
Who rules the world

Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. They are opposites like black and white and unrivaled in skill. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts world, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed in the last ten years.

nguon_vandhirna · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Many soldiers and horses are suffering

When the autumn leaves fall, it is cold wind and wind, and winter is coming.

At the end of November in Jingyan's twenty-five years, the weather was freezing and the cold wind was biting. On the official road of Jiancheng to the Gongcheng, there were still many people who lost their homes and drove south.

They froze in the cold wind, bare feet or a pair of straw shoes, stepped on the road with thin ice, listening to the crying in the arms of the child or hungry or cold, stumbling to the city. Occasionally, I looked up to the sky, looking forward to the solar energy to show my face, to make the weather a little warmer, otherwise I would not die under the arrows of the guns, but would starve to death on the road.

When a figure came to the end of the avenue, where it seemed to be connected to the sky, the hungry refugees couldn't help but stop, watching the white spotless shadow slowly approaching, everyone could not help I thought it was an illusion caused by my hunger and dizziness.

The sky was cold and dull, but there was a gentle smile on the man's face, like the spring sun in March, which made people look tired and hungry.

When that person opened a large baggage and handed it to the headed refugees, a burst of warm food suddenly overflowed, and the group of hungry, cold and desperate refugees immediately gave birth to "This person is sent by the gods to save us "Fairy" idea.

"There are some hot biscuits inside, you eat it separately, warm your belly." The man's voice was elegant and gentle, with a pity of pity.

"Thank you Fairy Son! Thank you Fairy Son!" The refugees bowed down and thanked.

To some people, these biscuits may be a disdain, but for them at this moment, it is a life-saving food. This man really was the **** sent by heaven to redeem them, and only the **** would have such a red eyebrow.

"Don't be like that. In the next mortal, it's not a fairy." The man bent over to support the elderly men who were kneeling in front of him, and did not shy away from the dirt and dust of them. "Get up, eat the cake while it's hot."

The refugees got up and looked at him with gratitude. The leader then divided the biscuits in the bag, and the person who got the cakes was not cold and hungry, but did not rush into the mouth, but distributed it to the child in his arms and handed it to his side. The old man, and the old man just tore off a little bit, and then returned it to the children.

The man looked quietly at the side, the color of pity in his eyes deepened, sighed slightly, and turned away.

"Son, please wait!" The head of the refugees hurried to keep.

The man stopped.

The leader asked, bowing his head in a respectful manner: "Do you have a surname?"

The man was silent.

The leader said again: "Today I have received the grace of my son, and I can't repay it. I only ask the son to sue the name and surname. I will bear in mind that I will pray for the son day and night to pay for the grace and peace of mind."

The man sighed slightly and said, "This big brother is almost like this, but this is no small matter."

The leading person pleaded again and again, "please ask your son to sue his name."

The man's eyes swept, and everyone saw him, and finally said softly: "Under the jade, no chance."

"Ah!" The leading man's eyes were suddenly bright and full of surprises, "It turned out to be Yu Gongzi!"

The refugees also heard and greeted each other, all of them filled with joy and gratitude. Although there are rumors of this compassionate heart that saved the countless first sons of the world, the people did not expect them to be lucky today.

Regarding the joy of everyone, Yu Wuyuan just smiled and said: "It's not far from Jizhou before. After entering the city, go to the civic bureau. There will be a proper placement for you. After you eat the road in the morning, it's very cold. The old man The child can't stand it."

"Thank you son for pointing." The leader nodded again and again, "Is the son going north? Is there a battle over there, the son still don't want to go."

"I know." Yu Wuyuan said indifferently, "There is a goodbye in advance, everyone take care." He said he arched his hands and turned away.

"Master, be careful!" the leader shouted as he looked at the back.

Yu Wuwu waved his hand without stepping back, stepping away.

Seeing that his figure disappeared, the leading talent continued to divide the hands of the villagers to eat, but only after the division was completed, he found that a brocade was placed under the burden. When it was opened, it was a bag of gold leaves. As many as fifty. This money is enough for them to go to Jizhou, and there is still some left for them to settle there.

