
White Sword Dragon

"White Sword Dragon" is a fan fiction novel starting in the world of Against the Gods 3000 years before the events of the main story. Follow the remarkable journey of Xuanyuan Lintian, the young master of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Born with the extraordinary Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins and possessing unparalleled talents, Xuanyuan Lintian's cultivation journey is destined for greatness. [ Tags ] | OP MC | Harem | Romance | Adventure | Handsome MC | World Hopping | Fast Progression | *The Cover for the Novel is not mine, if the owner would want to take it down, please inform me.

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The Crystal Caverns

As we emerged from the depths of the Forest of Echoing Shadows, triumph still fresh in our hearts, we continued our exploration of the secret realm. The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, united in purpose, ventured forth into uncharted territory. I led the disciples and elders with a determined stride, eager to face the trials that awaited us.

Days turned into weeks as we traversed the mystical landscapes, our senses heightened by the unknown. The secret realm revealed its secrets gradually, tantalizing us with glimpses of hidden treasures and ancient wisdom.

Amidst the winding paths and treacherous terrains, we stumbled upon the Crystal Caverns—a sight that left us breathless. The caverns were a marvel of nature, their walls adorned with an abundance of crystals in every conceivable shape and hue. The ethereal light reflected off their surfaces, casting a captivating glow throughout the caverns.

"Wow, this place is incredible!" exclaimed one of the disciples, his eyes wide with wonder.

"It's like we've stepped into a realm of fairy tales," an elder remarked, his voice tinged with reverence.

We stepped into the Crystal Caverns, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. The whispers of the caverns guided our path, each step bringing us closer to the trials and challenges that awaited us. As the young sword master, I felt a surge of confidence, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"The Crystal Caverns will test our abilities," I reminded my companions. "Stay focused and remain vigilant."

The trials within the Crystal Caverns were as diverse as the crystals themselves, each disciple and elder encountering challenges tailored to their cultivation paths. The caverns pushed us beyond our limits, unlocking our hidden potentials and revealing the true essence of our strengths.


I found myself standing amidst a chamber filled with towering crystalline structures, each one pulsating with a faint glow. The guardians of the caverns materialized before me, their crystalline forms shimmering with an ethereal light. They emanated an aura of power and beauty, but I knew better than to underestimate their formidable nature.

The guardians attacked with a swift and fluid grace, their movements as elegant as the crystals that surrounded them. With every strike, their crystalline bodies emitted a resounding chime, a harmonious melody that reverberated through the chamber. It was both mesmerizing and disorienting, but I remained focused, determined to prevail.

Dodging their attacks with nimble footwork, I unleashed a flurry of strikes with the Divine Thunderstrike Sword Art. The crystalline guardians proved to be agile opponents, evading my strikes with fluid grace. They seemed to possess a deep understanding of their own crystal nature, using it to their advantage.

As the battle intensified, I channeled the energy of lightning, imbuing my blade with its electrifying power. With each swing, bolts of lightning crackled through the air, striking the crystalline guardians with stunning precision. The clash of lightning and crystal filled the chamber, a clash of raw elemental forces.

Yet, the crystalline guardians were resilient, their bodies seemingly impervious to my lightning-infused strikes. Undeterred, I tapped into the fiery depths of my spirit, summoning the element of fire to aid me in this fierce battle. Flames erupted from my blade, enveloping the crystalline guardians in a blazing inferno.

The heat intensified, melting the crystalline surface of the guardians and causing them to writhe in agony. The sound of cracking crystals filled the chamber as their defenses faltered under the onslaught of my fiery assault. But still, they fought with unwavering determination, refusing to yield.

Realizing that brute force alone would not be enough, I reached deep within myself, connecting with the essence of the wind element. As a gentle breeze swirled around me, I felt a newfound clarity and serenity. The wind whispered secrets of the crystal guardians, revealing their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

With this newfound knowledge, I adjusted my tactics, blending speed and precision with the grace of the wind. Each strike became a dance, a symphony of skill and elemental prowess. I weaved through the crystalline defenses with fluid movements, exploiting their vulnerabilities with calculated strikes.

The crystalline guardians faltered, their forms cracking and shattering under the weight of my relentless assault. The chamber resounded with the triumphant chimes of their defeat, their shattered remnants scattering across the floor.

As the dust settled, I stood amidst the fragments of the crystalline guardians, my heart pounding with exhilaration. The battle had pushed me to the limits of my abilities, testing my skill and resolve. I had emerged victorious, my sword still glowing with the remnants of the elemental forces I had harnessed.

