
whispers of resistance

a tale of survival and resistance. in a fantasy world filled with cruelty, a young boy named Sayo tries his best to overcome his issues and survive. He begins his journey and meets new people and new places. He also begins to gain power and knowledge to change the world.

soheil_spike · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The monster inside Sayo

Chapter eighteen

A week had passed since the battle with Timur. Spring had arrived, bringing with it the promise of a new beginning. Sayo could feel the warmth of the sun on his skin. The snows had melted and Sayo was practicing non-stop with Richard and Gregor. Richard and Gregor were tired of fighting and training, but Sayo continued. His body ached, but the pain was insignificant compared to the weight on his heart.

The loss of the young village boy and the hurt of Arya occupied all of Sayo's thoughts. These things weighed on his heart and cast a shadow on his soul. He felt weaker than ever.

In the afternoon, Elena, who had a high skill, practiced with Sayo. While they were fighting, Elena noticed something different about Sayo. He noticed a few strands of white hair among his dark locks. The strands of white hair could be seen closely. Worry appeared on her face, she approached Sayo after training, her voice was full of empathy. "Sayo, you've been through a lot. No wonder your hair is turning white. But please, have some rest. You need peace. You've defeated Timur, the cruel commander. You've had your revenge and are among the best fighters in the group."

Said Sayo's eyes with a mixture of anger and a feeling of weakness. "No, Elena, that's not enough. Arthur killed a general at my age. I need to grow stronger to take care of those around me."

Elena: "You are strong. So strong that Leonardo believes in you. Don't compare yourself with Arthur or anyone else."

Determined to make himself stronger, Sayo didn't pay much attention to Elena's words and rode his horse to the ogres' place. Elena also went with Sayo. Elena was worried about Sayo.

After riding with their horse, Sayo and Elena arrived at a place where there lived some ogres. Sayo found three ogres and took out his sword to fight them.

Elena also went to help him.

The fight was hard and close because the ogres had great physical strength and endurance, but Sayo and Elena killed the two of them with their high speed and skill.

But among the ogres, there was a small one cowering in fear. Sayo's sword was ready to end the life of the little ogre who seemed to be the child of those two ogres.

Sayo had raised the sword and at that moment the ogre glanced at Sayo, when he looked into the creature's eyes, he saw his own reflection - a reflection of a man steeped in darkness and violence. Doubt came over him and at that moment he hesitated to kill and the little ogre ran away.

Sayo was possessed by a monster. The monster that takes over Sayo's body and becomes stronger every day and controls him from the inside.

Sayo shed a few tears and Elena hugged him.

Elena: "That's enough. We'll be back."

They came back. It was a dark night.

Sayo wanted to talk to someone who understood. Bart and Aria had always been his confidants, so he sought them out.

Bart welcomed him warmly with his gentle demeanor and kind heart.

Sayo raised his problems and talked about his lack of self-confidence, the weight of his responsibilities, and the violence that had recently emerged in him.

Bart listened intently and offered comforting words. "Sayo, it's in our nature to question ourselves. We all have a dark side that sometimes even scares us. This is the characteristic of humans. But remember, it's not just physical battles we're fighting. Rather, we are all fighting with ourselves and that dark side of our personality. That battle is more important because our biggest enemy is ourselves. I will help you to fight with your anger."

Arya whose legs were bandaged and two pieces of wood were tied to her legs, added her voice to the conversation, her eyes full of understanding. "Sayo, the fact that you hesitated to kill the little creature shows that you still have a heart full of compassion. Embrace that vulnerability. Because it is what sets you apart from the monsters you fear becoming. I trust you. I know you're the best. You can over come this issue. I do anything for you."

Sayo thanked them and took their words to heart and slowly realized that true power lies not in destroying enemies, but in finding peace within oneself.

As he left the conversation, a new determination flickered in his eyes—the determination of a warrior of the heart, fighting not only for victory and justice and hope but also against a monster inside him who is the greatest enemy.

And so, Sayo was looking for something new. Self-knowledge, forgiveness, and the endless pursuit of balance between the strength of a warrior and the kindness of a compassionate soul.