At that moment, everyone knelt down in the direction of the disappearance of Yu Wuyuan, and thanked their benefactor with the most sincere and simple etiquette they knew. Although the person has disappeared, although the person may not hear, they still have to say.

"Thank you Master Yu for your kindness!"

The voice echoed loudly between heaven and earth.

There are ten miles of wilderness between Wucheng of Beizhou and Jiancheng of Shangzhou, which was originally uninhabited, but at this time the flag was swaying in the wilderness, and the horses were roaring and murderous.

From the beginning of October, when Shangzhou Pioneer attacked Wucheng for the first time, the two armies have confronted each other several times, and they have won and lost each other. The result of this win and loss is that Beizhou Wucheng and Shangzhou Jiancheng have almost become empty cities. Shangzhou was slightly better than General Tuobahong and led the army to reinforce it, so the North Army withdrew from Jiancheng, and the Shang Army advanced to Wuzhou, Beizhou.

At sunset, the drums of the wilderness clashed, the hosts roared, the swords and guns clashed, and the flags covered the sun. The Shangzhou Army launched an offensive again, forcing Wucheng on three sides and determined to break the city in one fell swoop.

With the continuous advancement of the commercial army, the northern army in Wucheng raised the rolling stone sapwood, pulled away the long bow and feather arrow, and waited for it.

One hundred feet… eighty feet… fifty feet…

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, and the atmosphere became more tense.

Che Zunzun, Ma Xiaoxiao, pedestrian bows and arrows are in the waist.

Suddenly, a ray of singing sounded on the wasteland, actually breaking through the murderous murder, haunting in the air.

Ye Niang's wife walked away, the dust did not see Xianyang Bridge.

Leading Yidun to stop crying, the cry went straight to the dry sky.

The passers-by asked the pedestrians, pedestrians but the frequency of clouds.

Or from Fifteen North Fanghe to Forty West Yingtian.

When he was there, he was wrapped with his head, and when he returned, his head was still white.

The Bian Ting bleeds into the sea water, and the Wu Emperor opens his mind!

If you don't see the head of Qinghai, no bones are collected in ancient times!

The new ghost troubled the old ghost and cried, and the weather was rainy and wet. [Note 1]

The song was so sad and sad, even though tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were on the wasteland, everyone heard it, and it was emotional.

At that moment, the generals of both sides forgot to wave the command flag. The archer lowered the bow-drawing hand, and the swordsman dropped the sword. He remembered his parents' wives and children.

"Beizhou and Shangzhou are both the emperor's courtiers, why bother to kill each other." A voice lighter than the wind and lighter than the cloud sounded on the wasteland.

"Who?" The defender of Beizhou Wucheng jumped up to the tower and shouted loudly.

"Under jade has no chance." A soft voice sounded as if people were in front of him.


"Is it Yuyu missed son?"

Wan Jun was in an uproar, and all the people were looking at each other, or the generals of the two states also looked around, wanting to see the true face of the first son in the world.

"I heard that the war between the two states started because of Xuanji." The soft voice sounded again.

This time, the Ten Thousand Armed Forces looked around and saw a white shadow standing on the hillside dozens of feet to the east. Although they could not see the face clearly, their coats fluttered like a fairy who wanted to return by wind.

"Here is only for telling all the soldiers, Xuan Ji has already obtained for the Jizhou princes." Yu Wuyuan's soft words drifted down again, but suddenly fell like a boulder to the lake, causing thousands of waves and the army to shake.

"Since the reason for the war no longer exists, why don't the warriors in the two states stop doing it, and avoid the grief of their loved ones' crying straight up to dry clouds?"

At the time of the shaking of the army, Yu Wuyuan's soft voice clearly passed into everyone's ears, and then saw the white shadow in the distance flashing, and soon disappeared, leaving only a long chant.

If you don't see the head of Qinghai, no bones are collected in ancient times! The new ghost troubled the old ghost and cried, and the weather was rainy and wet.

Suddenly, the wilderness was silent, except for the occasional sound of horses, the whole world was quiet, only the pitiful sighs were endless.

"Oh, I'm so full! I haven't had such a big meal for a long time!"

In front of a restaurant in Taicheng, Feng Xi and Han Pu, who were rubbing their belly, stepped out.

