
White Sword Dragon

"White Sword Dragon" is a fan fiction novel starting in the world of Against the Gods 3000 years before the events of the main story. Follow the remarkable journey of Xuanyuan Lintian, the young master of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Born with the extraordinary Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins and possessing unparalleled talents, Xuanyuan Lintian's cultivation journey is destined for greatness. [ Tags ] | OP MC | Harem | Romance | Adventure | Handsome MC | World Hopping | Fast Progression | *The Cover for the Novel is not mine, if the owner would want to take it down, please inform me.

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Battle in the Peaks of Eternal Frost

As we ventured further into the secret realm, the disciples and elders of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region marched with a renewed sense of purpose. The trials in the Crystal Caverns had tested our mettle and strengthened our bonds, fueling our determination to overcome any obstacle that lay ahead.

After weeks of traversing the mystical landscapes, our journey led us to the Peaks of Eternal Frost. Towering mountains, cloaked in an eternal layer of ice, stretched as far as the eye could see. The air was frigid, and the howling winds whispered tales of ancient battles and hidden treasures.

Amidst the frozen peaks, we encountered a group of disciples and elders from the Supreme Ocean Palace, a formidable sect renowned for their mastery of water-based techniques. As we exchanged greetings, an air of tension hung in the frosty atmosphere. It was clear that both parties regarded each other with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

Among the disciples from the Supreme Ocean Palace was Bai Wuyan, the 3rd ranked core disciple known for his ruthless ambition and insatiable greed. His eyes fixated on the Luminous Dawnblade, the divine treasure in my possession, his covetous desires shining through.

"You there!" Bai Wuyan called out, his voice filled with avarice. "How much will you sell that sword for?"

I regarded him with a calm resolve, my grip tightening around the hilt of the Luminous Dawnblade. "This sword is not for sale, no matter the price," I replied firmly.

Bai Wuyan's eyes narrowed, his greed transforming into rage. "You dare to refuse my offer? Do you belittle the Supreme Ocean Palace?"

"I have no intention of belittling anyone," I replied calmly. "But this sword holds great significance to me, and I will not part with it for anything."

Infuriated by my response, Bai Wuyan barked an order to his disciples, "Attack him! Seize that sword!"

The disciples of the Supreme Ocean Palace rushed towards me, their eyes filled with determination. But they were met with the fierce defense of the disciples and elders from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, who stood by my side without hesitation.

The clash of swords echoed through the peaks as the disciples from both sects clashed with fierce determination. The air crackled with elemental energy as fire, water, and wind clashed in a symphony of power and skill.

Bai Wuyan, fueled by his desire for the Luminous Dawnblade, launched himself at me with a flurry of lightning-fast strikes. His technique was precise and deadly, a testament to his ranking within the Supreme Ocean Palace. But I met his attacks with a calm focus, my movements honed by the teachings of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Bai Wuyan, fueled by his desire to possess the Luminous Dawnblade, fought with a ferocity that matched his ambition. He wielded a treasured artifact from the Supreme Ocean Palace, a formidable trident that crackled with aquatic energy.

As the battle raged on, the elders from the Supreme Ocean Palace joined the fray, their experience and mastery of water-based techniques adding a new layer of complexity to the fight. They unleashed powerful waves and icy projectiles, seeking to overwhelm me with their elemental prowess.

But I refused to be swayed. Drawing upon the Shadow Phantom Steps, a technique honed in the depths of the secret realm, I evaded their attacks with ease. Like a phantom, I weaved through their strikes, leaving them grasping at air and water.

Despite their numerical advantage, the disciples and elders from the Supreme Ocean Palace struggled to gain the upper hand. My connection with the Luminous Dawnblade and my elemental mastery seemed unparalleled, and they found it difficult to break through my defenses.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, Bai Wuyan and the elders unleashed a combined attack. Water surged towards me in a raging torrent, while icy shards and bolts of lightning rained down from above. It was a deadly pincer attack designed to overwhelm me.

However, I remained calm amidst the chaos, channeling the power of the wind element to create a protective barrier. The winds formed an impenetrable shield around me, deflecting the torrent of water and dispersing the icy shards and lightning bolts.

I summoned the power of lightning, fire, and wind, and the Luminous Dawnblade gleamed with celestial light. I unleashed a devastating combination of elemental attacks, causing the very ground to tremble with the force of my strikes.

The fight was fierce and intense. The clash of swords and elemental forces filled the air, as I single-handedly took on Bai Wuyan and the elders of the Supreme Ocean Palace. My movements were a whirlwind of grace and precision, evading their strikes while launching my own relentless assaults.

Empowered by the Luminous Dawnblade and my command over lightning, fire, and wind, I launched a counteroffensive. The blade crackled with electric energy as I unleashed lightning-infused strikes, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy. Flames danced along the edge of the blade, reducing ice and water to vapor, while gusts of wind amplified the force of my every movement.

With every swing of the Luminous Dawnblade, I fought with the strength of a tempest, unleashing a storm of destruction upon my adversaries. The power of lightning, fire, and wind merged seamlessly, creating a devastating display of elemental mastery. Bai Wuyan and his accompanying elders struggled to match my relentless assault, their defenses crumbling under the weight of my power.

One by one, the elders of the Supreme Ocean Palace fell before me, their bodies freezing or shattering under the onslaught of my elemental forces. The air filled with the echoes of their defeat, their demise a testament to my growth and determination.

Finally, it was Bai Wuyan's turn to face the full force of my wrath. I dashed towards Bai Wuyan, the Luminous Dawnblade guiding my every move. With a swift strike, I severed his trident, leaving him defenseless against my onslaught.

I cut through his defenses, severing his connection to the water-based techniques that defined the Supreme Ocean Palace. He staggered back, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear.

"You underestimated the power of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region," I declared, my voice resonating with authority. "Your greed has led you to this end."

Summoning the combined might of lightning, fire, and wind, I unleashed a final devastating attack. Bolts of lightning crackled around me, flames engulfed my blade, and a swirling vortex of wind swept through the battlefield. The elements converged with the Luminous Dawnblade as I delivered a decisive blow.

Bai Wuyan's body crumpled to the ground, defeated and lifeless. The echoes of his fall reverberated through the peaks, a somber reminder of the consequences of his greed and ambition.

With their leader defeated, the disciples from the Supreme Ocean Palace wavered, their resolve shattered. Sensing their moment of vulnerability, the disciples and elders of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region pressed their advantage. We fought with renewed vigor, driving back the remaining disciples from the Supreme Ocean Palace until they were forced to retreat in defeat.

As the last disciple of the Supreme Ocean Palace disappeared into the snowy distance, a sense of triumph washed over us. The Peaks of Eternal Frost bore witness to our victory, the wind carrying our collective breaths of relief and satisfaction.

With the battle won, I turned my attention to my comrades, ensuring they were unharmed. Their expressions held a mix of relief and admiration, recognizing the strength and leadership I had displayed.

"We did it! Lingtian, you were incredible!" exclaimed one of the disciples, his eyes shining with awe.

"You truly are a force to be reckoned with," praised an elder, a proud smile on his face.

Together, we took a moment to catch our breaths before continuing our journey through the Peaks of Eternal Frost. The encounter with the Supreme Ocean Palace had tested our strength and unity, but we emerged stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges the secret realm had in store for us.