
Meeting Jaycen

Christal was home alone babysitting her younger brother, Israel who is seven years. Christals parents went to work and left Christal to take care of Israel.

It was on Saturday noon, after putting Israel to sleep, Christal went to meet Anna, her friend and classmate they attend same school and live in same estate but different compound.

Christal and Anna strolled to the estate entrance then sat very close to the estate gate and started discussing randomly.

"girl, have you seen our new neighbours son" Anna asked smiling uncontrollable

"no I haven't, how is he like" Christal asked wondering how he would look

"he's tall light skinned has long full hair and he's cute" Anna replied still smiling

"What's his name" Christal asked

"I heard his name is Jaycen" Anna replied

"Good for him" Christal sighed nonchalantly

"What's good for him, girl if you see that boy, you must fall in love" Anna replied giving a quick sigh then Jaycen passed them. He was wearing a black up and down and a black headphone holding his phone with his left hand ' How can someone be dressed completely on black, he don't know he looks like a devil, but he's cute though' Christal thought to herself then suddenly Jaycen stopped in front of them and sat beside Christal

" Hey who are you and why are you here " Christal turned to Jaycen and said arrogantly

" I'm Jaycen Hart by name I like in this estate" Jaycen replied and the looks on Anna's face says ' This is the Jaycen I was talking about '

" Ok Jaycen, well I'm Christal and I also live in this estate " Christal said not trying to be rude

" I've seen you several times and I think my compound is next to yours " Jaycen replied

" I hadn't noticed, by the way nice to meet you" Christal said nonchalantly

" Nice to meet you too, so we're cool right " Jaycen said

" Yes we're cool, I have to go home now " Christal said stammering as she drags Anna along with her. They started chattering as they were going

" Anna, why did you not tell me he's the Jaycen before you let him sit beside me"

" Girl I thought you knew"

" Well I don't, see you in school on Monday. I'm going home "

" Ok, on Monday then "

" WHY IS HE HERE " said Christal


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