"Sister, how much silver leaf do you have left? Will you finish this meal, and the next meal will be another ten days and a half months?" Han Pu asked, aiming at Feng Xixi's money bag.

"Uh." Feng Xi hiccuped and waved his hand. "Relax, Park Er, this time I won a total of 100 silver leaves, enough for us to use for three or five months."

"You won so much money all at once?" Han Pu stunned, and immediately pulled Feng Xi's sleeves and dragged her back. "Since you know how to gamble, why don't you win more? Let's go gamble again Once, you have to win at least one or two years of food."

"Parker–" Feng Xi called with a long voice.

"Why?" Han Pu turned back.

"Stupid!" Feng Xi stretched his hand and knocked him loudly. "Did your father ever tell you? Do people have to be content? Contenters are always happy, and greedy people will be in trouble! Understand? You need to know Close when you see it."

"Ouch!" Han Pu let go of Fengxi and hugged his head. The knock was really cruel, which made his head hurt fiercely.

"However–" Feng Xi rested his chin on one hand and looked at Han Pu. "The old man of Han is very greedy for money, and you can understand his inheritance, but–" He stretched his hand and patted it on Han Pu's head. On, "Follow me in the future, I believe you will become a two-sleeved breeze, respected poor man."

"Don't pat my head." Han Pu grabbed Feng Xi's hand and frowned at her. "It hurts."

"Okay." Feng Xi stopped patting him and rubbed his hands on his head. "In order to compensate you for these two, I will take you to buy new clothes. By the way, I will buy a carriage again. Such a cold day, walking in The wind and rain on the road, I can't bear the girl."

Hearing Feng Xi's words, Han Pu took Feng Xi's hand and relaxed, but did not put it down, just looked at Feng Xi.

"Let's go, buy you new clothes." Feng Xi took his hand and turned to find a clothing store. "Puer, what color clothes do you like? First of all, you must not pick the expensive clothes of those dead people. Robe, just for a while, as long as you can keep warm and fit. Well, as for the color, how about wearing white? If you become my younger brother, then of course you should wear white like me, I am Bai Fengxi, in the future you What about Bai Hanpu? Parker—"

She was nagging for a long time, but found that the people around him couldn't help but looked at him sideways, but saw Han Pu lowering her head, walking silently with her, and the hand in her hand shook slightly.

"Park Er, why don't you say nothing?" Feng Xi couldn't help but stop, "Aren't you pleased that I won't buy you beautiful clothes? I tell you, I can—" Her words suddenly stopped, only Han Pu lifted Looking at her for the first time, a small, handsome face was covered with tears, and she couldn't help panicking at once, "Parker, what are you… what? Did I just knock you out so much?"

"Sister." Han Pu threw herself into Feng Xi's arms and hugged her, her tears rubbing against her chest. "Sister…Sister…I know…I know."

He came from a family of martial arts, and since he knew that people whose inner strength reached a certain level were not afraid of cold and heat, and in the case of Fengxi, she was in the snow and ice, and she would not feel cold. It's all for him, so I said I want to add a new clothing to keep out the cold, and buy a horse-drawn carriage to shield the wind and rain, otherwise the wind will not go to gamble. If she wants to gamble, she won't sleep in this way, win those people's money, and want to come to her and Not very happy.

In fact, she can ignore him at all, they have no relatives and no reason, the only implication is the prescription. Although the prescription is precious, it is also very dangerous. If it is known to her, it will lead people to fight for it, and there will be a killing at any time, but she still takes him with no complaints, and there are also some people who play against him in the play. Feelings of pity.

"Park Er, you are a boy who is so sensitive and delicate, and I don't know if it is good or bad for you in the future." Feng Xi softened his heart and patted the person in his arms, sighing silently.

"Sister, Parker will take care of you and take care of you forever." Han Park solemnly promised his promise, but he did not know how much he promised.

"Okay, let's go buy clothes first." Feng Xi lifted Han Pu's face and wiped the tears from his face. "Look at you as a boy, crying twice a day, ashamed."

Han Pu blushed and hid his face in Feng Xi's arms. He likes this embrace, warm and fragrant, buried in this embrace, it seems that the whole world has changed, calm and quiet.

