
White rose tears

Experiencing loneliness has become a natural thing. All the bad memories that she experienced in the past she always buried so that she didn't want to talk to anyone. But when she was about to go to the flower garden to water, she instead found someone who was in quite a worrisome condition. His body was dirty, covered in bruises. And also a scar on his left eye. They look at each other but in different ways. One sees the person as a lost memory of the past. One sees that person as a good person who has been treated unfairly. A love story between two people who share deep dark memories. a cafe employee who has another identity, and a flower gardener but hides a singing talent and is always haunted by guilt because of inner ability. They both try to complement and heal each other's wounds in their hearts. Behind the suffering of bad things that causes one of them to be dragged into the search for an unsolved murder for 3 years.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

18. Silent sound snippet

About 1 hour later..

Brian was fast asleep. Luckily the wound on his head wasn't that serious. After all, it took Luke long enough to heal the wound. He even asked the shop owner for help to buy bandages and various medicines.

(It's hard to believe you're using those cues. Even though your body, as well as your memory, a part of you hasn't fully returned to normal.)

As long as he sees Brian, he tries not to be carried away by the sadness and guilt that he harbors.

He even stroked Brian's head while smiling.

"Leave this to me. You must rest, or she will worry about you!"

He's not just thinking about Brian's condition. He even had to treat Emily, her hand might have been bandaged. But she just stayed silent while staring at the night sky through the window.


Feeling that Emily was thinking about the moments from this morning until now, he approached her.

"Emily.. will you take care of Brian? I have to check the car first. Tell me when he wake up."

Seeing Emily who was still silent, he immediately left the room.

But when Emily turned around, Lucas was already out.

In fact, there was something she wanted to ask. Even though she couldn't say it.

Not long after, Emily was in front of the bedroom door. At first she was afraid to knock on the door. But slowly, she dared to enter.

As soon as she entered, the atmosphere in the room seemed quite dark. But it's bright enough because the window is still open and there's also no curtain covering it. She could see Brian was still fast asleep.

Strangely, when she tried to approach Brian..

( you must go! don't worry about us! )

Flashes of terrible memories began to attack her memory.

( we hurt, because we care about you. )

It made to stop her steps..

Even worse suddenly she felt a fear that made her unable to stand.

Until she didn't realize that she heard a fairly loud falling sound.


Brian's voice is quite weak, even he looks difficult to get up.

Realizing that she heard Brian's voice, Emily immediately approached Brian and helped him to get back to his bed.

It's hard to believe that she only realized that Brian was calling for her when he fell.

Not only that, she realized that part of Brian's body had scars. Suddenly it made her pale, but she tried to get brian to lie down from his bed.

"sorry emily. I shouldn't have made you do this. I woke up, and saw you were so scared. So i.."

Brian didn't dare to continue his words because he didn't want to make Emily more nervous or scared again. He still thinks about how he remembered something when he was in the car at that time. Especially when he'd been hit by the gunshot wound earlier, if only he could have another clue. But on the other hand, he also still has to think about Emily's safety.

Whenever Brian thought of something, it always made him want to close his eyes.

however.. seeing Brian who closed his eyes seemed to make Emily silent again.

( brian. Forgive me. You must be worried, even though you still haven't recovered. )

Until they don't realize, that the silence has made their hearts have calmed down slowly.

On the other hand..

"Hello. Do you have any other plans? They are still being targeted. Besides, I also need a new car."