
whispers of resistance

a tale of survival and resistance. in a fantasy world filled with cruelty, a young boy named Sayo tries his best to overcome his issues and survive. He begins his journey and meets new people and new places. He also begins to gain power and knowledge to change the world.

soheil_spike · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Lessons of history

Chapter sixteen

Bart, who was a very hardworking doctor, diligently attended to the wounds of Joe, Robert, Leonardo, Arthur and Sina. The air was tense as each of them took the physical toll of their recent battles.

They should have recovered faster to face their problems.

On the other hand, winter was ending and the spring breeze was starting to blow. The warm sunlight was melting the snow and a new season was starting.

Meanwhile, Sayo, Aria, Richard, and Rose break out of the camp to hunt for some information. Sayo's horse was fully recovered, a testament to the care and skill of Bart's skills. Rose and Richard were each riding their own horse. Arya did not have a horse and was sitting behind Sayo. Arya has been looking for a horse for herself for a long time, but she has not found one yet.

As they rode over the rough terrain, Richard, who reads a lot of history books, began to tell a story that was related to Joe's backstory.

During the War of Independence, the leader of Galarta had sent many of his soldiers to forcefully make an alliance with creatures such as werewolves, vampires, and wizards in hopes of suppressing the rebellion that had broken out in the eastern part of his country, known as today's Rhodes.

However, it didn't go well. Instead of finding unity, chaos ensued and most of the soldiers lost their lives for nothing.

Richard paused and thought about the lessons to be learned from history. He was thinking: "If Galarta had not taken such a risk and had not cared about the alliance and actually sent his soldiers to the battlefield, he might have emerged victorious."

Arya turned to Sayo, her voice full of curiosity. "Sayo, have you ever gone with Arthur to your village, the village that was destroyed?"

Sayo's eyes were filled with memories and pain. "No," he answered with sadness and regrets. He continued "The past has a lot of sadness for me. the past is finished. I don't want to get involved. As Richard said, we must learn from history not to sink in it." He wasn't really certain about what he said. Arya realized that Sayo was lying to himself.

While observing the surroundings with her sharp eyes, Rose saw some of bandits attacking a stagecoach. She informed the others and they quickly moved towards the location.

It was clear that stagecoach belonged to a rich person who was planning to travel. The bandits had killed the rich man's bodyguards and in the end they wanted to take that man's life as well.

All of them arrived just in time. Acting quickly, Rose targeted several of the robbers with a bow from horseback. The rest of the bandits fled when they saw them. Rose's action saved that man.

The man gave a special thanks to Rose, but he was shocked when he got to know her. The princess and Leonardo's companions were in front of his eyes.

To everyone's surprise, Arya knew the man very well. That man was actually the head of Arya's previous village. That man was the one who sold the orphan Arya to slave traders for money.

Arya's eyes were filled with hatred.

Richard asked in surprise: "Why is there a lot of money in stagecoach? Where are you going exactly?"

The man replied with fear and apprehension: "If you want to take these money, do it but please spare my life and let me go."

With some thought, Rose realized that there was no reason for him to be out of his village with so much money. Especially the village which he was the head.

Rose: "This pitiful man has embezzled, just like the chief of Sayo's village. Sayo! Tie him up immediately. Richard! Get on the stagecoach. We need to get him and the money back to Arya Village."

Rose acted like a commander. After all, in Leonardo's absence, she had a lot of authority, and with her knowledge and skills, she could manage things very well.

While Sayo was holding the man. His awful memories flashed before his eyes. He wanted to kill this man just like Arya.

They put the man on the back of a horse with his hands tied and returned to the village with stagecoach. Rose and Sayo were each riding their own horse and the man was lying on the back of Sayo's horse. Aria and Richard were riding stagecoach and Richard's horse was following them.

Arya insisted and said that she liked the white horse of stagecoach. Rose replied that the horse belonged to the village. After some time they reached the village.

people of the village, who looked very sad and upset, became so happy when they saw the stagecoach and their former chief. They were so glad as if they had been given all the world.

The people of the village thanked Rose and the others very much. Arya eventually got the white horse she wanted with all her persistence. people let her take it.

Sayo was very happy that what happened to his village wasn't going to happen to another one.

They all got on their horses and were ready to go back to the camp while they had great feeling for helping those people.

However one of the villagers said something that made Sayo shocked. After over hearing that, he didn't move.

"Thank God. There is no need for Timur to take our products and make us miserable. We will give him some of the money and the former boss tomorrow."

While Sayo did not move on his horse, the fire of revenge was burning in his eyes. He had a smile on his face as if he got the opportunity he wanted.

"Aren't you coming, Sayo?" Arya asked

"He is coming here tomorrow. I should talk to Leonardo" Sayo said with a scary smile and he rode his horse pretty fast.

Arya was a bit confused but she saw Sayo's eyes. Those eyes were definitely for a revenger.