
White Sword Dragon

"White Sword Dragon" is a fan fiction novel starting in the world of Against the Gods 3000 years before the events of the main story. Follow the remarkable journey of Xuanyuan Lintian, the young master of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Born with the extraordinary Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins and possessing unparalleled talents, Xuanyuan Lintian's cultivation journey is destined for greatness. [ Tags ] | OP MC | Harem | Romance | Adventure | Handsome MC | World Hopping | Fast Progression | *The Cover for the Novel is not mine, if the owner would want to take it down, please inform me.

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Clash with the Frost Guardian

As we pressed forward into the treacherous terrain of the Peaks of Eternal Frost, the bitter cold gnawed at our resolve. Our recent victories against the disciples and elders of the Supreme Ocean Palace had bolstered our spirits, but we knew that the true test awaited us ahead.

After days of traversing through icy valleys and scaling frost-covered peaks, we finally reached the heart of the Peaks of Eternal Frost. There, before us, stood the guardian of this frozen realm, an imposing figure encased in a shimmering armor of ice.

The guardian's eyes glowed with an eerie blue light, and its aura exuded an air of ancient power. I could feel the chilling energy emanating from it, a testament to its formidable strength.

An Elders's voice echoed in my mind, "This guardian is in the 4th level of the Divine Origin realm, Lingtian. Be cautious, for its power is immense."

I nodded, acknowledging the warning, and with a firm grip on the Luminous Dawnblade, I stepped forward to face the guardian. My disciples and elders took their positions, ready to provide support from a safe distance.

The guardian wasted no time, lunging at me with astonishing speed. I barely managed to evade its initial strike, the ice-clad fist grazing my shoulder. The touch of ice left a numbing sensation, but I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

Drawing upon the power of lightning, fire, and wind, I unleashed a flurry of attacks. The Luminous Dawnblade crackled with electric energy, its gleaming blade dancing through the air as I aimed to pierce the guardian's defenses.

The guardian retaliated with a barrage of icy projectiles, forcing me to employ the Shadow Phantom Steps to evade its attacks. I moved like a fleeting shadow, my senses heightened as I searched for an opening.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel and ice echoing through the Peaks of Eternal Frost. I utilized all of my techniques, combining the power of lightning, fire, and wind to create a tempestuous assault.

With a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us and delivered a series of lightning-infused strikes. The Luminous Dawnblade sliced through the icy armor, sending shards of ice scattering in all directions.

But the guardian was relentless, shrugging off my attacks and retaliating with chilling force. Its ice-based techniques were powerful, and I had to employ all my skills to evade the freezing onslaught.

As we continued to exchange blows, I noticed a pattern in the guardian's movements. It had a split-second opening after each attack, a brief vulnerability that I could exploit.

I adjusted my strategy, focusing on countering the guardian's attacks rather than merely evading them. With swift precision, I deflected its icy projectiles and struck back with the full force of the Luminous Dawnblade.

With each successful strike, the guardian's icy armor cracked further, and I could sense its energy waning. I pushed forward, unrelenting in my assault, determined to break through its formidable defenses.

Finally, after countless exchanges, the guardian showed signs of fatigue. Seizing the opportunity, I channeled the elemental powers within me, unleashing a devastating combination of lightning, fire, and wind.

The Luminous Dawnblade glowed with an ethereal light, and with a powerful thrust, I pierced through the guardian's icy armor. The ice shattered, and the guardian let out a guttural roar before collapsing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, I stood amidst the icy remnants, victorious. The guardian had been a worthy opponent, and its defeat had granted us access to the hidden treasures of the Peaks of Eternal Frost.

Approaching the fallen guardian, I was enveloped in a radiant glow. From within the dissipating ice emerged the Iceheart Sword Art and the Frostbound Cultivation Manual. These ancient treasures were infused with the essence of ice, a perfect complement to my arsenal of techniques.

The Iceheart Sword Art focused on harnessing the chilling power of ice to freeze and immobilize opponents. Each strike was as sharp as an icy blade, capable of freezing even the fiercest of adversaries.

The Frostbound Cultivation Manual was a comprehensive guide to mastering the essence of ice. It allowed cultivators to tap into the deepest reservoirs of cold energy, enhancing their powers and defenses with an icy barrier.

In addition to these profound treasures, we discovered a trove of ancient artifacts, rare alchemy herbs, and cultivation manuals from long-lost sects. The Peaks of Eternal Frost had indeed lived up to its reputation as a treasure trove.

As we left the Peaks of Eternal Frost, I couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out. The secret realm would soon close, and we needed to make our exit swiftly.

Traversing through the harsh landscape, we finally caught sight of the secret realm's entrance. But as we approached, the ground began to tremble, and the entire secret realm shook violently.

Looking back, I saw the Divine Phoenix Sect, the Divine Phoenix Royal Family, the other 2 Great Sacred Grounds, and the rogue cultivators running for their lives, desperately making their way towards the entrance.

The imminent closure of the secret realm spurred us into action. Without hesitation, I urged my disciples and elders to make a final push for the exit.

As we emerged from the secret realm, we saw the entrance seal shut behind us. The secret realm vanished from sight, and a sense of finality washed over me.

Looking around, I saw the Divine Phoenix Sect, the Divine Phoenix Royal Family, and the rogue cultivators emerging from the secret realm as well. We had all made it out alive, and in doing so, we had grown stronger and wiser.

With a newfound sense of camaraderie, we exchanged nods of acknowledgment before parting ways. The secret realm had been a crucible, forging bonds and shaping our destinies.

I led my disciples and elders back to the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, the treasures of the Peaks of Eternal Frost a testament to our growth. The secret realm had tested our mettle and rewarded our determination.

But our journey was far from over. With the Iceheart Sword Art and the Frostbound Cultivation Manual in hand, we stepped forward into the future, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited us in the world of cultivation.