
White rose tears

Experiencing loneliness has become a natural thing. All the bad memories that she experienced in the past she always buried so that she didn't want to talk to anyone. But when she was about to go to the flower garden to water, she instead found someone who was in quite a worrisome condition. His body was dirty, covered in bruises. And also a scar on his left eye. They look at each other but in different ways. One sees the person as a lost memory of the past. One sees that person as a good person who has been treated unfairly. A love story between two people who share deep dark memories. a cafe employee who has another identity, and a flower gardener but hides a singing talent and is always haunted by guilt because of inner ability. They both try to complement and heal each other's wounds in their hearts. Behind the suffering of bad things that causes one of them to be dragged into the search for an unsolved murder for 3 years.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

19. The impact of Silent.

The next day..

Lucas tries to get to brian's room, remembering that he ended up sleeping outside. He had opened the door openly, unfortunately he was surprised. He didn't think he saw Emily sleeping on the bed, while Brian was downstairs but he slept in a sitting position.

Was confused about the situation, but slowly he smiled as if he knew something.

"Brian. Get up. We have to go."

Brian immediately woke up hearing Lucas calling him.

It is just..

"I seem to have missed something. Did something happen to you two?"

Funny thing is, Brian looks a bit nervous when Lucas teases him.

"N-Nothing. Why do I have to answer that. I'd better go to the bathroom first."

Lucas could only laugh at Brian's innocence. Apart from that, he also wakes up Emily.

Meanwhile, Brian is in the bathroom checking the wounds on his body. Slowly he washed part of his body with a wet towel.

What's more..


(That time..)

Brian suddenly woke up as he felt a pain in his body. When he tried to get up, he realized that Emily's hand was still being held. But for some reason, suddenly his head felt a strong pain.

( don't push yourself brother.. )

Strangely, for a moment when he heard the voice, he seemed confused.

( who is that? )

He didn't understand the pain in his head. Moreover, even if it was only for a moment, he didn't know who called him brother from the memories he felt.

Since he didn't know, he'd better decide to think about it the next day.

Besides, he decided to let Emily to sleep in his bed. Despite being so weak, he realized that there was something wrong with Emily's arms.


Brian stopped wiping some of his body. He fell silent again thinking about his reaction when he picked up Emily last night.

About 2 hours later.. they left the inn.

Maybe for brian and emily, they must have felt confused because they were riding in different cars. But Lucas has explained that he was forced to rent a new car because the car had a damaged engine.

Even though..


( that time.. )


Lucas noticed a woman walking up to him.

But the woman was nowhere to be seen because it was quite dark around Lucas.

"Too bad. It's still not safe for them to hide right now. They're hurt, and I know they're depressed too, for now I'm letting them rest here for the night."

Lucas' voice sounded low, but he was still in a state of alert.

"Who knows. You also have to always be vigilant. Then, I also bring a brief data. Even if it's only a sheet for sure. You must be aware of it, regarding anyone who is after their lives. Moreover, boss has a feeling that my young scorpion will get fragments of its memory over time. as long as he can calm down. New cars will arrive at sunrise. Make sure you take them alive. Don't forget your mission."

The woman's voice began to fade.

Lucas still remembers the origin of the woman's voice. And when he arrived, he found a piece of paper stuck to the wall.

He immediately took the sheet of paper. Due to inadequate lighting, and there was no way he could go back inside and meet Brian and the others, he could only feel. For a moment, he realized something.

(The writing on the paper is in Braille: Emily Clyra. Apart from experiencing psychological trauma. It is known that there are scars and also some burns on some parts of her body. According to the medical report file that was done by doctor Damien when he treated her first. Every time when injured, whether when she fell, she was always depressed. What's worse, she always tried to hurt herself with sharp objects and let the blood out of her body. However, emily was still moody. And when he did therapy to emily by giving her some flowers, emily instantly responded. Miraculously, she took a lavender flower. The doctor noticed that there was also a scar on her mouth when Emily tried to open her mouth. The wound looked like a small scratch, but it had turned black. Surprisingly, every time doctor gave her medicine in the form of pills, Emily was terrified. She even tried to hurt Doctor Damien. Since that's why at Doctor Damien's house there are always lavender flowers. Because he hopes to know and also be able to heal every wound experienced by Emily. )


As long as he reads the message, he still doesn't understand Emily's condition. But about Emily who is afraid of the pills given by Damien, it still bothers him.

Lucas tried to stay calm and didn't say anything as long as he couldn't bring Brian and Emily to safety.