Many years later, Han Pu, the originator of Fengwu School, who is in good white clothes, good poetry, and good sword dancing, is just a crying, easy-to-blush person who likes to be spoiled in the arms of her sister. child.

"Let's go." Feng Xi picked him up.

Crossing the street, she did not go directly to the clothes shop, but turned into a remote alley. At the end of the alley, there is an uninhabited house. The tall Zhumen has been painted with red paint, the eaves and cobwebs are densely woven. One of the stone lions in front of the door fell to the ground, and the other still guarded the main door, but the dust and leaves were covered.

As he walked over, Feng Xi waved his sleeves and swept away the dust on the standing stone lion. With a little toe, he took Han Pufei and fell on the stone lion, then sat down.

The two sitting on the stone lion seemed to add two living persons to a roll of pale yellow ancient paintings, and it was particularly abrupt.

"Sister, aren't we going to buy clothes, why are we running here?" Han Pu waited for a while, but he didn't see Feng Xi to explain why he was sitting here, so he had to ask himself.

"Wait for someone." Feng Xi's long legs hung down and waved.

"Who are you waiting for?" Han Pu also learned her to sit down, shaking her legs.

"Wait for someone who doesn't know the heights of the earth and dare to follow me." Feng Xi narrowed his eyes slightly. "If he doesn't show up again, don't blame me."

As soon as her voice fell, a figure appeared in the shadow of the dark place, bowed her head and knelt, and said respectfully: "Have seen the wind lady."

"Girl, I'm neither your elder nor the official man. Don't move and kneel for me." Feng Xi looked at the man leisurely.

The man got up and looked up at Fengxi, "Does the Wind Girl remember down?"

Feng Xi looked at him and nodded a moment later, "It turns out to be you, how have you been all these years?"

The man was a man of about thirty-four to five years old, with a burly figure, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was very heroic, but there was a scar on his face that stretched straight from the bridge of his nose to his right chin, making that face look ugly and terrible. .

"Wind girl still remembers?" The big man remembered him when he saw Feng Xi and couldn't help but be surprised.

"My memory is not too bad." Feng Xi smiled a little, "Won't I remember Yan Jiutai, the chief of the thirty-eight villages on the Wuyun River six years ago, and the people who were on the rivers and lakes."

"Sister, wasn't the Wuyun Sanshiba Village flattened by your feet six years ago?" Han Pu said as soon as he heard him, thinking he was very familiar with the deeds of the rivers and lakes.

Feng Xi slapped Han Pu's head on his head. "When the adult speaks, the kid shuts up."

"I'm not a kid, I will grow taller than you soon." Han Pu straightened his chest.

Yan Jiutai smiled, apparently did not care what Han Pu said.

"Yan Zhaizhu, from the casino to the present, what are you doing? Do you want to revenge six years ago?" Feng Xi turned to Yan Jiutai.

"Wind girl don't get it wrong." Yan Jiutai quickly shook her head. "The girl's demeanor is still there. Once she enters the casino, she is striking. Jiutai follows this is not revenge.

"Oh?" Feng Xi thought for a while, then smiled, "It turns out that you opened the Jiutai Casino, no wonder you found it."

"Yes, I brought some brothers to settle down here in Taicheng six years ago. People like us who are robbers can't do anything big. They can only open some casinos and pawnshops. It's all our brothers." Yan Jiutai said.

"That's not bad, at least it's just a decent life." Feng Xi smiled, "The scar on your face is left by me, and your life is also left by me, so they cancel each other out and don't talk about revenge. And don't have to talk about gratuity."

"No." Yan Jiutai shook his head, "I'm responsible for the injury, but I have to pay for the grace of the life, otherwise I will be uneasy for life."

"Oh? How do you want to repay your favors?" Feng Xi asked, his eyes began to circle.

Han Pu looked at it, and couldn't help worrying about that Yan Jiutai, just afraid that he wouldn't pay well.

"Being willing to follow the girl's side, serve as a slave, and use the power of dogs and horses." Yan Jiutai knelt on the ground again.

