
Whispered secrets: A forbidden love story

He is not like the boys I have met, his eyes, his hair, lips, a defined six pack abs and a narrow waistline. He is the type of handsome every girl dreams of. He was the last person I could have ever thought I would find at my best friend’s house. Never met anyone more charming,he moved his body gracefully as he gently arranged the washed plates in the racks. I stood there watching every movement from wiping his hand with a small towel to swinging the towel in a swirling motion. I gulped and stood still. “Nancy?” I finally heard my name being called, I turned to my friend Tara who gave me a weird look. As my eyes shifted from her to the half naked guy across the room, he was now staring back at me. We weren’t strangers but it felt like were at that moment. “That is my brother, Nolan”, Tara said. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at what Tara had just said. “Your Brother???”, I repeated loudly.

kimmy5560 · Teen
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47 Chs

New boy in town

He held her slim waist and pulled her closer, and without hesitation, his lips brushed against hers, his lips tasted deliciously sweet just as expected.

The moment their lips met, a burst of fruity flavor enveloped her senses, he kissed so deeply as if they were departing for a very long time, his tongue traveling into her mouth and tasting every bit of her as if it was not still enough, he held her face and kissed her more.

His hot breath was on her face as she remained breathless and enjoying his passionate urgency.

Suddenly, Her phone alarm beeped.

Nancy opened her eyes immediately and saw herself in her room, the recent thought of her erotic dream with Nolan filled her mind, she lay there and groaned in disappointment after realizing it was not real.

"It's just a dream", she thought and slowly sat up.

Her foot searched for her fluffy slippers as she exhaled deeply.

The immediate thought of the night at the hotel balcony came back, the unexplainable look on his face while staring at her, his beautiful lips she had wished to have had a taste, his beautiful smile that made her heart happy, his perfect blonde that had been ruffled due to his hand running through it every minute.

Nancy was lost in thought for a minute, she came back to reality and stood up to get ready for school.

Throughout her preparation, the dream kept popping up in her mind, and every time this happened, a wave of electricity surged through her body, and enough butterflies that could fill up a garden.

It was Monday morning and Jada had followed Nancy down to her school before departing to her school.

"I know you followed me because your girl, am I right?", Nancy had asked the girl as they approached West Wood.

Jada shook her head in denial. "No no, I am just trying to be a good friend of course… now come on… go on… I will see you after school", Jada said before turning to leave.

Nancy smiled and watched her friend leave and almost immediately a voice called out Jada's name from a short distance. Nancy turned her head and saw Jada's girlfriend, the same girl she had met at the twin's party.

Nancy was right about Jada walking with her to school, she laughed in disbelief.

Jada knew Nancy had caught her, she turned to Nancy and blew her a kiss before walking toward her girlfriend.

Nancy smirked as she watched both of them hug and kiss, she shook her head and walked into the school while smiling.

It was almost time for lunch in Westwood when Nancy decided to use the bathroom and this time she was so sure to check the signs, she never missed it. She walked in and stared at the mirror before using the bathroom and while coming out she saw three girls applying their makeup.

Nancy minded her business and went to the mirror to have another stare while opening up the tap to wash her hands.

"So are you and Nolan a thing now? You two have been walking together a lot these days".

This caught Nancy's attention, she immediately stopped washing her hands and as if the words were being thrown at her when it was not, she turned her head to the girls who weren't looking.

She immediately recognized the one in the middle, the girl she had seen in Nolan's car.

"What do you mean by that question? You two see how he stares at me in class and receives all my letters while smiling, and how he walks by and winks at me… he definitely likes me and is shy to say it…", Stacy responded while smiling flirtatiously.

Her friends smiled along with her as they kept applying their makeup.

"And if he won't say it, he is probably waiting for me to do it… I will tell him how I feel, what do you two think?", Stacy asked staring at her friend through the morrow for a quick response.

They both nodded.

"Yes, do it at his birthday party coming up next month… I bet it would be so memorable and very special", one of the girls suggested and the other agreed.

"Yes Stacy, she is right…".

Stacy loved her friend's suggestion, and even though for a second she thought the next month was too long to confess to him, she decided to follow their advice and wait till his birthday.

"What if he says no? I mean you two know Nolan has so many girls dying to be with him", she turned to her friends.

"That is impossible, you two have been friends for years now… you are the best option right now Stacy", a girl said, encouraging her friend.

Nancy had forgotten the tap was running as she listened to the girl's conversation, suddenly Stacy's eyes went to Nancy, and their eyes met.

She immediately turned off the water and walked out.

"What the fr**k? What is that!" a girl said as Nancy walked out of the bathroom.

Stacy and her friend hurried out and watched Nancy walk down the hallway.

"I bet I have seen her face somewhere… I can't just tell where..", Stacy said while trying hard to remember where she had seen Nancy but she could not figure it out.

Nancy got back to class and sat, ignoring her rowdy classmates as usual.

"Nolan and her have been friends for a long time, and they are super close...", she thought and remembered how they were both laughing in the car the day he had seen them.

She groaned and put her head on the table.

Nancy suddenly got a tap on her shoulder, she raised her head and turned her head in the direction of the tap.

A brown silky-haired boy smiling at her.

She was confused about why he called for her, but his cute face made her forget about all that, his smile was contagious.

"You are Nancy, right? I am Jay… I just moved to town last week", he said in his pretty Latino accent.

"Hi Jay", Nancy smiled back at him.