

It was Monday morning, Christal went to school with her mom after having her bath and eating breakfast.

In Christal's school {Great Star Academy}

After the morning assembly Anna and Christal went to the schools bookshop to get their test timetable because the coming week was their first test .

When they got to the bookshop their class teacher Mr. Francis was there, he gave them the timetable and asked them to return to class immediately.

First period was Zoology and the zoology teacher was absent, Jaden the class prefect then suggested for a prep since the zoology teacher was absent. After some time Anna and Christal went to sit with Elsa then they started discussing randomly.

Mr. Francis entered the class with a good looking boy and Christal quickly realised it was Jaycen from the estate and she said loudly " what's he doing here" without knowing she said it out Mr Francis asked immediately " Christal were you talking to me " she knodded slightly which means no and said in her thoughts ' did I say that out loud ??' she started questioning her thoughts.

" Class this is your new student, please introduce yourself " Mr Francis said and the look on christal's face says ' here comes the beginning of my problems '

" I'm Jaycen Hart and I am very excited to start grade 12 with your school, nice to meet y'all " Jaycen said with a smiley face

" Jaycen you can take your sit now, sit anywhere you like... Class prefect call your English teacher after now she have a speech for your class " Mr Francis said then left the class and then Jaycen sat in Christal's sit without knowing the sit was hers, Christal quickly attacked " Hey that's my sit "

" I'm sorry I didn't see any one here" Jaycen replied politely

" No problem, if you want to sit in the front you can ask someone to trade you they'll happily do so" Christal said angrily and sat in her seat then Jaycen quickly sat besides her, since Christal had no sitmate she left him there to sit then hurriedly went to Anna's sit then pulled her outside

" Why is he stalking me " Christal said angrily

" Who's stalking you " Anna asked looking confused

" Don't act like you don't know, Jaycen of course. Why is he in our school " Christal shouted

" What made you think Jaycen is stalking you, he liked the school and that's why he's here " Anna replied

" Now that Jaycen lives in same estate with me and now attends my school there will be big trouble" Christal said

" Aren't we both living in same estate and also attending same school, why hasn't the trouble come " Anna said wondering what was wrong with Christal

" You're a girl and Jaycen is a boy, we need to get him out of this school " Christal replied with her voice on top

" What can you possibly do to get him out of the school, please let's go " Anna said as she drags Cristal back inside the class.


Christal sat down wondering why Jaycen is in her school, many thoughts started drifting through mind ' Why would he come here, I don't want to believe that I've started falling in love with Jaycen, but I've fell deeply in love with him but what am I going to do, how can I control my feelings now that he is my sit mate, what will people say if they find out that I've started falling in love, and for boys like Jaycen it will be very obvious because they're surrounded by girls' she kept thinking them Jaycen said to her hearing " Christal is something wrong ??"

" Huh, how did you know my name" she said with astonishment wondering whether she was dreaming or not

" You don't remember me, we met on Saturday at the estate " Jaycen replied calmly

" Oh that's true, I was thinking something" Christal said nonchalantly

" Oh, what were you thinking??" Jaycen asked

" Huh••• nothing, I was just wondering if I'm in school or not "Christal replied

" Well, you're in school " Jayce said and laughed slightly

She quickly turned her face to avoid shame the said to herself 'girl what are you thinking, he must have noticed my feelings now, o my.... I'm so worried '


I can't believe I'm falling for him

Rejoicechiccocreators' thoughts