"Oh?" The light flashed in Feng Xi's eyes, his left hand was resting on his chin, and his fingertips tapped his cheek very rhythmically. "I thought you were going to send me some gold and silver jewelry or something. Know that I have always been poor. Who knows it is just that."

When Han Pu heard it, he secretly called "Sure enough". It seemed that Yan Jiutai could not send away the **** without compromising his family.

"Uh?" Yan Jiutai was stunned, but immediately reacted, and took out a silver tiger-shaped token from her arms. "The girl can collect gold and silver from any Jiutai casino and pawnshop in Shangzhou."

"Any one in Shangzhou?" Feng Xi came interested. "It seems that you have mixed well in the past few years. This whole Shangzhou has your shop."

"It's okay." Yan Jiutai said, but in the tone there was impatient excitement and pride. "With the teachings of the girl, there have been dozens of shops in Shangzhou with the brothers in recent years."

"Ah!" Feng Xi said, "Are you going to give me all these shops now?"

As soon as this remark came out, Han Pu secretly said that he wanted all the belongings of others. This Yan Jiutai is estimated to be scared away.

"As long as the girl wants, everything can be given to the girl." Who knew Yan Jiutai should be able to bear it in one bit, there was no doubt at all.

"Uh?" It was Feng Xi's turn this time, and I thought that Yan Jiutai probably gave her some gold and silver, thanking her for her life's grace, this lion opened his mouth and wanted to catch people, who knows…

"I also asked the girl to promise Jiutai to let Jiutai serve." Yan Jiutai seemed to be kneeling on the ground, and had no intention of getting up at all.

"Sister, how did you save him?" Han Pu looked at Fengxi suspiciously, wondering what she had done, and letting others give away their belongings.

"Yan Jiutai, you're a cheerful person, but I don't need these, I just joke." Feng Xi jumped from the stone lion and supported Yan Jiutai on the ground, "You and your brother have created this family business in these years. Then keep a good watch and live your life well. I'm used to traveling alone, and I don't need to wait if I'm not used to it."

"Girl, I will explain to my brothers before I come. I will take care of the family business after I leave." Yan Jiutai stood up and looked at Fengxi eagerly. "Besides, Jiutai is a bachelor, and there is no family tired. . Six years ago, I vowed to serve the girl all my life in order to repay the grace, but I never found the girl. Since I met today, Jiutai certainly has to follow through."

"God, actually came prepared." Feng Xi sighed, then waved back without looking back.

Seeing Han Pu, quickly jumped off.

As soon as Feng Xi reached out to grab him, he immediately unfolded his body, quickly passed Yan Jiutai, and ran while saying, "Yan Jiutai, you will be thankful to me when you go back."

"Wind girl, you wait." Yan Jiutai immediately chased after pulling her leg.

People walked on the street, but Feng Xi held Han Pu as if stepping on a hot wheel under her feet, flying across. But Yan Yantai was formerly the chief of the thirty-eighth village. His kung fu was free, and he walked steadily under his feet. He followed behind at a distance.

Running across Jiujie Street, turning seventeen turns, jumping over thirty-two walls, and looking back, Yan Jiutai still followed behind, and Feng Xi sighed and stopped.

"Are you going to keep chasing me if I keep walking?" In a secluded alley, Feng Xi released Han Pu and sat on the floor, turning back to Yan Jiutai with some helplessness.

"Yes… yes…" Yan Jiutai gasped, "I have said that I will serve the girl for a lifetime."

"I'm afraid of you." Feng Xi waved his hand, looked at Han Pu, and then Yan Jiutai. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded, "Well, I will let you follow."

"Really?" Yan Jiutai heard this sentence and knelt in front of Fengxi. His hands held Fengxi's hands gently against his forehead. "From now on, Jiutai was loyal to the girl, but he was instructed. , Never die!" He said it lightly as if he were an oath, but he was very heavy.

Feng Xi watched his movements for a moment, then asked softly, "Are you a dead man of Guro?"

Yan Jiutai was also dumbfounded, raised her eyes to look at Feng Xi, and then took her hands, kissed her eyes softly, without any hint of blasphemy, solemn and solemn, "Yes, Jiutai is from the Jiuluo tribe." said At the end, he let go of Feng Xi's hand.