Breathing heavily, I surveyed the chamber, my gaze taking in the shattered remnants of the guardians. They were once formidable opponents, their crystalline beauty a testament to their strength. Now, they lay broken and defeated, a testament to my growth and determination.


As we gathered as a united group, a sense of accomplishment enveloped us. The secret realm recognized our efforts and rewarded us generously. Spiritual plants, vibrant and brimming with potent energy, would aid our cultivation and enhance our abilities.

"These plants hold incredible vitality," an elder marveled, examining the vibrant flora.

"And the medicinal pills possess unparalleled healing properties," another elder added, his eyes filled with awe.

But the true treasures of the Crystal Caverns lay in the artifacts and relics bestowed upon us by the secret realm. These ancient artifacts, infused with the very essence of the realm, carried wisdom and power beyond measure. Each artifact whispered forgotten legends and harbored the potential to shape our destinies.

As the primary contributor to our group's success, I was granted the most precious reward—a Divine Tribulation Realm treasure known as the Luminous Dawnblade. The Luminous Dawnblade was a pure white sword, a symbol of celestial purity and unrivaled power.

The Luminous Dawnblade was a masterpiece of elegance and lethality. Its blade shimmered with a celestial glow, refracting light in mesmerizing patterns. The hilt, adorned with intricate engravings, fit perfectly in my hand, forging an unbreakable connection between myself and the sword.

"The Luminous Dawnblade is a legendary blade," an elder said, his voice filled with reverence.

As I held the Luminous Dawnblade in my grasp, its pure white blade gleaming with celestial light, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. It was time to put this divine weapon to the test, to merge my skills with the elements of lightning, fire, and wind, and to witness their harmonious convergence.

Finding a spacious clearing within the secret realm, I raised the Luminous Dawnblade high above my head. As I channeled my energy, the blade responded, pulsating with a brilliance that illuminated the surroundings.

I closed my eyes, focusing my thoughts and centering my being. The elements, ever obedient to my command, gathered around me, their presence palpable in the air. Lightning crackled, fire flickered, and a gentle breeze whispered through the clearing.

With a swift motion, I unleashed a surge of lightning from the tip of the Luminous Dawnblade. Bolts of electricity danced through the air, illuminating the clearing with their vibrant energy. They crackled and arced with an intense ferocity, a testament to the power of my control.

Drawing upon the element of fire, I directed my gaze toward a cluster of rocks. Flames burst forth from the Luminous Dawnblade, engulfing the rocks in a swirling inferno. The intense heat consumed the rocks, reducing them to ashes in a matter of moments. The fire danced and flickered, mesmerizing in its beauty and destructive in its potential.

To complete the elemental trio, I extended my free hand, calling forth a gentle breeze. As the wind swirled around me, it carried with it a sense of tranquility and serenity. Leaves rustled and danced to an unseen rhythm, while the air itself seemed to respond to my command, bending and shaping as if an extension of my will.

With the Luminous Dawnblade still in hand, I synchronized my movements, combining the swirling winds, crackling lightning, and flickering flames into a breathtaking display of elemental mastery. The blade whirled through the air, leaving trails of celestial light as it sliced through the elements, harmoniously blending with their energies.

Each stroke of the blade created a spectacle of elemental brilliance. The lightning illuminated the clearing, the fire consumed and charred, and the wind carried the residue of their interactions. The Luminous Dawnblade danced effortlessly, its celestial light weaving through the elemental symphony.

As I practiced with the Luminous Dawnblade, I felt a deep connection with the elements, their power and essence flowing through me. My movements grew more fluid, each strike carrying the weight of the lightning, fire, and wind. The blade became an extension of my being, a conduit through which I harnessed the elemental forces.

The display of elemental mastery left the disciples and elders of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region in awe. They watched with bated breath, their eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and reverence. They recognized the magnitude of my growth, the convergence of skill, and the sheer power that emanated from my being.

"The Luminous Dawnblade is an embodiment of your potential, Lingtian," another elder remarked, his eyes gleaming with pride.

With the Luminous Dawnblade in my possession, I felt an indescribable surge of confidence and purpose. Its celestial aura resonated with my own spirit, fueling my resolve to strive for greatness.

Gratitude filled our hearts as we marveled at the treasures bestowed upon us. The secret realm had recognized our efforts and rewarded us with treasures beyond our wildest dreams. We had not only gained physical riches but also grown in strength, wisdom, and unity.

The Crystal Caverns had revealed the depths of our potential, and we were determined to rise to every trial, ready to carve our own legend in this realm of mystery and enlightenment. Together, as disciples of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, we would embrace the journey ahead.