
whispers of resistance

a tale of survival and resistance. in a fantasy world filled with cruelty, a young boy named Sayo tries his best to overcome his issues and survive. He begins his journey and meets new people and new places. He also begins to gain power and knowledge to change the world.

soheil_spike · Fantasy
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22 Chs

No more tragedy

Chapter seventeen

That day, when they were back at camp, Sayo bravely spoke to Leonardo about his burning desire for revenge and the opportunity they had.

Leonardo was also angry at the defeat they had suffered from Timur and his men and Leonardo himself was looking for revenge.

Due to the fact that powerful men such as Arthur, Leonardo, Joe, Robert, and Sina were injured, and the werewolves had made the camp members to worry, Leonardo sympathized with Shadow and made a plan to get rid of Timur.

When Arthur heard the conversation between Sayo and Leonardo, he put on his battle clothes and announced his readiness.

"No Arthur, you're still not well." Bart yelled at Arthur.

"I know better myself. I can fight." Arthur replied with determination.

Leonardo: "I will also participate. By killing that bastard, the popularity of our group will increase among the people."

"But Leonardo, your shoulder is still injured," Bart said, putting his hand on his forehead and looking as if he couldn't do anything to stop Leonardo.

Leonardo smiled and put his hand on Bart's shoulder. "We have experienced worse conditions than this." Leonardo replied.

Sayo was sitting in a corner and was sharpening his sword. Arya also sat next to him.

While sharpening her sword, Sayo glanced at Arya and asked, "How did revenge feel?"

Arya: "Are you referring to the man who abused me? Well... some people have to die. Honestly, my goal was not revenge, I killed that person because his existence was harmful to many people."

Although Arya hesitates to take revenge in such a dire situation, she sympathizes with Sayo's pain and doesn't want to stand against Sayo's request at all.

Their conversation is filled with heavy emotions and shared experiences that create a deep connection between them.

it was night. Sina had helped prepare dinner despite the wounds he had. Sayo had a dish in his hand and went to get dinner. The food was soup. As Sina poured food for Sayu, he sadly said that he was sad that he would not be able to participate in tomorrow's battle. At that moment, Fred, who had regained his health, came and said that now it is Sina's turn to regain her health. Fred turned to Sayo and said: "Count on us young man. We will destroy Timur and his worthless men."

Tomorrow has come. Leonardo mounted his horse and ordered his men to prepare to march towards Arya's village.

Arthur, Rose, Richard, Johan, Gregor, Elena, Fred got on their horses. Sayu and Arya were already ready on the horse.

The number was small, but with their fighting spirit, they had a high chance of victory.

They galloped towards Arya's village. where the cruel Timur was supposed to appear.

Sayo thought of nothing but revenge.

Leonardo: "Listen, I'll say it again, we're acting according to the plan. We'll wait for Timur and his men to leave the village. Then we'll surprise them on the way before they reach the capital.

Leonardo and his companions reached the village and each of them hid themselves somewhere. They covered their faces and were so good at hiding that even the villagers did not notice anything.

After a few hours, Timur and his men came to the village. One of the people in the village, who was an old man with experience, went to Timur and told about the arrest of the village chief.

The head of the village, who embezzled, was brought to Timur with a rope. Timur immediately took out his sword and cut off his head while the former chief was begging.

But surprisingly, Timur ordered his soldiers to take both the money and the products and goods produced by the people. The people of the village started shouting and Timur took his sword towards the people. Timur: "You worthless people only caused the court to spend money for your safety. your disadvantage is more than your benefit. You all should be thankful we let you breathe."

The soldiers attacked the houses. They broke the doors and took valuable things just like bandits. They took things like carpets and copper dishes by force. Soldiers forcibly took earrings and gold from men and women.

Their actions angered the villegers and some of them attacked soldiers.

Timur and his companions clashed with them too.

"Leo, we have to do something, otherwise many innocent people will be killed," said Rose, who saw everything from a corner next to Leonardo. Leonardo drew his sword and ordered the attack with a loud shout. "My comrades, we will turn this village into their graveyard."

Arya, who was angry with such audacity to her village, targeted the soldiers with her bow. Rose also shot several people with high accuracy. Arthur and Fred quickly took up swords and spears and engaged Rhodes' soldiers.

The rest of Leonardo's men also took action and Sayo tried to attack Timur with great anger, but he was stopped by one of the soldiers on the way.

The villagers, who were very happy to see Leonardo and as if a miracle had come from God, helped Leonardo and his friends.

Timur was very a little shoked but angrily ordered his men to defend. Timur killed two villagers and got into a fight with Fred. Fred was injured in the previous battle against Timur.

Both of them were very tall and strong, and a fierce battle took place between them.

