
Chapter 3 : Going out for a hike.

Everyday is another day, she would have to get up and work herself up.

Once school started the schedule will be adjusted a little bit but resume as it is every vacations that she have on hand. Anyway, that's the thought for times to come but now, she better adjust it on whatever gimmick a certain mother, want to tag her along.


It's the day of the promised hike that a certain mother suggested a few days ago.

With their belongings packed up and ready to go, the pair of mother and daughter woke up early in the morning, under the sun rise off they go to the mountain of who knows the name. She really didn't know, she was not informed.

It was suddenly only yesterday night, a certain mother sneaked behind her back and stunned her with her sudden hiking plan that is scheduled tomorrow at five.

Well, it's not like she really care, she's free and it's also an opportunity to practice particular skills that is only used in certain situations and could be quite suspicious to practice under normal situation.

She's also very bored, the things she do every day is almost always the same so going on hike, would be quiet refreshing.

It also would be her first time leaving the house since she transmigrated in this body, she didn't have the time, she's lazy and it would be suspicious because the original owner is a homebody and wouldn't leave under normal conditions and if she really don't have to.

So this trip is just perfect and in time.

With their things on the back of Xu Xinjue's mother's off road ranger raptor, the two set off.

She didn't know how long they been driving as she was focused on reading, but she could at least deduced that they been quite far, from the look of the surrounding, they have drive in the nearby province or at least going on a nearby mountain.

They are living in a quieter high class subdivision in the capital, far from the bustling noises and pollution. All houses there belong to upper echelon and renowned powerhouses or households.

Some of the houses have aura of ancient times just like theirs, and some have a sense of modernity and contemporary or abstract architecture.

When they left the house it's five in the morning and now it's almost nine.

And they haven't eaten yet. She could feel her stomach grumble. Maybe being in the body of a teenager affected her, she is quite impatient.

" Are we there yet? "

" Just a few minutes more. " The mother glanced at her. " Are you hungry? " She asked smilingly.

" Uhm. "

Hearing her the mother couldn't help but smile. Thinking that her daughter has her own way of being cute.

Cheerfully, she continued driving until they reached the base of the mountain where various stores and businesses stood erect.

Coming out of the car, they looked for a cafe by the name 'Sweet Aroma'.

After a few minutes of asking and looking around they finally found it.

Sweet Aroma Cafe is a two storey building with a terrace one third of its size and a front yard with great landscape and al fresco seats.

A server greeted them when they entered the cafe.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where table number 24?"

" Ah! Please follow me!" The server said gesturing them to take the stairs before leading them to the second floor.

Looking around, she noticed that the cafe is actually quite cozy in appearance and mood. It can be observed that the designer paid a great deal of hard work on this one. The chairs are nice and cute, it doesn't emits girlie vibe or anything that can be called cute, but seeing it paired with a table that obviously made for each other, it's kinda look cute to her.

Not only that she observed that every tables and chairs are actually of same designs and have same patterns. She have once to read that custom made furniture of same patterns are actually made from the same tree, before reading that she thought that they are made like that so that they are identical to each other, but then later she realized that those people doesn't even care about something like that.

Anyways, we diverted from the topic. At the moment one entered the cafe shop, the first thing that you'll notice is the counter in front.

The counter is made of glazed maroon wood with cake display chiller in one side and food display cabinet on the other.

The customers can see the baristas busy brewing coffees and servers running around on the emerald green glassy floor tiles.

The shiny wall that looks like a wood of red mahogany, reflecting light translucently. Man, one can even use it as a mirror, just that, it would be a little hard to see and blurry.

The ceiling and stairs that they are stepping on is equally made from the same type of wood. The height of ceiling is not that high barely nine feet with dangling lights simple and warm.

As the reached the second floor, the not so full area, contained at least one third tables full of customers.

A certain table of customers reflexively turned to the stairs when they heard the sound of walking.



My laziness is returning...

This part of the novel is actually not on my original manuscript, but soon to be!

Soon to be, because originally I would not release this story at least before I graduated senior high, I planned to write her journey before she- ( AHEM!!!), after graduation but~

When I saw the announcement of competition Spring 2021 back in March 31, 2021; I thought, " why not. "

And so, I think this part is quite~ sloppy...

I'm sure this chapter is pretty confusing...

Hehe... Sigh...