"Jiu Luo Clan-I can't think of more than six hundred years in the past, I can even see the Jiuluo Clan." Feng Xi Ning looked at Yan Jiutai deeply, her eyes seemed to contain some inexplicable emotion, but then she A wave of his hand, "Okay, you get up, you don't need so many courtesy to follow me next time."

"Yes, girl." Yan Jiutai stood up respectfully.

"Brother Yan, since you can eat so well in Taicheng, then please prepare a carriage for us and buy some clothes for my younger brother." Feng Xi stole lazily immediately.

"Yes." Yan Jiutai responded immediately, then whispered again, "The girl calls me Jiutai."

"What? Do you think I called you old?" Feng Xi's eyes rolled and people jumped up immediately. "You are older than me, and you are just right. Do you still think I can't call your brother? I'm not that good Are you old?"

"No, I don't mean that." Yan Jiutai waved again and again.

"It's not good." Feng Xi sat down again, "Brother Yan, please go buy a car and clothes, and buy some food. By the way, I ran out of food just now."

"Okay, I'll do it right away, please wait here for the girl." Yan Jiutai no longer argued with her, and immediately turned to work.

There is a small shop on the roadside outside Weicheng, Beizhou. The boss is a widow who has been widowed for many years. She sells some buns, buns, white porridge and the like. The small business, the customers are all people who travel between urban and rural areas.

Early this morning, the lady boss managed to do everything well, so there was a visit.

"The lady boss, please bring four buns and a bowl of white porridge."

"Okay, guest, please sit down first and come right away."

The proprietress was opening the steamer to see if the steamed buns were cooked, and the visitors could not be seen clearly in the mist. I saw a white man walking into the shop and sitting at the table by the window.

"Guest, you want the steamed buns and white porridge." After a while, the lady boss served the steaming breakfast earlier.

"Thank you." The guest who was looking out the window looked back.

The proprietress only felt her eyes lit up, and looked at the guests with some reluctance to leave. After all, she was the first time she saw such a good-looking character in her life.

"Son…would you like some other food?"

"No, the boss, go ahead." The guest bowed his head and picked up the bowl of white rice porridge in front of him.

"Then I'd like to have some dishes for my son?" the lady boss asked, wondering if it would be better to serve some dried radishes and sour beans, or to pick up the newly made pickles. I want to talk to this son again.

"I think you might as well go with me." At this moment, a loud voice inserted and walked in from outside.

The proprietress turned around, and at a glance, a heart jumped upright, wondering what a good day it is today, how could such a good guest come to the door? If the guests in Fang Caibai's white clothes are not as elegant as mortals, the guests in Ziyi who come in at this moment are like noble princes in the world. As for the man behind him, it is too beautiful to describe.

"You are here." The guests drinking white porridge smiled lightly at the new guests.

"Missed, you want to eat this?" The dynasty glanced at the four white-faced steamed buns in front of him, and shook his head somewhat uncommonly.

"You also try it." Yu Wuyuan pointed to the seat opposite him. "Occasionally try this thick tea and light rice, don't have a taste."

The dynasty walked over and sat down opposite him, "Why are you here?"

"I walked here as I walked at will." Yu Wuyuan said, looking back to greet the boss lady, "Come on two bowls of white porridge and ten buns."

"Okay, waiter, wait a minute." The lady boss quickly agreed.

"Xiao Jian, you also sit down." Yu Wuyuan said to Xiao Jian who was standing behind the dynasty. When he saw him clearly, he could not help being surprised. "You are finally willing to change clothes other than white."

This person who always wears a snow coat, today is wearing a light blue robe, faded a bit cold, lining his snow-like skin, the whole person is like a pale blue crystal, clear in cold, clear in , The whole body flows around, making people want to get close, but can't bear to touch.

The dynasty glanced at Xiao Jian and suddenly said: "I think you call him Xuekong, he will be happier."

"Huh?" Yu looked at him doubtfully. Although Xiao Jian's words are empty, they are always used to calling them by their names.

"Several sons, white porridge hot buns arrived." The lady boss brought porridge and buns again.

