suddenly a large group of people came across, big and small, old and young, some drove the oxcart, some picked up the basket, and carried big bags on their backs, all of them were yellow-skinned and full of dust. Pedestrians on the street gave way, and the two squeezed to the side of the street, watching the group of people cross the street and go straight to the south gate of Taicheng.

"Alas, there is another escape." Someone sighed in the ear.

"Old man, where did these people come from? Where are they going?" Feng Xi asked an old man by the roadside.

"The girl probably won't enter the city for a long time?" The old man looked at Fengxi. "It's been several times. They all came from Jiancheng. The master sent a general, Tuoba Hong, to attack Beizhou. These are all Refugees fleeing there."

"Assault Beizhou? When did this happen?" Feng Xi couldn't help being surprised.

"It happened a month ago." The old man sighed. "It's not about Xuanji, but I don't know how many people are going to die!"

"Xuan Ji?" Feng Xi frowned.

"Yeah." The old man's eyes that had seen the vicissitudes gleamed with deep sorrow. "When he heard that Xuanji appeared in Beizhou, the Lord said that the North King had Xuanji's failure to return to the imperial capital, but he was ignorant. So he sent troops to fight."

"But an excuse." Feng Xi said to himself.

"It's safe to be here, why do these people have to leave?" Han Pu asked his doubts.

If it is to avoid misfortune, Taicheng has been separated from Jiancheng by several cities, and has long been away from the war, but do not understand why those people should continue to go on, and then it is the city of Seoul, and it is the border city.

"They want to go to Jizhou." The old man looked to the end of the street, there was the south gate, and the official road leading to Seoul was out of the south gate. "The war in Beizhou and Shangzhou is constant, and they are equally matched, every time There is no bargaining for each other during the war. The people sitting on the jade do not matter, but the people who suffer are the people, the turbulence and the net worth. The Jizhou is a powerful country, there are few wars, and the refugees from the states who have left are properly placed. , So everyone wants to go there."

"Oh." Han Pu nodded and looked back at Fengxi, only to find that her eyes were falling somewhere in front.

Among the refugees was a 6- to 7-year-old girl who thought she was very hungry and pointed to the biscuit stall beside the road, crying hard. Her tired and languishing mother tried to comfort her. She just cried and her mother was helpless. Begging to the stall owner, but was pushed away by the stall owner and fell to the ground.

The old man's eyes also fell there, but he only sighed deeply, "There are people like this every day. If the biscuit stall is a charity, you don't have to eat anymore. Alas, in fact, people just want to eat a meal. Xuanji Xuanshu."

Feng Xi walked over, lifted the woman on the ground, took out a silver leaf from the bag and handed it to her.

"Thank you girl! Thank you girl!" The woman thought she had met a fairy and thanked her busyly.

Feng Xi shook his head, but he couldn't smile brightly. He turned back and took Han Pu, "Park Er, let's go." Looking up at the sky, it was still so blue, the sun was still bright, but it couldn't shine out of a peaceful and prosperous land. .

"Just want to eat a full meal-just a full meal."

He sighed, with a sense of sorrow, and with a trace of awareness.


[Note 1] Wei Zhuang's "Sidi Township"