While Timur was busy with Fred, Sayo attacked him and hit him from behind.

Timur was wearing a very strong armor and nothing happened. A soldier wanted to attack Sayo from behind, but Richard killed that soldier. While paying attention to the battlefield, Richard said to Sayo, "The enemy is not only Timur. Don't neglect his men." Sayo didn't pay attention and went towards Timur again and this time injured Timur's leg. Sayo had a scary smile on his face. Timur lost his balance with his wound and Fred attacked him with his spear. But Timur broke Fred's spear in one move while he looked defenseless and then got up and came to hit Fred.

However Sayo wounded him again from the back of his leg. Fred quickly picked up a shield from the ground and moved away from Timur and engaged with one of the soldiers.

Timur and Sayo looked into each other's eyes. Sayo still had that scary smile on his face. Timur's eyes were red because of anger. Richard was watching from behind so that no one would attack Sayo.

Sayo and Timur started their battle while Timur was wounded. Sayo had high skills and Timur defended himself with his endurance and physical strength. Sayo injured Taimur's leg for the third time in one move. Timur angrily hit Sayo.

Sayo quickly deflected the blow, but due to the intensity and power of the blow, he was thrown a few meters back and did not move anymore.

Rose shot an arrow at Timur from a distance, but Timur's armor was very strong. Timur was going near Sayo to finish him. Richard was also involved with a soldier and could not do anything.

Arya, who saw that scene, tried to reach Sayo and Timur, but the conflict was so great that she could not reach.

Timur stood in front of Sayo and Sayo was lying down. Timur was ready to kill Sayo when an arrow hit his iron helmet. Rose shot an arrow at his head with great skill and accuracy, but it had no effect except to distract Taimur for a few moments. Of course, these few moments were enough for Sayo to get up and go away.

Arya fell on the ground in the crowd and people and soldiers passed over her. In addition to the damage that was inflicted on her, she felt suffocated. Finally, Johan pulled her up and saved her on time.

On the other hand, the fight between Sayo and Timur continued. Leonardo and Arthur were engaged with a large number of soldiers. Leonardo wanted to use magic, but in his situation, using magic could be risky.

Elena was involved with two soldiers at the same time. She was worried about the wounds of Arthur and Leonardo and was fighting with the soldiers by their side.

Sayo was attacking Timur with a sword, and Timor was annoyed by Sayo's resistance and tried to end Sayo's life sooner, but fighting with Sayo was not as easy as he thought.

One of the soldiers attacked Rose and broke her bow, but she took a dagger and killed the soldier. Rose, who no longer had a bow and could not shoot from a distance, therefor joined the conflict. Fred and Gregor had a fight with some soldiers and could not attack Timur. In the meantime, a villager found himself free with great courage and attacked Timur. That villager was a young man. He joined the fight with Timur but Timur brutally killed him. This made Sayo angry. He was no longer smiling. He not only wanted to revenge his village but also wanted to kill Timur for what he did to that young man.

Timur attacked Sayo but he dodged. Then he found an opportunity and swinged his sword on Timur's knee with all his strength. He struck a blow that led to the amputation of Taimur's leg.

Timur fell down and Sayo removed Timur's war helmet and threw it elsewhere. Then he cut Timur's neck with his sword while his eyes filled with satisfaction and hatred. His his eyes were like a wolf that caught its prey. Sayo had taken his revenge. He took a breath.

When the soldiers saw the death of Timur, they didn't stop fighting. Fred and Gregor killed most of the remaining soldiers.

The fight was over. The people of the village were relieved from Timur's evil. They were lucky that their village didn't have the same fate like Sayo's village.

Sayo suddenly saw Arya and went to her. Arya was very wounded.

Sayo had hugged Arya. The sweet taste of revenge was ruined by seeing Arya's state.

The village doctor entered the gathering and he was told to treat the injured on the spot. Sayo took Arya to the doctor while he was holding her. Arya's leg seemed to be broken.

Leonardo and Rose were talking to the people of the village. Rose thanked the villagers for their courage. Leonardo told them not to assume anything and not to tell anyone that they had participated in the battle so that they would not get into trouble in the future.

The villagers proved to be useful allies.

Sayo was sad about Arya. But she told him not to be worried.

Over time, after the wounds were treated, they started to return.

Arya was bandaged and her legs were tied with two sticks so that her leg could not move. They all came back.

Sayo at the same time was both happy and worried. He finally did what he wanted and saved the village and of course killed the man who was responsible for many troubles but the one he loved was hurt. He was also angry that he wasn't strong enough to protect the villager who helped him.

He knew that it was only the beginning. He wanted to become stronger in order ro protect innocent and those he loved and to kill those who deserve.