After the lady boss put down her things, the dynasty waved her back, then looked at Yu Wuyuan and smiled: "Because Bai Fengxi said he is suitable for wearing light blue clothes like the sky, he changed his clothes the next day. And Bai Fengxi He also said that he should be called Xuekong. Although he didn't say it, when I changed his name to him, his eyes were full of pleasure."

"Oh? Can't think of Bai Fengxi's charm? I really want to see." Yu Wuyuan turned to look at Xiao Jian, Xiao Xuekong, and found his eyes turned strangely light blue again, "Xue Kong This name is really suitable for you, especially for you in this blue dress, it is really like the blue sky in the snow field, it is very beautiful."

Sitting in the head of the left, Xiao Xuekong's eyes were deeper in blue, his eyes turned to the dynasty, his mouth moved, but in the end it was because the other party was his own monarch and he didn't speak. In the end, he just stretched chopsticks and picked up a small bag. Swallow.

Yu Wuyuan looked at his ridiculous heart and smiled: "Jizhou doesn't seem to have a better life than you. If you are a woman, maybe you can compete with Youzhou Chunran Princess."

"Yu Gongzi, I'm a man." Xiao Xuekong swallowed a bun and looked at Yu Wuyuan's words. The implication is that how can a man say "beauty", and should not be compared with a woman–especially the pure princess known as "the first beauty of Dadong".

"When Bai Fengxi said that your eyes are beautiful, why didn't you refute her?" The dynasty said again. After talking about the white porridge in front of you, take a breath and drink it.

Xiao Xuekong looked at the dynasty and opened his mouth, but he was still speechless, and finally bowed his head to eat the buns.

Yu Wuyuan smiled, and could not bear to tease him again, and asked the dynasty: "How about this trip?"

"Very good." The dynasty was just a simple word, and then looked at him, "Two words, two states do a good job, so good Yu Gongzi."

"Why add so many innocent innocent souls." Yu Wuyuan missed a bun.

"There are so many injustices in the world, not to mention that they will die as well." The dynasty will look at him.

"I'll talk about it then, but now it's exempt." Yu Wuyuan finished eating a bun, put down bamboo chopsticks, and looked up at the dynasty. "Besides, I'm telling you that Xuanji chose the Jizhou Emperor on your behalf. This is not you. Would you like to do it? If Shangzhou dared to take advantage of Xuanji and attacked Jizhou like attacking Beizhou, wouldn't you just take the opportunity to take down several of its cities, or… swallow it all?"

The dynasty did not speak, but the expression on the face obviously agreed with the words of Yu Wuyuan.

"As for the battle between Beizhou and Shangzhou, you fisherman is profitable, but you don't want to be in the tattered mountains and rivers?" Yu Wuyuan looked at the dynasty with a deep vision, "so you may wish to stay and wait You clean it yourself."

The dynasty raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that what I think in my heart, you can always see at a glance." After he finished, he glanced at the busy lady boss.

"Don't touch her." Yu Wuyuan's eyes flickered, and her hand held Xiao Xuekong's hand that had just grabbed the hilt. "Why don't she kill the innocent even if she hears these words."

The dynasty waved his hand and motioned for Xiao Xue to stop. He looked at Yu Wuyuan with some helplessness.

Yu Wuyuan smiled faintly and asked, "What is your next plan?"

"Of course I went back. I came out this time and gained a lot." The dynasty seemed subtle.

Yu Wuyuan missed a moment and said, "Go to Youzhou."

"Yuzhou?" The emperor's thick eyebrows slightly raised.

"Yes, Dazhou's richest Youzhou, with its first beauty, Yuzhou." Yu Wuyuan looked away from the window.

"Yuzhou?" The dynasty's eyes fell on the half-bowl of white porridge in front of him, reached up and picked it up, and then drank it all at once, and put the bowl on the table.

"Well." Yu Wuwu nodded, "Go early and good."

"You can also go back to Jizhou when you go to Youzhou." The dynasty stood up and walked out.

Yu Wuyuan also stood up, turned to look at the lady boss, smiled briefly, seemed to thank her for her hospitality, and then went outside.

Xiao Xuekong took a silver leaf from his sleeve and placed it on the table to keep up with the two.


[Note 1] Du Fu's "Army"