
Chapter 4 : The scares of the mountains.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Yingyue and this is my daughter, Xu Xinjue. Please take care of us." Jiang Yingyue introduced, bowing fifteen degrees.

" I am Xia Yi, your guide." The man who appears to be around thirty years old, reached his hand for a handshake. After the greeting, he turned facing everyone in the table. " It all pleasure to meet you. I hope everyone enjoy their time." As he said that he gave everyone a smile.

No matter how she look at it, this man doesn't look like a guide. He has an aura and grace of a man from a not so ordinary background.

' Hmm? This man-'

" Take a sit." He gestured. " Since fate brought us together, this meal is my treat."

The man must have notice Jiang Yingyue's hesitation as he said. " Please don't be shy. If you do then everyone will refuse too. "

Defeated, Jiang Yingyue reluctantly ordered their breakfast.


At last, after having their breakfast, everyone got ready to climb the mountain.

At the beginning the road is still paved and in good condition, later on after around an hour of walking throat starting to have cracks and large pieces of the debris and rocks.

Another two to three hours the road is no longer paved but purely made of stones and rocks. After that what left in the road is a typical mountain track, there is no longer a path that you can say a road but death race of you man using that truck is very visible, years of using and walking on the track made the ground around it more compressed, the weeds and grasses barely can be seen.

The trail is muddy but at the same time it's not, tree roots and rocks can also be seen scattered in it, so make sure to see where you where stepping, or unforeseeable accidents might occur.


Around 4:30 p.m. they reached a relatively open space. According to the guide this is one of the landmark, hikers usually camp in this open are before the sun sets.

Looking at the sky, she confirmed it.

' Pretty accurate. ' At the speed they were moving, they would be finish arranging tents and whatnots just before the sun sets.

The guide arrange for them to have their own responsible tasks and she chose to look for firewoods with a sporty woman.

Jenn is a sunny woman around thirty years old.

She think that Jenn and Xia Yi might know each other. Jenn kept on looking at Xia Yi, while that rascal ignores her. It's not that obvious as Xia Yi always speak to them at the same time, there been rarely times where he speak to someone directly.

Both of them is so mysterious and secretive. Although, she have a few guesses, it doesn't really matter.

After walking for several minutes they only gathered two armful of firewoods.

After coming back they put down the firewood and walked to the opposite direction to search for more firewoods.

The two of them searched, one left the other right, but despite that they didn't let the other out of their sight.

Suddenly, she heard soft rustles, alarmed she quickly looked for Jenn.

"Jie." She whispered panicky.

"Shuu..." Jenn gestured her finger infront of her mouth, askyher to be silent.

This mountain is actually safe and guarded as this is a tourist spots, feral animals are caught and let out to a relatively far from the attraction, but of course, it's only natural that some are still left or some successfully avoided the patrols and snuck in here.


Jenn silently moved towards her, carrying the firewoods on the other and a sharped branch of the right hand.

She's moving silently and softly but not slowly, thankfully the distance between them is still close and so she can reach her quickly.

She have herself on guard, ready to attack in any given time, lowering her core and balancing her body, with her arm on ready and eyes fastly scanning the surrounding.

It's even creating an illusion of a predator with sharp eyes, superb hearing and excellent smelling ability.

Well... Maybe that's not an illusion at all.

While her thoughts are running wild, something moved at the nearby bush.

Rustle, rustle.


The feral which they considered to be a snake based on the sound it make, moved again, so fast that they couldn't really see it.

Fortunately, because of the sounds it make, they still manage to guess where it goes.

The two remained in high alert, they could basically feel the danger and hostility big the snake.

Suddenly a blurry figure dash out of the bush in the corner left.

It so fast! In a matter second, the snake that she now identified as a rattlesnake.

Panic and distress feluged her senses. 'Snakes can fly! '

The ferocious snake actually sprang up from the ground, jumping to bite their faces!!!

Suddenly another blurry thing flashed infront of her eyes!

The next thing she knew, the damn snake is pinned in the ground by a branch.

She still hasn't recovered from shock and looked at Jenn with her widen eyes.

' This one, she's also not normal...'


I saw that someone added my novel in their collection!

I don't know if it is a bug or what, because few days before it mentioned that someone added my novel in their collection, but the update only show one, which is me.

Yes, I added my novel in my own collection 'cause why not.

Anyway! If someone really did read and added my novel in their collection.



[Little Author on the corner: SHAMELESS!!!]

Well, we can't really do anything about this.

This book need power stone.